“Little sister, don’t move! My sister’s knife is very sharp, if I accidentally scratch your beautiful face, my sister and I will be distressed! ”

The ghost shook in front of Jiang Xue’s eyes with a short knife.

Then, when she glanced at Wu Shuang in front of her with afterlight, she was slightly stunned.

“Huh, this little girl’s arm turned out to be a gun?”

“Is it a transformation person?”

“How strange!”

The ghost’s face was full of surprise, even with her insight, she couldn’t understand what was going on with Wu Shuang.

“Let her go!”

Wu Shuang’s muzzle was aimed at the ghost’s head, extremely vigilant.

On the rooftop before, she had promised Chu Xuan to protect Jiang Xue’s safety.

Since this group of bad people came over with great difficulty, Jiang Xue must be extremely important to them, and Jiang Xue could not be allowed to fall into their hands no matter what!

Start first, suffer later!

Wu Shuang still understands this truth!

Taking advantage of the ghost’s stunned time, Little Niko had already aimed her head with a muzzle, and immediately fired a shot!


Bullets are sent out instantly!


The expected headshot didn’t happen!

In this brief moment, the ghost reacted quickly, tilted its head to the left, and directly avoided this fatal bullet!

“The little girl’s temper is really short enough!”

“It’s really naughty enough to attack people without saying a word!”

The ghost hid behind Jiang Xue, with a gloomy tone in his tone.

“You attacked us first! And the face says me! ”

Wu Shuang scolded coldly, but his face became more solemn than ever.

Just now, she shot extremely fast, not to mention she used a sniper rifle, and the bullet speed was even faster.

But this did not hurt the crazy woman in front of him, who was evaded by her alertness.

As soon as the connoisseur makes a move, he will know whether there is one or not.

This crazy woman seems to be even stronger than the Cao Long she met before!

It was between the moments of confrontation between the two.

Jiang Xue, who was being held hostage, rolled his eyes and suddenly reached out to grab the ghost’s arm!

Immediately, between the electric flint, an over-the-shoulder fall slammed the ghost behind him to the left!

And the latter didn’t notice for a while, and he definitely didn’t expect Jiang Xue to suddenly burst out, let alone that this seemingly weak girl would have such a huge power! The whole person was violently turned to the left and fell the floor!

And at this time, Jiang Xue also raised the pistol and immediately pulled the trigger!

Bang bang bang!!

Gunshots rang out!

This set of movements is completed in one go, without the slightest sluggishness, and the movement is as smooth as clouds and water.

But the ghost is far from being idle, and he has reacted quickly when he suffered a loss, and at the moment Jiang Xue shot, the ghost’s whole body was already transparent, and disappeared directly in front of his eyes!

“Gone again?”

Jiang Xue frowned, quickly walked to Wu Shuang, and said, “Be careful, she’s still nearby!” Don’t let her get close! ”


Wu Shuang nodded when he heard this, and the two white and immature arms instantly turned into two light machine guns!


The light machine gun fired quickly, and the bullets poured out all around as if they didn’t want money!

Compared to Jiang Xue’s caution, Little Nizi can be much simpler and more rude.

Although that crazy woman can be invisible, when she still exists on this floor after all, she will definitely approach Jiang Xue.

No matter where you are, a shuttle bullet will hit her first, and if you don’t kill her, you will scare her to death!

Anyway, with the ability of weapon fruit, the bullet is equivalent to infinity, do not have to worry about running out of bullets, and there is no need to switch magazines for bullets like normal firearms.

As long as you don’t get tired, there is no chance of gaps!

In this way, Wu Shuang used two light machine guns to vent for about ten minutes! And there is no sign of stopping!

Inside the hall on the seventh floor, behind a load-bearing wall.

The ghost in the stealth state cautiously poked his head and looked at the fierce girl holding two machine guns, with a look of palpitations.

“What the hell is going on with this little girl?!”

The ghost’s eyes lit up with amazement.

Before she set off, she thought that this mission would be very easy.

Unexpectedly, he first met a Chu Xuan who could turn into a dragon, and with the power of one person, he could easily block the army of 50,000 zombies, and kill and kill outside.

Gray took the opportunity to enter the building, but he did not expect that these seemingly ordinary humans he met also had all kinds of incredible abilities.

For a while, the ghost suddenly felt tricky!

“Although this little girl is very powerful, the frequency of her attacks seems to be monotonous, and there are traces to follow!” The ghost narrowed its eyes and observed patiently.

She found that Wu Shuang, armed with two light machine guns, was full of firepower.

But she is all indiscriminate attacks.

The specific location of the ghost was not found at all.

And the frequency of the attack is also to strafe from the left first, and then strafe from the right.

The interval is about six seconds!

The ghosts estimate the distance from each other.

If you take advantage of the moment Wu Shuang just finished shooting, you may get some gunshot wounds, but as long as you are careful, you may be able to get close to them!

As long as they can get close, the ghost will exert extremely strong strength, and these two little girls will not pose a threat to themselves!

Thinking of this, the ghost saw the opportunity, and quickly rushed from behind the load-bearing wall like a ghost!


Wu Shuang still tirelessly vented his firepower.

But at this moment, Jiang Xue suddenly exclaimed: “Wu Shuang be careful!” I heard her footsteps! ”

“She’s in the direction of eight o’clock!”


Slightly stunned, Wu Shuang subconsciously adjusted the direction of the two light machine guns and fired in the direction of eight o’clock!

However, just after firing a few shots, I suddenly felt a sharp wind sound ahead, and it seemed that something was whistling…


A long, narrow scalpel like a broken blade plunged into Wu Shuang’s shoulder like a dart, causing her pain while the attack suddenly stopped.

By the time she reacted, it was too late!


The ghost appeared in front of him like a ghost, without the slightest hesitation, and sent a sharp stab at Wu Shuang’s white neck!

Be ruthless!

If this knife hits, it is enough to separate Wu Shuang’s head!

“Be careful!”

When he was in a panic, Jiang Xue arrived in time.

Desperately, he stretched out his right hand, which had been mutated by the virus, and directly grabbed the ghost’s broken blade!

Strange thing!

This originally extremely sharp broken blade was actually held abruptly by Jiang Xue!

This black palm is like wearing an extremely tough defensive glove, no matter how hard the ghost exerts, it can’t cause any damage!


Jiang Xue clenched her palm slightly, and this broken blade was actually directly pinched by her!

“How is that possible?!”

Seeing this, the ghost’s eyes widened and exclaimed in shock.


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