Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 310: no Zuo no Die

I handed in the design warmly and was relieved. When I walked back down the stairs, I saw Qiao Qiao lying on the stairs. Then I remembered that I kicked her in a hurry.


Shouting warmly and eagerly, he rushed up and hugged Jojo.

She wasn't concerned about Qiao Qiao, but at this time, if something happened to Qiao Qiao, I'm afraid it would be bad for herself!

Jojo was turned over warmly, and there was a bruise on her cheek, and she was relieved to see her eyes still turning.

"Jojo, are you okay? I'll take you to the hospital right away!"

Speaking warmly, he lifted Qiao Qiao back to his back and walked quickly to the parking lot.

I really don't know where a young lady has been so vigorous!

On the warm back, Qiao Qiao was inhaled by the chrome of her shoulder blades, and yelled constantly.

Hearing warmly, the pace is faster, while breathing, comforting Qiao Qiao: "You bear with me, you will be here soon!"

Listening to the warm and urgent tone, looking at her sweaty hair and back neck, Jojo's face slowly showed a smile.

Her body was really painful, but it was all scratches. She just couldn't turn over because of a fall. But now, seeing the appearance of being anxious for herself, she felt a happy feeling of revenge!

Let me take care of you!

Jojo shouted louder.

"Jojo, you bear it! Jojo"

Warmly, while comforting Qiao Qiao, he accelerated his steps, and looked around from time to time, for fear that something would happen.

Fortunately, I have been off work for a while now and I haven't met anyone along the way.

Seeing his car from a distance, he was relieved warmly, and his feet were soft, but he fell flat.

Unfortunately, Jojo got it!

It was n’t a big deal to fall down like this, but before Jojo rolled the stairs, he was covered with bruises.


The ghostly wailing voice made the surrounding window glass buzzing!

"Jojo! Jojo!"

Frightened by the warmth, he scrambled up, hurriedly opened the door, dragged Jojo up and stuffed it in. When she sat in the cab, her feet trembled and she didn't even have the strength to step on the accelerator.

Gritting his teeth warmly, he drove out.

Jojo was lying on the back seat of the car, crying with wailing.

Really can't die without death!

Half an hour later, Jojo was taken to the hospital where he was checked without any problems.

Although warm and relieved, the bottom of my heart is not solid.

Although the injury was not serious, it was true that he kicked Jojo himself!

After thinking about it, she lowered her face warmly, soothing Qiao Qiao for a while, and begged her not to talk about it.

"Jojo, rest assured, all your hospitalization costs will be counted on my head! When I get the entry quota, you will still be my assistant, when that time, I will take one to country h!"

Qiao Qiao bowed his head for a while, and the plan to plagiarize the warm works was unsuccessful. Right now, in terms of strength, warmth is indeed the most likely person to enter the competition besides warmth, and his level is only at the bottom of the emperor. Rather than

"Chief Wen, how can I blame you, as long as you remember not to abandon Jojo!"

Jojo said pitifully, with a silly smile on his face. She didn't want to smile and pulled the wound, which made her grin.

"Then take a good rest and I'll see you again the next day! For a little money, you'll have the nurse help out and buy some food later!"

After speaking warmly, he opened his handbag, took out all the cash in it, shoved it into Jojo's hand, and turned to leave.

She didn't want to stay here for a moment!

Looking at the warm and hurried back, Qiao Qiao secretly cut his head, and then looked down at the thickness of the cash in his hand. He patted the money in the palm of the other hand, and the expression on his face slowly eased.

Coming home, Wen Zhongyong and Luo Qiuyun immediately went up to ask her about her participation in the competition. She kind of upset them and flew upstairs.

Nestled in his room, holding the mobile phone warmly, staring at the familiar phone number on the screen, his finger stayed on it for a long time, but hesitated not to dial out.

Although parents have repeatedly promised that Emperor Hao promised to let themselves participate in the competition, but who knows whether warmth will be a nuisance?

If you can speak to Emperor Howe yourself

Warm heart understood that, in fact, she just wanted to listen to the voice of Emperor Dhaohao and talk to him!

In her mobile phone, two numbers of Emperor Jue were stored.

One is a job number, and most of the time it will be answered by Xu Tezhu.

Another one is the private number of Emperor Juehao, which she took a lot of effort to peep at by chance. But for so many years, she turned the number back and forth. Whenever she was free, she looked at the number in a daze, but never had the courage to dial it out.

I deleted the number warmly and re-entered it. This was repeated many times, and I did countless psychological constructions, but I still didn't feel courageous enough. Emperor Hao didn't give her a little bit of information to remind her that she could still deceive herself in dreaming, and if he heard his indifferent words to thousands of miles

Warmly feel that I can't stand it!

Hesitating, she dialed the number out of her finger, and she didn't wake up until a voice came from her cell phone.


A clear female voice came from the microphone.

It's warm!

Warm instant collapse!

She hung up the phone quickly and fell out with her cell phone.

At the other end of the phone, he looked at the screen of the phone warmly and doubtfully.

"Who is this? It's on and not talking!"

Just as Emperor Hao just came out of the bathroom, holding a towel in his hand and wiping his wet hair.


As the emperor walked over, he threw the towel to the warmth and motioned for her to wipe it.

The warm eyes flickered over Emperor Howe's eight-pack abs, and flushed.

She grabbed the towel and handed the mobile phone to Emperor Howe, unhappy: "I just got a call and I picked it up for you. When someone heard the voice of a woman, I hung up! I doubt it was you What kind of romantic debt has been caused outside, and someone came to collect debt? "

Emperor Jue reached out and squeezed the tip of his warm nose, "jealous? Huh?"

Humming in the warm nose: "What's the matter with me, I'm jealous, hum!"

Isn't this jealous of this little one?

Emperor Juehao looked at the warm and awkward look of Warm, and it was used exceptionally in the bottom of his heart. He lost the mobile phone that warmly handed over.

"what's up"

As soon as the warmth rose, I felt the flames of Emperor Howe's flames, and immediately felt bad.

"Emperor, don't leave me alone"

The remaining voices were swallowed up by Emperor Hao!

Warmth only felt that the familiar and strong hormone breath filled the entire breath, surrounding her body, and even her entire consciousness was encroached on by this powerful and overbearing breath, so that she could only follow the breath of the emperor Move ups and downs.

In a room, even the moon was so ashamed to hide in the clouds


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