After solving the room registration problem for the train crew on Sunday, he smiled at Lin Xian

“I wonder if Mr. Lin Xian is interested in having a chat with me.”

Obviously Sunday attaches great importance to Lin Xian, or in other words attaches great importance to something about Lin Xian.

“Of course I have no reason to refuse the invitation from the master of the Oak family, but now I have some important arrangements. I wonder if we can talk about it later?”

Lin Xian also used a set of diplomatic rhetoric very politely.

“Mr. Lin is busy now, and I will visit him in person later. Before that, if Mr. Lin is done with his work, please enjoy Pinoconi’s exclusive dream world.”.

Sunday also heard what Lin Xian meant and said knowingly that we would talk about it later when we have time.

Then Lin Xian and everyone on the train crew went to their respective rooms under the leadership of the hotel attendant.

The Genius Club’s name”Four Seven Seven” is indeed very useful. Sunday generously arranged a luxurious suite for everyone on the train crew.

March 7 was very excited on the way to the room

“The person who was with the Oak Patriarch just now was Robin, a world-famous singer. I didn’t expect that I could see her here.”

“Is that person famous?”

Xing was a little curious.

This question made everyone silent for a while. Although Xing can even be said to be a newborn child, everyone still didn’t expect that one day they would hear this question.

“She is very famous. Not only is her singing voice beautiful, but as a member of the Tianhuan tribe, she also has the innate ability to communicate with the soul. Therefore, her singing is not only beautiful, but also resonates with the audience and even all living creatures. Lin

Xian explained to Xing.

March 7 looked at Lin Xian in surprise.

“Unexpectedly, not long after you escaped from the void, you learned a lot about the things in the universe.”

Then he said to the star

“You should also learn from Lin Xian and learn more about the common sense of this universe, otherwise others will be able to tell that your identity is unusual by just asking you a few questions.”

“Not only that, although Robin is not a member of the family, some people still think that she is the most likely candidate to become the next Emissary of Harmony.”

Lao Yang added on the side.

At this time, Lin Xian’s mind was already thinking about another thing: about the death of the robin.

Yes, in the original game plot, the robin would be found dead soon. In a dream, even Lin Xian, who has read the plot, does not know the information about the murderer.

In the world before Lin Xian traveled through, Pinoconi’s story was only updated to about half.

In other words, Lin Xian This time, we can no longer rely on the convenience brought by the memory of the past life, but must rely on our own strength to solve the mystery of the planet Pinoconi.

To solve the mystery, the death of the mockingbird is a good starting point.

As long as Lin Xian finds her in the dream before the murderer kills the robin, and catches the murderer who wants to kill her, she can follow the clues to uncover part of the truth hidden behind Pinoconi.

At this time, the person walking in front The waiter said that their room had arrived. Jizi thanked the waiter and then secretly winked at everyone.

Everyone understood and entered their respective rooms first. After confirming that the waiter had gone away, they gathered in Jizi’s room.

“Any new information?”

March 7 asked first.

Jizi took out the music box as an invitation.

“On the way here, I further analyzed the invitation letter and found that in addition to the distress signal, there was another message.”

“See all the impossible things in the dream, find the legacy of the”clockmaker”, the father of Pinocchio, and then answer: Why does life sleep?”

Ji Zi said this information, and everyone present also fell into thinking. After thinking for a while, everyone also began to discuss

“Watchmaker? That legendary tycoon from Pinoconi? He is the founder of the dream world and is known as the ‘Father of Pinoconi’. What does he have to do with the pioneers who sent us a distress signal?”

“Although the watchmaker is known as the father of Pinocone, there are very few records of him even in Pinocone’s historical records, and no one knows his true identity.”

Lin Xian noticed something unusual from this description.

“No, the clockmaker was so important to Pinocone, and logically Pinocone should not have recorded him at least this much. unless……”

“He was involved in some important secrets of Pinocchio, and some people deliberately erased records about him in order to hide these secrets.”

After hearing Lin Xian’s analysis, everyone felt that it made sense, but new questions also emerged. 0……..

“What kind of secret is it that makes the people of Pinoconi not hesitate to erase the information of someone so important to them?”

“Could it be related to this ‘watchmaker’s legacy’?”


Lin Xian was also thinking constantly, and suddenly thought of a possibility

“Could it be that the clockmaker was one of the pioneers who helped Pinoconi rebuild?”

“In this case, the pioneers who got off the train at Pinoconi with him should also know the secret of Pinoconi.”

“Pinoconi wanted to keep this secret and placed restrictions on these pioneers.”

“So even though they are Pinoconi’s benefactors, they still have to ask us for help.”

After thinking about it, everyone present thought that Lin Xian’s speculation was reasonable, but they also became worried.

After all, if Lin Xian’s speculation is true, then they may inevitably offend Pinoconi’s family power. And the conflict will definitely not be small, and it does not even rule out the possibility of an all-out war between the train and the family.

After all, such a closely guarded secret may even be related to the survival of Pinoconi.

Of course, except for Lin Xian, with his Naturally, there is no need to worry about these problems due to strength.

In the end, Jizi made the decision

“Don’t think about what is and isn’t for now. Even if we really want to offend the family, that’s when we really come into contact with Pinoconi’s secrets. We don’t know anything yet.”


“Since the message says that we can”see the impossible things in dreams”, it means that the person who sent us the message wants us to enter the dream world of Pinoconi”

“Then let’s go into the dream world separately to investigate.”

Everyone has no objection. After all, they can be said to be completely confused now. Except for the riddles left by the pioneers they have never met, they have no useful information at all.

“Remember, we are entering the dream world this time just to get some information. We must not do anything dangerous.”

“Even if you encounter any unusual events, you must make your own safety your top priority. Protect yourself and come back to discuss it with everyone before making a decision.”

Ji Zi told everyone.

Everyone nodded in agreement and then prepared to discuss how to allocate manpower.

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