Big Country Technology Starts with Mobile Phones

Chapter 200 Early lifting of the ban: Star Chronicles 2017

Samsung on the other side, not many people are paying attention to it now. Although they have also prepared this year's new flagship, Samsung's influence on the Chinese mobile phone market is currently very small.

Although people's memories in this era are short, they are not so short that what happened last year will be forgotten this year. Samsung officials really want to return to the Chinese market, but domestic manufacturers are not idiots.

Not to mention Samsung, even established communications giants like ZTE have lost their original market share amid overt and covert competition. Let’s not mention the specific reasons for now. Only six major mobile phone manufacturers are left.

Nebula Technology's influence was undoubtedly the largest last year, and its market share ranked first in terms of market share. In fact, Nebula is not that high based on the proportion of mobile phones among users.

Because a considerable number of people have not changed their mobile phones for two or even three years, and a considerable number of people would rather choose Dalang mobile phones than buy more expensive ones. Their logic for buying mobile phones is also very simple:

"Although the mobile phone I bought is cheap, I don't feel bad about using it. I replace it when it wears out. It's worth replacing it once a year! Why should I buy an expensive one again?"

That's makes sense, but for manufacturers, they can only survive by stimulating consumption through constant updates. Liu Dalang also wants to launch "one machine that will last forever."

The problem is that it is simply impossible under the current conditions. The chip performance is not enough. Unless there is a chip that can be upgraded independently, or a replaceable mode for modular mobile phones, it is simply impossible.

Lenovo Moto and Google just tried to launch the concept of modular mobile phones last year, but it may be a bit difficult to market it. It’s not that modularization is difficult, but it’s impossible for them to actually make it.

Whether it is Lenovo or Google, they are all focused on profit. Modular mobile phones do not have much room for profit. In addition, Lenovo’s internal management is chaotic. Some products are good, but market operations...

Therefore, it is very difficult to launch this kind of product. Currently, only Nebula Technology can do it, and they also have plans to do so. However, the launch time is still early, and the mobile phone market needs to decide the time.

The current mobile phone market is still dominated by the incremental market, and it is far from reaching the level of entering the stock market later. Even five years later, the Chinese mobile phone market will still be dominated by the incremental market.

It's just that some special circumstances have hindered the development of the mobile phone market. Whether it is objective factors, chip factors, or any other factors, it doesn't matter. Even if the mobile phone market is depressed, it will only be temporary.

Because in underdeveloped areas that many people cannot see, there are countless people still using mobile phones from three or even five years ago. This is due to the economic level. Mobile phones costing three thousand or four thousand are still too expensive.

Even the Dalang mobile phone, which starts at 999, is the most expensive mobile phone in some places, and the Dalang mini, which is priced at 299, is too expensive, so the Dalang S, which is priced at 599, is the real shipment king. Unfortunately, the profit is not much.

Basically, it is equivalent to software complementing hardware. For example, the channel servers in some games are very profitable. Each mobile phone manufacturer has its own channel server, but the problem is that not many people use Dalang mobile phones to play games...

Even if there is, I use Dalang’s mobile phone. Is it possible to charge money into it? Compared with manufacturers such as Penguin and NetEase, the games produced by Star Interactive Entertainment are not very profitable and rely entirely on their huge user base.

Returning to the upstream Nebula Technology, it can only gain further profits through intensive product updates and product line expansion, while also improving the overall technological level and defeating a wave of foreign international brands.

But Liu Dalang can guarantee that Nebula products in any price range from low to high are very cost-effective. This has nothing to do with high pricing. High pricing does not mean that it is not worth it, so Nebula's reputation is getting better day by day.

Nebula products are in line with the perception of ordinary consumers that good things should be worth the price. At the same time, high pricing can not only meet the needs of higher consumer groups, but also satisfy the needs of consumer groups who pursue cost-effectiveness.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone, and it is completely different from Apple's choice of continuously squeezing costs and increasing profits. Liu Dalang publicly stated in the meeting on the last day of February: "Never forget innovation!"

Without Nebula Technology, Apple would have released a red special edition of Apple 7/7 Plus and new iPads at this year's spring conference to stimulate product sales, but the situation has changed now.

There has never been a technology company that has updated its technology as violently and frequently as Nebula Technology, which has put Cook under a lot of pressure because Apple's internal problems cannot be underestimated.

Cook himself does not understand products. He is different from Jobs. Jonathan, who is responsible for product design under Jobs, is a top genius, but geniuses have a problem. They only work hard for people who understand them.

Jobs understood Jonathan and claimed that Jonathan was his soul mate, but Cook did not understand, so Jonathan quickly lost interest in Apple product design after Jobs passed away...

Therefore, Apple's lack of innovation in product design in recent years is inseparable from Jonathan and Cook. Cook himself is better at operations. The absence of design is a good thing for him and can save costs.

But now everything has changed. Jonathan has lost interest in Apple product design, and another genius Fausto was tricked by Cook. It’s not that Cook doesn’t want to find more talents, but that he really has no choice.

It’s still the same problem. Geniuses only work for those who understand them. Cook is weak in everything except operations. Top geniuses often cheat him. He even wrote his experience of being cheated in his autobiography.

So even when faced with the challenge from Nebula Technology, he was unwilling to allow himself to be attacked from both sides. However, there were only two choices before him, either to rekindle Jonathan's interest or to recruit geniuses.

The former is more likely. After all, Jonathan is also one of the veterans of Apple. It is impossible for him to watch the company he has devoted countless efforts to be provoked by outsiders, no matter how unwilling he is.

In fact, Cook is more curious about why Nebula Technology has gathered so many geniuses in a short period of time, and most of them are Chinese. This is different from the China in his impression!

This is the benefit of NPC! First of all, there are a lot of geniuses in China, and the commonalities of geniuses are the same all over the world. Liu Dalang cannot suppress these geniuses, but NPC can, and the level of NPC has surpassed the current technology.

Driven by NPC, these original Chinese talents not only tempered their talents, but also improved their overall level by leaps and bounds. Among other things, engineers who resigned from Nebula Technology were very popular.

Other manufacturers even send people to study at Nebula Technology from time to time, so Nebula Technology needs to set up a school. But schools are not something that a technology company should touch. They can invest in them.

But you must not do it yourself. The next target of Nebula Investment is Yuzhou University of Science and Technology. As long as they have this idea, the overall progress will be very fast. Of course, there is another reason:

Nebula Technology's key projects headed by Lin Dong and others are about to be completed. These ultra-high-level technical engineers can free up some of their energy to do other things, including cultivating some talents, etc.~

Looking at it this way, it is not surprising that Nebula Technology can quickly challenge Apple in a short period of time. Liu Dalang thinks that he may not be as good as some real big guys, but he has nothing to fear.

The most important thing is that he will use the advantages of Nebula products to fan the flames, gradually change people's ideas, seize the opponent's loopholes, and use the time difference to deliver a fatal blow before the opponent can react in time.

At this point, Star Fruit War 2.0 is a certainty. Facing a technology company full of unlimited creativity, Cook, who is more adept at staying conservative and cautious, is already a little overwhelmed.

He would think that the market couldn't help but recall what Steve Jobs once said: Once technology companies become big, they will no longer pay attention to products, and marketers will begin to be in charge, because companies in a monopoly position will not improve their products no matter how good they are. Sales volume…

But if you don't do better, you are giving opportunities to your competitors. The rise of a copycat company is so rapid that it astonishes technology companies around the world, and it masters an absurd amount of technology.

Apple is already too far behind Nebula Technology in terms of technology. Luo Yulong also publicly stated last year: "Apple's technological contribution to the world is almost zero. In essence, they are a solution integrator."

This evaluation is not very correct, but it can also explain some problems. Compared with some real technology companies, Apple's technology still has a gap, and Nebula Technology is already a leader among technology companies.

Calculated, the gap is even greater~

As for the operation of Nebula Technology...that is, there is no operation. It is enough to bring out the strongest products and then use various means to attack the market. The first thing that needs to be gained is the favor of consumers.

This is what Nebula Technology does best. Their products will always be from the perspective of consumers, because Liu Dalang knows very well that it is unrealistic for domestic brands to be as high-end as Apple from the beginning.

There is a problem of recognition. Unless international brands such as Apple, Samsung, and Sony are lifted up and smoked, domestic brands will never be able to truly establish themselves in the high-end. This is what they are doing now.

Huami ov's current development strategy is also very simple. It only needs to cooperate with Nebula Technology to reverse the image of domestic brands first, and then further launch better products to become bigger and stronger. This is completely feasible.

Android has survived the pain period and has become more and more perfect. It also has advantages that Nebula OS and IOS do not have: openness and playability. Of course, Nebula OS does not look like a closed system.

Because the Nebulas team is so crazy, the update speed of Nebulas OS far exceeds their imagination. The application adaptation alone has crushed Android and IOS, and it is just short of releasing a real operating system.

The kind that can be applied to the PC side. In comparison, the only playability advantage of Android is compared with Apple. Some manufacturers are even ready to abandon Android directly after Nebulas OS is open source.

Nonsense, who would use a worse one when there is a better one? This is true for Nebula Technology and the same is true for other manufacturers. There is no news in this regard yet, but many larger manufacturers have already made preparations in advance.

The specific situation depends on the follow-up and when Nebulas Technology will make a more powerful system. Many people have a hunch that the day Loongson is released will be the time when Nebulas OS will be open source.

Commercial Loongson will inevitably bring new operating systems, new graphics cards, new products, and even subvert the original system. Even if no one promotes it, more and more people know about it.

The most panicked ones are a few companies that are good at monopolizing. Don't panic. The rise of China means that the world structure will be rewritten. Some suppliers are not only targeting Nebula Technology, but also targeting domestic manufacturers.

None of this is important. In China's main battlefield, the war is about to break out. Nebula Technology's participants include not only the new version of Starfire-Fantasy Flame, but also the fourth-generation Xingyu Family Bucket, which is the main shipment.

In order to add another wave of news, Liu Dalang also asked the Nebula Marketing Department to release a product in advance: Xingji 2017. This product is the Silver Wing that was modified from BYD and has a very strong product power.

In the end, Xingji electric vehicles were not included in the four major series of Xinghuo/Xingyu/Xingchen/Nebula, but opened a separate series. In the future, they will not only enter smart electric vehicles, but also enter new energy solutions.

The main products are mainly transportation vehicles, such as the Xingji 2017 smart electric car, and the aircraft that is already being planned. To be precise, this aircraft is called a smart flying electric car ~

Liu Dalang knew that Xpeng would enter this industry in the future and produce finished products. However, Xpeng is not that strong now. Nebula Technology will make faster progress and mass production will be launched earlier.

Regarding the product Nebula 2017, many media have exposed it as early as last year. Many Nebula users also participated in a questionnaire survey in the community about this product.

More than 85% of participating users hope that the Xingji smart electric vehicle can have both battery life and fast charging, and 73% of users hope that this electric vehicle product can have some new functions and a cooler appearance...

As for some unreasonable requirements, such as the wish to have a top speed of more than 200km/h, Liu Dalang ignored them all. This is an electric car with a speed of 200km/h. Who dares to produce such a deadly artifact?

Therefore, after final adjustments, the specific parameters of Star Age 2017 were determined. After the official announcement by Nebula Marketing Department, it immediately attracted widespread attention. Among them, three things attracted the most attention:

Appearance, battery life, charging time.

What? How many times to charge?

The number of charging times for a new car is of course 0!

In addition, there are some new features that have also attracted much attention, such as the interconnection with Nebula products, especially Nebula mobile phones, whether it can achieve sensorless unlocking, and whether the unlocking process is cool enough...

These are all points to consider. In the promotional video released by the Nebulas Marketing Department, all the content that Nebulas users are concerned about is given at once:

"This is……"

"Nebula electric car? No, it's Xingji electric car? Hey, this looks kind of handsome!"

"A full battery life of 189 kilometers? Can it be charged to 50% in 30 minutes? Fully charged in 1 hour and 8 minutes?"

"You also get a charging station!? Wait, is this an electric car? It charges faster than my mobile phone!"


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