Best Movie Star

Chapter 932: attack

"One best actor, one best director."

Inside the elevator, Harvey Weinstein stretched out **** first, then a third finger, "And the best picture!"

His fat face pulled out an undisguised smug smile, "The Artist is the biggest winner! I...still the winner!"

No one is denying this, not even Matthew, the just-concluded Oscars are here, and The Artist and Harvey Weinstein behind it are indeed the biggest winners.

Elizabeth Olsen's hand has been taken back from Matthew's arm. She has been in the show business for many years. She has heard too many myths about Harvey Weinstein and has been advised too many times not to offend this. famous Jewish people.

Matthew also noticed Elizabeth Olsen's actions, which is not surprising. After all, Anne Hathaway has done similar things, including himself, which Hollywood stars are unrealistic?

For Elizabeth Olsen, he didn't take it too seriously, but some ideas suddenly flashed through his mind.

Compared to some people, like Anne Hathaway and Elizabeth Olsen are really too ordinary.

But he was going to play in front of Harvey Weinstein, not capturing the thoughts that flashed through his mind.

Matthew yawned again, his face slowly showing a bit of exhaustion, and he said impatiently, "Oscar..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone rang suddenly.

Everyone looked at Elizabeth Olsen. Elizabeth Olsen quickly opened her handbag, took out her phone, took a look, put it in her ear, and said in surprise, "What? What did you say? I know Now! I'll rush over! I'll be there soon."

After speaking, she hung up the phone, stuffed the phone in her handbag, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, Matthew."

Elizabeth Olsen's voice was not loud, but she could clearly hear Harvey Weinstein on the opposite side. "My sister is also in the hotel, and they have something urgent over there. I will rush over there."

Matthew waved his hand, "Go ahead."

Elizabeth Olsen hurriedly turned and left. After walking out of the elevator, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. She quickly took out her mobile phone and glanced at it again. Fortunately, someone called, otherwise she would stay there, and she might be unlucky in the future.

Will Matthew have an opinion on himself? Elizabeth Olsen is not worried about this. Matthew is a recognized friend of women and has always had a reputation for treating women. It is like Harvey Weinstein, who often uses some shameful means to persecute women.

In the elevator, Harvey Weinstein said sarcastically, "A very smart girl, right?"

Matthew sucked his nose and answered irrelevantly, "Harvey, I don't know if the three golden statuettes of Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor at the Oscars can make a black and white silent film like "The Artist" earn 10 million more?"

Harvey Weinstein instantly realized one thing, "The news in the media some time ago was that you were playing tricks?"

Since "The Artist" began to be screened, there has always been a very loud voice in the public opinion, saying that "The Artist" is a black and white silent film that cheats money, which directly affects the marketing and promotion of "The Artist", resulting in poor screening effect, and there is not even any one. Point-to-point theaters grossed more than $5,000 a week in a single venue.

Such a black-and-white silent film was originally poorly received by the audience, but it was not difficult for him. After all, how many Oscar films he worked on in the past were friendly to the audience? There are still a large number of people obediently paying the bill.

Unexpectedly, the rhythm of "The Artist" was brought in advance, making it difficult to use art and the influence of the Oscars to lure the audience into the venue. Even after the Oscar nominations were announced and the film was expanded, the box office revenue was still poor. North America grossed less than $5 million at the box office.

This still has the Oscar effect, otherwise this black and white silent film will be even worse.

Of all the eight films nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars, "The Artist" is now the worst at the North American box office.

He has been looking for the person behind the scenes, and it turns out that the person who is the one who disgusts him the most, is the one he wants to deal with the most.

Matthew neither admitted nor denied, but continued what he just said, "Oh..." He was about to speak, but yawned just right, "I heard that you have invested nearly ten million dollars in the Oscar PR of "The Artist" What a big deal, three heavyweight Oscar statuettes, really enviable!"

This seems to be a word of admiration, but no matter how you listen to it, there is a problem.

Especially Bob Weinstein, who knows the finances and operations of Weinstein Films best, no one knows better than him that "The Artist" is the big winner at the Oscars and seems to be the biggest winner. Very crazy, but the inside is completely different from the surface.

Because of Harvey Weinstein's insistence, Weinstein Pictures spent more than $35 million on the rights to "The Artist," distribution and Oscar PR.

This is a huge sum of money, and if "The Artist" cannot break out after the Oscars, it will inevitably cause huge losses.

Will 'The Artist' explode? Harvey Weinstein is optimistic and believes that his Oscar strategy will continue to be successful, but Bob Weinstein is not optimistic at all. The market rhythm of this film has been skewed, and it is impossible to pull it back. possible.

Most importantly, this is a black and white silent film!

What age is it, how many audiences can black and white silent films like in addition to pleasing to those nostalgic old men?

From the very beginning he opposed Harvey Weinstein running the film, very strongly opposed, but in Weinstein Pictures, his right to speak is much worse than Harvey Weinstein.

Harvey Weinstein may still be living the feeling that winning an Oscar means winning everything, but Bob Weinstein is well aware that The Artist is losing money.

How much can such a black and white silent film have at the North American box office? They have expanded their release, and now they are less than $5 million at the box office. Even with the Oscar effect, the most optimistic estimate is $10 million.

What about overseas? Except for a few countries in Europe, is there a market for this kind of film?

Besides, the copyright in Europe is not in their hands!

Weinstein Pictures can only operate in markets other than Europe, and the rest of the market can have two or three million dollars in box office revenue.

This money has to be distributed to theaters and overseas distributors. How much will fall into the hands of Weinstein Pictures?

With such a poor box office, can you expect peripheral discs or TV network rights to sell at high prices? It is not bad that the surrounding copyright income can have one tenth of the box office.

In this era, how many people watch black and white silent films when they have nothing to do?

As for other peripherals other than copyright, it is basically equivalent to zero. Which manufacturer has nothing to do with a niche black and white silent film that can no longer be niche to sell products?

After tossing so many times, Weinstein Pictures must collapse!

Harvey Weinstein's eyes were stern, and when he saw that Matthew's spirit seemed to be even worse, he automatically ignored the words that Matthew said, and his fat face was only slightly mocking.

He is not an actor after all, even if he suppressed the surprise in his heart, there was still a hint of it.

"I'm not arguing with you now, it's pointless." The more Harvey Weinstein looked at Matthew, the more he looked like a drug addict, and suddenly felt that there was no point in fighting.

He doesn't need to do much, just wait and time will take Matthew Horner down!

It looks like Amber Heard is doing well.

Matthew had already figured out the role of a drug addict, and he was naturally handy. He twitched his nose unnaturally, and said, "Harvey, when "The Artist" recovers the cost, remember to notify me."

After he finished speaking, he didn't stay long, bypassed Harvey Weinstein, and went straight into the elevator.

Meryl Streep glanced back at the closed elevator door, and Matthew Horner yawned again, looking tired.

Isn't this guy famous for his high energy? how does it look like...

She has been in Hollywood for many years and has enough knowledge that this is a precursor to drug addiction.

Matthew Horner on drugs?

Meryl Streep thought of this instantly. First, she was a little surprised, and then she felt that it was reasonable. Is it strange that such a person who likes to pursue new and exciting drugs is trying drugs?

The elevator door closed behind Meryl Streep made sure the elevator went down, leaned into Harvey Weinstein's ear, and said in a low voice, "Matthew Horner seems to be addicted to drugs."

Since she can easily sell it, she doesn't mind.

Harvey Weinstein's smug smile flickered, "Well, I look like that too."

Judging from all aspects of the situation, Matthew Horner has fallen into his trap and has not noticed anything yet. Let him take advantage of his words now, and in the future...

It will take a while, when the addiction grows, and he can instigate a new plan.

The group walked out of the elevator, Meryl Streep went to the bathroom, Bob Weinstein hurriedly stepped forward and whispered, "Harvey, we and Matthew..."

Harvey Weinstein immediately raised his hand to stop him from continuing, "You don't need to say more about this, I know it!"

Hearing this, Bob Weinstein swallowed the unspoken words, stopped, and watched Harvey Weinstein gradually walk away. He knew that he wanted to change the situation of Weinstein Pictures, and only persuasion is impossible.

Matthew didn't go upstairs again, he went directly to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, called the driver and asked him to drive to the main entrance of the hotel.

Standing behind the glass curtain wall of the hotel, thinking of Elizabeth Olsen who had just left, Matthew suddenly lost interest. Anyone would be disgusted by such a thing.

From entering Hollywood to the present, he has seen too many such women, all of whom seem to be extremely shrewd.

In comparison, those silly women seem to be too few.

The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle arrived at the front of the hotel at this time. Matthew was just about to leave the hotel, and there was a sound of high heels falling from behind, and then Elizabeth Olsen's voice came, "Matthew, can you hear me?"

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