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The eyes of the blood rose can not help but fall on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup. Since the red makeup appeared here, she felt that she was not happy.

Originally, the second layer of this blood gas tower is called her world, and she has never had problems before.

However, this hundred-mile red makeup has become a great variable, and the man who suddenly appeared next to the hundred-red-red makeup also showed absolute extraordinary.

She has been in the blood tower for a long time. Over the years, she has never seen anyone like the emperor, who can make the judges listen to it as long as one sentence is said. This identity is only extremely amazing.

The blood gas tower has always been a magical place. The blood gas tower has existed for a long time in the blood abyss. The money it earns is an amazing wealth, but no one knows where the money has flowed.

It’s hard to be done. Is this Emperor Beibei connected with the owner of the blood tower?

At the thought of this, the blood rose is incredible, which is really incredible.

However, in addition to this, she could not think of other reasons.

No matter what the reason is, even if Emperor Beibei used the method to buy the referee, it is the emperor's ability to do this step.

In the past few years, no one wants to buy a referee, but no one can do it.

On the stage, Emperor Beibei looked indifferently at the man in front of him, even though the test had begun, but his leisurely walk-in is not like fighting.

The man has been angry with the disregard of the emperor, and he thought that he would teach the emperor to sneak a bit. I didn’t expect that the emperor’s beggar would be so arguing, but he did not know what to do.

"Since you are so arrogant, then let's see the real chapter!"

The man’s eyes are cold and venomous, and he hates to kill the emperor.

Because such disregard is an insult.

However, for Emperor Bei, he is not such an idea at all.

Such an opponent could not evoke his interest at all. He was just waiting for the man to advance the attack. He said that the man had said so much nonsense, but he did not do it, and he was somewhat helpless.

Finally, after the man could not stand the indifference and contempt of Emperor Beibei, the vitality of his body suddenly surged, and his body rioted and rushed directly to the emperor!

He wants to let Emperor Beibei know his own power!

After seeing the men’s shots, the practitioners in the stands also showed a fascinating color in their eyes. I did not expect this man to look so ordinary, but the strength is very weak!

The eyes of the blood rose also fell on the high platform. Although the man showed good strength, she had a feeling of faintness. This man seems to be not the opponent of Emperor Beibei.

Compared with the curiosity of everyone, the red makeup and black wood are very indifferent. This is simply a battle without suspense.

If the emperor loses, it is a miracle!

Rao is a man who has already rushed to the emperor's north, and the face of the emperor's noble and beautiful beauty has never wavered, and even his eyes have not been lifted.

The contempt of the red fruit is not hidden.

Seeing the attitude of Emperor Beibei, everyone is silent.

"This man is arrogant, and he will be well received!"

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