Big Life

Chapter 204

24 – Dragon Raiders Rani (11) 24-11 "Right now … Did you tell me about Chae Yujin?"
The reconstruction asked Eugene as if she had confirmed her eyes.
Eugene, who forgot the world and fell asleep, seemed to be one of the loose flask bottles.
OK I've Got It I got it and I'll talk. Gomapseumnida
Soon the reconstruction ended the call.
I was so surprised that I could not get out of my throat. I was not able to easily turn back the spirit that was bemused even when I touched the temple.
'The pregnancy is …'
When I unpacked the wrapping around the window, there was a big wind coming in.
As the hot broth cooled down in a few moments, the hair began to ventilate for a while.
'What the hell is going on?'
I already know that Eugene is not married.
Naturally, the idea of ​​a man who is a bright spot has gone crazy. I've been guessing from the past that two people are more than friends.
The idea of ​​rebuilding, which was nothing more than speculation, became clear at this moment.
Eugene followed the precious memories of Myeongseok to the dark sea here.
I do not know the detailed story, but I still can not forget the bright spot anyway.
"Uh ………. Bright star ah … cold ………."
Eugene was lulling his lips like a drool and shrugging.
The reconstruction stood up from its place to cover the robe. As soon as he finished his calculations, he carried Eugene back to his room and left the restaurant.
'It is pain ….'
In the bosom of the rebuilding that carried Eugene on the shoulder, one emotion rose without warning.
It was regret and confusion.
What if I had not received a call? I wonder if Eugene's life was a step or a step.
I entered myself on a crucial crossroad that could change the tomorrow of others.
I realized that, but I did not know how to deal with it.
Like the sea that can not count the form by the wind of darkness.

*** The car that entered the alley reduced the speed.
Today 's driver was not reconstruction, but rather. Navigation that did not need guidance was turned off a long time ago.
The destination we are heading to now is her Yeonhei-dong Bon-ga, who is more familiar with the world than anywhere else in the world.
"I'm almost there now. I just turn around that corner. "
“······.” The reconstruction sitting in the passenger seat was unanswered.
I was looking at the scenery outside the passing window with my two eyes untied.
Sue defeated the steering wheel in front of the corner, and Saul reassured her.
"Rebuild, what are you doing?"
“Umm . . . No, it is not!
"Are you tired? Yesterday I came to drink late. Was the date wrong too? "
"I did not drink alcohol. I slept well enough. "
"So what happened? I felt it from when I met, but the look is not so good, you. "
Rebuilding responded with a sigh, accepting Sui's words.
"I just have a little thought."
"Is it serious?"
"In some cases … I will tell you when I return to see your father's mother."
"Okay, then I will not wait to ask you more."
The two of them stood on the wall in front of the single-family house.
It was a simple two-story house. On the second floor terrace, which seemed to look beyond the fence, the clothes laid out were spreading in the wind.
"You can look good at the house."
"Is it a little old? My dad was the first house he bought. I'm never going to move. If you go inside, you'll be fine again. "
Ding Dong!
Sui hit the doorbell.
The door was opened remotely without confirmation through the intercom.
In the car halfway through the cozy courtyard, the mother purgatory of Suhee came out of the house.
"You came earlier than I said?"
"Yes, the car is not blocked. Rebuild my mother. "
"Hello, Mother. It is called reconstruction. "
"Oh, come on. You tried to come a long way. "
Purgatory stood up with a shy smile. Her facial expressions of looking at reconstruction close to him were impressive.
"Maybe … You look much cooler than when you look on TV. I guess this is what celebrities look like. I watch movies every week. I saw the movie you introduced and I saw it. "
"Oh, look at me. So what are you doing here. Come on in. "
Purgatory led me into the house.
Reconstruction climbed into the living room with a set of Hanwoo and red ginseng in both hands.
While Suk – hee took a load and brought it to the kitchen, father Kyung – wook came down the stairway leading to the second floor.
"Honey, my daughter's boyfriend is here."
"I know. I have no eyes? "
In front of Kyung-wook, who spit out from the beginning, reconstruction swallowed his spit without knowing himself.
I heard enough about Su-hee that my father was a bit wacky.
I have made up my mind in my own way, but there is no reason to be nervous too.
"Good morning, Father. It is called reconstruction. Thank you very much for inviting me. "
"I'm Lee Kyung-wook."
Hyeon-wook reached the hand and asked for a handshake.
He was a small, dwarfed, but unobtrusive mood.
Rebuilding grabbed his waist and politely grabbed his hand. I felt sharp flesh of the years between palms.
'Sue was not an exaggeration horse.'
Just to say a word of greeting and shaking hands seemed to know the reconstruction.
Kyung-wook's life began as a pawn shop in Namdaemun and became self-portraits.
"At lunch, it's gone, and let's eat from rice."
"Yes, Father."
Gyeong-wook did not walk to the kitchen, but turned to the firm face. He told me that he had done something wrong and said he would throw it at the rebuilding that was going to blow.
"The title of father, it is strangely tickling. I should have heard of one of my daughters. Is there anything else? "
"Oh, well … Would you mind if I called you father?"
"Yes, it is good. Come in. "
The kitchen table was full of delicious food prepared with purgatory carefully.
The boiling stew last came up, and the meal of four people began.
"Ha, you taste good? Are you okay with your mouth? "
"It is really delicious."
The rebuilding surprised and amazed both eyes.
"I thought Sui was really good at food, but now I knew it was all about her. I realized for the first time my life as a writer, why did the description of the food melt before I even came to my tongue? "
"Oh, it is true that I am not a writer! Ohho, please enjoy this, too. "
Nephrite loves his feet and recommends a side dish.
I had no intention of moving the reconstruction into my mouth like a vacuum cleaner.
"I thought you would not have been able to drink a lot because you dried up a little. It's good to have a lot to eat, I hear more. "
"I am eager to eat despite it. And ease your speech, mother. "
Neo – purged the face of the reconstruction as if embarrassed.
The face of the smile turned slightly and looked exactly like Suhee.
Even when I was older, still a good face reflected the beauty of my youth. Perhaps he was a great beauty like Suhe.
"But you …."Suddenly Kyung-wook did not take the horse out of his mouth.
He looked at the reconstruction and talked.
"Does the writer seriously associate with my daughter?"
"Dad, suddenly what …."
"Be quiet, man. You speak of an adult. "
As Gyeong-wook treats his son, he gives him a hard time and turns his gaze back on reconstruction.
The reconstruction nodded seriously, placing the cutlery on the table.
"Yes, I would like to marry Su-hee if you'll let me."
"Writer, teacher … It's a lot faster than me. So can I put a word on it now? "
"Yes, Father."
"Yeah, I'll get it."
Gyeong-wook recommended his hand to shake his hand. After that, there was no more talk until the end of the meal.
The only person who knew his faint smile on his lips was his wife, Pepper.

After I finish my meal. Reconstruction and Kyung Wook sit in the living room facing each other.
It was a game started by Kyung-wook laid out a plate without hearing the opinion of reconstruction.
"I have a habit of seeing people wearing sunglasses. I do not know how to spend my hard work. What is it like to spend all your life in a family without care? There is no answer when it is added to the soul mood. "
"I know what you mean."
The reconstruction replied, translating.
In the kitchen, Nephrite and Sui were lulling and making preparations for refreshments.
"How about you?"
Gyeong-wook asked as he left the car on the left side to the enemy.
I looked down at the plate and read the number, and the reconstruction lifted my head.
"It's not a life you can think of as self-made. Who do you think you are? "
"Yes … Yes."
The reconstruction was thoughtless with the voices.
Not long after awakening from his thought, he answered by moving one of his words.
"My family is the most important to me. And also,
"Well done."
Gyeong-wook cut the words with no expression to hear more.
I just added a palanquin in front of a rebellious reconstruction.
"It's all right if you know what's important to your family. There is no reason to say more. "
Rebuilding looked at his head and measured the number of chessboards again.
After a while, moving his words, he carefully opened his mouth.
"Hey, Father."
"There is nothing more to say. Long term. "
"That is … the general."
Gyeong-wook raised his eyes and pushed his face into the chessboard.
Rebuilding was guiltfully scratching the back of the head and looking at the other place.
"This is true, so do not talk about it in a long time. I'll give you another one. "
Gyeong-wook hurled the chess board and admitted defeat.
Immediately, they were reorganizing the plate to enter the second game, and Porphyra and Suehi came out with a tray of refreshment.
"Who won? Don't You… Or dad? "
Instead of rebuilding, he forked one of the apples and handed it to Gyeong-wook.
Gyeong-wook hugged his hand with his blunt eyes and refused to fix his gaze on the chessboard. Suhee, who read his expression, laughed silently.
"Ha rebuilt is a big deal now."
Shuhei whispered to the ear of reconstruction spitefully.
"Looks like you won the first place. Are you ready to touch my dad? "
Reconstruction has turned to speculation.
The expression was ridiculous, and Nephthaho and Su – hee looked at each other and laughed.
Until this time, the reconstruction did not even think that it would put a long term near Kyungwook and the heat plate.

*** "Can you really drive?"
"It's not that I've been so tired that I can not drive."
It was a deep night where the street lights were on.
The car that rebuilt and harbored was slowly escaping the narrow alleyway.
Thank you
"Thanks for taking care of my dad. I will leave the heat plate for a long time. "
"No, I've been there for a while."
"But you asked me about pawn shops and I liked it very much. It seems like you're bothering yourself at first glance, but it looks like you're trying to hide the good stuff. "
"Well then, thank goodness. I was a little worried because it made me feel uncomfortable. "
Sue's cell phone shook her body. As she read the message from the purgatory, she grinned again.
"My mom will have a quick meeting date. You really like it. "
"I have not done anything today ………".
"Why not? Once the basics are done. I had a lot of fun with my mom and dad today. I'm the only one who watches my mom and dad's daughter. "
"I did not float, but I told the truth."
Rebuilding added speed to the car that entered the highway.
"You do not know how much power I get from you."
"Do not you think that you are so special?"
"Now the worries about the translation have gone away."
"Translation problem?"
"The writers who received the Nobel Prize for Literature had a dedicated professor to understand and translate the writer and the work in depth. Yasunari Kawabata, Haruki Murakami, and Liz Ting of China. I will tell you that I will take care of my whole life in the future. "
"If I did not speak English well, did not I?"
"You speak Japanese and German, not just English. I am a player in at least three countries. "
Sue waved her nose to the floor. His face was so lovely that he rebuilt quickly when he stood in front of the red light.
"By the way … reconstruction ah."
"Yes?" Say it."
"There was a story before you came today. What did you say you would do when you get home? "
In the face of reconstruction, laughter became faded.
I was forgetting to spend a happy time in the home of Shuhei all day long.
Reconstruction has refined his mind before he confessed. Slender raindrops began to fall one by one on the car window.
The reconstruction slowly took off his lips, taking in the wet scenery in his eyes.

*** "Yes, mother. I will not be late until seven o'clock. "
The calligraphy, which was broken, laid the body back on the chair back.
The whole body was as heavy as water-wet cotton. I did not want to have a finger.
'It's going crazy.'
The hour hand of the wall clock was pointing at five o'clock.
Now I would have to get up and get ready, but I could not. Eugene, who does not take the phone all over her heart.
The mysterious stone spreads on the cell phone with the upper body being reflexively. Eugene was a little disappointed in his face that he expected to be. It was a call from reconstruction.
"Yes, sir. What are you doing? "- Hello, editor. Do you have a phone call?
Absolutely. It's okay. "- Well, I'll see you soon, can I see you tonight?
"Ah … Sir, I'm sorry, but that's …"
The bright spot was embarrassing and licked his tongue to his tongue.
"I'm sorry, but I have an appointment today." – You did.
"If it's important, I'll be in touch even late." – No, I'll talk to you right now. Somehow, it seemed like a story to meet and I asked, and I can not help it.
"Thank you for understanding. "- I'll give you an apology before we tell you. About the point of not being able to unintentionally make an editor in chief.
The bright spot was stunned at the moment.
I was guessing it was a story about work.
It is a reconstruction that has only been in the relationship between editor and writer for a long time. What the hell did you do to say this?
About 5 minutes after that. The moonstone flicked out of the office.
I went to the car alone and sent the article, and I stepped on the accelerator in a completely different direction from the appointment place.
His heart fluttering even more than a vibrating engine was just about to burst.
The words of the incredible reconstruction were raging in his mind.

24 – Dragon Rider Rani (11) End

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