Big Life

Chapter 264

(2) 33 – There is no rebuilding. (2) "Yes, another rebellion, not another rebellion." – Uh …! Yes. The piercing of the bright spot was exceptionally strong.
The reconstruction was a horse with the eyes of Seo Geun-woo in his eyes.
"I want to avoid prejudice." – You are the reaction of the readers.
"Maybe this is a challenge as a writer. How much can you achieve with unfamiliar pseudonyms rather than reconstruction? Or can I get the sympathy and response of the readers? "- I understand it because it is the person who wrote it.
"I've poured everything I have into human malice. So I have a little bit of myself, especially in this work I want to avoid the prejudice. Huh? New reconstruction? Because it's famous, you used it well, right? Is the positive side of the equation, or what? Is it new or rebuilt? But he 's the one who wrote fantasy and martial arts. I do not see it, it's all the negative side of it. "- Certainly that can happen. I can understand your feelings.
"Thank you for saying so."
The reconstruction was still looking at the grave of Seongeun.
In fact, there was another small reason to use pseudonyms.
It is only for personal reasons that it is not necessary to mention it.
I have been thinking since the completion of the "Man's evil" superhighway.
I want to repay the grace even though I have published in the name of the teacher.
I was worried that I would become my own dedication to the hyeongeun who gave infinite teaching.
After a while. On the other side of the radio, Mr.
– Actually I was a little surprised.
"You were surprised?" – I think I was doing what I was supposed to do if I wrote out the malice of a person on a pen name.
The reconstruction circled the eyes.
You were thinking the same thing. So when he said he wanted to write a pseudonym, he was surprised.
– To tell you the truth, my wife is the first opinion.
"Oh, did you?" – Yes, I'm sorry, but my wife wants to explain it to me. Can I excuse you for a moment?
Absolutely. Please change."
There was a rustling sound.
Eugene's voices flourished as usual.
– Hello, Mr. Ha! You made a very good decision to put on a pseudonym!
"Ah, yes. It feels so good to me that this was not my idea? "- I like it, too. Now you have to challenge the world right now.
The face of the first reconstruction stood as a smiley face.
"World Challenge?" – Yes, I made my name in English, and I'm going to go first in overseas markets. The background of the novel is also brilliant because it is LA.
"Wait a minute. English name…… And from overseas markets?" – Maybe the name of the English language rather than the Asian name can be accepted more familiarly in your market. It's all landed in America, England, Australia, Canada and India! You know that's a good agent, right?
This is literally a subscription.
The reconstruction became embarrassed and swept his head backward.
I was planning to publish it first in Korea under the name of Seo. Eugene has offered a completely different direction, even if it is the same intention.
– Actually Breath is winning in America. And although the boundary between genres and paragraphs is ambiguous in Western style. It is my judgment that I read basically that human malice is far from genre readers' taste?
"I had the same idea." -Sir, especially English-speaking readers ' preconceived notions is scary. So again, I would like to emphasize, I think it is better to go with the English name at all. Much more than you would expect from the halo of the Breath that your readers do not overlap. If the sales volume is not good, will not you be able to identify yourself as part of your marketing later?
Eugene's tone was bold and straightforward, certainly because he lived in America for a long time. She was speaking harshly.
– And Mr. Ha. You know that the Nobel Prize for Literature must be translated into English, right? After that, you think that Ha will prepare for the Nobel Prize for human malice.
"The Nobel Prize for Literature. I have heard countless triumphs, but this is an unlikely word. "- I read all of man's evil thoughts. It was a story of digging through the heart. My heart still shakes. My husband told me to read later that it was not good for preachers because of the dark contents. Ohhoho!
A loud laughter sounds in my ear.
The reconstruction stood up and looked at the gravestone of Seongeun.
– Mr. Ha, you are now a global writer. I also heard her talking to my husband about what I thought about human malice.
"· · · ·." – I want you to look at the world rather than the Korean market. Now you should. I want to do my best because my husband is my last editor.
At the end of Eugene's reconstruction, I took my eyes off the tombstone and lifted my head.
I had forgotten all over the phone.
I knew that the person who asked me to take the brilliance of trying to quit the editor and take charge of the 'maliciousness of the person' was not anyone else.
In other words, this was a proposal that can not be denied.
The 'evil of man' is a work that will be a kind of beauty for Yongjin and Eugene.
Hello? Ha teacher?
"Yes, I am listening."
The rebuilding that awakened from the thought replied.
The dedication to the master decided that he was forced to plan for the latter days.
"I will follow as you suggest. I'll think of a good pseudonym as I'm doing my job. "
The voice again changed to a bright spot, and the reconstruction broke the phone after talking about the work schedule for some more.
A drop of sweat came down from the temple where the hot cell phone was put.
"… This is how it is."
Cat communication
"Saying to yourself, greet your seniors. It will be hot again soon, and you and your eyes will be hard, but I'll be back soon. "
Rika wandered around the grave as if he had heard it.
In the meantime, the reconstruction took off slowly what had been brought and finished preparing to leave.
"I'll see you again. Seniors. Oh, and · · · ·. "
The rebuild stopped trying to turn and said to the grave.
"That old lady I met a while ago. I was starting to get nervous because of the impression that I wanted a hopeful ending. I may have a little different content from the draft that I showed you today. I'll bring it back when it's fixed. "
The reconstruction after the greeting came to the car with Rika and the snowball.
He ran the car all the way down the street and left the house at a distance of about 100 meters.
'It's a big day …'
There were about twenty people standing in front of the house.
It was readers, not reporters. Instead of the camera, it was holding gift packages, bouquets and so on. The news that they got married at home, and the number of readers who came to the 'Healing Tent' after they appeared.
'I want to concentrate and retreat.
Rebuilding immediately turned the car back.
The newly established destination in the navigation was the apartment where Su-hee lived alone before marriage.
I intend to stay until I am finished. In retrospect, it was the number of Gods who did not exalt Sui who tried to dispose of the apartment.

*** "Why do you often have nightmares like this, Father. I think you should have a joint even if you care. "
"No, I do not have much to do."
Taejun answered diligently as he wiped his sweat off the stomach.
I had a bad breath because of the aftermath of a nightmare I had not seen yet. The face of the old friend I saw in my dream was still staring at me.
"I have to publish."
"The last trip."
He could not say anything.
'The Last Trip' is a long novel in which Tae Jin has repeatedly retired. It was also a work that was so cold and harshly evaluated from reconstruction.
"I keep capturing the things I do not want to see, but the nightmare continues. I want to relieve my burden. "
I could not speak, and only the melancholy sounded.
The evaluation of the reconstruction on the "last trip" clearly remembers him.

– From the moment of reaching the peak, the stylistic is heterogeneous and the description is lost. It seems like the two writers wrote together because the gap was so bad. The advantages of the introduction part and the end part which I felt the inferiority feeling are faded at a moment.

It was an evaluation that could definitely hurt Tae Jin. In addition, Myeongseok was also sympathetic to the evaluation of reconstruction, so I had to feel more sick.
Now my father is older. As the physical strength decreases, the writing will become more and more difficult to write. It is natural for me to be a son if I want to speak only as good as possible.
"You will. I recommend the last trip. "
"Thank you, even if it is not."
"It is not just a gift, Father."
"Now I will shuffle and I will not write any more."
"Do not be too sure."
"No, I decided. The last trip will remain my last work as it is. "
Taejun stared at the empty space and responded as if he was muttering.
I was determined to be satisfied with only one work. A guilty feeling and a sense of self-inflictedness over a long period of time. The nightmares that had been repeated had to endure now.
"Go and see things, I have to sort things out by myself."
"Yes, Father. If you have anything, just call me. "
Shinseok left the den and returned to his room. Eugene, who was reading the manuscript lying on the bed at an angle, raised his upper body.
"Go man go and why so late citron tea? And the citron tea? "
"Oh, I forgot. I'll be back. "
Eugene grabbed the brilliance that turned her body. Then he pushed out a bunch of manuscripts in his hand.
The reconstruction was a man 's evil manuscript, which ended his exuberance.
"I have a car and check it out."
"What do you think I'll review? I have read all of Kogaya, and Mr. Ha has been very impressed. "
"The ending has changed."
"In the draft you showed before, the main character dies in the end. That part has been fixed. Read it yourself. "
The bright spot spread out the last chapter of the manuscript.
Eugene's words were true.
In the first grade I had read before, the main character, who was blocked from the path of all successes, threw himself into the river and met death. After that, the woman who loved him in the stomach was the ending to perform a funeral service alone.
"It is alive …?"
Fighting in the river was the same at the end of the change.
The difference was later. When death is imminent, it instinctively begins to swim with longing for life.
The river is far too far.
The water is also very rough to go through the power of a human being.
But the main character does not stop struggling. Reason is paralyzed and stretched out to reach the river to live somehow. It was his utopia that shabby riverside that no one sees at this moment.
The changed ending was ending in such a way.
We have not clarified whether or not the protagonist lived or died.
Why not?
He nodded his head with his pale lips tilted to the tip of his tongue.
"The luck remains much darker. And also,
"And what else?"
"I'm hopeful that I like this ending more."
"Me, neither." It was a malicious life, but this person is a man anyway. I will be able to survive whatever it takes to repent of my own mistakes or to live my life with no mind. "
The two people through the heart looked at each other and smiled grin.
"What do you say in the open house?"
"If you give me the copyright, I will do my best and sell it. Thanks to Mr. Ha, I do not know how big the company is, and I'm not surprised to pay back that favor. If you were a publisher dealing with only genre novels, do not underestimate them. "
"That's good. I can just translate it. "
"Yes, it should. I did not go shopping. "
Eugene's cell phone rang and the message flashed.
Eugene checked the contents and covered my mouth and laughed.
wae geurae
"Mr. Ha's message. What's your name like this? I really feel it from the past, but I do not have a sense of naming. "
Eugene showed her cell phone and showed her message.
I also laughed at the miracle I read it.

33 – He's not rebuilding (2) End

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