Best Movie Star

Chapter 231: good news

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Compared with the high-profile on the red carpet, Matthew and Keira Knightley entered the theater, and instantly became much more low-key. After entering the VIP lounge, after greeting people they knew, they came to Jerry Brooksea. Mo's small circle, chatting with some people from Disney Studios.

After the people around him left, Jerry Bruckheimer looked at Matthew and Keira Knightley and said, "You guys have been very pushy lately."

Keira-Knightley smiled and didn't speak, and Matthew continued, "It's mainly the "Pirates of the Caribbean" that is attractive."

This is also true. Without the film "Pirates of the Caribbean", their two third-rate little stars would have been thrown aside after two days of gossip and tabloid hype.

Jerry Bruckheimer laughed, shook his head slightly, and said, "You and Kayla could have continued to be lovers."

"Actually, I also really want to." Matthew said it very nicely. "Just ask the whole Hollywood, who doesn't want to work with Jerry Bruckheimer?"

His face was full of regret, "Unfortunately, my agent first reached a verbal agreement with the crew of Universal Pictures, and the shooting times of the two films collided again."

This kind of thing, of course, has to be all pushed to the agent, and it is also a major responsibility of the agent to take the blame.

Jerry Bruckheimer asked curiously, "Universal Pictures? Is it Sean Daniel's project?"

"Yes." Matthew said directly, "Sean Daniel was going to remake George-A-Romero's "Dawn of the Living Dead" and found my agency in March."

There is nothing that can be done if the schedule is not suitable. He explained this to dispel any doubts that Jerry Bruckheimer may have, and Jerry Bruckheimer has already chosen the actor of "King Arthur".

Jerry Bruckheimer nodded, "I've heard about this project."

The two chatted a few more casually, someone came to find Jerry Bruckheimer, Matthew and Keira Knightley simply said goodbye and left, and went to the theater's projection room.

Originally, Matthew wanted to try and ask Jerry Bruckheimer about another project about American independence, but he finally endured it. If Jerry Bruckheimer rejected him directly, there would be no chance in the future. .

Even now, he doesn't have any capital to bargain with Jerry Bruckheimer on this kind of thing.

"So you're going to shoot a zombie movie."

When she came to her seat, Keira Knightley was puzzled, "How do you take this kind of film? Even if you want to make a small production, there are a lot of independent films that you can take."

Matthew didn't answer her doubts, but said, "Because I want to try, can I alone carry a medium-sized box office."

As for Zach Snyder and the like, he wouldn't even reveal Helen Herman, let alone Keira Knightley.

Keira Knightley pouted, "I don't understand what you're thinking."

Matthew smiled and didn't speak any more. The big screen soon lit up, and "Finding Nemo", "Finding Nemo" in English, began to show.

Like most of the events he has experienced in the past few years, this film is basically the same as the online piracy he has downloaded, and the details are not known. , who remembers the details.

The story mainly tells about Marin, a clownfish who overprotected his son, and Dolly, a blue tang kingfish that he met on the road. Together, they searched for Marin's lost son Nemo in the ocean.

However, what impressed Matthew the most in the whole film was the great white shark Bruce, who grinned and showed his white teeth, which was exactly the same as Michael Fassbender's smile.

He also sighed again that it was really a pity that Pixar Studios did not find Michael Fassbender to dub it.

It is estimated that Michael Fassbender is too famous, and Pixar Studios may not have heard of him.

At the end of the premiere, when Matthew and Keira Knightley left in the car together, there were more than a dozen paparazzi behind them, obviously wanting to see if the two who had just exposed their relationship would have a good night. Together.

Matthew asked the driver to take Keira Knightley back to the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, then back to Burbank, leaving only a disappointed paparazzi.

Just after taking a shower at home, Matthew received a call from Helen Herman.

"You didn't bring Keira Knightley back, did you?" Helen Herman asked in the first sentence.

"No." Matthew didn't bother to explain, and said directly, "Am I the kind of person who doesn't go according to plan?"

Helen Herman on the other side of the phone seemed relieved and said, "You did a good job today, and the response on the Internet was very enthusiastic."

"Oh..." Matthew walked into the study, "I'll take a look."

After hanging up Helen Herman's phone, he turned on the computer and took a look. On Yahoo Entertainment, the pictures of him and Keira Knightley were very eye-catching. Comes with some text.

Below this news, there are already thousands of netizens replying. On the Internet, everything is said, but Matthew did not read it. Judging from the reply, this news is quite popular.

Then, he went to IMDB's own forum, which was quiet and there was no relevant news updates.

Then, he landed on the blog. Compared with the two websites just now, he paid more attention to the blog.

After "The Scorpion King", Matthew also has his own fans. Although there are not many, many people use his blog as the main activity base and emotional expression area.

"Bless Matthew and Kayla..."

In the message area of ​​the blog, most of them are blessings.

The attitude of the vast majority of fans here towards celebrities is very different from that on the other side where Matthew once lived. The social environment of the two places is very different, and it also breeds a fan culture with obvious differences.

The most obvious is the relationship between idols and stars they support. On the North American side, fans tend to be open to the love affairs of stars, and rarely interfere with the love life of stars for some inexplicable reason, and stars will not do this. Hidden and tucked away, except in very rare cases, most of them just let things take their course.

On the contrary, if a star has not even had a love life for a long time, whether it is fans or the media, they may think that there is something wrong with the star.

Such as being gay, or even more obscure things.

In the message area, in addition to blessings, there are also ridicules. The chests of Matthew and Keira Knightley are naturally the focus of ridicule.

Many media have made articles in this regard, and Matthew and Keira Knightley themselves don't care much.

The next day, the scandal about the two appeared on many print media. Although they were basically entertainment gossip tabloids, the audience of the entertainment gossip tabloids was also very wide, and Disney Pictures also took this as an opportunity to officially start " The last wave of pre-screening publicity for Pirates of the Caribbean was also the most invested, wide-ranging, and densest publicity campaign.

Matthew has also entered the busiest stage. Today, he is still playing with the children in the Pirates of the Caribbean theme ride at Disneyland California. The next day, he flew to Orlando Disney World and Johnny Depp staged a blacksmith vs. pirates. Days came to Manhattan, New York, hand in hand with Keira - Knightley to visit the Fifth Avenue boutiques.

Likewise, neither Johnny Depp nor Keira Knightley have an easier schedule than him.

Hard broadcasts, soft announcements, TV previews, online hype... With the support of the huge media platform Walt Disney, the crew's publicity and promotion have almost achieved the ultimate.

In the first half of June, Matthew not only flew around major cities in North America to catch up on announcements, but also visited several major overseas markets. The market has not yet erupted, the crews for the event are also limited, and Disney Pictures has no relevant arrangements.

When Matthew returns to Los Angeles, there are still more than ten days before the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean". Newspapers and on the Internet can see soft articles promoting "Pirates of the Caribbean" everywhere.

"Johnny Depp: The Unrepeatable Gothic Phantom!"

"Keira Knightley: A Modern Lady's Classic Complex!"

"Matthew Horner: The action star who made Hollywood tough again!"

There are many similar articles, and Disney Pictures has obviously invested heavily in publicity.

However, the six major Hollywood companies have always been secretive about the cost of publicity, and it is difficult for outsiders to calculate how much it will cost. This is also the advantage and profit point of the six major companies.

For example, Disney Pictures has to pay for Disney TV to advertise. For Walt Disney, this is left-handed and right-handed. Only they know how much it costs.

Just like nonsense in marketing, the cost figures announced by Hollywood film companies may not be reliable. The public production budget of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is 140 million US dollars, but the real cost is 140 million US dollars, I am afraid only Very few people know.

After coming back, Matthew was not as busy as before, and also joined in the fun to write a soft article on his blog.

"Unreliable Pirate Survival Guide!"

This is the title of the soft article, and then began to list how a pirate should survive on the sea, and wrote a large page, creating the longest blog post since the blog was launched.

Of course, with his writing level, the articles he wrote can be imagined.

"Too many grammatical mistakes by bloggers!"

"Matthew, what does it mean in some places?"

There are many similar replies, and Matthew doesn't care. The information he disclosed to the public is that he dropped out of middle school very early, so there is no need to hide his low level of education.

Near the end of June, there was finally good news from Helen Herman.

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