Being Able to Edit Skills in Another World, I Gained OP Waifus

Episode 204: Ships and Demons Heading North and Nagi and Cutlass' Combined moves'

A few days later.

We left the port town of Ilgafa on a merchant ship.

The destination is the northern town of Hermit.

Via the maintenance site Mishrilla, it will be a two-night trip one way.

On board are the sailors and the captain. Irgafa Regular Soldiers and their captains. Other interested parties.

And it's me, Iris and Cutlass.

Cecil, Eine and Rafilia are supposed to rendezvous at the maintenance site. I really wish we could all move to Ilgafa, because if we all move frequently (hippo), we might find out about the transfer item. Me, Iris and Katras, who met with the lord face to face, decided to board the ship.

I would have liked you to be in Cecil and Rafilia, where magic works, but... it's for alibi work. Besides, I've been thinking about the measures.

"Or boarding a sea dragon witch is the pride of a regular soldier. Please, relax!!

"Shh. Isn't that a secret about Illis? Master Regular Soldier."

Iris put his finger on his lips.

Now she wears green hair and leather armor. This is the Mysterious Melody style recently developed by Illis.

"Please call me 'Melody' about Illis now. At the request of Lord Ilgafa, he is an adventurer who carries loads to the northern town. Next door are my colleagues and my beloved 'brother'. That's what you should know."

"I understand!

The captain saluted us and left us.

That regular soldier was the one who escorted me to Illis during the 'Sea Dragon Festival' before. Was it when we woke up with the help of a sea dragon and protected Iris?

Maybe it's because I remember when we were being polite.

"This is my first time aboard a ship…"

Cutlass said, staring at the sea from the deck.

Actually, I'm new to ships, too. Even in the original world, I didn't get a chance to ride.

We're on a big sailboat. After we leave Ilgafa, we will be heading north on the current.

Of course, it's a sailboat, so there's a specialist wizard on board to go on the wind.

The girls with the empty robes are now talking to the captain at the end of the ship. From reading and manipulating the wind, they call him the Wind Mage. I'm a professional at Ilgafa's, and I'm a professional on the road. Cool.

"I just don't like melodies because they're just a little tight on character"

Ilis sighed small.

"This time, the 'Sea Dragon Kelkattle' will be manipulating the currents, so all of the 'Wind Fairy Mages' will have fun. I hope that calms you down."

"... they've been looking at us for a while now."

Plus, with pretty sharp eyes.

When I was on the boat, I was told, "Hired, adventurers, be quiet so you don't get in the way".

For once, we are also ostensibly in the position of being hired by the lords of Ilgafa... I wonder if there can be no reciprocity for the dedicated wizards.

"There's a ship out there. - Whoa!

At the tip, the captain shouted.

The sail rises and the ship moves out slowly.

This is how we were supposed to sail to Mishrilla, our maintenance site.

The ship is proceeding along land.

Because you're on the currents, fast. In the evening, I wonder if we can reach the port of Mishrilla, the maintenance site.

White sails are trembling over our heads. Behind the ship are two 'Wind Mages' who use wind magic.

It's more like reading the wind flow and telling the sailors about it than controlling the wind.

Because of that, the ship never rocks so much, and it's heading north calmly. I don't see "Sea Dragon Kelkattle". According to Iris, after manipulating the current, he headed for a distant ocean patrol.

"... or which"

"Hey, Cutlass."

"The wizards seem to be asking for this one just now...?

If you look sideways when you're told, sure.

And I thought, I walked over here.

What is it...?

I piss off my shoulders as much as I want, I step on my feet and come closer...?

"Hey, you guys"

"You are the lords of Ilgafa, the hired adventurers."

Two girls with empty robes stopped in front of me and Cutlass.

Looking straight at us, he's ringing his legs like he's pissed off.

Answer me. We're listening.

"... I'm an adventurer. We're supposed to escort the package to the north town."

"Until we hand over the package to the merchant, it's our job."

Me and Katras looked at each other and answered.

"Are you a swordsman? You're not a wizard, are you?

said the girls.

I'm not a wizard, I think you'll see.

"As you can see, I've never used magic."

".................. pu"

They laughed. Why not?

"Swords and other useless things on board. We're in a better position to use magic. But aren't you tall?

"... Huh?

"Tell you what, we're better off on the ocean. Don't forget that."

I'm joking...... it's not like that, right?

The two wizard girls are holding their breasts against us. His nose is also rough.

... but why should we be humbled...?

We are supposed to deliver our baggage to the north town at the behest of the lord of Ilgafa. But the job's been up on land since, so now it's out of business hours.

Besides, even Mr. Wind Wizard shouldn't be too busy. I'm not doing enough work to make you want to sell a fight over here. The ship is on the current, so you just have to watch the wind every certain hour...

... But why are you poking at me?

"Our job is to go ashore. That's what Ilgafa's lord promised me."

"What we're saying is about the attitude of getting to work"

That's crazy.

These people are normal adventurers, aren't they? How come you look so great?

Like a nobleman who belonged to the White Alliance?

"Here! What are you doing!? Between the hired!

There was a voice from the captain of the regular army. Iris... originally, Melody's with him.

"Together, you are the ones hired by Lord Ilgafa. There is no upward or downward relationship. I mean..."

"You'll just have different places to work"

"Yes, this sheaf is right."

Kohon, and cough up (Seibullah) and say off the regular army captain.

"This ship is proceeding on the tide currents thanks to the protection (basket) of the 'Sea Dragon Kelkattle'. Not a lot of wizard work, either. Why do I need to intimidate my colleagues?

"When this job is done, we'll be brave."

..................... Yes?

I thought I heard wrong.

However, the wizard girls tense their chests and indicate the accessories attached to the collar of the robe. A brooch made of silver, in the form of wings and swords.

"This is a membership card that someone sold me. In that group where he was, he said, the hierarchy depended on how good he was."

"Those who are better than the others on the spot gain control over those below," the man said. And sooner or later, they're launching a new organization. We're going in there. So we're in a better position than you, who are just adventurers. "

"... no, we have absolutely nothing to do with that organization"

"When this work is done, we will cross the sea and go to battle with the Demon King's Army. Still saying I'm on par with you guys?

"... Demon King Army?

"Oh, the brave man said it was time to move on to anti-demon king measures"

Is that true?

If there was a demon king across the ocean and it was moving - I think "Sea Dragon Kelkattle" would tell us. But the sea dragon, he didn't say a word about it. How do these girls know anything that no sea dragon even knows?

"Anyway, we're up there on the boat." "Should we change our attitude a little bit more?

Once again, the girls strained their chests.

In the meantime, hold for information. Besides, I can't help fighting here.

I decided to take Iris and Cutlass's hand and leave this place.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" "What's that attitude!

"Let's get to work."

I said.

"What would you do if a demon came out while you were doing this?

"Ha. You guys don't understand anything! There's never been a demon in this waters!" "Even if it comes out, let's sweep it away with our magic!

"It's a monster." There's a demon out there.

The sailor screamed.

He leads himself out of the side, pointing offshore.

There were a couple of boats floating around. On board are bows and demons equipped with shields.

"This is the top species of the" Sea Dust Goblin "! Brother!!

Ilis screamed.

"There's no way a demon can get close to Ilgafa's ship... you seem to be deceiving the eyes of a sea dragon by wearing human clothes and boarding a ship..."

"If you're on a boat, it's hard to see from the 'Sea Dragon Kelkattle' in the ocean. You mean you can't distinguish it from a human ship, so you can't attack it...?

"Yes. So I guess sometimes there are goblins who did and pirated..."

"Pirate Goblin"

He is the top species in "Goblin Across the Sea" and is good at swimming and water combat.

There is no eye for precious metals and they often strike merchant ships.

Approaching in a few boats. Caution should be exercised when attached to a ship because it is troublesome.

There are a total of three ships boarded by 'Pirate Goblin'.

They approach slowly, defending themselves with a shield.

"Let go of the arrow! It's troublesome when it's attached. Get rid of it!"

"Damn, you demons... it's wisdom..."

The soldiers aboard the merchant ship are releasing arrows towards the canoe.

"Melody, Cutlass...... come here for a second"

We hid in the shadow of our luggage so as not to disturb us.

Let's start with the operation meeting here.

"If it's about goblin, I think regular soldiers can clean it up... it's going to take a while"

"The opponent is a goblin in a boat. It will be small."

"If you come aboard this ship, it's a hassle."

While you're saying that, an arrow flies over our heads. It was released by 'Pirate Goblin'.

I know I can get rid of you one of these days... but I don't like it when you get injured.

"I can't help it. Let me give you a sneak hand."

"It's a sneak help."

"Let's say if you get stuck, you push it through with the protection of the 'Sea Dragon Kelkattle'."

Me, Katras and Iris, stick their foreheads together and talk to each other.

Operational decision in dozens of seconds.

"─ So, okay?"

"My weapon is the key. Copy that."

"Illis is a protection when you have to."

"Yeah. Activate your skills at the discretion of Illis if you think it's dangerous"

"I understand!

So, the operation starts--

"Please, 'Wind Fairy Mage'! Wind speed me up!!

"Why are you standing on the deck? Increase ship speed and shake off 'Pirate Goblin'!!

Unexpectedly, the soldiers screamed.

When you look at it, the girls from "The Wind Mage" wear their arms around "The Pirate Goblin".


"It's impossible to escape!! We are the brave ones!!

"Let's give it a kick (or two) like 'Pirate Goblin'!!

"" Sooner or later, the "Alliance of Wings and Swords" must show that it is the "Alliance of the Home Brave"! Even to remind the 'Ancestral Brave Alliance', the brave man of the Nice Thing!!

"" "- - - Yes?

"Home Brave Alliance" and "Ancestral Brave Alliance," what is it?

"Show us our strength!" Vacuum Blade "Vanish Wind"!!

is sooo!

The wind blade produced by the Wind Wizard girl clashed against the shield of 'Pirate Goblin'.


The "Pirate Goblins" speak up.

The shield has a diagonal cut in it. That's wind magic. It's quite powerful.

"See! Before our magic, there's no such thing as demons."

"Eat, eat, eat!!

Shh. Awesome. Bye. faint awesome. sooo!

The girls are firing wind magic in a row.

It works. Sure, he's scratching the shield of 'Pirate Goblin'. But the hit rate is too bad.

This is on a rocking ship. Ranged attacks are hard to hit.

On top of that, the girls are getting bluer and bluer. This is...

"Isn't that too much magic!?

"Shut up if it doesn't help!" "The" Home Brave Alliance "awakens by doing so!

"... awakening?

"Yes, by using all our strength to the limit, we find the possibility that lies ahead" "Then we go back to the inn and rest our bodies and get super recovery. That's how we'll awaken further power."

"Isn't your job to carry loads and people to port? Fighting is what soldiers do, isn't it?

"Ugh, shut up! Is that what we end up with just" The Wind Fairy Mage "!" Me, adventurer, I'll show you where we can do it because we're fighting every demon. "

Screaming with a faint voice, The Wind Mages.

"" We are aiming for the brave! Therefore, we must always show that we are above you...!!

"Because you don't have to show it! Don't push me!!

I stumbled into the constant wizards with my breath.

The "Wind Mages" have their eyes full and fluttering. Magic is flying in the direction of the day after tomorrow. It's totally over the limit now.

I look to Illis. [M] The Illis snuck his ear at the captain of the Regular Soldier. Soldiers who were focused on responding to "Pirate Goblin" came in advance to stop the "Wind Mage" girls.

The blue girls are pulled by the soldiers and sit straight on the deck of the ship.

"Make a fool of me... because" The Windy Wizard "... fight... to the brave... to the" Home Brave Alliance "..."

"Because you've never fought a demon... don't look down... you adventurer..."

The Wind Mages are blurry.

I'm so worn out that I can't stand. Because I can't.

"... I wonder what it is." Home Brave Alliance. "

"... we'll ask later"

"... you are"

Me and Cutlass took the weapon and stepped out of the shadow of our luggage.

Operation initiated.

"Bye, Cutlass. Give me the stretch spear, Fetra."

"Yes, please."

Katras offered me a spear. [M]

This is a magic item I bought from 'Port Town Ilgafa'. It's personalized for Cutlass, but it also has my magic in it.

So if you "merge" with Cutlass, it should work for me, too.

As Cecil's True Cane Neuerut did.

"Do you have a spare tip?

"Yes, because this can be worn with normal spear tips. It's on now."

Oh, well, that's OK.

Cutlass, let's go.

"Hi-ha, hi-ha... Yes, no. Then it's an honor to be able to 'fuck'... yes."

I lay my hands on Cutlass and put up a spear.

And on deck, towards where no one is, poking.

Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke.

"... what are you doing? You guys..."

The "Wind Wizard" girls sitting on the deck were watching us.

I wish I could sleep.

"A dance with the help of 'Sea Dragon Kelkattle'......?

"One of these days I think it will be popular in the port town of Ilgafa."

While answering, Katras and I repeated the aerial collision in "Expansion Spear Fetra".

Fourteen times in total. I guess this is because it's the first one.

And then move carefully to the side of the ship.

"... you're getting closer." Pirate Goblins. "

"... I just want to guess if I can. First, in a direction you can't."

Me and Cutlass nod.

We layered our bodies at a time when the arrows broke.

Cutlass lays down his spear, and from behind, it feels like I'm holding her, hands on top.

"... I don't know what that means... what... those guys...?

"... there's no way a spear would arrive at this distance, is there? Totally......"

"" Sa? Can I help you?

The Wizards penetration is through.

Cutlass unbuckles the spear tip and lays his hands on me.

Me and Cutlass breathe, puke, pull the spear, stick it out!

At the same time...

"Activated!" Delayed Martial Arts (Delayarts) LV2 "!!

"It stretches at full speed." Stretch Spear (Shinshuku Looks) Fetra "!!


"Telescopic Spear Fetra" became huge.


A moment later the spear stretched twice as long and its tip (hose) popped out.

With the effect of "Delayed Martial Arts (Delayarts)," it stays huge (...).

It's like... like a silver shell.

"Gga!? '" Guga?' "Giieeeeeeeeeeee!!

Cancer! Shit! What the fuck!!


The tip of the spear, which has been gigantic about eight times, hits the shield of the 'Pirate Goblin' directly. Piercing.

And blew up the owner as it was.

Well, there's a noise, and the entangled goblins fall into the ocean. What other goblins are fussing about- is there a hole in the ship? It fired diagonally. That happens, doesn't it?

"That went well. Cutlass."

"What kind of" crap "do you want?

Me and Cutlass, uh, hi-touch.

This is a combination of my skills and Katras' weaponry.

Delayed Fighting (Delayarts) increases its power when weapons become huge just for what they have emptied.

"Stretching Spear (Shinshuku) Fetra" can be instantly stretched by using magic to fly the tip with its momentum.

I thought it would be a useful flying tool if combined, so I tried. Glad it worked.

"" Yeah, yeah, yeah!! Yes, what's that now?!?

"" Protecting the 'Sea Dragon Kelkattle'!!

Me and Katras shouted at the wind magician.

"Spears are supposedly more like 'snakes' and 'dragons' than they were in ancient times because of their large form, and they can sometimes be given similar moves names. Therefore, by the similarly large figure of" Sea Dragon Kelkattle, "it seems that those who wave it in the ocean are supposedly serving as sea dragons, and occasionally receive special protection, right?" "So, there is!

"... yeah, yeah," "... well, that's what happened"

The wizard girls, the soldiers, they're circling their eyes.

But you seem convinced.

The Lords must be talking about this ship moving forward with the protection of the 'Sea Dragon Kelkattle'.

And around the ship, blurry but shadowy shadows like "Sea Dragon Kelkattle" emerge. Of course, it was created by Illis in "Fantasy Space". It combines performances of being protected by a sea dragon with threats to the Pirate Goblin. While it's working, let's get this over with.

"Cutlass. Let's go next"

"Yes it is! Set a regular tip.

Shh, shh.

Me and Cutlass are waving 'Elasticated Spear Fetra' again. Next time, maybe 20 times.

And then, standing on the edge of the ship, setting the target...

"Ggaaaaaa!? '"...... gi, giggy giggy "

"Pirate Goblin" is still bowing this way.

I don't think I'm going to run away.

I'm asking the lord to take out the ship. I will not forgive you if you attack it.

(("Delayed Martial Arts" plus "Stretch Spear (Shinshuku Looks) Fetra" - - Fire - Huh!!

Me and Cutlass activate our skills without speaking up.



A giant spear tip hits the ship directly.

The goblins blew up every canoe.

"Giggalo!" "Giggag, goggo, goggo, bababego." Huh!

The last remaining ship is trying to escape. Yeah. You're done.

In the shadow of my luggage, Illis is waving. I have a soft golem 'Ritong' in my arm. I was going to ask Shiro to put up a 'Shirudo' when it got dangerous, but it ended before that.


"It looks like 'Sea Dragon Kelkattle' has noticed 'Pirate Goblin'. My family, the Protector of Haibara, has arrived."

Illis is pointing to the sea level.

Beyond the boat, I saw a triangular back sticking out.

Big. Plus, it's beautiful. It shines like a sapphire in the sun.

"That is the family of Kelkator the Sea Dragon. He who guards the ship of Ilgafa, the port town. It would be" The Protector of Haibara "!

"---G? Ggaaaa!?


A blue shark emerged from the waves and swallowed 'Pirate Goblin'.

"Gigi?" "Geaaaaaaa!?

'Pirate Goblin' shouted on the boat.


The blue sharks - the 'protectors of the sea plains' - do not respond to their voices.

It's like working pale, swallowing 'pirate goblins' like waves.

The escaping goblins cling to the remaining ships. The boat rocks heavily because of it, and the goblins fall again. In the end, there were only two surviving goblins.

It also got a soldier's unleashed arrow on his back and disappeared into the waves.

"Good day, Katras"

".................. (Po - -)"

"............... Cutlass?

No reply.

Cutlass is fluttering while holding on to 'Stretch Spear Fetra'.

"What are you doing, Cutlass? Are you seasick?

"Excuse me. Which one is there? It's Finn."

Tingling, and blinking Cutlass eyes are turning to red purple.

"If I cut it, I'd be glad to see which one I wanted to use, and I think I lost my mind."

"... Really?

"That's right. It is the dust of the slaves who fight 'to hell'. Katras also dreamed of using Cecil, Rita, or whatever she wanted to use. Now that it's done, your thoughts are flying."

That said, Finn seemed to love the stretch spear Fetra.

"This spear will never be washed again"

"... Normally, you don't wash weapons?

"No, no, my lord and I are going to take a bath together, aren't we?

I heard Leggy the Devil's Sword on my back.

"No, I am. The Devil's Sword in the main unit is enough to wipe it with a cloth."


Leggy starts trembling in small pieces.

"Ah, speaking of which, the sea breeze stings. I was wondering if you could wash me instead of that spear. '

"Yes, sir. When we get to the maintenance site."

"Yes, yes! Or whatever. Akata and Cutlass have sea breezes on their bodies!

"... oh, brother. As a matter of fact... the melody is also due to the sea breeze..."

Here, here, here.

Stop stuffing all of us.

"Speaking of which, it wasn't Illi-- Melody, what's going on with the ship's plans?

"Yes. A day's berth at 'Maintenance Mishrilla'. We are then scheduled to head to the northern town of Hermit"

Then I wonder if I have time to relax.

"At the bathhouse in the maintenance area, there was a large bathroom for rent, wasn't there? If I get that appointment, that means"

"" 'Yes!

Iris and Feen, who raise their hands with a smile. Leggy answers only with her voice.

Well, this exploration of the Ancient Elf Capital is half my hobby.

Everyone's hope to hang out with me, let's make it as real as we can.

"............ ahhh" "......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The girls of Fusei Mage are shaking as they sit on the deck.

The ship is on the wind and tide currents and is well on its way.

We and them don't seem to have a lot of work to do for a while.

"Uh... good job"

"" Hih!

Scared me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry to fool you" "Because wizards who specialize in ships are often looked down on by adventurers... because of that..."

"No, I think" The Wind Mage "is a fine job."

I said.

"You're a shipping professional, aren't you? I hear the treatment is good too. With you, Ilgafa can be a shipping town."

I really do.

I think it's a fine job. I wish I didn't have to aspire to something brave.

"... because we've never fought demons" "... because we don't like battle wind magic, we're always fooled by top adventurers..."

The wizards in the sky are dropping their shoulders disappointingly.

""... are you sure you haven't looked down on us...?

"You bet!!

Unexpectedly, Iris - - Melody screamed.

"How precious do you think a skilled 'wind magician' is? I guess Lord Ilgafa should properly tell you guys about it! IRI - No, if this mysterious sheaf melody meets the lord of Ilgafa, I will protest!

"... thank you" "... sorry"

The "Windy Wizards" smiled as they wet their tears.

Looks like you figured it out.

"That's fine, but for one thing, can you tell me?

I looked at them and asked.

"From whom did you hear the story of the 'original brave man' and the 'main family brave man'? What power did the man have? If you don't mind."

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