Pinoconi’s dream world, the moment of morning dew.

Sand gold slowly walked into the living room of the oak family.

He looked at Sunday sitting there, and on the table in front of him, the things that he brought with him but were confiscated by the family when they arrived.

“Oh, has the family finally completed the inspection? Such low efficiency is not popular.”

He said sarcastically.

Sand Jin is not an ordinary person, and he has naturally guessed the reason why the family invited him, but he doesn’t want to reveal it himself.

He knows that if he shows that he pays attention to the things on the table, he will lose in this game. Downwind

“There’s no need to pretend, Sand Gold. With your intelligence, you should be able to guess why we’re looking for you.”

Sunday went straight to the point. He knew the information about placer gold and knew that for such a business-minded genius, going straight to the point is the most effective and safest way of communication~

“It seems that almost all the dangerous forces who came to Pinoconi this time are on a united front with the Star Dome Train, right?”.

Sand Gold asked Sunday, Star���Ri nodded in response.

Sha Jin raised his eyebrows and continued to ask

“You and the family behind you want to use me and the Interstellar Peace Company behind me to compete with them. But the question is, what does the company and I get?”

“The biggest purpose of your trip – the clockmaker’s legacy, if Pinoconi has the ability to give it away. And the most important thing to you – your life!”

Hearing Sunday’s words, Sand Jin laughed as if he had heard some funny joke.

“It’s interesting. This is the first time I’ve seen someone ask someone to do something at the cost of someone else’s life. It’s a good way to have both cakes and sticks.”

“However, if you think that I am someone who will be threatened with my life, you are totally wrong.”

Sha Jin leaned against the sofa and assumed a very comfortable posture.

“I really want to see what methods my family will use to deal with the Star Train and his friends after they kill me?”

Sunday also knew that the person in front of him would not be threatened by death, so what he used to threaten Sand Gold was not as simple as death.

“I know you’re a big gambler, so you might as well take a gamble with me.”

Sunday opened the box that Sha Jin brought. Inside was a yellow stone. Seeing the stone, Sha Jin’s face became serious.

“Death is not a threat to you, but Pinoconi’s technology allows you to reveal enough information before you die completely.”

“For example – how to use this cornerstone.”

Sha Jin’s face began to turn gloomy after hearing this.

“How about a gamble?”

Sha Jin stared at Sunday for a while, and all the gloom on his face disappeared, as if what just happened didn’t happen at all.

“Since you want me to help the family, you must leave me some trump cards. The people you want me to deal with are not ordinary people.”

Hearing Sha Jin’s words, Sunday knew that his threat was successful. Sha Jin may not care about his own life span, but he absolutely needs to care about the company’s interests. This is the only choice he can make in order to prevent the company’s secrets from being leaked.

“That’s natural.”

On Sunday, he returned the box containing the cornerstone and the gift money to Shajin.

“During this period, we will give you the right to move the hounds, but you can only move them and you cannot ask any questions to the hounds.”

“At the same time, the family will also provide possible technical support for all your actions.”

Sha Jin took the box and the gift money, but when he took the gift money, his expression changed slightly.

But Sunday saw this change, because he had already expected it.

“I know what you’re thinking, placer gold. But the family needs something to ensure that you will conscientiously implement the family’s arrangements.”

“Such as this.”

Sunday opened the drawer in front of him and took out a green stone that smelled similar to the stone in the box.

“We know that the foundation stone in the box is not yours, but belongs to Topa, who is also a member of the Stone Heart Ten like you. You brought two foundation stones to Pinoconi this time.”

“We will leave this foundation stone as a guarantee that you will obey us.”

Sha Jin sighed helplessly.

He used the company’s most advanced hiding technology on the foundation stone hidden in the gift. He had done many tests beforehand. It was absolutely impossible for Pinoconi’s family to detect its existence.

“It seems that Doctor Truth has really revealed a lot to you.”

Of course he knows why the family knows information that they should not know. He only told this information to an outsider.

0 ········Asking for flowers·· ·

“So, please allow me to think about how to be a qualified non-staff hunting dog.”

Sha Jin asked to say goodbye to Sunday.

Sunday nodded, indicating that Sha Jin could leave.

Sha Jin packed up the things that his family had returned to him, got up and left the living room. As soon as he went out, Sha Jin saw Dr. Truth waiting at the door.

“What, you still want to spy on me?”

When he saw Dr. Zhenli, Sha Jin directly mocked him. But there was no look of guilt on Dr. Zhenli’s face.

“That depends on whether you still want me to tell others the information.”

Doctor Truth replied calmly.

…… 0

“Even if I am your partner, as a member of the Stone Heart Ten, there is no reason for you to tell me such important information from the beginning.”

“So I can only speculate that you told me this information originally because you wanted me to disclose this information to others, and the family is definitely the top priority.”

Hearing Dr. Truth’s inference, a smile bloomed on Sand Jin’s face again, and he raised the glowing yellow foundation stone in his hand.

Of course, this was not intended to be used for attack, but to shield the two from the beginning. words

“Geniuses from the Doctoral Society are indeed not guaranteed. Now I am really curious about how smart are the members of the Genius Club who are even better than the geniuses from the Doctoral Society?”

What Dr. Zhen said is absolutely correct. He did deliberately tell Doctor Zhen the news about the two cornerstones and asked him to inform the family.

The reason for doing this has two purposes.

One is to make the two cornerstones the most important. Effective and the most expensive cover-up, to cover up the third cornerstone he brought.

The yellow cornerstone in his hand belongs to the topaz of”Debt Collection Topaz”, while the green cornerstone seized by the family belongs to jade. The cornerstone that really belongs to him has long been He broke it into pieces and mixed it into the gift money.

Due to the existence of the jade stone, even if the family detected traces of the cornerstone in the gift money, they would only think that it was the trace of the influence of the jade stone. After all, who would have thought that someone would crush the foundation stone. Such a treasure.

And the second purpose.

Sand Jin’s mouth smiled slightly, the emerald stone has now reached its most appropriate position.

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