Belief In The Kingdom of God

Chapter 17: believer

After the sacrifice, Chen Ming returned to his body, and after a few days in peace, Ren Yubo fermented on his own.

In another place, where Chen Ming was distracted, another sacrifice was about to begin.

Bam has become a hero who has attracted much attention since he showed his supernatural powers in full view a few days ago.

After that, after learning that Chen Ming did not need a living person to sacrifice, Bam heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately made up his mind to promote his belief in the whole clan.

He ordered all tribesmen within the tribe to worship the **** of nature in the middle of the village every night, and even made special statues of their gods for tribesmen to worship based on the vague impressions obtained in prayer.

As far as Bam is concerned, as long as the **** worshipped does not require blood sacrifices from his tribe and is harmless to the tribe, any conditions can be negotiated. What's more, after experiencing that kind of warm and mighty power, if it is not necessary, no one is willing to give up lightly.

Most of the tribes living on the primitive land are realistic and simple, plus this tribe has a short history and a small scale, and there is no ancestor with a unified belief. Therefore, as long as they can show their miracles, they can easily gain their piety.

And Chen Ming was also very timely. As long as someone prayed that day, there would be a spiritual manifestation the next day. Either the illness and pain on the body is slowly healed, or the body becomes stronger and stronger, etc., all of which are felt at a speed that is clearly noticeable. Especially on the third day, after an old man of a tribe comprehended divine art and showed extraordinary power, the fire of faith of this tribe was completely detonated.

In this situation, Chen Ming asked Bam to build an altar in the middle of the village to hold sacrifices. Naturally, there was no objection.

At this time, everyone in the village was there, even women and children who were originally required to not participate in the rituals, such as women and children, also participated in Chen Ming's request.

With a gaze, Bam walked to the stage and started a sacrifice together with an old man.

This old man was the first person in this tribe to comprehend the magical arts besides Bam. After comprehending divine art, he was appointed as the high priest by Bam, in charge of the tribe's sacrifices.

At this time, he was reciting the sacrificial words religiously, and every time he uttered a sentence, everyone in the audience followed it silently, forming a huge echo.

Seeing this, Chen Ming nodded in satisfaction.

In other words, within three days, one can perceive the power of the gods and obtain magic arts, especially in such a primitive and crude missionary environment, it is even more commendable. This also shows that this person is very close to his divine essence, and he is not far from the saints.

"It's a pity." Thinking of this, he sighed slightly.

Of course, saints have high requirements for faith and conformity with the gods, but more important than this is to understand the way of the gods.

There is a clear division of the hierarchy of believers in the godhead.

He only hears the name of the gods and occasionally prays, but does not understand and approve of the gods in his heart, and even sneers at them as pseudo-believers.

A person who understands the powers and responsibilities of the gods, prays earnestly, but fishes for three days and spends two days on the net, who has not yet deeply identified with the gods in his heart, is a shallow believer.

Those who recognize and understand the principles of the gods, understand the rights and responsibilities of the gods, never slacken in their prayers, and have a deep heart for the gods, are pious and faithful. At this level, believers can already die for God. At this point, except for a few things that violate their own three views, they will not hesitate to do it for their faith.

As for the fanatics, in addition to meeting the above-mentioned conditions, except for a few things that seriously violate their three views, otherwise they will never violate the gods. This is also the most fanatical category of **** believers, and even the overly fanatical believers, even if the gods say that his parents and family are the incarnations of evil spirits and ask him to kill his wife and father, he does not hesitate to do it.

At the end of the day, the saints truly understand the essence of the gods and are on the same path as the gods. At this level, there are no limits, and performance varies from person to person.

Some of the saints of the same **** can watch the pagans scolding their gods without changing their faces, while others behave like fanatics. They are the true eternal companions of the gods, eternal and immortal, with the gods. He is also the only person who breaks the shackles on the road of faith, and is the true wealth of a god.

However, such believers can be met but not sought. Not to mention the current Chen Ming, even if it is a **** who really ignites the sacred fire, if he gets a saint, he must celebrate it. At least a forgiveness by the Holy Spirit is indispensable.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming couldn't help but sighed faintly.

The way of the gods lies in accumulation, and his accumulation is far from enough now.

He felt it carefully for a while, and in the true spirit, a godhead was quietly hanging high. He is aloft, exuding the brilliance of divinity, connecting countless thick or thin lines of faith.

Chen Ming sensed it carefully. The lines of faith above the Godhead are densely packed, but after careful counting, there are about three thousand. Most of them are still in the primitive stage of simple faith, only a small number of devout believers, and the rest are mostly false believers and shallow believers. Fanatics are very few.

He settled silently. There are about a thousand believers in this part of the Assyrian tribe. Although the number is small, the degree of faith is the highest. Almost half of them are devout believers. There are also people from the Bam tribe and the tribe where the ontology is now. This group has the most people, about two thousand people in total, but because the time is short, most of them are only hypocritical and shallow believers, and there are few devout believers. Not much.

"It's coming, it's coming soon." He couldn't help thinking of the tribe where the ontology was located. If that tribe could be subdued, it would be able to exceed the scale of 10,000 people.

In other words, 10,000 believers are actually a big watershed for the gods. Because to a certain extent, 10,000 devout believers can independently support the operational structure of a godhead. For the gods, whether there are more than ten thousand believers is also a very important indicator of measurement.

As for Chen Ming, if there are more than 10,000 believers, it is extremely possible to break the next seal of the Godhead in one fell swoop. By then, his believers can go one step further, and their power will inevitably increase like a leap.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming's thoughts returned to the scene. By this time, the sacrifice had come to an end.

As the old priest said the last oath with a pious face. The scene suddenly changed in the area that mortals couldn't see.

On the originally dim and gloomy ground, a light emerged from the middle of the altar, slowly expanding as the people's prayers sounded, expelling all gloomy ghosts and monsters in the range.

Around, the natural spirits that were originally attracted by the blood of the previous battle, and some evil spirits transformed into after the warriors died, seemed to have encountered something terrible, slowly amidst the chills of screams. Backed up, not daring to stay near everyone.

There were also a few ghosts with a dull complexion and rushed to the crowd with a fierce face, but in the end a wave of ripples appeared, and they fell into a frightened end.

Seeing this, Chen Ming sneered.

Where the believers of the gods are, the source of life and the power of the dissipated faith will gradually gather to form the realm of the gods, expel all the evil spirits in the range, and how can these lonely ghosts who have not even transformed their souls? Contact.

As God's Domain gradually expanded, it covered more and more areas, and only stopped until it finally covered all corners of the village.

And as the expansion of God's Domain stopped, Chen Ming only felt a "boom" in his mind, and in the midst of it, a golden light fell from the sky, with a hint of brilliance and the power of the world.

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