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Listening to Tao Congrong's words, Han Xiyu looked at Tao Congrong coldly.

Noticing Han Xizhen's gaze, Tao Congrong immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to continue to say more.

She almost forgot, the most angry thing about the young lady is the attitude of the young master. She just wants to fight for the lady.

"Let's go out."

Han Xi’s eyes were filled with a touch of coldness, and she was going to go out to meet the emperor’s beggars. At this time, she naturally could not help.

Tao Congrong's face showed a smile of excitement, and even when he followed Hanxi's body, he was interested in the outside.

She also wants to see what the sacred red makeup is, and she is able to fascinate the characters like the patriarch.

Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei went all the way, and the scope of Tianzhu Zong was also great. There were many disciples of Tianzong in the vicinity.

These are the time when the disciples practiced.

With the emergence of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei, all the disciples paid attention to the two people and continually said hello to Emperor Beibei.

In the rear of them, there are also many disciples who come all the way just to watch the fun.

After all, Han Xiyu likes to know the things of Emperor Beibei. Everyone knows that Emperor Beibei is back with a hundred-mile red makeup. Hanxi will not miss it.

Once Han Xiyu and Bailihong makeup meet in front, it is a big excitement!

Most of the disciples of Tianzong in the weekdays are practicing, and there are not many busy activities. Now there is such a rare and lively experience that everyone is naturally unwilling to miss.

"Greater brother!"

Just as the two walked, suddenly, a cold and beautiful female voice passed from far away.

When I heard this sound, Bailihong makeup knew that there was nothing more than Hanxi.

Soon, a blue figure gradually appeared in the eyes of the two.

Han Xiyu's dress is as old as ever, and the light blue dress just sets off her lonely and cold temperament.

The dusty and bright face was filled with a faint smile. After seeing Emperor Beibei, the smile was deepened.

The disciples who were present were also uncomfortable after seeing Han Xiyu appear. Han Xiyi has always been the goddess in their minds.

"Hanxi is coming, and it will be lively at this moment."

"Han Xiyu's temperament is absolutely perfect, ice beauty, but this hundred-mile red makeup does not lose Hanxi in this convenient temperament."

Everyone looked at each other. Before the red makeup of Baili had not arrived in Tianzhu, everyone thought that the temperament of Han Xiyu must be crushed with red makeup.

It is for this reason that everyone feels that Emperor Beibei is so innocent.

Only after the two women stood close together, the people discovered that the situation was not what they imagined.

Han Xi's appearance is not the most outstanding, but it is because the temperament of the cold and arrogant high makes everyone feel unattainable, but adds a touch of indescribable charm.

However, the beauty of the Baili red makeup is the ultimate in both appearance and temperament, and the perfect face is the dream lover in all men's minds.

On the temperament, Han Xiyu's temperament is single, and the temperament of Bailihong makeup is changeable.

In the face of the cold and outstanding people, but in the face of the emperor, but it is fragrant.

It is this, the red makeup has already won, and her appearance has fulfilled all the dreams of men.

At this moment, everyone only thinks that the eyes of Emperor Beibei are not bad, but the opposite is very good.

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