Big Country Technology Starts with Mobile Phones

Chapter 179 LCD will never be a slave!

If that's the case... then put the Spark gaming laptop at the C position of the fourth-generation conference? This is naturally impossible. The laptop market is huge, but the gaming laptop market is not big enough.

Xinghuo is not as good as Xingyu. Although both are mid-range products, Xinghuo is obviously more oriented towards young male users, especially those who pursue ultimate performance and are not too interested in appearance.

In fact, in real life, a considerable number of users do not care about the quality of their mobile phones. So what if it has a plastic back cover? As long as the price/performance ratio is high enough!

However, Liu Dalang believes that Nebula Technology will not take the route of cost-effective mobile phones. In his own words: "We just set the mobile phone at a suitable price!"

Is this worthy of praise?

There are not so many twists and turns, and there is no testing of users’ ideas. The price is directly raised, and then stabilized at a price range. The volume is increased every year without increasing the price, and the reputation will naturally increase.

The starting price of the reinstalled version of Starfire-Flame is the same as that of the Starfire-Jhin in December last year. The product form continues the style of the previous generation and incorporates more elements into the retractable back cover.

for example…

For the point-controlled game controller, you only need to place the Spark game controller on both sides of the retractable back cover to easily transform it into a game console in seconds. At least the number of Nebula games that are compatible with it has caught up.

The quality is still not comparable to some major international manufacturers that specialize in games, but don’t forget that this is a mobile phone, not a simple game console. It is good enough to achieve this level.

However, for many users who have given up on Spark mobile phones, the heavy and gorgeous appearance is too difficult to accept. Last year, there was no solution to this problem, but this year is different~

Some of Nebula Technology's official offline channels have already stocked the goods in advance, including 76 large-scale Nebula malls across the country. On December 1, the malls were packed with people.

Why so crazy?

On the one hand, it’s to see how “extreme” the lightweight version of the Spark-Flame, a thin and light gaming phone that claims to have both daily and explosive performance, is, and on the other hand, it’s the crazy gaming laptop users~

It is a long-standing tradition to be unable to grab first-release games, but in this day and age, when people rush to buy these popular products, they will rush to offline stores instead of sticking to the Internet.

“If I buy it in the store, I can take it away directly and play with it when I get home. But if I buy it online, I have to wait for express delivery. What if the phone is shipped with a problem...”

Day after day, I originally had a good impression of this brand, but it was all ruined by logistics and quality control. This is Nebula Technology's quality control, and it is even more conceivable when it comes to other manufacturers~

Who would have thought that one day the Nebula Mall, which covers an area of ​​more than 500 square meters, would be overcrowded? The general managers of Nebula Mall are also very helpless. They can't hide things even if they want to!

They are also human beings and have their own social circles. If an acquaintance comes to them to reserve a machine, can they not stay? If you don't leave it, it will hurt your feelings. If you leave it, what will ordinary consumers buy?

Fortunately, the production capacity of the Spark gaming phone is very high and the inventory is sufficient. It is not a problem to order one or two units in advance. However, the Spark gaming phone is different. Without a graphics card, there is really not much available.

Even a large official self-built mall like Nebula Mall has only purchased 5,000 Spark gaming notebooks so far, of which 3,000 are low-end versions with 144hz high-brush and high-color gamut screens.

The inventory of the screen equipped with 2.5k + 120hz + 400nit is only 2,000 units. This is normal, because Nebula Technology’s evaluation results believe that lower-priced game books will be more popular.

As for whether it is a high-resolution screen...

Not important at all! Otherwise, so many gaming notebooks with 1080p screens on the market will no longer be sold? Even if there is a high-resolution screen, can the graphics card support it? Does the game support higher resolutions?

These are all a question!

"I just came here for the 144hz screen! What's the use of high resolution? Frame rate is king! It's the basis for playing games!"

A young man standing at the entrance of Xingyun Mall snorted disdainfully. After hearing this, the clerk who was maintaining order at the door couldn't help but roll his eyes and thought to himself: "Just wait until you regret it!"

When Samsung insisted on using a 2k screen for its flagship phone, it was often ridiculed by major manufacturers. What's the use of a 2k screen? It consumes power very quickly, and the display effect doesn’t seem to be much better~

It was not until later that 2k screens became standard equipment for flagship phones that major manufacturers finally realized that 2k screens were necessary. Regardless of whether they could be seen or not, 2k was the right thing to do anyway!

It's a pity that Nebula Technology has directly blocked their road. The mid-range light version of Xingyu-Xi with a starting price of 3999 all uses a 2k screen, let alone the flagship phone.

In this case, even if other manufacturers use 2k screens, consumers will only think that it is not a big deal, because Nebula phones are available, unless the price is very low...

But laptops are different from mobile phones. The screen size of laptops is larger, let alone a 2.5k screen. Even with a 2k screen, the overall visual look and feel will be different.

The premise is that the quality of the two screens itself is excellent. Otherwise, although some manufacturers label screens as 2k or even 3k or above, the display effect is very average, and the color presentation is even very dazzling.

Consumers need to distinguish these carefully, and the benefits of offline experience are further demonstrated. Anyway, for Nebula Technology, none of their products is inferior!

"Look at it as you like! Touch it as you like!"

"But don't drop it casually! If it breaks, you will have to pay for it, and you have to be responsible for your own actions!"

Generally, people with normal IQs would not rush to a mobile phone store and drop their mobile phones... but this possibility cannot be ruled out. In Liu Dalang's impression, a Nebula Direct Store actually encountered this situation.

There are very few in Nebula Mall. Such a large building still feels oppressive. Some older people are not even willing to buy things in such a tall and expensive-looking store.

Except for one situation!

"No! There is an aunt over there who seems to be in average condition, but we can't judge people by their appearance. Some charterers like to come to the store wearing pants and slippers, so just treat her as normal!

But if the family conditions are really average and they are still willing to come to our Nebula Mall, the elderly aunts and uncles must be bringing their children. Look next to her, am I right? "

A Nebula clerk who has been in the industry for a long time was introducing something proudly to a young guy next to him. The young guy's eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly echoed:

"You are worthy of being a gold medal salesman! You are really good at judging people! I will recommend products to them...but which mobile phone should I recommend to them that is better?"

The old clerk on the side pondered for a while and then said: "Actually, all the products are similar. Ask them about their budget first. If it were me, I would give priority to recommending mid-priced products."

"Standard version of Xingyu-Xi?"

"That's right!"


The old clerk nodded with satisfaction. In fact, he himself knew that he was not a gold medal sales person. The quality of Nebula's products was well known. As long as it was placed there, someone would come and buy it...

It's just that he entered the industry relatively early, and the entry requirements were not that strict back then. Now that Nebula Technology is doing great, his income has also increased, and he has learned a lot of sales experience.

It's all forced by life~ Before entering the society, he never imagined that one day he would become a salesperson, and he could easily earn tens of thousands a month, and even 20,000 or 30,000 in good times.

For example, every time a new product is released, they even wish Nebula Technology had a 65-inch TV like Dalang Technology... No, 65 inches is not enough! It has to be 100 inches no matter what!

It would be better if there is a projection~

At that time, while watching the press conference with users, chatting about daily life, and finally selling the product to users, you can also get a commission.

Don't be too happy!

It's a pity that he ignored an important factor. Now that Nebula Technology is at its peak, how can a clerk at Nebula Mall be useless? Sure enough, three minutes later the new clerk sold a lightweight version of Xingyu-Xi.

His philosophy is also very simple. Since consumers' family conditions are not good, then just choose a mobile phone with a suitable price and higher cost performance. Recommending the mid-price range is building expectations.

Just imagine, when he went to buy a mobile phone, he first saw an expensive one, and then saw a relatively cheap one. The comparison came out immediately, and the cheap product was not bad either.

Naturally, it is easy to sell the product, but when he recommended the product, he also paid attention to the expression of the aunt's child. After experiencing the standard version of Xingyu-Xi, the child was very excited.

But he gave up in the end. Presumably, the child also knew that his family conditions were not good, and then he gave a reasonable explanation:

"It is possible to touch the curved screen accidentally when playing games, but you don’t have to worry about it with a straight-screen phone! And you can grasp it with one hand at this size. It is very thin and light, and you will feel good using it!"

Needless to say, you can feel it when you use it. The lightweight version of Xingyu-Xi is the only small-screen mobile phone currently sold by Nebula Technology. The 5.5-inch user experience is actually not bad at all.

"You can also wait for the Xinghuo-Yan, which will be released tomorrow. The starting price of this phone is about the same as the lightweight version of Xingyu-Xi, and it is still a new model!"

"Forget it about the gaming phone! I just want him to finish high school well and not be addicted to games every day. Games can really destroy people..."

"Moderate gaming is good for your health. If you just study every day, you will be mentally stressed. Just be careful not to get addicted~"

"That's the truth, but today's games are too bad, and children have no self-control. It would be great if there was an anti-addiction function..."

It also prevents addiction. In fact, every mobile phone manufacturer now has a sleep mode, which automatically locks all applications after setting the time. However, not many people actually use it.

As long as you want to play, you can play for two hours with just one unlock function. Many people don’t know why they are playing with their mobile phones, but they just want to take it out and take a look at it from time to time. In fact, there is nothing.

In the end, the aunt and the child chose to activate their mobile phones in Nebula Mall. The young clerk packed them and handed them to them with both hands. They also came with some extended warranty rights, and if they broke, they could be repaired for free.

These seem to be more cost-effective than giving gifts. There are many gifts in Dalang Direct Store, but there are very few gifts in Nebula Mall, which are only available during events.

Of course, the aunt and the child were just a sideshow. Most of the people in Nebula Mall came here for the new Xinghuo products. The general manager was also very wise and directly arranged a few more machines with different exhibits.

We already have the heavy version and the light version of Starfire-Flame, all we need is a Spark gaming laptop. Unfortunately, Spark gaming laptops have regulations, and the booth can only be set up at the end of the press conference. Everything else is fine!

Otherwise, these customers will not even be able to see the true face of Xinghuo Yan, and they can only wait for tomorrow's press conference. Nebula Technology's operations can be regarded as early release or early pre-sale.

At the same time, this is also the last wave of warm-up for the Nebula Marketing Department. The fourth-generation Spark product has been waiting for too long, and there is no need to hide it all the time.

Even the general manager personally came forward to introduce the dual versions of Spark-Flame to the surrounding customers in the Spark display area: "If you are a serious game enthusiast, there is nothing wrong with choosing this!

If you are a person who is sensitive to flicker and feel that the color display is inaccurate after turning on DC dimming, you are right to choose it! This is the last carnival of the LCD screen, the last magic machine! "

Anyway, it's awesome, and the general manager also used the word "last", which successfully aroused the insecurity of the onlookers. When he heard the last word... my dear, can you still bear this?

"What's the price? Let me break the news! The heavy-duty version is too big and heavy. I like the light-duty version! And it actually retains the breathing light!?"

"See clearly, that's not a breathing light. It's said above that it's called electrochromic technology. You can set the color of the back cover yourself!"

"Hiss~ Doesn't this mean that buying a Xinghuo Yan = buying all the colors? You can adjust any color you want. Doesn't it mean that you can change it every day?"

"Stop talking, wearing a phone case means nothing. I'm more concerned about the glass at tomorrow's Spark conference... no, the official matching phone case!"

"I've been waiting for a mobile phone with a good LCD screen for a long time! Now I've finally arrived! The OLED screen flickers too much and I can't stand it at all..."

"The display effect looks good! There is no darkening at the edges like the first and second generation Spark gaming phones. It's great!"

"LCD will never be a slave! Ahem, I won't shout. Anyway, it's good that everyone knows. The only difference now is the price, wait! What is that?"

"Spark Gaming Watch? Is it possible that I can still play games with my watch? Is the screen too small?"

"Who asked you to look at your watch?"


I saw the Nebula clerk at the back displaying two new products, which were the Spark gaming watch and e-sports headphones. They had never seen head-mounted e-sports headphones, but they were rare in this style...

Nebula products have always put great effort into their appearance. Even a Bluetooth headset or even a mobile phone protective case will be very exquisite.

The shape of the Xinghuo e-sports headphones looks completely different from the standard headphones in Internet cafes. The appearance design alone is not on the same level. Do you really think that the chief designer Qu Xiangqun is just a freeloader?

"Perhaps... will Spark Esports headsets once again lead the trend among young people?"

Thank you book friends for your support! I’m done~ I’m back! Thank you! ! !

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