Best Movie Star

Chapter 266: very fit

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Who would choose "Brokeback Mountain" if it is not an actor who is facing a transformation or a serious career stagnation? Matthew himself is not interested in making a base, even if it is a base on the screen, Helen Herman looks at this invitation with the most normal eyes, Matthew's career is very smooth, and there is no need for transformation, why should he take such a risk? Big risk to take on a **** role?

Compared to Focus Films and Ann Lee's projects, Michael Bay and Ridley Scott's invitations are more valuable in her eyes.

"Ridley Scott specifically called me to ask about your schedule." Helen Herman seemed to have a headache, "Matthew, he intends to make you play the leading role in the new film, which is roughly the theme of the Crusades. "

Hearing this, Matthew immediately thought of Orlando Bloom. Isn't this Orlando Bloom's epic war movie about Jerusalem?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said, "Didn't you say that you won't take on costume-type roles in the past two years?"

At that time, there was a lot of noise on many pirated movie download sites. What theatrical version was super bad, and the director's cut version was a masterpiece. He was influenced by this, and he also downloaded the two versions and compared them. There was only one feeling, the same movie. Name, director and starring, theatrically released version and the director's cut version are basically two movies.

Remember when someone said it was a good example of the failure of Hollywood's producer-centric system.

The reason is that the final editing rights of the film are not in Ridley-Scott's hands.

Now, can Ridley Scott get the final editing rights?

After several years of observation and understanding, Matthew can actually see clearly that it is impossible for a Hollywood first-level director like Ridley Scott to get the final editing rights.

The directors who are still shooting movies today can basically count them with one slap if they can get the final editing rights of the movie.

So, even disregarding the fact that this is a costume-type role, Ridley Scott's invitation doesn't have to be considered.

"You wouldn't want me to accept Ridley Scott's invitation, would you?" Matthew asked tentatively.

After all, Helen Herman and Ridley Scott have an unusual relationship.

Helen Herman rarely showed an embarrassed expression, "Emotionally speaking, Ridley Scott has helped you and me, and we should consider his invitation carefully."

Matthew did not speak. He is developing very well now, and it is impossible to risk his future.

"But intellectually," Helen Herman added, "it's not good for your future to take on this costume role."

She didn't say the specific reason, and analyzed it to Matthew a long time ago.

The signboard of Angel's agency is Matthew, which is also her biggest star. The significance of Matthew's existence is not only to provide high remuneration commissions, but also to negotiate and shoot like "Scorpion King" and "Dawn of the Living Dead". , which effectively drives other businesses of the Angel Agency. If there is a problem with Matthew's career, it will not only be damaged by Matthew himself, but also with her and the Angel Agency.

Matthew never answered. He wanted to see Helen Herman's choice. Faced with this situation, a qualified agent should put the interests of movie stars first.

Helen Herman quickly said, "This project doesn't have to be considered. I will find a suitable reason to decline Ridley Scott."

Matthew nodded and continued, "That leaves Michael Bay's project."

Helen Herman elaborated, "Michael Bay went to DreamWorks and Spielberg after leaving Jerry Bruckheimer, and this is his first film since breaking up with Jerry Bruckheimer. "

Hearing her say this, Matthew couldn't help but think of "Transformers". Could it be that Michael Bay is looking for supporting roles for Optimus Prime and Megatron?

Things are obviously not what he thought, Helen Herman continued, "This should be a movie about clones, the specific content is not known, the subject type, in the style of Michael Bay, must be very Hot action movie."

Matthew has seen a lot of Michael Bay movies, the former "Transformers" series, and after coming here, he has watched "Jedi Boys", "Brave Island", "Doomsday" and "Pearl Harbor" and other movies, except for "Brave to the Dead Island", Michael Bay's movies are basically synonymous with brainless commercial entertainment films. "Doomsday" has a group of oil workers fly into space to drill a well, "Doomsday" The sneak attack in Pearl Harbor serves as the backdrop for a dog-blood love triangle...

But no one can deny that Michael Bay has a special understanding of the film market, and is more aware of what type of films those teenage audiences with strong blood impulse hormone secretion like. From the transition of the advertising industry to the present, every film made can be profitable. This is definitely a huge success for a commercial film director.

He is now positioned as an action star, and Michael Bay is best at action movies. In this regard, the types of the two fit very well.

Matthew's only qualm is that he doesn't remember seeing such an action movie about human clones.

Helen Herman can also think of this, saying, "Among these invitations, except for the actor of Michael Bay's new film, nothing else needs to be considered. As long as Michael Bay continues to take the commercial route, not to play with art and depth, and continue to be successful The probability of going down is very high, I will temporarily accept this invitation and continue to pay attention to this project that he has cooperated with DreamWorks."

In view of Michael Bay's lavish record, Matthew had no objection to this, just asked, "When will the audition be?"

"It will not be until February or March of next year." Helen-Hellman saw Matthew's confusion and explained simply, "Sending the invitation so early is based on our wishes, and on the other hand, it is convenient for the crew to coordinate with the actors. schedule."

Matthew understands that the work plans of many popular Hollywood stars can often be arranged two or three years later.

Helen Herman finally said, "We are currently fighting for two priorities, one is Jerry Bruckheimer's action-adventure project, and the other is the actor of Michael Bay's action movie." She adjusted her glasses and looked at To Matthew, "Are you okay?"

"No problem!" Matthew returned the document to Helen Herman. "It also fits my position."

Helen Herman put away the document and said, "I'm still advising. Matthew, before you become an A-list star, you must be cautious and cautious in making the transition to non-action films, if not necessary, non-action films. Do not take the role."

Matthew knew that the risk of transformation was huge, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in other types of roles for the time being, especially the literary type."

Forget about gays and neuropathy. Those who need to gain weight and lose weight like crazy are all joking about their health. Now he finally has a successful career, and he has a halo of second-tier stars, which can attract a lot of followers. Jessica - Alba-like female star, still want to enjoy a few more years.

"Also," Helen Herman added. "There are some brands that want you to be the face of advertising, and I declined all of them."

Matthew already trusts Helen Herman more, knowing that there must be a reason for her to do this, so he doesn't ask too much.

Sure enough, Helen Herman went on to explain, "Most of these endorsements are for upper-middle brands and fit your positioning, but they require long-term contracts of about three to five years."

Matthew immediately understood, "Want to use the price of a second-tier star to bind a future first-tier star?"

"It's almost." Helen Herman said directly, "Matthew, you are developing very well now, and you are not short of money for the time being. Don't worry about advertising endorsements. After you become a first-line star, we will have more There are more advertisements to choose from, and you can get higher endorsement fees.”

She looked at Matthew. "I'm looking forward to the day you become an A-lister. We'll redesign the path to superstardom."

Matthew knew that he was still far from an A-list star, "I still have to wait for two or three movies to be successful."

He didn't take the Pirates of the Caribbean series into account as a last resort, not a way forward.

Helen Herman reminded him, "Don't forget to go to the reference room to get the materials. I have people collect a lot of materials about the American Revolutionary War and the Knights Templar."

Matthew stood up to leave and said, "Well, I'll take a good look when I get back."

His understanding of the American Revolutionary War is still at the level of the Declaration of Independence, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. He wants to participate in such an adventure treasure hunt movie directly related to American independence and learn more about that history. Certainly beneficial.

After taking a pile of thick materials, Matthew did not leave the Angel Agency, but went to the latest reading room of the reference room, combined with the computer network, to check these materials.

After just flipping through a few pages, he discovered an astonishing fact that George Washington was a figure of the same era as Emperor Qianlong!

Matthew deliberately checked on the Washington and Emperor Qianlong both died in 1799.

I don't know why, he can't find the reason himself, as long as he thinks of George Washington and Emperor Qianlong, he subconsciously thinks that George Washington is a modern man, and Emperor Qianlong is an ancient man...

In Matthew's sense, George Washington was at least a hundred years later than Emperor Qianlong.

But this feeling is clearly wrong.

Matthew then put this inexplicable feeling aside, devoted himself to researching materials about the American Revolutionary War and the Knights Templar, and tried to recall the movie starring Nicolas Cage he had seen, so as to learn from it. Find useful things that will get you auditions and roles.

On the first Monday in November, Matthew took Helen Herman's car and arrived at the Disney Studios at the agreed time for an audition hosted by Jerry Bruckheimer.

For this audition, Matthew prepared himself for the audition, for example, he specially ordered a suit and flat glasses to make himself look like he was very knowledgeable.

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