Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 2335: Proposal (17)

The words "for the child" were too heavy, and it hit Gu Qingqing's heart almost instantly.

The arrival of this child was unexpected. When she knew it, she almost didn't hesitate to take it away. When she knew that the child could not be taken away, she even had an urge to abandon herself.

But people are so strange. In just over a month, as the belly gets bigger day by day, the baby in the belly gradually moves. With a response, I felt that a small life was gradually growing up, and that feeling was really warm, and it melted the ice in my heart without knowing it.

Even if she can have an abortion now, she might hesitate. This child is her baby, she belongs to her alone, and she will give him birth and raise him well.

But Lengscheng's words really made her stunned.

If she is alone, she is confident that even if it is only one thousand yuan, she can survive in a foreign country. But add another child... and still have no identity, a child who is about to be born. Gu Qingqing lowered his head and clenched his fingers in a fist. Before she knew it, her upper and lower teeth clenched tightly together.

I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting, the hot milk in her hand is already cold, she pushed the milk glass aside, as if she’s made up her mind: "Okay, I'll go back with you."

"It's not too good to always trouble people." Gu Qingqing got up, anyway, the matter has been discussed, and there are still some repetitive words afterwards.

She was the first to go out, and Lengsi City immediately followed. It was not far from Li's house. They came on foot. Gu Qingqing seemed to not want to walk too close to him, and walked towards the side of the road when he left the house. At a corner, there was a high school student who was riding a bicycle very fast. When he saw Gu Qingqing, it was already a bit late, and he rushed all the way by pressing the bell of the car. Leng Sicheng saw it and immediately walked over, grabbed her with his long arm, and carried her into his arms.

Gu Qingqing slammed into his chest. Even in the winter, his chest was as strong, generous and warm as always, just like in memory.

"Are you OK?"

Gu Qingqing raised his head following the voice. From her perspective, he saw his slightly green stubble chin first, and then his thin lips slightly pursed, and the bridge of his nose was cold and straight, and then up, an amber color. The pupils of the eyes were glowing with cold light. From this perspective, he is indeed very sentimental and arrogant. It's just that there seems to be a bit tired in this expression, the eyes are covered with red blood, the eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and there seems to be a blue shadow in the corners of the eyes.

Similarly, despite wearing thick winter clothes in winter, she also vaguely feels that Lengscheng's figure is really lighter than in the past, and it seems that he is really busy lately. I was so busy that I didn't even have time to shave the stubble growing on my chin.

"It's okay." She gently pushed away from his embrace, Lengscheng didn't miss it much, but pulled her from the road outside with a long arm, and walked outside by herself to prevent her from being hit again.

After that, the two had nothing to say, and they walked all the way to Li's house. Li Youyou had already returned by this time, and she was surprised to see her appearing with Leng Sicheng. Gu Qingqing first said: "I have troubled you these days, I will pack my things later."

Is this going to succumb? Li You You was angry. Just as she was about to persuade her to stay, Leng Sicheng spoke first: "If it's not troublesome, I don't know if I can ask you to take care of Qingqing for a few more days."

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