Being Able to Edit Skills in Another World, I Gained OP Waifus

Episode 229: The Aftermath and Measures of 'Loyalty Rampage' by Rita, and the Ritual of My

─ ─ Rita viewpoint ─

For Rita with "Sign Detection," it's not hard to tail without being noticed.

So Rita took a distance and followed Yamazoe.

(It's harder to lose sight of that guy than...)

Rita nodded as she looked far behind Yamazoe.

With his slender sword at his waist, Yamazoe, wearing silver armor, stood out badly. Because armor reflects the sun and shines brightly. There must be some grinding.

The passers-by pay attention to its flashy appearance.

Though not suitable for covert actions (Oomitsu), you may be able to intimidate your opponent with a glow of armor. Looks like a brave man.

Rita kind of thinks that the brave guy likes to protect the light or something.

(─ But I can't forgive you for saying welcome to look down on the nagi.)

Rita clearly remembers Yamazoe's line earlier.

"The king kicked you out. You couldn't be brave," he shouted.

Honestly, I wanted to bang you.

Rita didn't get her hands on it because Nagi stopped her.

Besides, where I boasted about my relationship with the king and the status of brave men, Nagi would never flatter me.

Neither, because it's not worth it to Nagi.

What Nagi cares about is her relaxing life with Cecil and Rita.

The aim is a relaxed and sloppy "life without work"

It is the opposite of a brave man who works for honor and glory.

(But... even if you tell that brave guy, you don't know)

Rita hides her face by wearing a hood at the depth of her eyes. The 'Sea Dragon Face' to hide who you are is is always ready in your pocket.

Plus now it's 'Human Mode' with beast ears and tails hidden away.

Hide yourself, hide the signs, Rita follows Yamazoe.

(Doing this makes me feel useful to Nagi.)

I don't know, I'm thrilled.

Rita is now trying to use her skills to fulfill Nagi's wishes.

I use myself for your husband.

I'm happy with that, and my heart goes pounding for some reason.

(I... wonder if there's still "Loyalty Rampage Over Royalty")

Loyalty Rampage - It's the aftermath of being away from the Nagi. Too loyal a slave (which one) takes, and when it develops, it goes into the 'full service mode'.

Thanks to that, Rita was perfect for Nagi this morning.

I hope that made you feel good. I feel like I'm still deep in my body.

I nod.

My chest is puffy.

Under the palm of my accidental hit, my heart is pounding.

Right now, at this moment, I can't wait to see that I'm executing Nagi's orders.

If the disease that occurred in the port town of Ilgafa is Demon King's Deficiency, Rita suffers from Master's Deficiency.

All morning, I replenished the nagi ingredient, but it's still not enough.

I want to serve you. I want to do it. I want to use everything I have for my nagi - that's what I get.

(No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Rita shook her head.

(I need to take proper control of myself. Stay away from Nagi or reunite, so that you can stay as usual)

(... I wonder what I can do to do that)

I'm not always at a distance where True Consciousness Sharing "Mind Linkage True" goes.

To prevent 'loyalty runoff', you need to be able to feel the presence of the nagi, even if you are away.

For example…….

(─ Children?


Soon, Rita's palm was moving from her chest to her stomach.

(Nagi children, if they're in me... it might be okay to stay away...)

This "Loyalty Rampage" was caused by not being able to feel the nagi.

In other words, if you can always feel a nagging in you, it won't be a 'loyalty rampage'.

In order to do this, your husband (Nagi)...

(Wow, wow, wow!

Thinking goes round and round.

If I realize that means, I won't stop anymore.

Nagi's back when we took a bath together. When Nagi and I did "rebuild" over and over again. When I "Soul (Spirit Link)" comes to mind, I almost get my tail out unexpectedly. I feel like swinging my tail in Beast Man mode.

Rita's face turns bright red and her heart starts to squeal when she blinks.

(... what to do)

If I "snag" for that reason, I probably won't say no to Nagi.

Life has stabilized, and Rita should do what she wants.

Speaking of which, 'Horned Sarpent dried meat' was still there.

That's supposed to work, so...

"Sender: Nagi

Recipient: Rita

Body: Rita. Are you okay? Because you don't have to. Come back soon enough. '

How much...?

"Sender: Rita

Recipient: Nagi

Body: Yeah. I don't think I can do it. I don't think so. I'll hang in there. I work hard on my mission so that I don't run wild any more. '

(--- Huh!?

Unexpectedly he was about to raise his voice, and Rita hurriedly held her mouth.

I realize what message I tried to send and my heart is about to pop out.

I tried to send you an incredibly embarrassing treat.

Rita looks around in a hurry. None of the passers-by are looking at us.

The letter 'Metecal Dungeon' enters Rita's sight with a relieved chest. Adventurers' boards.

(... Speaking of which, Cecil confessed to Nagi that she "wants children" was also a short time after coming to this Metecal)

(When I come to this town, I realize I want a Nagi child, what if it works like that)

─ ─ With that in mind, Rita deleted the message she was about to send.

I didn't send it because, properly, I wanted to do a "favor" in front of Nagi.

It's important, so in front of your husband, looking at his face - with determination - Rita stopped.

Because I saw the tail object stop in front of the mansion at the end of the street.

Yamazoe entered a small mansion surrounded by walls. There are guards at the gate.

"You're very vigilant..."

Rita pulls herself together.

In the meantime, the 'Loyalty Rampage' measure is pending once and for all. Either way, it's connected to Nagi. There is no shortage of 'Master Ingredients'.

So if we don't focus on our mission - and I think so - Rita saw the mansion at the end of the street.

"Strict vigilance at the destination of the brave...... I wonder if the aristocracy lives there"

There are many soldiers around the mansion.

Patrol around nearby roads and alleys.

Looks like they're keeping people away from the mansion.

Yamazoe is across the gate, talking to someone.

If we get a little closer, we're going to hear voices, but then the soldiers will notice us. If you're suspicious, you're out.

(When this happens, what would Nagi do...?

If you're a manipulative husband, you must think of a good way.

And if you're a good slave, you should be able to trace your husband's thoughts. That's what I thought, Rita held her head in the hood.

(... Speaking of which, Nagi told you to use a split)

Rita quickly moves to the alley.

Launch the 'Split Attack', making sure there are no eyes around. Create your own identity.

The number is two. Put on the hood deeply and set your face invisible.

"Well, please."


Splits nod toward Rita (main body).

At the next moment, the splinters, simultaneously, jumped out onto the main street.

"" ─ Huh!?

The soldiers guarding the mansion reacted.

Rita's divers attracted soldiers with suspicious moves (direct from Rafilia) and changed course at the same time as they looked at us.

Jump into the opposite alley where Rita is located.

"Wait!" "What's that move, dubious!!

(─ Took!

Rita sneaks a gutsy pose.

Attract soldiers to the division and instruct them to disappear in just the right place.

This should buy you time for a few minutes or so.

(This is what it means to use a split body, right? That's Nagi. Precise ops.)

Somehow lately, I've been able to see what your husband thinks.

I'm happy with that, Rita grins holding her cheeks.

(Well, I have to collect information)

Rita (main body) cleared her ears for a conversation between Yamazoe and the mysterious boy.

Eventually, the voices I heard...

"... the mightiest brave Yamazoe returns... Take over from Count Kelvis. What, the soldier looks great-- yes, no!?

Unexpectedly, Yamazoe's tone changed.

"─ Yes, excuse me. Camil-Kelvis, I don't know you!!


Rita looked at the mansion.

In front of the gate, I saw Yamazoe and another boy talking.

He was a tall boy. He is dressed like a nobleman.

"Give Count Kelvis a ride," Yamazoe said.

That means this is Count Kelvis' mansion.

Count Kelvis is the lord of the northern town of Hermit and the leader of the 'Ancestral Brave Alliance'. I know Yamazoe serves it, but I wonder who the other boy is.

Rita closes her eyes and clears her ears.

The soldiers who were guarding the mansion have not yet returned.

It also conveys the senses of the Dividends. They're not even caught, if they're not even seen in their faces. He keeps a certain distance from Rita and is attracting the soldiers. You should be able to buy some more time.

And the conversation that Rita heard with a clear consciousness...

"─ No, no, no. Your father is very happy with your work. The mightiest brave Yamazoe."

"─ Oh, Father... no, to Count Kelvis, always take care of me"

"So, did 'Wild (Free) Visitors' get together?

"Yes. There were already two...... one useless, but I think I can take it in here. You can!"

"My father is already ready for the ritual and the altar."

The boy, called Camil-Kelvis, tells him against his chest.

"To make you truly brave. And to fulfill the prophecy of The Demon King's Army. You know that, right? Yamazoe."

"Wow, I know"

"The Martial Arts Games are for that. Repeatedly -"

Yamazoe and Camil-Kelvis enter the mansion.

Talking away, deafening.

Confirming that, Rita disappeared and left the scene.

─ ─ Nagi viewpoint ─

"─ Rita's report says that's what happened"

I just told Eine and Katras the contents of the message I just received from Rita.

This is the main street of the town of Metecal.

We are now walking towards the venue of the Martial Arts Games.

"Did Rita leave the scene safely?

"Yeah. They didn't notice."

Like it's okay if they noticed, though, they used a split body.

Rita sent me a message in 'True and Conscious Sharing' so that I could get the information right. Plus, it comes with a video. There was a Yamazoe and a boy named Kamil-Kelvis.

The information is helpful, but Rita's too close to the mansion.

Rita is serious. I think I've gathered information to the limit.

"Sometimes you're impotent. Rita is."

"That's all Rita's trying to do, isn't it?

"I know, but... sometimes I get worried"

Especially since Rita still has Loyalty Rampage.

There's something about me asking too much. [M]

"I hope there's a way to keep Rita from being impotent. For example... more like Rita becoming concerned about her body"

... take care of your body.

That Rita, who has too much cancer, becomes more concerned with herself than she is with her mission.

And to do that...

"Should the Lord make his beast daughter disappear?"

"I thought I'd tell you! Because it's about Leggy."

"Ho ho"

Leggy the Devil's Sword shivered on my back, sifting.

"I thought I'd say," which means I've been thinking a little bit about getting my beast daughter out. "

"Don't read people's thoughts"

"I am any sword. Then which, I want my beast daughter, to take care of herself more. I know enough to think that you have to touch your body. '

"Well, yeah,"

It's not all about cheats.

Talk to Rita properly. And then...

"... hmm?

"" Jiuuuuuuuuuu "

When I realized, Aine and Cutlass were staring at me.

"Hey, both of you."

"" No. Nothing. "

You look so sweet for some reason, Eine, Cutlass.

Eine is somehow removing a mysterious leather bag from her storage skills.

Cutlass whispered and sounded like he was talking to Feen about something.

... You're both up to something.

"What were you thinking? Both of you."

I was thinking about the party.

"I was thinking about what."

"I was thinking about the future."

It's not about family planning.

Eine, Cutlass, (sneaked out) Feen and Leggy answering mouth-to-mouth.

Yeah. Mostly. Okay.

"... shall we talk carefully when we get home"

"" 'Yes' ""

That's why this story is on hold once and for all.

After a short walk, we arrived near the venue of the Martial Arts Games.

It's the center of the Metechal, the arena.

It's usually off-limits.

That's what Eine said as she looked at the arena.

"I wonder if it can be used by soldiers with the permission of the nobility. In my grandfather's time, the 'Common Guild' tried to make me use it for training, but it didn't seem like it was working. It's where the royals use it too..."

"I wonder if this' martial arts tournament 'is really special"

"I think so. Soldiers are watching, so we can't get close now."

At the end of the street is the 'Arena' covered by tall walls.

There is only one entrance. There are several soldiers standing there.

"You can get in by using Shiro's" Rabbit-Shin "... but not during the day"

If I was floating puffy in the middle of the day, it would be too noticeable.

If you're really going to investigate, you should wait for the night.

"............... that?

"What's wrong? Eine."

"In Eine's storage skills, Sister's Crate, someone is calling. Is this... Lord Death?

"Lord Death?

The Descatastrophe of the Demon King Armor, commonly known as Lord Des, is stored by Eine in storage mode.

That Lord Death had a reaction...?

We moved into the alley.

Eine starts' Your Sister's Crate 'and calls Lord Death.

Lord Des, who appeared only a little from the storage space, spoke in an excited voice.

"It's tough. Your husband."

"What is it, Lord Death?"

"I heard voices in the arena."

"Voice? What kind?

"" I'm here. I want to see you at night. "─ That's what he said. It was a young voice. Something like this... sounds deep inside the awkward... '

With that said, Lord Death went back inside "Your Sister's Crate".

Lord Death himself seems to still have something to think about.

"The owner of the voice that only Lord Death can hear,"

Lord Des was built by the Demon King as a piece of armor.

The only voice I can hear is that Lord Death...... no way, Demon King?

"So... it's crazy. That place is the venue for the Martial Arts Games."

Eine has her neck covered.

"From the place to choose the brave men to defeat the demon king, the voice of the demon king... I don't know"

"I agree."

"You're not sure about rituals and altars in the first place..."

This is information from Rita.

"The rituals and altars are ready," said Count Kelvis' children--Camil-Kervis.

It's a ritual for what, an altar for who?

"When I get home, shall we take a nap in preparation for the night"

"I agree." "Yes, you do."

At night, you can sneak into the arena without seeing anyone.

I don't know who's in there... but let's check it out first.

If it sounds dangerous, just go home.

We went back to the inn to discuss it.

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