Big Life

Chapter 212

25 – Do not laugh (1) 25 – Do not laugh (1) "Chan sister, I really do not know where I can go."
Yuna licked without being in the car. The manager who climbed the driver 's seat and asked for a start, asked Cherin in the back seat.
"Are you going straight to Mr. Ha's house?"
"Uh, brother. What are you doing? Come on soon. "
Chanin pulled Yuna's arm and forced it into the car. As soon as the door closed, the manager stepped on the accelerator and started the car.
"I do not have to be so frozen. Is it just dinner? "
"Something like a pyramid like me mixed up …"
"Hey, when do you sing when you want to see the artist?"
"But I do not have anything yet. I did not make a formal debut ·······································································································································································································
She sat back and grabbed her hands.
"Rebuilding brother is not such a person. If you meet, please make me comfortable. Rather than being too relaxed, he is an idol. "
“······.” "Stop worrying about this at this point. After hearing the story, he is determined to shoot me tightly. "
"Sure, my sister … I never forgot about it."
The car, starting from Ilsan, drilled through the road at the time of the day and entered Guro District in Seoul.
At the end of my vision, I started to see the reconstruction house.
"Hey there, rebuild your brother's house."
"Wow, that's great."
"The room is bigger than the exterior. If you go in, you'll probably be scared. "
It was not a one-time visit, so the manager naturally moved to the garage. After a short while, the front door opened and Sui came out to meet them.
"This team leader, hello!"
"Mr. Chan has met several times and still is the team leader. Just call me sister. "
She wiped both hands wet with the apron underneath. She smiled like a girl and laughed with her hands.
"I'm sorry, sister. Oh, I feel it every time, but how is your sister skin so good? Today is your sister's makeup? "
"The guests come and do no makeup without conscience. How do you make up like no makeup? "
Sue and Chan smiled at each other as they waved their hands together.
Because it is a lover of reconstruction and dojun, the two girls naturally met many times. Now it is close enough to share shopping and cooking information and also to call in regards.
"Good morning, Mr. Lee."
"Hello, nice to meet you. I am Han Yu. "
Chan's manager and Yuna greeted her with a bow. She responded to her by letting her hand.
"Come on in. You or me? I heard the story. I'm Lee Soo-hee. "
Yuna was a bit frozen.
She is a lover of reconstruction, and has appeared on the internet with the keyword 'One Piece Girl'.
I thought it was very beautiful. Why did not this woman become an entertainer, objected in the house, shy, and so on?
'I did not get a lot of pictures …!'
At this moment in time, Yuna really realized. The beauty that was shown in the picture was nothing.
It was Yuna whose heart was beating in spite of being the same woman in the beauty of the sphere which alive in front of eyes.
"What about your rebuilding brother? Are you in? "
"I was caught by my dad and he just started. It will not be long since it is Yeonhee-dong. Come on in."
She turned and walked a few steps. I felt a strange sense of incongruity from the first meeting, and I realized the cause now. Maybe it is too late today.
"Hey, Mr. Chan."
Sui pulled Chan and asked with his ears.
"What happened?"
Four What?"
"Han Yu or Mr. Between Mr. Chan and Mr. Dojun.· "" Ah, you said that. "
Chin laughed at the explanation before he heard it.
"I think we'll just have a public relationship."
"Public love? Why all of a sudden?"
"Look at this first, sister."
Chan pulled out his cell phone and showed an internet screen. Dojun and Chae-rin were full of rumors of unknown origin of lover relations.
"I have been quiet all my life recently. The reporters also cling to the gods. "
"Right······. Where is the source? "
"Not a good one. Well, it's okay. I did not think I could hide in my life anyway. "
"What do you say to Mr. Chan's representative?"
"Do not worry about it. I thought it would be a lot of chaos, but our boss is quietly hunting. "
Sui nodded without further question. Even if the relationship is revealed, it will have little effect on Dojun.
But what about Chirin, the leader and Idol star of Apple Girls' group?
"You're not worried about me, are you?"
She smiled as if she had read the inside of Sui.
"How old are you and how long can you live only as a girl group leader? I'm trying to do that song properly. I really want to be recognized as a singer. "
"Mr. Chan is really good at singing. Mustard bath OST I've been calling you since I called you. She was a member of the girl group, so she could not stand out. I believe Mr. Chan will be fine. "
While the two of you are having a conversation.
Yuna had no intention of looking around the house with admiring eyes.
Over the spacious and colorful living room, the room with the door open was seen. The size of one of the rooms that I could see was matched with the quadruple room where Yuna lives.
'I must be sure to succeed.'
Yuna thought suddenly while looking at the faraway room.
Something suddenly shook at the end of sight. When I looked up, my white cat was crawling out of my bed.
"Pretty ………!"
Yuna, who likes pets, sprang out of her mind. The snowball leaping from the bed looked at Yuna for a while and yawned a long time.
"Oh, the eye brush is awake. He's completely shut up. "
"Is your name a snowball? The name is too pretty. "
Chanlin, who got up from the sofa, looked up and saw a word.
"His original name was Chul – su. Anyway, I have to know the name of the reconstruction brother. Snowy, my sister came. Come here.
"Oh, you were a boy. Do not you want to come to your sister? "
The eye brush rolled his tail and walked a little. Chan and Yuna gently stroked him and lay down on his back. I had the most pleasant expression in the world.
The burr!
"Oh, it looks like rebuilding has come."
Sue, who heard the car sound, went out of the porch.
Two cars were coming in succession. In the car that stopped, the reconstruction that took Rika in his arms came down first. In the car behind it, Dojoon and Taebong stood together.
eoseo oseyo? How did you come together? "
"We are excited, Mr. Suehi. At the beginning of the road, I wanted to see the car ahead, and it was rebuilt. "
"You are so good to me. I was afraid to see the rearview mirror. "
In front of the entrance door, Yuna stood with both hands in his right hand. There was a nervous feeling.
As the reconstruction approached, she greeted her politely with her waist forward.
"Good morning, Dr. Ha-Gon. I am Han Yu. He is 22 years old. I'm preparing to debut as a group called Hyper Soda. It is a great honor to meet you. I really appreciate your invitation. "
There was a line of greeting like a prepared ambassador. It was enough to see even the audition participant's self introduction.
Yuna, who has not made his debut yet, was an opponent who had to be rigid.
It is rebuilding not only in the novel market, but also in a unique position sweeping the country and abroad with movies and games.
I realized that thanks to the presence alone, it also affects the broadcasting industry. I felt a sense of infinite awe but on the other hand I was afraid.
"Hello, Ha is rebuilding."
The reconstruction was a bit embarrassed and laughed and greeted. He reached out and asked for a handshake.
"I watched Chan come to the theater. He was really good at dancing. How envious I am because I have a body. "
"Oh, thank you … teacher. There are a lot of kids who like me ……… "
"Do not be a teacher. And that arm is hurting. Will it continue to stick out? "
"Oh, I'm sorry …! "I'm so sorry…"
Yuna grunted and grasped the hand of reconstruction.
The warmth has been conveyed on the palms of the hands. It was Yuna who was warm hearted as Chan 's sister said, and thought about without any reason.
"Rica, Yuna and sister look at the first time you say hello?"
I was jokingly speaking, putting down Rika, who had been holding her forever.
"We see Rika well. A good person just find out and go ahead and pretend to be cute. "
Yuna heard the horse squat. She looked at her eyes as she looked at her eyes.
It did not look good to me. The dark blue hairs were somewhat bristly.
"Rika, how are you?"
Yuna carefully reached out his hands. But right before her fingertips hit, Rica turned her body first.
It was a graceful and gentle gauze that crossed Yuna into the house and let it go in.
"Ah … Rika is not feeling well today."
The reconstruction was scratching the back of the head and said sternly. I regret that I made a joke before.
Yuna pulled away the grin and laughed and looked back. Rica was not already in her sight.

After finishing a delicious dinner. "I think I know why you introduced me. A literary girl who is not behind her. Good speaking. "
Rehabilitation and dojun were both sitting on the terrace and getting cold winds. In the underground rest room, light drinks were started in the second place.
"I was amazed to express my impression of reading novel in dance. I read a lot of my novel really. I showed it on my cell phone.
"In the shortest time, until the date of purchase, you will indeed rebuild. Anyway the boy became a personality. I looked at the face several times because of this, and it was okay. "
Dojun was speaking with his arms around his shoulders.
"I'm sorry to ask you."
"What are you talking about? I should thank you. "
"Even if I switch to public love, I think it would be better to postpone it if possible. I'm also starring, but Chan Lee is singing alone again. "
"Yes, planning is natural and good. Chan and Yuna have been close friends since I was a trainee, and I like the taste of books. "
The reconstruction was looking up at countless stars in the night sky. After long silence, he muttered to the sky.
"I have enemies for you because of me."
"What do you mean? Oh, are you talking to me that I and Chanin have spread the rumor? "
When reconstruction was positive with laughter, Dojun laughed even more.
"Instead of making the fox enemy, I got a lion as a colleague. What are you worried about? "
"I like tigers better than lions."
"Do not you have more lions? If you put on a fight, the lion seems to win. "
"It 's a different place to meet. Anyway, let's go now. You have to take a wind, but you can not catch a cold. "
"For your self-esteem, worry about your friend's health."
Dojun laughed and jumped up on the back of the reconstruction. Reconstruction grabbed the center and went down the stairs with a friend up on the back. There was no shaking in the sturdy walk.

*** [The first broadcasted drama is 17.8% of the summer viewership rate of 20 years old. Even the two dramas that are on the same time zone are in the middle of saving, and this can be regarded as a tremendous figure. What does Mr. Choi think?
[First of all, it is a bestseller because the original novel written by the rebuilding writer is sold enormously. Is not it still popular? The film starring Park Do Joon was released earlier.]
[Yes, I have both encountered books and movies.]
[Although the movie was not well evaluated, it was successful in the box office. If you look at all the things I've said so far, I think there were a lot of aspects that would attract the audience's attention.]

The conversation was going live on cable TV.
Bora looked at the screen with glazed eyes and bruised his thumbs nervously. The officetel, which she was alone, was desolate. There were empty beer cans and rubbish all over the place.

[There are many stories about Lee Eun-ha who directed the director. Did you say your personal opinion this time? When I was going to go back to my hometown, did I regenerate the article with the introduction of a reconstructed artist?
[Yes, I have met a few interviews with you personally. Director Lee Eun-ha has been a great painter, as you have revealed yourself. But again, it was so versatile in the scenarios and directing that it was because of the talent of director Lee Eun-Ha, that the reconstructed writer came across it.

Bora reached for a hand and caught a beer can. Suddenly, the drunk can was empty. She squashed the cans as hard as they could and threw them at random.
My cell phone rang and I got a call from the manager. I was waiting for it.
"How did it go ?!"
Bora asked as soon as he received the call.
On the other side of the radio, the manager sighed a long, heavy sigh.
– No health white paper panel.
"What do you mean?" – The image does not fit with you.
"Is that the sound again ?! How come one rejects the same reason ?! "- I'm going out of the eardrum, look. Lower your voice.
"What about advertising? Do you extend the contract in Donga Osaka? "- It's still talking ….
"Why is it clouding? Tell me what's going on! I think I'm going crazy! "
He cried out without persevering.
The invisible hand was the day that seemed to squeeze the neck 24 hours a day. Along with the 'five wheels', the road to appearing in 'Health White Paper' has already been blocked.
I asked the governor of the clan and good governor Cho Chul Won to use his power, but it was useless.
"Oh, I do not know! Stop it! Do not even call me before I get to the right place! "
Bora used the evil and threw his cell phone out. While the head was hammering back and forth, the live broadcast on TV continued.

[……… And the part that I can not help mentioning is the actor Lee Kyung-hee. Are you talking about an incredible topic with a stunning performance?]

‘······?!’ Bora shook his head sharply. The name of Yae Ye Ji was a nightmare to her.
He is the role he played in the movie 'Twenty Years of Summer'. I was afraid of the lead of the host, so I looked around and looked at the TV remote control.

[The audience's tribute to the creepy acting power is pouring. Mr. Shim Yeon-gyeong is still a rookie, and it is said that he has always excelled in his positive territory while he is sunny.]
[Yes, it is. And Choi, if you look at the Internet, I see a lot of articles comparing actor Chabora who plays the role of the movie ' What do you think about this?]
[Of course, it is a story that can not help but talk. At that time, as Mr. Chabora had been so controversial with the act of naming the two actors in charge of the same role has been evaluated in opposition to dramas and dramas, so in view of viewers ……….]

Looking at the remote, Bora turned off the TV and stood up.
She wore a cardigan and packed her wallet. I was short of alcohol. It did not seem to be possible to sustain a long, long night without drinking more.
“Oh, Look at her sister! "
Two customers who seemed to be college students in a convenience store inside the residential complex office tent saw Bora. They liked it without knowing what to do.
"Look, sister, we are a fan."
"Are you buying here? Are you having a lot of trouble these days? "
He bowed his head and finished the calculation silently. Turning into a cold look, the two female college students froze from behind her.
What… Is it completely different from what you saw on TV? "
"You look a little tired. Did not you smell liquor? "
"No matter how it is. I do not think it's too much of a difference between being in a tearful situation and helping a poor neighbor. "
Bora did not even know how to grumble about herself and walked through the hallway diligently.
I was looking for a phone number for Yuna on my cell phone. The long ringing tone was connected to the announcement sound when the elevator arrived.
Yuna did not answer the phone.

25 – Do not laugh (1) End

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