Best Movie Star

Chapter 388: distribution rights

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Hearing the name Harvey Weinstein, Matthew nodded slightly. Of course he knew who Harvey Weinstein was. The Weinstein brothers are definitely the top bigwigs in the Hollywood independent production industry and the backbone of the producer alliance. One, looking at the whole of Hollywood, can also be called a person with enormous power.

Since the early 1990s, the two brothers' studios have really risen to become the banner of independent Hollywood film circles, and then joined the Oscar game. Since the mid-1990s, Harvey Weinstein has completely changed the Oscar game. Rules, if the previous Oscar PR will affect the winning, after Harvey Weinstein's "The English Patient" won the Oscar for Best Picture, the Oscars have really entered the era of PR decisions.

Among them, the representative works are undoubtedly "Shakespeare in Love" to kill "Saving Private Ryan", "Chicago" to beat "The Pianist", and at the same time, it also won several Oscar's best actor and actress...

To this day, people mention that Gwyneth Paltrow won the Best Actress Oscar for Shakespeare in Love, and it's all a joke and a scandal.

Of course, there are countless actresses who want to emulate Gwyneth Paltrow, even the most watery Oscar-winning actress, who is also an actress, and can make her worth skyrocket.

Naturally, Harvey Weinstein, who can bring people to Oscar nominations and even awards, has also become the target of countless male and female stars.

As we all know, the independent film circle is far more chaotic than the mainstream commercial film circle in Hollywood. As Harvey Weinstein, who holds great power, his life and work style can be imagined.

The capital structure of large-scale commercial films is complex, the corresponding power constraints are more obvious, and the risk of failure of investing hundreds of millions of dollars is huge. If it fails, it will be enough to make the responsible director and producer unable to turn over for a lifetime.

The source of funds for independent production is relatively single, the scale of investment is small, the risk pressure is also small, and power tends to be concentrated. For example, the films operated by Harvey Weinstein are mainly Oscar-winning, and three or four films are often assembled each year. The film specially customized for the Academy will attack the Oscars. As long as one can win important awards, even if all the others fail, with the bonus of the Oscar effect, it is enough to make a profit.

From the mid-1990s to the present, Harvey Weinstein has screwed up far more independent films than the Oscar-winning films, but the film companies he and Bob Weinstein have successively controlled, scale and influence Getting bigger and bigger, the net worth of the two brothers is getting richer and richer.

This kind of business model is only suitable for independent films with small investment. If it is replaced with commercial blockbusters, a large production with an investment of 200 million US dollars may fail, and it may be lost forever.

It is no exaggeration to say that, after these years of development, Harvey Weinstein has become a golden sign in the Hollywood independent film industry.

Like the famous Judi Dench, when he cooperated with Harvey Weinstein in "Shakespeare in Love", in order to please Harvey Weinstein, he won the best supporting actress and directly named Harvey Weinstein's name. Tattooed on her buttocks and declared that she could show it on the Oscars red carpet if she had to...

For all actors with Oscar ambitions, the name Harvey Weinstein holds enormous magic and appeal.

However, for stars who focus on business development, Harvey Weinstein is just a passerby, and the Weinstein brothers rarely get involved in first-line commercial productions.

The deepest commercial production so far has only participated in a small part of the investment in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

In addition to his fame in the Oscars and independent film circles, Matthew has heard the most rumors about Harvey Weinstein, or he likes to call actresses to hotels for auditions, meetings and job talks, as long as they hang out in Hollywood for a few months. , basically understand what this means.

There have been rumors in the circle that most of the actresses who have worked with Harvey Weinstein, including female stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, have an affair with Harvey Weinstein.


Transactions such as pay and return are common in Hollywood, but after all, Hollywood is not in the 1950s and 1960s. Transactions are basically based on your own wishes, and there is rarely a forced situation, but Matthew heard According to the rumors, Harvey Weinstein likes to fuck, and sometimes uses force on some ordinary little actors.

Those little actors could only swallow their voices because of his power or their own future.

However, the road travels a lot, and eventually there will be pits.

In this era of high information circulation, it is very unrealistic for one person to block all the news. Hollywood bigwigs and top stars who can bring opportunities are all about being romantic and not lewd. Like Michael Bay, he also Famous likes to hang out with the actresses of his own crew, but his reputation is much better than Harvey Weinstein.

If you use force more times, you will eventually meet that kind of woman who doesn't want to swallow her voice. Maybe Harvey Weinstein can suppress it once or twice, but if you use it more often, the pressure from the media and the police will increase. Someone pushed from behind...

In an era where such information can be spread all over the world in a few minutes, once it is entangled in such scandals, it is impossible to wash it clean.

Matthew is very clear that the Hollywood circle is very realistic and powerful, and even himself is no exception.

If someone is caught up in a huge scandal, you can imagine that everyone will stand up, and can't wait to beat the underdogs and quickly draw a line.

That's what Hollywood is all about.

When he was a young actor, he once heard an extra who had just entered the circle say that Hollywood has no unspoken rules, Hollywood has no power and **** trade, Hollywood is clean like a pool of clear water, and Hollywood's sound system avoids all black trades ...

Matthew only replied to the extra at the time: Hollywood is so clean! It's not like the human world is clean.

I wonder what the extra thought when he saw Harvey Weinstein?

Perhaps Harvey Weinstein and the rumored actresses and female stars were in a pure love relationship, but the relationship lasted a little shorter.

Matthew doesn't think that he is a good person either. He has a lot of flirtatiousness in terms of women, but he will never fail to use his strength. Not to mention other things, it is very worthy of vigilance just for the possible future troubles.

He did not forget the original intention, but the original intention was used to enjoy, not to cause trouble for himself.

In just a few minutes, countless thoughts about Harvey Weinstein flashed through Matthew's head.

"Did Helen say anything specific?" he asked.

Bella Anderson shook her head, "No, Helen only said it had something to do with "Three Hundred Spartans." She immediately handed over the phone, "Helen asked you to call her back."

Matthew took the phone and dialed Helen Herman's number, "It's me, Helen."

Helen Herman's voice sounded immediately, "Harvey Weinstein just came to the company to find me, for "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors"."

"What does he want to do?" Matthew frowned slightly, "We have no business dealings with him, do we?"

Helen Herman on the other side of the phone said directly, "Harvey Weinstein wants the distribution rights of "Three Hundred Spartans", I am not familiar with him, and have basically no contact with him. Frank Miller introduced it. came here."

Probably guessing that Matthew didn't know much about these overly complicated personal relationships, she explained, "Frank Miller has worked with Harvey Weinstein, and the producer of Sin City is Wayne Dimen Pictures, a subsidiary of the Stan Brothers, is distributed by Miramax."

Matthew asked suspiciously, "Didn't the Weinstein brothers leave Miramax?"

"Harvey Weinstein and Bob Weinstein were still at Miramax when Sin City was set to be released," Helen Herman explained over the phone. "They only officially left this year. Miramax founded Weinstein Pictures, which is now a subsidiary of Weinstein Pictures."

She paused, then added, "After the success of Sin City, Harvey Weinstein recognized the value of Frank Miller's work, and if he hadn't been busy breaking up with Walt Disney, we would have They can't win the movie license of "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors". Now the Weinstein brothers have left Miramax, have drawn a clear line with Walt Disney, and have the energy to deal with film affairs, but "Spartan" The copyright of "Three Hundred Warriors" has been in our hands."

Matthew smiled, "We're lucky."

According to Helen Herman, if it weren't for the Weinstein Brothers' conflict with Walt Disney, it would be difficult for them to get the movie license of "Three Hundred Spartans" from Frank Miller.

After all, Frank Miller had already worked with the Weinstein brothers on Sin City.

He shook his head and asked, "Helen, isn't Harvey Weinstein only interested in independent films?"

Helen Herman said calmly, ""The Three Hundred Spartans" is essentially an independent Matthew thought about it, "The Three Hundred Spartans" only has As an investor, a small film company like Sky Dance Pictures can indeed be classified as an independent film.

"What do you think of this?" Matthew asked again.

"Harvey Weinstein is very capable, and the Weinstein Films he founded has a certain distribution capability, there is no doubt about that." Helen Herman's voice was still so indifferent, "but he is not as good as Warner Bros. , we don't plan to rush for the prize!"

"Yeah." Matthew laughed. "How did you tell him?"

"Sky Dance Pictures has already signed a distribution agreement with Warner Bros." Helen Herman said slowly, "We don't need to offend big guys like Harvey Weinstein, I've pushed all of them to Sky Dance Pictures. on the head."

Matthew got it. "Having David Ellison on Harvey Weinstein? That's a good idea."

Helen Herman ignored Matthew's words, but instead reminded, "You are the key to this project. Be careful, Harvey Weinstein may find you."

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