Big Life

Chapter 271

34 – Where can I go (4) 34 – Where can I go (4) "The executive dungeon decides to go this way. Now, the meeting is over. Thank you everyone. "
"The team leader did his best."
The planning team members left the meeting room one by one.
Sue did not get up and knocked on the laptop keyboard.
It is a neat reminder of the important notes that I briefly made during the meeting. I did not hear the door open behind my back due to my concentration.
"Today, this team continues the meeting alone."
"Oh, my lord."
Sue turned around smiling. After being prepared to leave, Kyodo was wrapping his coat on one arm.
"Is it the execution dungeon?"
"Yes, I'm doing some sort of asset. It's over now. "
"I feel like I'm interfering."
"It is not. Please wait a moment. It only takes five minutes. "
"Take it slow. I still have a lot of time left. "
The name of the two people calling each other was the same as before. Each person can not get out of his mouth.
Now, when there are two now, Kyuho puts the horse. This was also a change that Suhee made many times after asking.
"I'm planning team Hae Mi."
Kyodo sat down with his chair out and opened his mouth.
She continued to knock the batter and turned both eyes to him.
"What has happened recently? The expression is empty and empty. It's just my mistake. "
"You're not mistaken. I've been getting a lot of mistakes these days. A lot of words are gone. "
"What happened to your house?"
"Nevertheless, I was going to ask quietly once in a while. I've been working for a long time, and I'm nervous. "
"Yeah, well, game plan or staff management, because the team leader is good to know."
"Just praise it and raise your salary."
"I would rather be the director of this team. I'll be the team leader. "
The joke was over and laughter burst. The two people who were beyond simple mates were becoming more and more familiar with their families.
"It 's all over now. I just need to pick up my server and bag. "
"You can slow down."
Soon Kyu-ho and Su-hee walked out of the office.
At the end of the day there were a few graphic staff members in the office because of the night work.
One of the women sighs a long sigh, looking at the back of Su-hee with his envious eyes.
"I could not imagine that it would happen in the office where I work in the drama."
What do you mean?
"Lee Soo-hee is so envious that my stomach hurts."
"Was that another story? O Repeated complaints like jokes are really sick again? Please calm down and shoot with no dots or mistakes. "
The new employee of the end who interrupted just heard it.
"Oh dear sir. What do you mean by the drama? "
"Mr. You do not really know and ask? "
"Yes, I do not really know …."
The new employee answered hesitantly and rescheduled the thick horn glasses. Still a short hair was telling him that he had not been for a while.
"Lee Soo-hee's husband is reborn Ha."
"Rehabilitation ………? Hmm… Is not that author's reconstruction ?! "
"Did not you know? That's not all. I'm just going out with this team leader and I'm Shin Nam. My wife is a reborn artist. "
"Wow, really? Are you kidding me? "
"You can watch TV now, Mr. Anyway, I'm so envious. It would not be a problem if I could go on a lifetime trip and play. How happy will the child be born again? "
"Do not stop dreaming, dots or straight shot."

While the graphic team members are having a conversation.
The car carrying Kyung Ho and Su – hee was getting out of the underground parking lot. The set navigation destination was the house of reconstruction. I was talking about having dinner together today.
"You said you went over 200,000 copies in France?"
Kyungho asked, knocking the handle toward the boulevard.
Suhee laughed and nodded his head.
"Yes, the sales have increased since I passed the second nomination."
"How is your brother doing these days? Do you feel burdened or not? "
"The mental is much harder than it looks. I think I've already forgotten about malice. Nowadays, I'm packing my head because I'm thinking of two more breaths. "
"Yes, thank goodness. In our view, Breath is hundred times more important than evil. "
Time passed and the car that arrived in front of the reconstruction house stopped.
Jae – in heard the sound and came out of the house and greeted. She was wearing an apron in front of her chest while preparing for dinner.
"Come on, honey. Come on, too. "
When I saw my wife 's bright smile, the day' s fatigue went straight.
As soon as he reached out to reach his wife in a stepping motion, his wife crossed him and got engaged first with Sui.
"Are you hungry a lot? Food is almost done. Get in quickly. "
"I'm sorry, sister. I'll go in and help you right away. "
"I have nothing to help. I'm done with rebuilding. "
Jain hurried her back to the front door. Then, I tried to follow her, but I saw her husband 's appearance suddenly.
"Why are you standing there like that? Come in."
“······.” Kyudo had no answer.
He stood still without a finger. So Jaein felt an unexpected feeling and stood up one step closer.
"Did you have any bad things?"
"Look at this, Ha Jae-in."
Kyung-ho slowly lifted his head.
Like a child who was deprived of precious treasure, he had a look of disgust.
"Is not it my husband who is my husband?"
"What the hell is that all of a sudden?"
"It is not wrong. Of course I do not have to take my husband's hand first. "
Jae-in was surprised at the first fish.
As soon as she popped off and laughed, Kyung Ho fainted and shook her nose.
"I'm not kidding you now."
"Sorry to laugh. I was laughing because I was cute. "
I beg your pardon? What is this guy … that is cute to a man. "
"It was nice to see him for a long time. We met at lunch today and we ate together. I do it every day. YES!
Jae – in stroked both cheeks of Kyuho with both hands. Kyu-ho said, "I do not feel like I'm being treated as a child.
"Then let's kiss."
"Stop now and go in."
"We were kidding."
"I'm sorry, Mr. I heard it because it was loud. "
Kyung-ho grabbed Jain's wrist and pulled it. At the same time, with another arm, she embraces Jaein's waist and puts her mouth over her lips.
Jae-in made a passive resistance with no use, and eventually, she wrapped her arms over her husband's neck.
Right then.
"My sister, why is this so late with the tie …! No, it is not. Look at it. I'm sorry."
Rebuilding hurriedly turned to the road house.
Jae In sucked the back of Kyuho and buried his face, which looked like a blush, in both palms.

*** In a good atmosphere, four people ate dinner.
Jane's prepared food was as good as ever. A cup of liquor added to the taste.
After the meal, there was a second car in the basement.
While Jaein and Suhee were preparing snacks in the bar, reconstruction and discipline had no place to play games.
"It's 19-12 with this."
"Brother, to be frankly human, is not this a little shovel?"
"It's a joke. It's a registered technology in the manual. "
"It is. If you do not have a good hand, you'll come in at the bottom. Let's do some other caricks. Fair play, okay? "
"If you do, I will. From now on, go to random. "
"My brother-in-law is random and I choose to do it myself."
"No, where is the law? It's too much for me to play fair play. "
The two men continued to argue.
Sue and Jae looked at each other and laughed as if they were unable to get through.
"It's like kids. It's the same as the kids playing in the local arcade. "
"But it looks so good to be happy."
At the end of the show, Jae In nods his head.
Soon her gaze turned to the clock on the wall. Looking at the second hand moving constantly, the smile on the face disappeared.
"Do not worry too much."
Sue whispered, grasping his hand.
I know why Jaein made a gruesome look at the clock. Soon the final nomination for the Gourmet Prize will be announced in France.
"You're forgetting it all and enjoying it."
At the end of the show, Jaine looked back at reconstruction.
I was laughing again at the younger brother who was poking his face on the game screen and manipulating the pads fervently.
Right then.
The reconstruction cell phone on the bar shook.
“······!” “······!” The moment became calm as if I had put cold water around.
The faces of Jaein and Suhee were pale, and even when Kyu-ho stopped his hands, he turned his pads and looked back at the reflex.
Everyone consciously turned away.
To alleviate the burden that reconstruction would feel if at all.
"I'm sorry, soldier. I'll just get a phone call. "
"It's okay to take a long time."
Sue picked up his cell phone and handed it to the rebuilding.
The opponent who made the call was a bright spot.
And now the time is 11 o'clock.
It is not the person who will call suddenly in such a late hour. So, Suhee inflated his chest with more expectation.
"Yes, your editor." – Congratulations, Dr. Ha. You have been selected for the final nomination.
As soon as I received the call, I could hear the result.
There was a smile that could not be hidden at the mouth of reconstruction. Jaein and Suhee in front of me grabbed each other's hand and took a long sigh of relief.
"Thank you, this is all thanks to you. I can not hope for any more. I am very happy that I got into the final nomination. "- Mr. Ha, I will not give a damn if I feel uncomfortable. Now it's only a week before the winner announcement. How would you like to go on a trip to Paris, France?
Reconstruction has already grasped the intention of the bright spot and laughed.
"It's not confirmed." – That's why I say it's a trip.
"I'll talk to my wife once." – You do. Oh, and one more thing to say. Could you call me now?
"Yes, please tell me."
Reconstruction glances around, seeking your understanding, and escaped into the rest room alone.
The words of the bright stone continued in my ear.
– Is not the letter response written to evil cafe readers hot? Even rumors spread to SNS and are reproduced and spread out without control.
The rumor said, "It was Aiden Smith's visit."
It was a rumor that speculation that writer Aiden Smith, who wrote "evil" in the near future, would show up to meet Korean readers.
The background from which the rumor came was in a letter written by the reconstruction.
It was a result of the interpretation of the passages in various meanings by the readers, 'I want to express my gratitude to the Korean readers in the near future'.
When Aiden Smith came to Korea, the photographs of the readers who prepared to give them directly came to the café every day.
"I think I should give the readers a reward. Daman, Daman and Diu
Rebuilding stopped for a moment.
And I did not think of 'Hahn reconstruction' but 'Aiden Smith'.
"But … after the result of the Kokkuri Prize came out. Whether or not I win a prize, I want to move on after challenging it. "- I agree with you, Mr. Ha. Mr. Ha's heart is always a top priority. And whatever form you are rewarding for, I will be a full force in me and my family.
"Thank you all the time, sir." – You are telling me that you know that I will prepare for your trip to France and thank you in advance.
"Hahaha, if you're kidding, I'm sorry, but it's awkward." – I'm joking that it's really awkward.
The reconstruction looked up at the night sky, laughing to reveal the teeth.
One glittering star came into my eyes.
The most brilliant star to rebuild this moment was a great editor-in-chief.
*** [Woo Jae Hoon and the end of the piece? 'He is dead in rebuilding, but he can not even wake up like a bad work.']
[Kokur prize award ceremony scene, open already coverage] One day in November when we passed back October.
The area around the Druan restaurant in Paris, France was crowded with crowd.
Today's award ceremony was held at this restaurant. There were a lot of Korean reporters among many reporters.
TV broadcasting vehicles surrounded the surrounding streets.
As time passed to announce the winners, restaurant entrance was blocked as well.
The famous MC of France relayed the scene in real time, and the surroundings were crowded with crowds even if there was not even a break.
It was a sight to realize that the Gokkur statue was literary prize with the highest authority in France.
"Is it really Korean? Do not you think it's a funny Korean as the netizens say? "
"We'll soon find out. Let's see what kind of person it is. "
Both reporters' expressions were very dissatisfied.
I did not have any pictures taken because I could not get inside the restaurant. It was a situation that I waited for the results and ate a faraway chocolate bar.
And after a while. Suddenly there was a cheer in the restaurant.
Soon the fierce applause sounded to the people gathered outside.
It was the moment when the Gokur prize winner was announced.

34 – Where can I go (4) End

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