Best Movie Star

Chapter 990: Take an unusual step

[Book Title: Best Movie Star Chapter 990 Not Taking the Unusual Path Author: White No. 13]

The latest chapter of the best movie star 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" complete pinyin, easy to remember! nice novel

Highly recommended: I am the anti-virus software inverse scale master, Shengxu Xueying lord, a thought of the legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient gods and kings, the peak of Wulian, the gate of the five elements, and the gate of the mysterious world. "This series is too special."

In the office of Angel Agency, Helen-Hellman said to Matthew, "The novel is described from the first point of view of the heroine. You'd better find a female director."

Matthew nodded lightly, "I think so too."

I don't know why, but he's been hiring female directors lately. Sofia Coppola and Patty Jenkins have created two successful series, "Twilight" and "The Hunger Games," and are now looking for another one. Fifty Shades of Grey directed by a female director.

Is he really a friend of women?

Helen-Hellman added, "The selling point of the movie should be the hero and heroine, and the hero and heroine must be good enough in appearance."

Matthew smiled, "I already have a suitable candidate for the heroine."

The plan for this series is still on paper for the time being, and preparations will not be until next year at the earliest. If everything goes well by then, Amber Heard will be able to play the heroine.

He had also communicated with Amber Heard before, and Amber Heard was not at all repelled to appear in this series, but was very happy.

The heroine of such a super hit novel does not need to start filming, it is enough to attract the attention of countless people.

Helen Herman flipped through the documents in front of her and said, "I contacted four female directors, and they all refused." She rubbed her forehead lightly, "The content of the novel is still too sensitive."

Matthew also had a headache, so he could only say, "Calm down, look for it slowly, you can always find a suitable candidate."

Just like actors, there are also many directors waiting for opportunities.

However, the bad reputation of this series is also an undeniable fact.

The "Fifty Shades of Grey" trilogy is still generating astounding sales figures every day, but while the popularity has surged, the media and the public have given a one-sided negative evaluation of the book's quality.

I can't wait to admit that, compared to the wizarding world of "Harry Potter" and the prehistoric continent of "A Song of Ice and Fire", "Fifty Shades of Grey" is just about an ordinary overbearing president who falls in love with Cinderella. The old-fashioned stories of , except for those s and m plots where the hormones burst, everything is no different from the Mary Sue novels that once caught women's attention.

The media generally scoffed at the book's literary value. When "Fifty Shades of Grey" was on the bestseller list, the New York Times published a special comment saying: "This book is poorly written, and in some places It's so badly written that it won't win any awards at all. If you can put aside your doubts for a while, and the urge to slap the face of such an unloving heroine, then you might like this book too."

Even people who bought the book were very dissatisfied with the plot of the novel, in addition to imagining some taboo scenes with those sensitive plot descriptions.

Some netizens claimed: "I have never seen a publication that is worse written than it. In contrast, "Twilight" has become "War and Peace"."

Countless media outlets mourned the "end of civilization" at the end of this month when Publishers Weekly named "Fifty Shades of Grey" its "publishing publication of the year."

But Hollywood has proven countless times that the most extensive group of ordinary people in the world has a far greater demand for the popular than for the elegant.

The hot sale of "Fifty Shades of Grey" is undoubtedly the best response in this regard.

Readers complained about the novel's tedious prose, but kept prying at some of its plots, because the novel not only dispelled eccentricities and brought **** and flogging into airport bookstores and reading groups around the world, but also eliminated certain sexuality. Sophistication, brought them out of castles, boudoirs, and other high-end French mansions, and planted them in the land of the general public.

Even "Fifty Shades of Grey" has spawned countless eccentric works on the Internet, targeting the unspeakable fantasies in the minds of tens of millions of readers.

This book is meant to make people find pleasure in it.

Therefore, Matthew also made a certain assumption that future film adaptations should show those sensitive things within the maximum scale allowed by mpaa.

As for offline products such as DVDs, we can directly make them into nc-17.

Maybe in addition to normal advertising, you can also pull a strange sponsor? It is not without big manufacturers that produce those appliances.

Then there is the screenwriter. If you want a movie to be more interesting than a novel, the director is the most important, and the screenwriter cannot ignore it. A screenwriter who wants to adapt such a series of novels into an interesting script must definitely find an old driver.

Regardless of male or female drivers, they must always drive, and they also like the kind that don't take the usual route.

Matthew thought about several screenwriters he knew, whether it was Akiva Goldsman, or Chris Morgan, or Sofia Coppola, it was not very suitable.

The first two take the route of high-end commercial films, while the latter is used to writing and directing.

With their status, they will not join this series.

In the end, he asked Helen Herman to pay attention to see if he could find an old driver, preferably a female driver.

"You can adapt it yourself." Helen Herman said directly, "When I went to your house half a year ago, I visited the first floor and saw an interesting game room."

Matthew didn't deny it, because at that time he didn't mean to keep Helen Herman a secret at all, otherwise he wouldn't open the door to see her casually.

Helen Herman continued, "You have a lot of experience, and you adapt your actual combat experience into the script, and the film must be very interesting."

"With my writing level, can I do it?" Matthew asked rhetorically.

"Yeah." Helen Herman said the basic facts. "Scriptwriting is an impossible character for you."

Matthew nodded, "My cultural foundation is too poor."

After several years of hard work and a lot of time, he solved the basic reading and writing problems. Now he can write something coherently without making the most basic grammatical errors, but it is too far from writing.

Helen-Hellman thought about it, "You can hire a screenwriter, preferably a female screenwriter, you dictate, and then let her rewrite your dictation into a script from a professional point of view."

She laughed suddenly, "Writer Matthew Horner, what a gimmick."

Matthew resisted the urge to roll his eyes and said, "I remember you said once that you tried writing scripts when you were in school, right?" Before Helen Herman could speak, he quickly said, "Why don't you In this way, you will be the screenwriter."

Helen Herman adjusted her glasses without any embarrassment on her face, and said calmly, "I am an economic man and cannot directly participate in the creation of the film."

"You're only a gunman." Matthew imitated her tone and said lightly, "Only my name is listed on the screenwriter, won't this solve it?"

Helen Herman didn't expect the matter to end up on her head. She glanced at Matthew and said, "Let's talk about the screenwriter when the director is confirmed."

Matthew nodded, "You go to the director first."

For commercial films, the director is much more important than the screenwriter, especially for this kind of adaptation, what the screenwriter has to do is to make a proposition composition.

Then, Matthew chatted with Helen Herman about some secret plans, and it was almost noon before leaving her office.

Going down the second floor and coming to the recreation room on the first floor, Matthew found Margot Robbie who was bored playing games alone.

"I'm going to see Director Nolan later, and I want to have lunch with him." Entering the entertainment room, Matthew looked at Margot Robbie, "Are you going home?"

Margot Robbie picked up her phone and shook it, "I got a call from my agent and I'm going to Warner Bros. this afternoon." She went on to say, "But Helen Herman asked me to have lunch together, You go first."

Matthew nodded and was about to go to the Warner Building to find Christopher Nolan. Margot Robbie seemed to remember something and stopped him again.

"By the way, Matthew, your phone is with me." Margot Robbie handed a smartphone to Matthew.

When getting out of the car before, Matthew's cell phone fell on the car, and he made a special call for Margot Robbie on the first floor to take it so that no one could get the call.

Matthew took the phone, and Margot-Robbie added, "A girl named Emma called you."

Emma? Emma Watson and Emma Roberts immediately popped out of Matthew's head. Apart from these two people, it seems that no other girl knows her private mobile phone number, right? "

Margot-Robbie added, "She said some very strange things, saying that it was winter and she was a little cold and wanted to keep warm."

"I see." Matthew didn't explain, and it's not easy to explain this kind of thing, so he could only say, "It's the same thing as before."

Margot Robbie understood the meaning of this and said, "She seems to have a bad temper. I didn't understand. I asked her to repeat it. She even scolded me directly, and I hung up the phone."

Matthew sighed secretly and said with relief, "Just ignore her."

Margot Robbie nodded and said nothing.

After leaving the Angel Agency, thinking of the cold weather and irritable temper, Matthew naturally knew that the caller should be Emma Roberts. He opened the phone and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar landline number, and he did not mean to return the call. , got into the car and said directly to the driver, "Go to the Warner Building."

In ten minutes, Matthew met Christopher Nolan in the newly opened restaurant on the first floor of the Warner Building. The two of them met to discuss the matter of "Interstellar", and Christopher Nolan gave him a few books. , are all about astronomy and science and technology, let him take time to read it.

This film involves a lot of scientific principles that are relatively esoteric at present, and Matthew doesn't know anything about them, so he can only do his best.

After Thanksgiving in Los Angeles, he returned to London to film the rest of Fast and Furious 6. 2k novel reading network

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