Being Able to Edit Skills in Another World, I Gained OP Waifus

Episode 223: Operation Viscount Escape, by Rita and Leticia

─ ─ Rita Leticia Perspective ─

"Leticia, Leticia! Nagis, we're at Metecal!

"It's too much. Rita."

Before lunch.

Leticia stunned Rita, who raised her voice unexpectedly during the reading.

This is the mansion of the Viscount Milfe (Shigeru) in the "Commercial City of Metecal".

Leticia invited me to her father's butler and returned to her parents' house.

Then my father asked me to go to the Martial Arts Games to raise the name of the Viscount Milfe family.

Leticia, who intends to gather information, has spoken directly to Nagi.

"It's a very fascinating story. I will definitely consider it. Of course, I'd like to think positively. However, judgment materials are scarce, so I think it would be even more interesting if you gave me a little more information."

─ ─ Answered as if.

As a result, they were kept at home and given materials about the tournament.

"It's just fine, Rita. The" Martial Arts Games "material has been compiled, can you send it to Nagi in" True and Conscious Sharing "Mind Linkage True"?

"Now it's a little... maybe a little more after the Nagis settle down"


"Yeah. Cutlass in the bath, she's got a really lit face, 'cause she's looking at the nagi"


"And because Eine, who watches over Katras, looks so good"

"Okay, I get it."


"Yes, you two are involved in" Soul About "or" Soul (Spirit Link). "

"Leticia is amazing..."

"I used to have a very good smile with Cecil who 'soul about (engagement)' with Nagi, and Rita found out about it was just as bright red as Katras is now...... here. Don't roll around in my room."

".................. wow"

Rita, who was about to roll on the floor, stands up with her knees paid.

"But Katras is also a 'soul covenant'? How strong did you get?

"Your" Soul Approximate Skill "is exactly what" Chi Chi Chi "means."

Laughing bitterly, Leticia turned her attention to the material on her desk.

Over the past few days, I've put it together at the Viscount House.

Originally. Rita and Leticia came here when they heard information that people were gathering in this' commercial city Metecal '.

The reason people get together is' martial arts tournaments'. This came to a conclusion.

But I also noticed that there was something wrong with this tournament. Information received from Nagi in True and Conscious Sharing "Mind Linkage True" turned that into certainty.

"According to Nagi, he was selling the" interview preparation potion. "

"Running people off is for the average adventurer, a potion that really works for the clientele..."

The one who drank that potion gets stronger.

Perhaps the nobles will use it, too.

"Besides, there's something called a seed frame in the Martial Arts Games..."

This is what I have learned since I came to the Viscount's house.

Regular participants will fight the qualifying round before proceeding to the final. Twelve will be selected for the final.

But eight of them were chosen by the organizers, seed frames.

"In the seed frame is Tanaka-Koga, the most powerful swordsman of the 'Aristocrat Guild'. Count Gervis, lord of the northern town of Hermit. Swordsman Yamazoe-Takashi. And the Viscount Lady Leticia-Milfe, right?"

Unexpectedly she had a headache and Leticia held her forehead.

"I will remain victorious until the third game, and after engaging Tanaka-Koga, the mightiest swordsman, I will lose. But the beauty and courage of it, the Viscounts of Milfe, they will raise their name."

"Having stayed up to the top eight, you can be part of the new Royal Organization..."

""... ha ""

Rita and Leticia sighed about it.

This martial arts tournament is a race.

It has already been decided who will win and who will.

That's what my father asked me to do as soon as I got back to the mansion.

I didn't even want to remember.

It was so repetitive.

"How much trouble do you think it took to get you into a martial arts tournament?

"The Viscounts are a good opportunity to raise their name."

"I wrote letters to other nobles saying, 'Our daughter is going to the finals'"

"We also talked at a party between nobles"

"This is the last? Who said that? We don't need something so tough between parents and children, such as a contract."

─ ─ Tell me that story.

"It's time for the tide."

I got enough information. You should get dressed and get out of this mansion.

So Leticia put her hands on the dress.

"I've compiled the material...... Rita. Is there anything else you'd like to keep at the Mansion?

"Wait. I forgot one important thing."

"... what is it?

"Leticia. Stand there for a second. With your right hand against your chest and your left hand, pinch the hem of your skirt. Yeah, keep it up, look at me."

Rita stared at Leticia, moving around her, and then...

"That's enough. You can get dressed."

"What's wrong, Rita? Are you kidding me? Is there some trick in the dress?

"Yeah. I thought I'd show Nagi, Leticia's dress"

Rita grinned and said away.

Look at that face, Leticia's eyes dot.

"... No way, in True and Conscious Sharing Mind Linkage True!?

"Yeah. 'Cause Leticia in a noble lady isn't precious?

"... Rita"

"Leticia in a dress is a very cute thing. If I showed it to you, I'm sure Nagi would be happy too - Leticia!?

"Me too! Rita. Rita said!!

Pocko, pocko, pocko!

Leticia's fist slaps Rita on the shoulder.

Of course, there's no force in it.

There is no pain. Rita's chest just rocked.

"It's a turn!


"Rather, you should show Rita's dress to Nagi! Get ready."

"Oh, you know what? True Consciousness Sharing" Mind Linkage True "is what sends what I see to Nagi. Sending yourself..."

"Here's the mirror!

Leticia put a big look in front of Rita.

Then place another mirror behind you so that you can also see Rita's back.

"It's a job before we get out. Record Rita's precious dress and send it to Nagi."

"Wow, me? But I don't look good in a dress."

"It's okay. You look great."

"But... I can't believe I sent my dress to Nagi... such an embarrassment..."

"What does the man who made me do that embarrassment say?"

".................. ugh"

"I am Mr. Nagi's best friend. A good friend of mine is asking you, his slave - no, his daughter-in-law - to do something that Mr. Nagi might be pleased with?

"... Leticia, it's sloppy"

"I'm just apprenticing your husband."

Leticia grinned invincibly as she adjusted the position of the mirror.

"Besides, I'd also like to show Nagi Rita a different cuteness."

"... also. Leticia......"

"Come on, what do you do?

Leticia pressing for a decision.

Rita holds onto the hem of the dress and stares at herself in the mirror.

If you want to "show your husband (Nagi)", "True and Conscious Sharing" will fulfill your wish.

You can activate your skills and send them to Nagi later.

If you can't take a cute shot... you can delete it - so Rita decided her mind.

"Ok...... I'll try"

Ready, Rita pinched the hem of the dress.

Let's start with greetings (greetings) often given by aristocratic girls.

With her face bright red in embarrassment, Rita masterfully decides the first pose.

"Fine. So, what's next?"

Leticia gives Rita instructions while adjusting the position of the mirror.

Rita's blonde hair, looking back, flutters and shakes.

Even from same-sex Leticia, Rita is a rare beautiful girl.

If you want to send a video to your best friend (Nagi), you have to get the most out of it.

"This is a serious responsibility."

Leticia squeezes her expression and gives Rita instructions.

So that Rita in the footage looks the most fascinating...

"Rita, a little more movement, please."

"I wonder if it feels wild. What about wearing a little dress and breaking it down?

"Let's try it"

Thus, Rita and Leticia's "Video Shooting Club" continued...

"".................. Ha "

When I realized, two hours had passed.

"... you know... Leticia"

"... what is it, Rita"

"Is it really okay to send this video to Nagi...?

"That was a little too rampant..."

"In the meantime, I'll think about it when I get dressed properly."

"We will."

Rita unbuttoned the dress, which had only one place to stay, and threw it off when it became wrinkled (wrinkled).

The same goes for Leticia.

I accidentally collapsed into a dress to show Rita a sample.

I remember what I was dressed like, and my face gets hot.

"But it's no problem. It's Rita's video."

"It's hard to say, Leticia"

"What is it?

"True Consciousness Sharing can send what I see to Nagi as a video."

"I know. So?"

"During the shooting, Leticia showed me a sample of the pose," she said.

"Yeah, Rita, you were right."

"Yeah. Because I saw Leticia pose properly and imitated it"

"Right. Rita saw my pose properly and..."


Leticia opened her eyes.

True Consciousness Sharing sends what Rita sees (...) to Nagi as a video.

Rita saw Leticia pose (...) and was posing cute.

And that means...

"... Rita"

"... Leticia"

"What are we going to do with the video...... why don't we decide after we leave here?

"Agreed. Why don't you get out of here and ask Nagi?

"You can't do that. Mr. Nagi, I'm sure you'd like to see it."


"That's right. Nagi would have said, 'If you look cute about Rita, I'd definitely like to see you. I've decided to permanently save it and repeat it."

"That's Leticia. I know about the Nagi."

"He's my best friend."

"It's what my best friend says. Definitely."

"Yeah, Nagi says she definitely wants Rita's cute video. If you turn it off, you'll be pissed off."

"... 'Submit' all the time"


It was the moment the Viscount Lady Leticia-Milfe dug the grave.

- Tens more minutes later, in the hallway of Viscount Milfe's house...

"Please wait! Lady Leticia. Customer!!

The soldiers, who had refrained in the hallway, looked at Leticia and Rita and raised their voices.

They are both dressed in leather armor and cleric clothing, respectively, with their luggage on their backs.

Whatever you think, it was a journey schedule.

"Please go back to your room! The Viscount has ordered you not to leave the house until the day of the Martial Arts Games."

"Please, return to your room"

The soldiers crossed the sticks, holding back the two goings.

"Well, that's troubling. If you stay locked in your room, your body will be gone."

Leticia snapped her neck like a lady.

"In order to achieve an unashamed achievement as a Viscount, we have to move our bodies a little and prepare for the Games"

"The Viscount has already prepared a training schedule"

"Your father?

"Yes. They're going to have more practice opponents."

"Well, I apologize for that"

Leticia, uh, dropped her shoulder.

Seeing her expression loose, the guards also lose their physical strength.

"If that's the case, now would be a good time to excuse me. Thank you for your service."

Leticia said so, bowing her head deeply.

"You can have this."

"Leticia, that's what you said, and we're going to help."

With her, the soldiers bow their heads deeply, too.

A dozen seconds later.

When the soldiers finally looked up, Leticia and the others were gone.

"Huh? Leticia, are you... where?

"Didn't they go back to your room...?

I didn't make any footsteps.

Looking back at the end of the hallway, there's no sign of them.

In the position of a soldier, you cannot step into the room of an aristocratic lady.

They hurried to call the mansion maid.

"I'm not kidding. For the Martial Arts Games, we were hired!

"Find him right away! Bring those ladies back!

The soldiers ran out, screaming.

Operation Success.

"You can stay put for a while. Leticia."

Rita was running down the hallway of the mansion with Leticia on her back.

I was asked by Nagi to set up a "Mansion Escape".

The method is simple.

Rita and Leticia leave the mansion at the shortest distance.

When she meets someone along the way, Leticia greets them in "Manor Gears".

In the meantime, Rita runs with Leticia on her back, unable to move. That's all.

"Mr. Nagi's operation is simple and effective."

"You can't make a mistake, you can't take it off."

The two went out into the garden through a poking window.

Rita leaves Leticia and runs up the garden tree.

At once he jumped to the top of the fence and drooped the rope, which he had made by chopping the curtains into pieces.

While Rita is dropping her luggage across the fence, Leticia climbs the rope when she does.

"Leticia, you're used to it."

I used to escape from my childhood.

I climbed up to half way up, and Rita's hand was reached.

"Wait, Leticia! Where are you going?

As they stood on the fence, their voices echoed.

When I saw it, Leticia's father, Viscount Milfe, and the guards were about to come out of the mansion.

"I won't allow you to go outside! The Viscounts have already entered the Martial Arts Games!

"My stomach hurts, so I'm off."

"Forgive me! You move on to WW3 and lose to the strongest swordsman in just one step, and you're set to talk!

"If it's decided, your father should join us."

Leticia sighed as she looked down at her father.

"Alternatively, even the children of your father's late wife may be cousins who plan to inherit the Viscount House in my stead. I've known that for ten years now."

"... Leticia. You are."

"I have already done my job well. He also participated in the New Lords' Greetings Party in Ilgafa, where he served as a nominee for the Viscount Mirfe family. That was the last promise, wasn't it? Please let me go. Father."

"Okay. That's the last of it."

"… 'Contract'?

"Don't be tough, my daughter."

"Right. I don't like being tough either."

Leticia looked around at her father and the soldiers and thanked them.

Whisper and twinkle. "Activate" Manor Gears ".


"Goodbye. You'll see me again. I wish you good health and peace."

"" "" Thank you very much for this. ""

"" ""............ Ha!?

Viscount Milfe and the soldiers bowed their heads and raised their heads.

Leticia and Rita had disappeared completely from the mansion.

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