Big Country Technology Starts with Mobile Phones

Chapter 192 Dual-screen rotating mobile phone?

After entering the new year, Nebula Technology has only one goal, and that is to further improve its products. They are not trying to compete with any manufacturer, but to compete with their own products.

After using the 2k screen, Xingyu-Xi's overall competitiveness has increased, and it can even leapfrog some 5,000-tier models, such as HTC, BlackBerry, Samsung and even Apple.

Although once high-end brands such as HTC and BlackBerry are getting worse and worse, the products they produce are not compromising at all. They set the price at whatever price they should, regardless of whether anyone will buy it.

This means I would rather die standing than live on my knees. Recall that Lao Luo’s Hammer Technology even gave up the industrial design they were proud of before being acquired by Nebula Technology. What was the result?

The result is that in order to cater to the market, not only did it fail to gain market share, but it also lost some loyal fans. Now after being acquired by Nebula Technology, a series of new plans have been made.

For example, the reset version of the Smartisan logo looks more powerful and has more online channels. There are even stillborn TNT products in Smartisan self-operated stores and flagship stores.

It's a pity that sales are a bit bleak... After all, Nebula OS is directly at the focus. It is almost impossible for TNT products to continue to survive. This is not the focus. The focus is on some of the new products.

It mainly includes accessories for some Nebula products, but the overall price is more affordable, only about half of the official Nebula accessories, so it has attracted many users to buy it in a short period of time.

This phenomenon is not surprising. Many people spend a lot of money when buying mobile phones. Thousands of dollars are thrown away. Instead, they think about some accessories for a long time, and even buy them overnight.

I am using a mobile phone that costs RMB 5,000 or RMB 6,000, but the mobile phone case only costs 3 RMB. I really save money and spend money when I need it. Of course, this is also related to the fact that the accessories market is too deep, and some things are called IQ taxes.

The same product can be sold at a price difference of more than 3 times, which is simply outrageous. Although Nebula's official accessories are also very expensive, at least they are guaranteed to be worth the price and the materials used are very good.

The basic hammer accessories are naturally a little inferior, but they are still much better than the third-party accessories on the market. I don’t know what Lao Luo will think when he sees the hammer accessories now.

In fact, he was a little confused after leaving Hammer Technology. A high-spirited idealist fell down, but he felt unprecedentedly relaxed and finally no longer had to bear the pressure.

There is no need to spend day and night thinking about how to make products, how to market them, how to promote other brands, or even how to engage in wars of words and public opinion with netizens.

Regarding Smartisan's products, Liu Dalang is not ready to release anything aggressive yet, because no matter how aggressive it is, it cannot be as aggressive as Xingyu, which is the real king of mid-range products and its shipment volume last year was very scary.

Both versions of Xingyu-Xi have exceeded 10 million. The shipment volume of the light version is about 20% higher than that of the standard version. Direct-screen mobile phones are still very popular. The most important thing is that they can save 300 yuan.

After a year, Liu Dalang found that the evaluation of curved screens on the Internet was always mixed, and a considerable number of people reported that curved screens are expensive and easy to damage.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Liu Dalang can only guarantee that Nebula products will not break so easily. Their anti-accidental touch protection for curved screens is also top-notch in the industry, but how can it not break if it really falls?

This is not Dalang's three-defense machine!

The most important thing is that it is a bit difficult to apply a curved screen film... A standard curved screen UV film in Nebula Mall costs 129 yuan, while a better tempered screen film only costs 20 yuan at most. The gap is too big.

Of course, Nebula products have four free film application opportunities every year. It doesn’t matter if you run out of them. You can get them again by participating in Nebula after-sales activities, but the film is not top-notch.

The perception that curved screen = high-end has basically been formed. Even if some people object, it is useless. Nebula’s top flagship also has a 360° surround screen mobile phone, and that one is really powerful.

People who like it like it very much, and people who don’t like it give it away for free. But sales have been very stable, reaching about 50,000 units every month, and the value retention rate in the secondary market is still good.

A high value retention rate when out of stock is nothing. A high value retention rate is really strong when there is an unlimited supply. According to a statistics, the depreciation rate of Nebula products is the slowest.

The worst time for prices to fall is when new ones replace old ones every year. The fourth generation of Xingyu comes in March, so in January and February, the discounts for the dual version of Xingyu-Xi are the greatest.

It's a pity that Xingyu-Xi has sold enough, and the sales volume has picked up to a certain extent, but it is still a little behind compared with the initial launch period. Consumers are not stupid, and they know whether to buy new or old ~

To Liu Dalang's surprise, LG's dual-screen rotating mobile phone actually appeared again. This mobile phone was very popular for a period of time last year and was called the most valuable mobile phone form by some people.

But it didn’t take long for something to go wrong. It was said that LG was facing financial pressure. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be, but when you think about it, it seems normal because their flagship product is not powerful enough.

Under the pressure of Apple, Samsung, Nebula and domestic manufacturers, I am afraid that it will not be long before it gradually launches into the mobile phone market like HTC. It is a bit surprising to make a comeback now.

Liu Dalang didn't quite understand the decision of LG's senior executives. For LG's senior executives, they had only one idea: "It's the off-season for Nebula product sales! Here's the opportunity!"

If Liu Dalang knew what LG executives were thinking, he would have to say something to them: "How did you know that it is the off-season for Nebula products? Nebula products are never absent 365 days a year!"

He also watched the promotional video of LG's dual-screen rotating mobile phone. How can I put it... the product is good, and he even thought of some application scenarios, such as a productivity tool for heavy office users.

But these all require powerful software adaptation. In my impression, LG’s dual-screen folding phone loses because it is thick and heavy, has poor practicality and consumes electricity. If the software adaptation problem is solved...

It's not that it can't be done. Liu Dalang thought about it carefully and really had the urge to make a dual-screen rotating phone. But since LG has already made it, there is no need for them to do it again.

"It's just a pity that such a product has become cold before it reaches its peak..."

The reality is like this, full of regrets everywhere. Liu Dalang has never had a good impression of LG. He is not called a patent troll for nothing, but the product is innocent, and good things are good things.

It's a pity that LG can't even compete with Samsung's folding screen mobile phone. If it competes with Nebula Technology... it's impossible to win. Even LG's accessories market has been further squeezed by Nebula Technology.

Under the offensive of Nebula accessories, they have been forced to carry out two rounds of price cuts, but many manufacturers still canceled orders and switched to Nebula Technology, especially in the screen aspect.

Nebula Display has become popular again under the vigorous promotion of the marketing department. After the three monitors were fully exposed, some people think that the price/performance ratio is very high, while others think that the price is too expensive.

It’s normal. There are monitors on the market claiming to have 4k resolution that sell for less than 3,000 yuan. The Nebula display starts at 8,000 yuan. It is indeed very expensive, but the surface parameters are superficial after all.

If they don’t see something with their own eyes, these people won’t believe it at all, so the press conference on January 20 is particularly important, as it can provide some additional introduction to the three Nebula displays.

At the request of the majority of netizens, it is still Li Meng who is hosting the press conference this time. It is no exaggeration to say that the most popular conference host among domestic manufacturers is Li Meng, followed by famous celebrities such as Liu Dalang and Rebus. entrepreneur.

There is no way, everyone loves beauty. Before Nebula Technology, few manufacturers would use female product managers to host press conferences, and even if they did, they would just use all kinds of official language like an etiquette lady.

In comparison, Li Meng and Mingyue's press conferences seemed much more real, and in order to further expand their business, they also opened personal accounts to provide detailed product introductions.

Several veteran review bloggers from the Nebula Marketing Department were a little envious after seeing it. How could they not be envious? Many of their fans have gone to the evaluation camp of the two product managers.

As a result, every time they review products and take photos, many people say: "We want to see young ladies! We want to see beautiful women take selfies! Who wants to see this unshaven old man show off his selfies!"

As a result, several review bloggers joined forces with several beautiful female colleagues in Nebula's marketing department to barely save their dignity. Of course, this is also related to the fact that Xingyu's product positioning is biased towards women.

Looking at the reviews of Spark products, a group of big guys only care about configuration parameters, heating issues, game frame rate, and nothing else.

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