Being Able to Edit Skills in Another World, I Gained OP Waifus

Episode 206: I tried to legally persuade a guard to complain about his family on a trip

─ ─ Nagi viewpoint ─

After defeating the Pirate Goblin...

The Wind Mages taught us about the Home Brave Alliance and the Original Brave Alliance.

"We were scouted by an adventurer on vacation."

The adventurer showed a strong magical power and then taught me about the practice until then.

And he said to the 'Wind Fairy Mages'.

"There could be a case of Demon King's Army teasing in a few months' time. I want you talented people to help me deal with it." ─

Plus the adventurer said, "Watch out for the 'Ancestral Brave Alliance'. That's what the fake brave man runs"... He went for the caution.

"We, the Wind Fairy Mages, were always overlooked by adventurers"

"I thought it was a chance to look back. I'm sorry."

After we talked, they burst out crying.

"We, the brave ones, were not for..."

"I will work for the harbour town that received the 'protection of the sea dragon'. Paycheck, that's fine..."

"" Keep it up!!

"... oh, oh"

The captain of the Regular Soldier, who I heard about, seems to have stayed...

"Ugh, um. Work discontent is like saying it sooner. You guys are important to Ilgafa, the port town for shipping!

"" Yes!!

─ ─ Like that, the conversation came together.

Incidentally, the adventurer who has solicited to The Home Brave Guild said he was a young wizard.

The name is unknown. All I know is that he had red hair and was a tall man.

I remember just insisting strongly that "wizards are the ones who can save the crisis in this world," they said. The crest of "Wings and Swords" in "Home Brave Guild" means "Swords grow even wings and go away," etc.

With a Wizard Priority Alliance...... a Demon King countermeasure?

I really don't want to get involved......

Then we joined Cecil, Eine, and Rafilia in the "Maintenance Site Mishrilla".

Slow down a day, as promised, take a bath with Leggy, Iris and Feen, and then leave the next day further.

He boarded the boat again and spent about a day in the northern town of Hermit.

"This is the northern town of Hermit."

"It's a cool place"

"If it's a summer climate, it feels like early autumn."

Next to me, Cecil and Eine snapped.

The ship just landed in the port of 'North Town'.

Unlike the warm 'Maintenance Site Mishrilla' all year long, it's a little chilly here.

Of course, cold protection measures are in place. I made a list of what Eine needed before the trip and sent it to Illis, so I kept it all on the market.

Now we're wearing autumn jackets. Everything else you need is in Eine's storage skills, Sister's Crate. The list of contents has been shared with everyone. Sharing information is fundamental.

"... are there ruins ahead"

Beyond the town I saw the woods and the tall mountains.

According to information from Ground Dragon Earth Gulls, there is an 'Ancient Elf Capital' across that mountain.

The route was confirmed when he was in the port town of Ilgafa. It's not difficult. They have a normal route through the mountains and the people in town use it for hunting and trading.

There were just no rumors about the ruins. Which means we haven't found it yet.

It's about "Ancient Elves," so maybe he's hiding his existence with some kind of magical trick.

"The map shows that the ruins are about a day and a half walk from town. We'll talk about where to stay during the trip at the inn."

"We need to get to the merchants in this town first, right? Brother."

I nodded to the words of Illis. [M]

The Port Town Lords have asked me to deliver the goods and bonsai. Let's do the job for having the ship out. The merchandise is in the harbor warehouse, waiting for our arrival. [M]

Now, the Regular Soldier who came down first is going through a process to get into town.

When it's over, let's get off the ship, too.

When you think that...

"I want you to wait!

Unexpectedly, I heard a shout from the harbor.

When I saw it, a few soldiers in armor stood in front of the regular Ilgafa soldiers.

"We are guards of the 'northern town of Hermit'. Before they land, I have something to check!!

"This is Ilgafa, the harbour town, for his lord's use. What confirmation would it be?

Ilgafa's Regular Soldier replied.

Soldiers in blue armor, kohon, take it easy, say something.

"Is there a wizard among those who land?

"... what?

"At present, the Lord has instructed me. Wizards in this town are supposed to register and monitor. I'm sorry, but I need you to follow me."

"Wait! I didn't hear you say that!

"Of course you're all irrelevant. The Ilgafa Regular Soldiers, are they warriors? Besides, they are officially employed by the lord of the port town of Ilgafa. I guess they're sarcastic and strong people. No, great."

The guards stretched their breasts and told them.

"A warrior/swordsman who fights on the front line with dignity is what this town respects. You can be trusted. But I don't want a wizard. They're cowards who wall warriors and unleash magic in the safe rear."

"I don't need magic or anything. Chant and you can make a gap. No matter how hard you try, you're no match for a quick warrior."

"I don't trust wizards. I don't know when, I don't know when, I'll unleash magic all over town. Therefore, such action was taken."

... whatthats.

The regular soldiers of Ilgafa are also dismayed. They're like the first ears, too.

"What if there's a wizard on the ship and he refuses to register and monitor it?

"Let me refuse to land"

The town guard answers the question of the Irgafa Regular Soldier.

"We don't need magic all over town. Well, unless you can prove that you really are a trustworthy wizard, but how can there be such a wizard?

"... even if they say so"

Ilgafa's Regular Soldier looked at me with a troubled face. I get it.

There are Fusei Mages aboard this ship. And Cecil and Rafilia are supposed to be superficially dark elves and elves. Probably, the wizard will catch you.

Cecil and Raphilia... will be placed under guard surveillance...?

I'm not kidding. Can you make them see you like that?

"Cecil, Raphilia, come here for a second. And Eine."

"Yes, Mr. Nagi." "You'll set up measures, won't you?

I took Cecil, Raphilia, and Eine, and hid behind loaded baggage.

"Eine. You hear 'Wizard Registration and Surveillance' is taking place in this town?

"I didn't ask."

Eine shook her head to the side.

"The northern town of Hermit is a defensive base in this country with lots of mines. Defense and mining require the power of a wizard. It's impossible to discriminate."

I see.

Maybe that's what started recently.

I saw the town from the luggage gap.

Beyond the harbor, there is the main street of the town. All I'm walking with are people in my everyday clothes and warrior systems with swords and spears. No one looks like a wizard anywhere. Ilgafa was supposed to have a normal wizard walking in the maintenance area.

"Let's fake it."

I saw Eine. [M]

"Sorry, but I was wondering if you could get some spare clothes out of your storage skills' Sister's Crate '"

"Okay. What kind of clothes do you want?


I hit Eine in the ear. [M]

Everyone needs clothes right now, so I'm just wondering if you're bringing them.

Of course, I'm ready.

Eine slapped her hand, pounding.

"We're going on a journey, so no matter how much clothes we have, we don't have a problem. That's what they bring you, too, isn't it?

"That's your sister"

"Nah, it's so rare. Naturally."

Some hands hide their ears with a hood, but that's obviously suspicious. Then I'd rather have this clothes over here. For now, let's do it.

If you have to, you can force a breakthrough.

Ilis pretends to be a "Safe Knife" and has a Raphilia camouflage cape. However, we are now in the position of using Lord Ilgafa. Regular soldiers are watching, and I want to cut through as legally as possible.

"Well, Cecil and Raphilia, hurry and get dressed. Let's persuade the guards."

"" Copy that!!

And we started the operation.

After I finished dressing...

I pulled Cecil and Raphilia off the ship. [M]

"... hmm?

The guards saw us.

"" Stop!


The guards crossed their spears to block our path.

"... what's wrong?

"Are you... adventurers?

The guard looked at my face. [M]

"Hmm. I hear nobles are not aboard this ship. It's a merchant ship. Then you're an escort adventurer. I see, adventurer or... just hired adventurer? I see."

"If you're an adventurer, what's the problem?

"You don't have a problem with yourself. You're wearing armor. He's got a big sword on his back, but it's the way he walked that weighed in. Definitely a swordsman. I have nothing to say to you."


"But! The two behind would be elves and dark elves! They are both a magically good species."

"I'm letting you two have daggers, though?

"That's not the problem! If you are a race that is racially magically good, then you will definitely use magic. In addition to entering this town, you will receive registration and surveillance measures!

"We come to this town with the help of the lord of the port town of Ilgafa."

I said.

"Your lord will testify about your identity. And the two of you here are my precious people. Trust me, I don't know why you don't believe them."

"It is the policy of the Lord, the Count."

"When you register and monitor wizards?


"But they're not wizards. It's a magically good race, but that's not what they do. Because they are my slaves (...)"

"Yes. As you can see, we are the slaves of the Master.

Cecil and Raphilia came forward.

They wear a collar with one hand and grab the hem of a slave suit with one hand.

"... hey, it's kind of familiar." "When you wear these clothes, you can clearly see that I'm the master's."

Slave Clothes - Precisely like Cecil was dressed in a slave shop.

Easy clothes made of cheap cloth and fastened with a belt.

Cecil's was inside Eine's "Sister's Crate" as a change of clothes. Rafilia's... for some reason she prepared it for her hobby and left it with Eine. He said "... for when the master wants to play like that"... that? That's funny, when I heard that information, you said, "I wanted clothes that could be dirty"...?

"They're wearing collars. You can't disobey my orders."


"Therefore, they never use magic on their own. If I command you, you will also be on the front line. What you're on guard against is" the coward who unleashes magic in the safe rear, "right? They don't hit it. Therefore, registration or surveillance should not be required"

"Unless your husband wants to, we don't use magic." "We're slaves to love."

I put 'slave clothes' on Cecil and Raphilia to emphasize that even slaves.

By the covenant of subordination, the master acquires the right to order the slave. A slave cannot disobey that order.

In other words, by assuring your husband that I won't let him use magic, he can show that the two of them are safe.

"I don't think this requires surveillance."

"... Gu"

The guard groans.


"Don't say something great! An adventurer!

The guard shouted, poking the ground with a spear stone poke, cancer.

"You can't trust a wizard! That's the policy of this town!

"Do you believe in warriors and swordsmen?

"Oh, yeah. This town honors swordsmen and warriors who stand on the front lines with courage!

"And you recognized me as a swordsman."

"Oh, oh."

"Then why should I say," They are not cowards? "Don't you believe me telling them, 'I won't let you use magic in this town'? They are slaves I believe and control, warriors. Discriminating against them who don't use magic unless I tell them to, means they don't believe me, the warrior, and that's a contradiction."


"Not trusting the dark elves and elves that a trustworthy swordsman trusts means you're denying your own word that you trust a swordsman, so the word you say you trust doesn't mean you can't, right? So what do we trust?"

"Wait a minute, I'm getting confused!!

"Before that, you just said, right? 'Unless you're a truly trustworthy wizard,' he said. Could there be a rule like that?


The guard turned away from me. [M]

After all, I guess there are rules like that.

Wizard It is impossible to monitor everything. Earlier, this guard said, 'Count of lords'. The fact that nobles rule this town should naturally be visited by other nobles. It is quite possible that there is a wizard attached as an escort.

If so, there is no way we can monitor the wizard of the noble escort.

There must be some exceptional rules.

Yet... you want Cecil and Raphilia under surveillance...

............... I guess I'm looking down on the adventurer. I've just confirmed, "Are you an adventurer?" many times. The guards are regular soldiers in town, so maybe the adventurers are treated in an understatement.

"I repeat. You trust swordsmen. I mean, you trust me. And the two girls here are my slaves. You're a slave, so you can't disobey my orders. But I'm not letting you two use magic. [M] If you trust me, you have no reason to doubt this word. If you doubt, you will not trust the swordsman. Then you defy the policy of this town of honoring swordsmen and warriors."

"I'm done!!


The guard stepped foot.

"I forgot to tell you! We are powerful swordsmen and warriors. I'm not the kind of person who stays like you! If you're not trustworthy, show me the power!

"All of a sudden, it's not fair to add conditions."

"Just look at this!

The guards pointed to a warehouse lined up in the harbor.

At that end, there was a building with only a wall left. It's a blur, there's just one outer wall facing the ocean.

"This' northern town of Hermit 'is a town that honors warriors. Therefore, we are constantly in training. Hey...... try it"

A guard who was talking to me spoke to a guard with a very large body.

The guard swung up his fist wrapped in an iron cage.


I blew up one brick that was shaping the wall.

"" "Ooh" "

Me, Cecil and Raphilia raised their voices.

Wow. 'A town that honors warriors' doesn't sound like a lie.

... but I wonder if you always do the same thing when you bother to prepare something like this.

"I'll lend you a gauntlet. Try it. If I can do this, I'll admit you as a 'trusted swordsman'."


"If you want to stop, now's the time. You don't seem to have the strength. Forgive me if I follow the policy of my town."

"... (WHISPERING)" Buildings hit hard. "


A few bricks that made up the wall blew up.

"What's good, good, no!!" "I blew a brick!? With that thin arm!?" "Even I slapped someone with a crack in it!? Different place!?" "It's decided very poorly! You can't admit it to this extent..."

"It's a shame. I'm a low-level adventurer."

I answered.

"But if you fly a brick, 'trustworthy swordsman', you can admit it, right? Then..."

I put my fist on... and at the same time signal Rafilia with "True and Conscious Sharing" Mind Linkage True.

And while I stick my fist out...

"Master! Don't. Yeah, yeah!!


Raphilia's palm took my fist. [M]


The guards raised their voices again.

"Fist enough to destroy the wall... that an elf girl... stops it," he said? "" Aren't those girls wizards!? "" I have warrior-like powers...? So treating a wizard... "

"Are you okay, Raphilia?"

"Master is the one. They suspect it's this slow. '

We exchange words in Truth and Consciousness Sharing.

Because it was a really light punch, no problem for Rafilia.

Because the guards are flabbergasted at the first stage I broke the wall - I don't think they even acted. Originally, "Building Strike" didn't do any damage to people.

And then, just like the meeting...

"No, you can't. Master. Hitting the wall with a groan will hurt your fist."

"... but if you don't do this, you slaves..."

"If it's enough to bother the master, I'll also accept being monitored. Besides, a proud 'northern town of Hermit' guard who respects warriors shouldn't be doing so bad."

"Indeed, honoring warriors and swordsmen means that you are proud of your sword. They don't break promises or look down on adventurers."

"There can't be."

"There isn't."


Me and Raphilia saw the guard.

"He who fights honorably on the front lines is the one who says he's honored."

"It's grand."

"... ugh," "... ugh, ugh, ugh"

It's working. It's working.

We fulfilled the conditions set out by the other side. [M] There must be no reason for them to complain.

"Can you trust me with this?

I said.

The guards are turning a blind eye at first. Another push.

"I, the 'Trusted Swordsman', will watch them all the time and take responsibility for everything they do. If that's unacceptable, you don't have to land. There's nothing you have to do until you sacrifice your people."

"... ugh, ugh"

"If you like, can I sign a contract on my behalf saying, 'This time in this town, I won't let them use magic'?

"Oh, how did you get so far..."

"Because it's my family."

I said.

"They're slaves in position, but they're both my family. There's no way you can let someone else monitor that important family. I repeat, I take responsibility for them. If this town has a policy of believing in 'Warriors and Swordsmen,' then this shouldn't be a problem, should it?

"... ok"

The guard dropped his shoulder disappointingly.

"The use from the port town of Ilgafa cannot even be allowed to" contract ". Besides... I see your power. This town has a policy of trusting swordsmen and warriors. If a 'trustworthy swordsman'... takes responsibility... he is exempt from registration and surveillance..."

"Thank you"

...... ha.

I lost my strength.

I'm gonna put a watch on Cecil and Raphilia, because of what they said, it looks like there was blood on his head. I was going to talk to you a little more calmly... did you get upset?

Damn...... you haven't trained enough yet......

"But please... keep your eyes peeled away from those dark elves and elves"

"Okay. In this town, you will always be at my side. Both of you, is that okay?

"Hi-ha, hi-ha." "Welcome. - So sooo."

The voices of Cecil and Rafilia return.

This would be the compromise around here.

Either way, I can't let you act alone in a town that monitors wizards.

"... I'm sorry I let you take the time. There was a case of a wizard occupying a nearby fort. My lord is laying a strict guard."

... Yep.

"Fort, wizard?

"The old fort, also known as the West Mountain Road gateway."

The guards pointed toward the mountain.

"The wizards occupy it and stand in the way of those who go down the mountain path. It prevents people from going to the mine or carrying their luggage."

I looked at the map.

The place "Grounddragon Earth Gals" taught us is on the western side of the mountain. The (more or less) map of this area has been examined by the Adventurers Guild of the Maintenance. Sure, there should have been a lake near the ruins.

"So what's the route to the lake?

"Normal mountain roads are out of reach. All we have to do is... a dangerous route with demons. If you go to The Adventurer Guild, you should find out."

"Can I ask you one thing?


"Could those wizards not have worn 'Winged Accessories on Swords'?

"... what, you know"

The guard shrugged his shoulder.

Is that why you're wary of wizards?

... Then I wish you'd told me from the beginning.

"I know organizations like that are soliciting wizards. But there's no such accessory on these kids' slave clothes. So it's irrelevant."

"... right. I'm sorry..."

The guard bowed his head deeply.

Then, bowing again and again, he went back to port security.

"What do you think? Cecil, Rafilia?

"Cecil, your consciousness is flying."

"... Nagi said 'family'. In front of others, he said,"... family... "eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh"

Looking back, Raphilia was pulling Cecil's hand, which turned bright red.

Cecil's been dreaming about it for some reason, holding her cheek.

Raphilia smiled and nodded again and again.

"Master doesn't choose the means to protect us."


"Yes. Me, too, very much. Thank you for the wonderful welcome."

"You're welcome."

I'm not going to say that much amazing.

"Brother. What's the story now...?" "He said the wizard was doing evil." "What do you mean...?

Illis, Eine and Cutlass come together.

I nodded to everyone and then I looked at the ship.

"For once, let's go back to the ship. We need to hear from the Wind Wizard again."

I said.

"The wizard who occupies the fort may be an associate of the 'Home Brave Alliance'"

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