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When Bailihong makeup came back from Wubaoge, she was surrounded by Xia Yuqing and others.

Feeling the bad eyes of Xia Yuqing and others, Bailihong makeup can not help but say: "What are you going to do?"

Xia Yuqing smiled and squinted: "Red makeup, you hide too deep!"

"Our big gang is surrounded by you. If it is not Master Bai who said this, we don't know when we can get the news." Zhan Yunfeng followed.

"You didn't ask me either."

The hundred-mile red makeup has spread the stalls innocently. She has never concealed her intentions, but she will not specifically tell everyone that she is an inscriptionist. This is just showing off.

Seeing the innocent look of the hundred-mile red makeup, everyone is helpless, who would have thought of asking this kind of question.

"No matter, anyway, you are hiding us, it is not right, we are very vengeful." Xia Yuqing smiled.

Hearing, Bailihong makeup swept through Xia Yuqing and others, and slowly said: "So, are you ready to return my inscription to me?"

As soon as this was said, the faces of Xia Yuqing and others changed a bit, and they immediately stepped back.

"Time is not early, I will go back to practice first."

Xia Yuqing took the lead in opening, and the red makeup gave her the inscription she had already used.

"Yu Qing is right, I am also going to go back and practice." Zhan Yunfeng is also following away, they thanked them, and where is the reason to return these treasures to the red makeup?

Soon, everyone has already left, only Gong Shaoqing still standing still.

Baili red makeup phoenix 眸 眸 , , , , , 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 宫 宫

"I also go back to rest, and I will go to the final tomorrow."

Leaving a word, Gong Shaoqing also disappeared in front of the hundred-mile red makeup.

Seeing this scene, Baili red makeup can not help but laugh out loud, can know such a group of friends, she really feel very happy!

The next day, the day was just clear, and the people of Bailihong makeup and other people got up.

Today is the final of the cultivator competition and the most important round of the college exchange.

After the gathering of the people, Yan Chuyou also led the people to the direction of the royal court.

This last final was held in the royal contest. It is a great sight, and the emperor of the Qing Dynasty will also come to the scene. The royal family and the powerful people will appear.

The ordinary civilians are no longer qualified to see this test. It is for this reason that everyone is particularly valued for this test.

The eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup fell on Gong Shaoqing's body, and the beauty of the face appeared a touch of surprise.

"Miya Shaoqing, have you broken through?"

She clearly felt that Gong Shaoqing's breath was stronger than before, and it has clearly broken through from the late Tiantian to the innate realm!

Gong Shaoqing nodded slightly, "Xiao Xing just broke through."

Bailihong makeup looked at Gong Shaoqing deeply. She knew that Gong Shaoqing attached importance to this final.

From the moment when the Dongfang was hit, Gong Shaoqing’s heart was already suppressed to the extreme. With this opportunity, he finally broke through to the innate realm and helped the finals today.

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, everyone was surprised to see Gong Shaoqing, this is a good news!

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