Best Movie Star

Chapter 800: special offer

Two changes today

Vaguely, from the bar, you can hear the commotion outside. Alex Watson is not famous, but Bonnie Wright, who plays Ginny Weasley, is famous. They are obviously gathered by reporters outside the door. The paparazzi surrounded.

It's been a long time since the incident happened, and in places like Los Angeles, reporters have already gotten the news.

Matthew ignored the chaos outside, but chatted a few words with his lawyer Wilson, and then asked Wilson's lawyer to stare at the matter.

Wilson's lawyer also clearly told him that even if Justin Bieber is under 20 years old, as long as the prosecution insists on pursuing such a large package of drugs, it will be difficult for Justin Bieber to escape the crime.

With the right amount of pressure on their side, Justin Bieber's chances of getting out are negligible.

"Let's be here tonight." Matthew looked at the time, "You also go back to rest early, we will keep in touch."

Lawyer Wilson picked up the briefcase, nodded and said, "I just asked, there is a back door here, you should go through the back door."

Several police officers took Justin Bieber out of the bar at this time. Justin Bieber was handcuffed. I don't know if it was the exhaustion caused by the disappearance of the excitement brought by the alcohol and drugs, or was beaten by Matthew. Looking very pitiful.

But none of the people at the door took pity on him.

Later, another policeman followed him with evidence.

Sophie Sumner whispered, "Will he go to jail for such a big bag of drugs?"

"Definitely." Emma Watson knows a little about the law here. "It's hard to say how many years it will be sentenced."

Matthew waved goodbye to Wilson's attorney and said to Emma Watson, "Go through the back door."

Emma Watson had no problem with this. Originally let Alex Watson and Bonnie Wright go out first, just to attract reporters, and immediately said, "Okay, let's go to the back door."

With Bonnie Wright attracting firepower, there will be no journalist paparazzi at the back door.

Following Matthew towards the back door of the bar, just two steps away, Emma Watson found that Sophie Sumner was following.

She slowed down a little, fell behind Matthew, and asked in a low voice, "Sophie, why didn't you go?"

Sophie Sumner didn't answer, but asked, "Where are you going?"

Emma Watson didn't even bother to hide it, and said directly, "Matthew and I are going to Horner Manor, and I should spend the night there tonight."

The meaning of this reminder is very clear, she won't leave if she goes, why should you go?

Sophie Sumner did not understand, smiled and whispered, "How about... I'll go with you?"

Emma Watson stopped, turned to look at Sophie Sumner, lowered her voice, and asked, "Sophie, what do you mean?"

The two have known each other for many years, but Sophie Sumner is still quite shy about Emma Watson's thoughts, glanced at Matthew, who was still walking towards the back door, and explained, "You said, you and Matthew is not a boyfriend and girlfriend, and he won't be a boyfriend and girlfriend in the future, so if that's the case, it's okay to share it with me, right?"

She took Emma Watson's hand, shook it, and said, "There are too few good men like Matthew Horner."

Emma Watson lowered her head and considered for a second, then said slowly, "Let Matthew make the decision."

She had decided before that tonight Matthew would let him do whatever he wanted.

If Matthew wants Sophie Sumner to go back with him, for what he's done for himself tonight, that's not out of the question.


Emma Watson didn't think much of it, picked up her pace, and caught up with Matthew at the back door, with Sophie Sumner following her.

"Matthew, wait." Emma Watson called Matthew, "something."

Hearing Emma Watson's words, Matthew turned to look at Emma Watson and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Emma Watson didn't answer, and said directly to Sophie Sumner, "You should tell Matthew."

Matthew wondered, what was Emma Watson doing with her friend named Sophie Sumner?

Sophie Sumner came to Matthew and said with a smile, "I heard Emma say she's going to be a guest at your house? Can I go?" She emphasized, "With Emma."

How could Matthew not hear such an obvious hint, and his eyes unconsciously turned to Sophie Sumner, the girl was about the same age as Emma Watson, with curly pale blonde long hair, The height is close to 1.8 meters, and the body shape is quite punctual.

Matthew has a lot of experience, and it is not difficult to tell that this girl is either a professional model or has a long-term professional model training.

For his aesthetic, Sophie Sumner is beautiful and in a much better shape than Taylor Swift.

"With Emma Watson."

These words are even more heart-wrenching. What kind of man does not get excited when he hears it?

Just thinking about being with Emma Watson and her friend tonight at the same time, Matthew almost blurted out.

But then he realised a question, why wasn't the word from Emma Watson, who was close to him, but Sophie Sumner?

Thinking of this, Matthew glanced at Emma Watson again, Emma Watson had a straight face without a smile.

It seems that Emma Watson is not happy, but does not want her to refuse, but leaves it to herself to make the decision?

Matthew roughly guessed what Emma Watson was thinking and made a decision in an instant.

"I want to catch up with Emma tonight, it's inconvenient." Matthew politely refused, "Let's talk about it another day."

Although he is a super **** and tired of playing logging again and again, he has never been the kind of person who ignores the thoughts of his girlfriend, except when he treats Carolina Kirkova a little too much.

Cooperating with each other and enjoying each other is the real enjoyment.

When Sophie Sumner heard Matthew's words, she couldn't help but be stunned. Did she not understand enough? When did Matthew Horner get so serious?

Emma Watson raised one corner of her mouth and showed a signature smile, and Matthew did not disappoint her after all.

"It's getting late." Matthew raised his wrist to look at his watch. "Miss Sumner, go back to rest early. If you don't have a car, I can have someone drive you."

Just as Matthew spoke, Emma Watson stepped forward and took Matthew's arm.

Sophie Sumner pouted and said a little bluntly, "No need, I'll go back by myself." She looked at Emma Watson, "Tomorrow premiere, don't get up late."

Emma Watson nodded slightly, "I know."

Matthew said no more, and took Emma Watson out of the back door of the bar and into the Mercedes-Benz commercial van that was already waiting here.

"Go back to the manor," he told the driver.

The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle started, slowly drove away from here, and ran towards Horner Manor.

After a night of tossing, Emma Watson was a little tired and simply rested on Matthew.

Matthew raised the flap and asked curiously, "What's the matter with you and that Sophie Sumner? It's confusing me."

"Are you confused?" Emma Watson laughed, "I think you understand."

Matthew sighed deeply, "Do you know how hard it is to say no?"

Emma Watson nodded lightly, "I understand." She leaned into Matthew's ear and said, "So, tonight you can do whatever you want, and when you help me deal with Justin Bieber, I will Decided."

"Oh." Matthew deliberately put on a thoughtful look, "I have to think about this, is there anything more peculiar, such as..."

Emma Watson looked at him and smiled without saying a word.

Matthew dragged his tone and said, "Like a whip, a candle or something."

"You dare!" Emma Watson's eyes widened, she was really worried that Matthew would be fooling around, and quickly changed the subject, "Sophie proposed to follow me to your place, and I decided at that time that you would make the decision tonight, so did not reject her."

Matthew understood and said, "So, you let me make the decision?" Seeing Emma Watson nod, he asked again, "What if I agree?"

Emma Watson was silent for a while, and then said, "I'll go crazy with you all night, and then stop talking."

"Fortunately." Matthew let out a long sigh and seemed to be very lucky. "Fortunately, I resisted the temptation and made the right choice, otherwise I will lose you forever."

Emma Watson snorted and said, "You care?"

Matthew smiled, "Don't forget, we are still good friends, I don't have many friends."

A few words came to his mouth, and Emma Watson swallowed it again. This messy relationship was not caused by one person, but was chosen by the two of them.

To put it bluntly, she and Matthew owe nothing to anyone.

Except tonight...

"You think of a way." Emma Watson said slowly, "Can you let that **** Justin Bieber stay in jail for a while."

Matthew nodded lightly, "I'll try my best."

According to Wilson's lawyer, in addition to his age, Justin Bieber's events tonight are full of pitfalls for this little bastard.

Some pits were dug by Some pits were brought by Justin Bieber.

"I've never been so disgusted with a person." Emma Watson felt sick thinking of Justin Bieber, "Matthew, I've decided that until you officially have a girlfriend or I officially have a boyfriend, we will keep The current relationship, okay?"

Without even thinking about it, Matthew responded, "That's exactly what I hoped for."

Back at Horner Manor, Matthew directly carried Emma Watson upstairs to the bedroom. He decided to start from the bathroom and let Emma Watson fulfill tonight's promise.

Of course, Emma Watson's relationship with him is a bit complicated, and it's not Carolina Kirkova, but Matthew still understands enough.

Moreover, the next day is the North American premiere of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", when the heroine Emma Watson cannot attend, it is estimated that the crew will go crazy.

After a crazy night, Matthew accompanies Emma Watson on makeup, hair, etc., before appearing on the red carpet at the premiere together in the afternoon.

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