Big Country Technology Starts with Mobile Phones

Chapter 197 The A-Card’s reputation is corrected!

Yes, why not?

Apple is not invincible, and it never has been. Liu Dalang is certainly not arrogant enough to tell everyone: "I can beat your entire Apple family with a mid-range phone!" But he is not so arrogant that he feels that he has no power to fight.

Because in his mind, the models before Apple That’s all.

Therefore, in his opinion, Cook's vague revelations will not bring much resistance to Nebula Technology. On the contrary, the fourth-generation Xingyu will give them a "surprise". In contrast, Liu Dalang is more willing to focus on other things. place.

For example, when it comes to 5G communication technology, drones, and graphics cards, with the Dalang 1050, Nebula Technology has a certain understanding of the graphics card technology it currently masters, and it can be updated very quickly.

It's a pity that the Dalang 1050 graphics card has had mixed reviews since its launch. A considerable number of people criticized its performance as garbage, and criticized the Dalang X16 for frame drops when playing games and mediocre heat dissipation. Please, don't you care about the price?

Besides, forget about spraying anything else, the Dalang X16 is not good at dissipating heat...Who doesn't know that the laptops designed by Nebula/Dalang Technology have very strong cooling capabilities? Not to mention the same level, there is no problem if you cross levels.

This is the disadvantage of focusing on entry-level products. Many people are reluctant to even spend 459 to buy a Dalang graphics card. They have extreme hatred for various brands and believe that all companies that make money from them are evil people.

Liu Dalang never knew how such a consumption concept was formed. Maybe it was due to lack of love since childhood~ Anyway, no matter how they scolded them, they could not change the status of Dalang 1050 and Dalang X16 at all.

The cheapest entry-level all-round notebook on the market, with 60W of performance release, it can play all games on the market at low to medium image quality. This alone is enough, and there is no point in criticizing it. The sales volume can explain everything.

Since the launch of Dalang 1050, in a total of two months, more than 3 million units have been sold around the world. The shipment volume of Dalang X16 is even stronger, with 370,000 units in India, 430,000 units in China, and 1.75 million units worldwide. tower.

This is a sales volume that a second- and third-tier brand focusing on cost-effectiveness can only dream of. The lowest price in Dalang Mall in China was even as high as 2,599, which directly beat the price of Bing Xixi.

Therefore, it is normal to be a bit trolled occasionally. As for 5G communication technology, there was a period of intense hype last year, but it has returned to normal this year. The progress is the fastest when no one mentions it.

In order to allow commercial Loongson to be applied to notebooks as soon as possible, Chinese officials have left no room in the construction of 5G communication base stations. Logically speaking, there is no relationship between the two, but Liu Dalang said something~

"Can we integrate a 5G communication baseband into Loongson? By the way, we can also build an esim, and we can handle 5G Internet services on the computer. The more computers equipped with Loongson are sold, the more we will earn!"

Some senior executives: "!!!"

"This isn't appropriate~"

"Hey~ I know what you are worried about. We can cooperate with operators! This is our initial cooperation content, you can take a look~"

"It's agreed, just one look!"

"no problem!"


This is also the reason why Chinese officials have left no room for the construction of 5G communication base stations. It is expected that by July this year, it will cover all first- and second-tier cities, as well as some third- and fourth-tier cities and towns. Don’t think that this speed is very slow.

On the contrary, this speed has far exceeded the historical process, and the reason is very simple. Chinese officials have seen the changes that 5G communication technology can bring to society, and they are definitely not trying to sell computers equipped with Loongson!

The most important thing is that as long as it wins 5G communication technology, it means that China can temporarily lead the world in communication technology, and can even use 5G technology to make some products that change the world structure.

Loongson is on the one hand, 5G communication technology is on the other, and Nebula Technology’s upgraded graphics card is on the other. The most important thing is that the new operating system created by Nebula Technology for Loongson is likely to break the monopoly.

In today's Internet and information age, a domestic operating system is simply too important. It can be expected that the resistance to the promotion of Nebula Technology's operating system will be very great. This is not difficult to understand.

However, Nebula OS appeared three years later, and it is still unknown whether it can develop to the extent it is today, so sometimes the timing of its emergence is more important. In fact, ZTE has never given up on domestic Linux...

However, due to various factors, this domestic Linux system has never been truly commercialized. However, Nebula OS is different. It was at its peak when it debuted. Coupled with the popularity of Android at the time, various operating systems were available.

Therefore, even if international giants notice this system, they will not take it too seriously. By the time they want to take action, it will be too late. It is difficult to restrict the development of Nebula technology, but computers are different.

No matter how rapidly the mobile phone system develops, it will not have a great impact on some things, but computers are different. Once a domestic pure Chinese operating system is developed, it will subvert the entire industry system.

It is foreseeable that all products of Nebula Technology will encounter an unprecedented crisis by then, not just computer products, but all products, including mobile phones, and even some products in the ecological chain.

This means that the international market that Nebula Technology has worked so hard to build will be lost again, but these are not important, because Liu Dalang has already planned the next development path for Nebula Technology, so there is no need to worry about losing the market.

It belongs to Nebula Technology and no one can take it away! After experiencing Nebula products, when I switch back to Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG, BlackBerry and Chinese brands, it’s a completely different feeling.

Especially for PC products, some 2-in-1 computers from Nebula Technology have exploded across the European market. Products from brands such as Lianhui Dai lost their pants in front of Nebula products and had to quickly re-plan their products.

Some computer manufacturers are having a hard time right now. Nebula Technology's unreasonable large-scale shipments have made their monkey marketing useless. The price increase strategies of some graphics card manufacturers will naturally be affected to some extent.

Only AMD dared to take the initiative to cooperate with Nebula Technology under pressure. Anyway, the competition is usually fierce, so it is better to find another way. This is not a discovery of their conscience, but they see the potential of the Spark gaming laptop.

An AMD executive even said on social media: "To be honest, when I saw the Spark gaming laptop for the first time, I was shocked far more than Alien. Its design is very avant-garde, like a young and energetic person." people…"

Of course, there may be an element of bragging in it, but that doesn’t matter. The Spark game notebook does have bragging rights. You can make money when you buy it. Bringing Spark-Phantom Flame in China is much more honorable than bringing aliens. .

"If you have money, you can buy aliens. Can Starfire-Phantom Flame be bought with money? Can you!?"

Liu Dalang never dreamed that the Spark series, with the most affordable starting price, would one day be sold to more than twice the price and still be out of stock. However, this time he did not officially announce the AMD version of Spark-Fantasy Flame in advance.

Instead, while watching the mixed news on the Internet continue to bring popularity to Nebulas Technology, Nebulas Marketing Department has also asked the Nebulas Marketing Department to vigorously promote Nebulas Technology and some domestic brands to further increase its influence.

"There are three brands in China. Offline purchases are cheaper than online purchases. They are Nebula, Vivo, and Oppo. Of course, Dalang is also one, but their cheap methods are different~"

Nebula Technology will have different discounts at different times, and the gifts will be different. OV is simply cheaper, and acquaintances will also give gifts. It is not ruled out that you may encounter some deceptive bosses who are familiar with you...

In fact, any brand of mobile phone, even Xiaomi, can be obtained at a lower price from some dealers. However, Xiaomi is somewhat similar to Dalang. There is little room for price reduction, but various gifts can be given.

The other side~

AMD is very happy now. They believe that Nebula Technology can bring them an unprecedented broad market. Little do they know that Nebula Technology's first-generation graphics cards have entered the testing stage, including Loongson's own core graphics and independent graphics.

Can it be regarded as a special supply of Nebula products, provided to Star Rain/Star Fire/Star/Nebula/Star Wars? As well as some desktop products of Nebula Technology, portable graphics card docks will also be provided for some 2-in-1 computers.

Harvesting leeks can also increase the upper limit of Nebula's products, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It can also prevent Nebula Technology from being involved in the mining boom to the greatest extent. Liu Dalang cherishes Nebula Technology's feathers very much.

He doesn't want some negative news about graphics cards to appear on Nebula Technology. After all, some Chinese users will always have stricter requirements for domestic brands, which may be a good thing.

Every time he thought about it, Liu Dalang could toss and turn all night, and finally made up his mind again to make Nebula Technology the pride of Huaxia Technology. The graphics card must be produced as soon as possible.

And he didn’t bother to join in the trouble with some mine owners. It’s quite interesting to think about his subsequent ridicule: “One day, you bought a 99 new graphics card for a girl’s own use online, and you took her home excitedly.

But after only two days of being together happily, you found that she was a little frail and sick, so you changed the ventilation in her room. After that, you didn't dare to let her play for too long when you played with her. You played for one hour and let her rest for two hours. .

For her, you lived frugally and budgeted carefully. She looked as beautiful as a painting in the glass room you carefully built for her. Under your careful care, she was as quiet as a virgin. But you didn’t know that a few months ago~

She was in the mine boss's room, stimulated by the 2000W power supply, and tried her best to make a sound, wishing that the whole world could hear it..."

It may be a little strange, but Liu Dalang has always been very disgusted with this kind of behavior, but from the perspective of some manufacturers, it is understandable to do so, because maximizing profits is what they should consider.

Don’t they know what consumers want? They know very well, but they are just not willing to do that. They are not willing, but Nebula Technology is still willing, because Nebula has never been a commercial company!

Before Nebulas Technology officially promoted AMD Spark-Phantom Flame, AMD could no longer sit still. With the permission of Nebulas Technology, it released a promotional poster in advance, with a line of Chinese/English slogans on it that was very eye-catching:

A legitimate work! The most powerful gaming notebook!

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