T4 Ghost-class light interstellar reconnaissance ship No. 1 Bridge

  The captain on the bridge looks empty from a distance, but if you look closely, you can see a small figure the size of a butterfly floating in mid-air, and in front of her is a miniature version of the holographic projection interface.

  This villain is the captain of the T4 Ghost-class light interstellar reconnaissance ship No. 1, Captain Cosette, and a 2nd Class Non-commissioned Officer.

  It's a flower fairy elf.

  It was one of the elven tribes that joined the Green Kite Legion with the Kraken Elven Clan at that time.

  It is small, the size of a palm, and has wings that allow it to fly, but it cannot fly in the cosmic environment like the Sky Wing Clan.

  And this Cosette is 170 years old this year, the daughter of the patriarch of the flower fairy elf clan, although she is 170 years old, but according to the age of the elf, she is still a girl.

  Unlike other calm-loving Flower Elves, she is an adventurous and starship Flower Elf who has taught herself the internal teachings of the Elven clan on interstellar warfare.

  Because of the long life span, plus he is very smart.

  Therefore, this flower fairy elf girl, after joining the Green Kite Legion, in just half a year, she has repeatedly made meritorious achievements, and has become a second-class non-commissioned officer with the promotion speed that can rank among the top five in the history of the Green Kite Legion.

  And it is a great honor to be the captain of the first T4 Ghost-class light interstellar reconnaissance ship.

  Regarding this T4 ghost-class light interstellar reconnaissance ship, because it belongs to a special type of ship, Sun He once considered its captain candidate.

  This person must be calm, intelligent, bold and careful.

  Because the T4 Ghost-class light interstellar reconnaissance ship is destined to perform a very special mission, and that kind of spying intelligence behind enemy lines is a daily operation.

  Therefore, this captain must have the ability to take charge on his own.

  In the end, the Cosette Flower Fairy Elf girl entered Sun He's sight.

  "According to the report, we and the second ship have sneaked into the Tate system in stealth, and according to the current speed and route, it is expected to arrive at the star field where the Tate Stargate is located in about six hours. The co-captain walked over.

  A one-meter-eight tall Milky Way Terran woman looked at the "girl" who was less than twenty centimeters tall in front of her.

  This partner is really weird, but fortunately, after a period of sea trials, everyone on the bridge is already familiar with the crew, so they don't feel too much.

  Captain Cosette looked at the trajectory of the course on the star map, and the Tate Stargate.

  They looked at the frontal battlefield that was already behind them.

  "Contact the second ship and tell them that we can turn on the 'Induction Core' now. Captain Cosette said.

  The deputy captain was a little surprised, she pointed to the section of the voyage track on the star map: "We are still some distance away from the Tate Stargate, will it be too early to open the 'induction core' here." "

  The corners of Captain Cosette's mouth rose to reveal a confident expression: "The task given to us by the commander is to stealthily sneak into the enemy's rear, open the 'inducement', and disguise it as a posture to sneak attack the Tate Stargate.

  But in fact, there are only two of us in this operation, T4 Ghost-class light interstellar reconnaissance ships, and if they get too close to the Tate Stargate, the local garrison will definitely send a patrol fleet to investigate.

  If they detect that this is false information, then our plan has failed.

  And with our two T4 Phantom-class light interstellar reconnaissance ships alone, it will be difficult to defeat the enemy if they encounter the enemy fleet.

  Therefore, it is most appropriate to turn on the 'induction core' in this position. "

  The vice-captain was still a little wavering.

  "You can contact the second ship, and I'll convince their captain. "

  "Yes. "

  Eventually, after a few minutes of discussion, Captain No. 2 agreed with Captain Cosette and opened the 'Induction Core' in this star field.

  "I made an agreement with the captain of the second ship to turn on the 'induction core' together in ten minutes and continue at a speed of 200 knots.

  In the process, you'll be responsible for keeping an eye on your surroundings, and the starship radar will keep an eye on you.

  Whether it's a starship or an interstellar fighter, any flying machine found in the universe will immediately send a drone swarm to annihilate it once it enters our alert range!

  If the drone swarm can't be annihilated, our starship will go.

  In any case, before succeeding in the plan, convince His Majesty the Beast Emperor that there is a fleet of green kites here attempting to attack his Tate Stargate.

  Ten minutes to be ready.

  The two T4 Ghost-class light interstellar reconnaissance ships are still in a stealthy state, swimming in this star field like interstellar ghosts.

  But at this time, the Tate Gate side of the Tate system was fried.

  Drip drip, drip

  "Warning, warning, warning! In the Tate coordinates** region, a large number of starship energy fluctuations have been detected. "

  "Warning, warning, warning! In the Tate coordinates** region, a large number of starship energy fluctuations have been detected. "

  "Warning, warning, warning! In the Tate coordinates** region, a large number of starship energy fluctuations have been detected. "

  Tate Stargate: Command Center

  For a moment, all the orc staff were stunned, and then they all got busy.

  "What's going on, why are there so many starships all of a sudden?"

  "Let's check if there's something wrong with the stargate radar system. "

  "I'm sure there was no mistake, I still used several other stargate radar systems to make a few detections, and the results were the same! And that fleet is heading towards our Tate Stargate at a speed of 200 knots. "

  "That must be the fleet of the Green Kite Legion! If you want to attack our Tate Stargate! We must report this news to Your Majesty and ask for support!"

  "However, how did such a large fleet jump over the frontal battlefield and the sentry posts we set up on the border to enter this position?"

  Listening to the chatter of his subordinates, an orc officer walked quickly into the command center.

  This orc legion, named Matt, is the commander of this Tate Stargate.

  "Tell me the number of this fleet. General Matt said in a deep voice, his expression serious.

  The discovery of the fleet of the Blue Kite Legion in the Tate system is quite a serious matter.

  Once the Tate Stargate is threatened, it will have a great impact on the situation of the battle.

  Not to mention the risk of the fall of the Tate Stargate, just because this Blue Kite fleet is in this position, it poses a great threat to the logistics and supply routes of the four legion fleets of the Grom Beast Empire that are fighting on the front line.

  Once the logistical supply routes are cut off.

  Strategic materials could not be delivered to the starships of the front-line legion fleet in time, some starships could not be replenished, and some broken parts and equipment could not be replaced.

  The starship's combat power is affected, and the butterfly effect it triggers is quite terrifying!

  That is an extremely bad impact on any battlefield.

  "According to the starship reactions we have detected, there are at least 500 T3 starships! According to our intelligence understanding of the Blue Kite Legion, it cannot be ruled out that there will be no T4 starships hiding their whereabouts!" the subordinate reported.

  Five hundred starships!

  That's probably not a lot.

  But this is 500 T3 starships, which means something completely different.

  "Five hundred T3 starships, and an unknown number of T4 starships. According to the standard configuration of a fleet of the Green Kite Legion, there may be 20 T4 starships!" General Matt had beads of sweat on his forehead, and he was a little nervous and frightened.

  Not to mention the defense power of the Tate Stargate itself, the fleet they can mobilize alone is only 5,000 starships.

  Of the 5,000 starships, there are only five T4 Smasher-class heavy star destroyers, and less than 100 T3 starships!

  "Calculated according to the simulation of the system. Theoretically, we can withstand these 500 T3 starships for a maximum of three days. The subordinate reported another piece of news.

  "Theoretically?" General Matt pursed his lips and smiled self-deprecatingly.

  It's not that he doesn't believe this data, but he thinks that this data underestimates the Blue Kite Legion.

  For this battle, General Matt studied the history of the war of the Blue Kite Legion.

  The most important is the previous Bloodhoof Empire's Bloodhoof D2 Stargate Battle.

  That Bloodhoof D2 Stargate is actually of the same type as the Tate Stargate, and it was built with the help of the Grom Orc Empire.

  But how long did that Bloody Hoof D2 Star Gate hold on?

  So, he didn't believe in the three-day period at all.

  By the time those Blue Kite legions arrive at the Tate Gate to attack, it will be as short as a day or as long as 30 hours, and the Tate Star Gate will fall.

  "Send this news to His Majesty Grom XIII immediately, and be sure to stress the seriousness of the matter. Request for at least 20,000 starships to support the Tate Stargate.

  And it has to be within 24 hours! Remember, 24 hours from now!" General Matt said solemnly.

  He deliberately described the incident as quite serious.

  But there was one thing he was missing at the moment.

  It was something that most generals would do in an ordinary battle, and that was to first investigate the authenticity of the enemy fleet and send two or three patrol fleets to test it.

  But he ignored!

  Because of the tension and fear in his heart, he neglected the task that had to be arranged under such an ordinary situation.

  After that, he didn't pay much attention to it, and he didn't find any clues.


  Beast Emperor Legion: Flagship

  "Report, news from the Tate Stargate. A fleet of green kites with five hundred T3 ships and at least 20 T4 ships was spotted on the border of the Tate system.

  Heading towards the Tate Stargate at 200 knots, it is expected to arrive at the Tate Stargate in six hours.

  General Matt, the commander of the Tate Stargate, requested that at least 20,000 starships be dispatched to support the Tate Stargate within 24 hours!" The subordinate hurriedly reported this important news to the Beast Emperor of Grom XIII.

  Grom XIII squinted at the location of the fleet of kites in the Tate system, as marked on the star map.

  "Assault on the Stargate?"

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