Being His Little Fox

Chapter 208: I think it's fraudulent

Zhou Liang and Ningxiachuan immediately looked at each other without saying anything. They rushed forward to do it!

Li Wen also protected Song Yi at this time.

Song Yi leaned against the wall and watched their fight in the night, exhaling deeply.

The cold wind was whistling constantly, blowing her cheeks, feeling cold all over her body.

For the first time in her life, she felt that she was so useless, she couldn't do anything.

I want to help but I can't do anything. The real heart has more than enough energy.

She raised her eyes and observed the four-week environment, seeking a breakthrough.

Zhou Liang and Ning Xiachuan were both Lianjiazi, and the attacks on these four or five people didn't take any effort at all, and they quickly brought them down.

Generally, the people who come in here are rich, powerful and ambitious, but there are few Lianjiazi, maybe there are so many, and they may not be met by them.

However, the strength of Ningxiachuan and Zhou Liang's operations, demonstrations, and disclosures indirectly exposed their identities.

If someone is staring behind this, then you must be able to guess that the village has been spotted by the police.

Song Yi thought so.

She suddenly shouted at them: "Uncle, don't fight the two of you. If you kill someone, what if you get caught by the police?!"

She has a cry in her voice: "I am a little scared now, this place is too scary, if you are short of money, can we rely on formal means? Why are you tricking me here to trick people to get this thing?"

Song Yi's eyes were filled with horrified tears: "You don't want to do such a thing, okay? There is money in the family."

Ning Xiachuan, Zhou Liang, and Li Wen were all shocked by her uncle.

But she quickly realized what she was thinking about, and she was really careful.

Zhou Liang glared at Song Yi and roared: "Shut up! We have our plans. This place is an ambitious place. There is no law and discipline for those who are capable!"

Ningxiachuan: "If you are more verbose, just throw you at this place, don't even think about going out!"

Song Yi heard the words, sobbing and crying.

Zhou Liang glanced at Li Wen: "Give me her mouth!"


Amitabha, if he goes out, I hope Song Yi won't play with them.

After putting down these four or five people, several people kept going out. During this period, Zhou Liang had already notified the situation of the Ban Du brigade.

"There will definitely be people fighting for this thing in my hand. I'll go and destroy this thing first. You go first. If you can get over the wall, you will go over it."

After Ningxia Chuan quietly explained all this to Zhou Liang, he separated from them.

But Song Yi was always up and down, worried about Tang Si.

The village was very big, and when she walked all the way to the edge of the wall, Song Yi suddenly saw a bunch of things...she stopped suddenly.


In the room, after Song Yi and the others left, about a dozen people pushed in directly.

Tang Si sat upright next to the coffee table, holding a teacup in his hand.

When the group of people broke into the door, they raised their eyes and looked over, with a soft and wild smile on their lips.

A profiled face, smooth and tight, staring calmly.

Pushing the door outside and entering, he was still for a second or two.

The man in the back room sat upright, looking at them with a smile, his posture was methodical and calm.

His thin red lips are coquettish and evil.

A good-looking man, sitting here alone, as if waiting for them...?

No matter how you look at it, I feel that there is fraud!

Like to be a fairy in his heart, please collect it: ( Being a fairy in his heart, the literature update is the fastest.

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