Being Able to Edit Skills in Another World, I Gained OP Waifus

Episode 218: In order to compensate for the damage done to the town, I made the Demon King pseudo-ba

─ ─ Nagi Perspective at Port Town Ilgafa ─

"I don't like it! I don't like the Demon King!!

"'Demon King's Deficiency'!" "I'm wielding a weapon!?" "Take it down!!

The guards surrounded the man who was screaming on the main street.

The armored guards slowly shrink the wheel, focusing on the man.

"... mauugun?

A man who was screaming saw the guards.

"Are you the Demon King's Army, too?"


I don't mind!

A sword wielded by a man clashed against the guard's shield.

With the impact, the guard pulls himself away unexpectedly.

"Take it down!! Put up a shield and push wrap!!

"Are you the Demon King's Army too!! Demon king army! Demon king army! Demon King Army - Eh!!

I don't mind. No. I don't mind.

The man wields his sword like a propeller. The guards who defended themselves with the Great Shield push and seal the man's movements. The man who was robbed of his sword is still rampant. That lasted more than a dozen minutes and the guards finally succeeded in detaining the man.

"... what the hell is that?"

Me and Ilis were in Lord Ilgafa's room, watching the sight with surprise.

The lord of Ilgafa, as tired,

"That's the recent epidemic of" Demon King's Deficiency. "

"… indeed, that's odd"

"I've never heard of such a disease. Father."

"It's something that's become popular recently."

The lord sighed and then began to explain.

"Demon King's Deficiency," he said, has begun to become endemic in the last few decades or so.

Those who suffer from this disease say, 'What about the Demon King!?' What about the Demon King's Army? 'I roam around town like a zombie, screaming. When you find a soldier or an adventurer, you say, "Are you the Demon King?"' Shout and begin the attack. He's strong, and he's going to have a hard time seizing it.

What we have in common is that most of our patients are adventurers and travelers.

And they say it's about them coming from the king's capital and Metechal.

We have contacted Wang Du and Metechal, but the details are unknown.

Or he was talking about patients out there as well.

"I would like to speak to the lord. I'm hearing stories of people gathering in the 'Commercial City Metecal', do you know anything about that?

"If you are my father, I will not go out with the merchants of Metecal."

To my inquiry and that of Iris, the lord thought for a moment,

"Commercial City Metecal is now preparing for the Martial Arts Games."

"'Martial Arts Games'?

"Yeah, it's a tournament to pick brave men who can defeat the Demon King."

"Could there be 'hating the Demon King' on the terms of the tournament?

"Do you know what it is?

The lord took out a piece of parchment and offered it before me and Illis.

It was written there that an organization called The Ancestral Guild of the Brave grabbed its own information that the Demon King was coming from across the ocean. In order to find the brave men who can fight it, the "Ancestral Brave Men's Guild" and the royally supported nobility will also hold the "Brave Men's Martial Arts Congress".

The Ancestral Brave Alliance is certainly a group of swordsmen.

I hear you were in conflict with The Home Brave Alliance, which focuses on wizards.

If he thought he stopped listening in the northern town of Hermit, he would have come to Metecal.

"... is this the plan of the 'Ancestral Brave Alliance'"

"Do you think the martial arts tournament has something to do with the Demon King's Deficiency?

"I don't know. I just want to give it a try."

"What do you want to try?

"I have a stomach before that." Demon King's Deficiency "humans attack soldiers and adventurers, right? Don't you give the average person much of a hand?

"Right. When you try to stop it, you may attack, but the first person to attack is still a soldier or adventurer."

"Did anyone from 'Demon King's Deficiency' say anything after we seized him? Or, I don't care if you're one of the people who developed it, but what do you know what caused it?

"... has he exhausted himself or is he unconscious? My companions... many flee for fear of becoming involved... we don't get much testimony."

I see.

You mean the only way to get testimony is to disable them before they do their best?

"Okay. I'd like to give it a try. Can you help me?

I said.

"Maybe we can explore the causes of 'Demon King's Deficiency'"

"Ooh! What kind of operation is it!?

The lord embarked on himself.

I told him about the operation.

This requires the help of a guard. Plus, I'd like some advice from Ilis.

We know that no real demon king exists.

So you should find out here what the 'Demon King' is perceived by the 'Demon King's Deficiency' humans.

"That's your brother. I think it's a good idea."

"That's an interesting idea. Good. Let the guards get ready."

Illis and the lord nodded.

Then we talked, and we decided to pack up the operation.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"What about the Demon King!? What about the Demon King?

In Ilgafa at night, a woman's scream was obsessed.

The adventurous woman pulls out her sword and raises her voice on the boulevard.

"Oh, hey, what's up!?

"I guess you're going to the martial arts tournament!? Don't cause problems in here!!

I don't even hear my buddies scream, and the woman pulls out her sword and runs out toward the guard nearby.

The guards set up a large shield. Everyone, their complexions are blue.

Every night these days, the "Demon King's Deficiency" people are rambling.

No victims miraculously, but it's only a matter of time, too.

I wonder how long this is going to last.


When I thought so, the scream rose in the alley.

The guards, the adventurers, and the 'Demon King's Deficiency' woman saw you all at once.

There was a suspicious figure standing in the alley.

Black armor. Cloak with lining as red as blood. The helmet (Kabu) has a deep red room.

On the face covering surface, there are holes in the connected eyes and in the heels of the torn mouth.

No matter where I looked from, I was suspicious.

"Oh, you, you..."

The "Demon King's Deficiency" woman stops her leg.

Turn back to the black shadow standing in the alley, as I completely forgot about the guards, etc.

"You're the Demon King!"

"Wait! That's just a cool armor guy!!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! There you are. Ahhhhh!

The woman's eyes run blood, her breath is rough.

What surprised my fellow adventurers was their instantaneous power.

The woman who pulled out her sword shook them off in an instant and slashed them into a man with armor.

"Don 't-- whoa!

"Don't make a scandal in here - whoa!!

By the time my buddy screams, the woman is already approaching the 'man in armor'.

We can no longer defend or circumvent in time.

The woman tried to shake her sword down on the man with all her might.



My feet were taken by the slime that was rolling on the ground, and I fell.

The woman spins in momentum as she is, clashing against the alley wall - but somehow there was a slime there as well - and took her body gently. The sword I was holding fell, on the ground. She gets up, tries to pick up her sword, but...

"We are regular Irgafa soldiers. Let me talk to you."

The hand was held by a man in a regular soldier's armor.

"Oh, you guys!?

My fellow adventurers speak up.

It was the captain-like soldier who answered that.

"I'm sorry I let you go. We were looking for the Demon King's Deficiency on the orders of our lord."

"Oh, that slime...?

"Honestly I don't know...... but I hear there's no harm"

"Who was that 'cool armor' guy earlier?!?

"That's our collaborator."

"Collaborators, are you?

"Oh. He said he would wander around looking like a demon king to protect the guards and the people in town. You're protecting us by turning your attention to yourself."

"... but it's gone."

"My lord said he was a very quick man."

"Well, maybe so. Whatever..."

The adventurers pointed to the alley.

The man in the 'cool armor' that was there until just now had disappeared at some point.

I didn't even see him run away. It's as quick as a phantom.

"We minimize the damage, and if we hear from this person, that's fine"

"Are you sure!?

"Oh. We're going to the next place. I'll leave a few here, so you can tell the rest of us what happened to your girlfriend, the rampant adventurer, who hasn't changed recently."

Leaving that behind, the Regular Soldiers walked away.

─ ─ Nagi viewpoint ─

"Now there are four people who have expressed 'Demon King's Deficiency'. That's surprisingly much. Brother."

"That's all in one night. That sounds like a lot more."

"So, what kind of phantom do you have next? Brother."

This is the alley of the port town of Ilgafa.

Me and Iris were all over the dark, exploring the causes of the 'Demon King's Deficiency'.

"'Fantasy Space' allows you to create various demon kings. The place and appearance will remain what your brother wants."

"I made four of them, but they were the best I could eat."

"The first one I made was a black robe with a dokuro wand, and the next one was a black robe with dokuro contents."

"I imagined the Dark Mage at first, and Rich the Undead at the next. There was a reaction, but it seemed pretty yummy."

"Yes. 'Is that the Demon King?' 'Shall we really? Absolutely!'"

"The magician of the Dragon Head is next. This was almost through."

"I ran too far into Iris' hobby......"

"A dark knight with a fourth body with a room on his helmet. That was quick."

"Yeah. You've already attacked this at first sight"

"Why don't you drop by 'Lord Death' for the fifth body?"

Me and Ilis are stuck on our foreheads and talking in a whisper.

By the way, Illis is the usual 'Mysterious Seaf Melody' style.

"Fumi fumi, fumi"

At the feet of me and Illis, three 'blues limes' are trembling.

These are the slimes that live in "The Sanctuary of the Sea Dragon".

This time, I asked for your help to safely capture the Demon King's Deficiency.

"Good luck to the Blue Slime guys. I'm sorry you had to come all this way."


'Never mind, I'm telling you. Because the Lord is rewarding you!

On my shoulder, a doll-sized leggie nods.

Of course, Leggy with Mucus Biodominance (Slime Blinger) and my Food Negotiation for Life were used to negotiate with the Slimes.

The purpose of this operation is twofold.

I told Illis, Leggy, "Blue Slime."

"One is to draw the attention of the" Demon King's Deficiency "person to the" Demon King's Style Phantom ""

'Demon King's Deficiency' reacts to something like Demon King.

Somewhat, even if the distance is away, as long as you draw your attention, you'll come this way.

"That will reduce the damage done to people and soldiers in town."

"We can also hold them off quickly. If you calm down early, we'll get testimony."

"The second is to explore what 'Demon King's Deficiency' reacts to"

"So far, we can confirm that we will react to swords and metal armor"

"Right. Assuming the guard switches gear to leather armor and wooden spears, it might come off the target of the 'Demon King's Deficiency' people. You should be able to seize it with confidence."

"Some hands hide armor with robes."

"People with 'Demon King's Deficiency' react to black armor, shields and swords anyway..."

We create demon-king-like illusions with Illis' fantasy-space 'skills to explore the reactions of people with Demon King's Deficiency.

The more you pull that figure over to Lord Death, the quicker and stronger you will react.

I hope Demon King's Deficiency is just an odd disease, but if someone set it up...

Maybe that guy knows about the 'Lord Death' in the Demon King armor.

"Sender: Eine

To: hey

Body: Report what the guard told you.

I was thinking about that, and Eine sent me a message.

Eine is now in the mansion of Lord Ilgafa.

They're supposed to send us a report of the guards coming in there.

"Sender: Eine

To: hey

Body: Everyone who developed the "Demon King's Deficiency" was entering the "Brave Martial Arts Games" at Metecal. He came back to Ilgafa to enhance himself in the run-up to the tournament. '

"Sender: Nagi

To: Eine

Body: You mean it has something to do with martial arts competitions and "Demon King's Deficiency"? But then we'll have a great number of people, won't we?

"Sender: Eine

To: hey

Body: I'm entering a martial arts tournament at a party, but some people don't storm out. I don't see the difference... '

"Iris. Under what conditions does" Brave Martial Arts Games "take place?

"There appear to be three interviews to represent the submission of a self-appealing statement and how much you hate the Demon King - that is, your willingness to defeat the Demon King - and then a tournament match between the participants"

"... interview a self-appealing sentence"

It's a martial arts tournament, right? It's not adventurer job guidance, is it?

"I wonder if you need that for a martial arts tournament...?

"My father told me from an acquaintance, 'If you put a motivator in a tournament fight, it will be the responsibility of the chosen person'."

"Don't let the royal family piss you off?

"Yes, guild interviews, aristocratic interviews, superior aristocratic interviews..."

"You don't have to ask. It's a decentralized responsibility."

"That's your brother!

"... I didn't want to know. This."

Similar to the original world recruiting interview.

I guess you're arranging that in a different world style.

"Metecal says the self-appealing proxy business is a treat."

"That wasn't even in my world."

Do you have such a job in this world?

... that means.

"Sender: Nagi

To: Eine

Body: I want you to tell the lord. Were the "Demon King's Deficiency" people asking for a "self-appealing sentence"? Does the person you requested have anything in common? For the "Brave Martial Arts Games" measure, did you buy any special items...... potions or herbs? Make sure it's through the guards. '

"Sender: Eine

To: hey

Body: Copy that. What are you doing? '

"Sender: Nagi

To: Eine

Body: Go make the next Phantom Demon King. Because I haven't heard from Katras yet. '

"Sender: Eine

To: Be careful, sir.

Body: Okay. Be very, very careful. '

"I'm coming. Illis."

"Yes. Brother"

Me and Illis start moving.

At the same time, Cutlass must be starting to move.

They (...) are acting differently. Best of all, to be in a good place to scout.

-Twenty minutes--

"There he is. Oh, my God, oh, my God! Whoa, whoa!

"" Fast Reaction!

Twenty minutes later, we discover the adventurer of Demon King's Deficiency again.

Just before the person was attacked by the Guard, he created the False Demon King of 'Fantasy Space'. Where they had eaten, they seized it with the same hands.

At the same time, two messages arrived at me.

"Sender: Eine

To: hey

Body: Reasoning is in the middle! One of the "Demon King's Deficiency" guys was all asking for the same "self-appealing sentence" proxy vendor and buying an interview preparation potion from that guy!

"Sender: Feen

To: Cutlass and Feen Which

Body: Feen discovered a suspicious person during a reconnaissance from above! He is one who is in four of the five scenes and sees the onset of "Demon King's Deficiency"!! I'll send you the position, which one if any!!

The image sent by Feen showed the township of Ilgafa.

Now Katras is on the roof of a building in the heart of town.

Above it flies the fiend of a magical body made of "Balvar's Armor" and looks down on the ground. As soon as he finds something suspicious, he sends me a screenshot of 'Conscious-Sharing/Modifying'.

To find people with 'Demon King's Deficiency' and, near it, those who make suspicious movements.

This is the third objective of this operation.

If 'Demon King's Deficiency' is an artificial thing, someone might be behind it. Looking for the mastermind.

"... a big bag on the back. He's carrying the hood deep in his eyes, and he can't see his face. My bright red hair sticks out from under my hood. Silver bracelet on both wrists? Suspicious, though."

Just in case, I'll send a screenshot to Eine.

When you ask the lord what he was like selling a pre-interview potion...

"Sender: Eine

To: hey

Body: The testimony came out. I have red hair and a silver bracelet on both wrists. I'm pretty sure Finn's the one who found it!

"Okay. Let's go, Illis. And Leggy."

"Got it. Brother!"

"Uhm. If they know Lord Death, you can leave him alone!


"'Blue Slime', get in this bag" "Ilis and your brother will carry it for you!


We run in the direction Fern taught us.

Let's just pretend to be guests and listen to them.

If he knew Lord Death...

─ ─ The person may have something to do with the Vegetarian Body of the Demon King.

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