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The next day, when the hundred-mile red makeup entered the blood gas tower, the eyes of everyone fell on the same body with the red makeup.

For this metamorphosis, they are also very speechless. After ten consecutive victories, they even passed the trial. This is to fight them!

In just one night, the reputation of Bailihong makeup in the **** abyss was also spread.

Although there are many practitioners who have passed the first layer of trials in the blood abyss, there are very few practitioners who can do like the red makeup.

For a time, many practitioners decided to make characters like Baili, and they would not be tempted to provoke them.

At least, they did not have the confidence to pass the trial after winning ten consecutive victories.

Therefore, when the hundred-mile red makeup entered the blood tower, the entire lobby had a moment of silence.

Faced with the eyes of everyone, the look of Baili red makeup was indifferent and alienated, and she went to the second floor. She no longer needs to stay on the first floor.

After seeing the red makeup disappeared, everyone on the first floor was relieved. This red makeup was too abnormal. It was excellent to go to the second floor earlier.

When Baili Red Makeup came to the second floor of the Blood Refining Tower, she found that the layout of this second layer was not much different from the first layer, but it looked even more gorgeous.

Not only that, but the number of beautiful people swimming here is also more.

These beautiful people are not the practitioners who come to Shaoguan, but the waiters of the blood tower.

The beauty waiters shuttled among the practitioners, and some of the blushing movements were interspersed among them.

Taking advantage of this scene, the red makeup is not unexpected, and there is such a situation on the first floor, but the situation on the second floor is even more intense.

As the red makeup went up to the second floor, she was attracted to the attention of everyone in white.

After all, the stunning beauty always has to be noticed.

Seeing the look of the hundred-mile red makeup, everyone in the lobby is also a bright light, so beautiful, it is really rare to see it on weekdays.

Many practitioners with beautiful women in their hands have changed their looks after seeing the red makeup.

The beauty that they thought they were squatting was already very good, but after seeing the red makeup, they felt that the beauty in their arms was not so beautiful.

On the contrary, whether it is temperament or other, it is not a grade with the red makeup.

"Where is the beauty here? The temperament is a must, I have never seen such a good thing!"

"You are so ignorant? Yesterday, the brilliance of the hundred-year-old red makeup should be her, a white dress, outstanding appearance, temperament dust, really can be recognized at a glance."

When one person said the name of the hundred-mile red makeup, everyone responded.

Nowadays, the colorful makeup in the **** abyss is the character of the limelight. Most of us have a certain understanding.

Living in the abyss of blood, the news is not well-informed.

"This woman is a hundred-mile red makeup, and it is not bad at all."

"The appearance is indeed outstanding, but it is too arrogant to do this. My brother has to teach her how to hold her tail."

For a time, all kinds of speeches were there, there was appreciation, disdain, interest, and disgust, but there was no doubt that everyone was full of curiosity about the red makeup.

The hundred-mile red makeup listened to the remarks of the people and did not put it in the heart. In the abyss of blood, this situation is normal.

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