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The eyes of the hundred-mile-red makeup fell on the two people who were fighting in the ring. The original strength of the two men was not much different. After this battle, the results will come out.

"Master, do you think these two guys will win?"

The black eyes flashed with excitement, and for this kind of thing, its eyesight is very accurate.

Listening to the words, Bailihong makeup carefully looked at the two people on the platform. The two men were burly and strong, while the other person looked a little thin. Both of them were in their twenties, and they showed sternness. gas.

Since entering the blood gas tower, Bailihong makeup has been paying attention to the situation of the two men. From the perspective of this competition, it is obvious that this burly person is more powerful and his strength is greater.

However, among the two, she is more optimistic about this figure who is thinner.

Because, she found that this person's movements are more dexterous, in the case of the two men's strength is not much difference, the burly men spend far more power than this man.

Once the battle is heated up, the burly man will certainly not hold on, so that the outcome can be distinguished.

"This thin man wins."

The exquisite and beautiful face is full of self-confidence, and the red lips are slightly hooked. She is very confident about this answer.

Listening to the answer of the hundred-mile red makeup, Xiao Hei was a little surprised. I didn't expect the master's eyesight to be so accurate. The idea was exactly the same as the master.

"I think so too!" Xiaohe smiled.

Although Xiao Bai did not speak, the application revealed from it can be judged that its answer is the same.

Although the two of them have been in the ring of chaos for many years, some people have a lot worse, but the things in this battle are not ambiguous at first glance, and the results can be distinguished at a glance.

The curvature of the lips of the red lips has been enlarged by a few points. She used to play with people, so the strength of the two people can be judged as long as she can.

Through the contest of these people in the ring, she can also learn more about the blood gas field.

This is extremely unwise if you rush to take a shot without knowing it.


A huge sound of a heavy object landed, and a man on the platform fell heavily on the ground.

As expected with the red makeup of the hundred miles, the man who fell is the burly man.

However, when the man fell to the ground and gasped and had no resistance, the thin man jumped into the burly man.


The burly man squirted a blood, his eyes gradually dissipated, and his vitality gradually disappeared.

The entire platform was almost red-stained with blood, and a thick **** smell spread in the blood gas field.

However, after killing one person, the thin man excitedly raised his hands and announced his victory to everyone!


A cheering voice swayed in the stands, this is the cheer of the winner!

"Haha, do it beautifully!"

The practitioners who made a lot of money because of the betrayed showed a smile, and they gave a thumbs up to the thin man, and they were able to get away for a while.

On the other hand, the gamblers who did the wrong gambling were not so good, and the whole face was gloomy.

"I went, that waste, actually hurting Laozi to lose money! I grew so strong that I didn't think it was used!"

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