After Cao Shen came to this "Guangming Community" today, he asked the system to open the "high-precision map" and check it out.

In this map, it is clearly stated that this is the usual office location of the Science and Technology Commission.

Originally, according to his and Xiao Gang's original plan, today he explained clearly the source and purpose of his technology.

Cooperate with the financial department to develop a personal credit report, cooperate with the public opinion department to create a white list, open source NLP and search technology to the technology department, and avoid being monitored on the security side, and everything will be solved satisfactorily.

But after seeing the Science and Technology and Industry Committee, Cao Shen made an impromptu decision.

Using a high-precision map as a guide, the hale old man was "exploded".

It can be said that whether it is high-precision maps, autonomous driving or new energy vehicles.

Cao Shen said a lot, and his ultimate goal was for this old man!

Now that the appetizers were finished, the old man spoke.

The main course is here!

Cao Shen faced the hale old man and said seriously:

“To achieve true autonomous driving in the future, high-precision satellite positioning is indispensable!”

"Oh?" The slender old man stopped picking up the tea cup. Aviation, aerospace, and military industry were all under his control.

Cao Shen looked at him as if he were seeing a mushroom cloud.

This old man is in charge of launching rockets and satellites!

Mushroom Cloud looked at Cao Shen with interest and rolled up the cuffs of his shirt:

"Come on, let's talk about it carefully."

Cao Shen said:

“When autonomous driving reaches L3 and above, the requirements for accuracy and stability gradually increase.

Using cameras and radars, the recognition of the surrounding environment and lanes by these sensors will be affected in severe weather conditions such as rain, snow, haze, etc.

In addition, in laneless lines and open spaces, cameras and radar sensors cannot make accurate relative positioning due to the lack of relatively easy-to-identify reference objects.

At this time, high-precision satellite positioning can play a great role.

In addition, high-precision satellite positioning can save the computing power of the autonomous driving system to a certain extent.

Cameras and lidars use image recognition and laser point collection data respectively. Both of them require a large amount of storage and calculation, which will directly increase the difficulty of commercialization.

Satellite positioning can use precise positioning. When collecting images and radar information and matching them with high-precision maps, there is no need to call the image database of the entire road or the entire city. It only needs to call a relevant piece of data, which greatly reduces storage. quantities and operations. "

Mushroom Cloud frowned slightly, looked at Cao Shen and said:

“Satellite navigation single-point positioning uses a receiver to communicate with at least four satellites to determine the four variables of latitude, longitude, altitude and time, thereby locating the position of the receiver.

However, due to the interference of atmospheric ions, the positioning accuracy is only meter level.

At present, the GPS in the United States has a global positioning accuracy of less than or equal to 9 meters horizontally and less than or equal to 15 meters in elevation at a 95% confidence level.

Our country's "Guide" satellite navigation and positioning system currently has an accuracy level of 10 meters in the Asia-Pacific region, and the altitude is also 10 meters.

Even if we plan to achieve a level and elevation accuracy of 5 meters in the domestic coverage area within ten years, this meter-level accuracy cannot meet your needs for autonomous driving.

For autonomous driving, I estimate that the accuracy must be at least centimeter-level.

Of course, the GPS in the United States is divided into military P codes and civilian C/A codes, which correspond to precision positioning service PPS and standard positioning service SPS respectively. The positioning accuracy of civilian codes is much smaller than that of military codes.

But obviously, military codes are only available to the US military and authorized agencies.

And if other countries use GPS, they can only rely on civilian codes to achieve positioning and navigation services, and you won't be able to use it. "

Cao Shen smiled and said:

“It is true that the meter-level accuracy of GPS for civilian use cannot meet the needs of autonomous driving.

However, this is an opportunity for Dongguo satellite navigation and positioning! "

"Oh? How to say it!" Mushroom Cloud became very interested.

You know, the first GPS satellite was launched by the United States in 1989.

Dongguo's "Guide" satellite was only released and put into use in 2000.

This is a gap of eleven years, allowing GPS to take the lead and currently captures more than 95% of the global market share.

Even now, GPS has become an exclusive synonym for satellite navigation, and many people don’t know that it is from the United States.

In fact, the correct abbreviation of Global Navigation Satellite System is GNSS, Global Navigation Satellite System.

There are currently four major navigation satellite systems in the world, namely the United States' GPS, Odia's Glonass, the European Union's Galileo and the East China's "Guide".

Nowadays, the GPS of the United States is almost monopoly in the world, and they have been deeply bound to chip manufacturers for a long time, and the entire set of technologies is integrated into the products shipped by chip manufacturers.

GNSS is a major matter of national security strategic importance. Although Dongguo has vigorously developed the "Guide" navigation system, it has missed the opportunity to enter the market and it is difficult to grab share from GPS.

Thinking of this, Mushroom Cloud looked very disappointed.

Cao Shen saw the mushroom cloud expression in his eyes. Of course he knew the importance of a country's GNSS strategic position.

If everyone uses the positioning and navigation services of other countries, they will face the risk of being interfered with or even shut down at any time if there is a problem in the military and other security fields.

In April 2018, the United States intervened in the Syrian conflict. The US military directly shut down civilian GPS signals in Syria, directly affecting weapons and positioning devices guided by GPS signals.

The GPS signal is only used by the US military and is a high-precision P code.

Therefore, having an independent satellite navigation system is a safe choice for the country.

Not only for internal use, but also for national use as much as possible.

All the location data of citizens is accurately known and controlled by other countries, which is not so safe.

But if you want everyone to use it, you must have a strategy.

Cao Shen said:

“The navigation system on mobile phones is now monopolized by GPS.

Moreover, because mobile phone chip companies integrate mobile phone chip functions, and mobile phone application R\u0026D companies have more advantages than traditional satellite navigation companies in software development and applications.

This makes satellite navigation services only play the role of technology providers in the market share of mobile phones, and can earn very little technology licensing fees.

At present, mobile phone GPS is no longer a separate chip, but is integrated into the CPU as an IP intellectual property.

If "Guide" wants to enter the mobile phone market, it must negotiate with international giant mobile phone chip manufacturers for built-in chips.

But most of these manufacturers are American companies, so it is difficult to get in.

And I believe that in the future, in-car navigation and autonomous driving will bring more revenue to satellite navigation than mobile phones.

Because, unlike a mobile phone, navigation is an auxiliary function.

In future cars, especially autonomous driving systems, navigation is a core function.

Moreover, the unit price of cars is higher, and the affordability of navigation systems is much higher than that of mobile phones.

Our domestic "guidelines" should take advantage of the development of automobile assisted driving and autonomous driving, seize the opportunity, enter the automobile industry chain as soon as possible, and be deeply coupled with the industrial chain. "

"But I just said that satellite navigation has accuracy issues and is not suitable for autonomous driving. Do you have a solution in this regard?"

Mushroom Cloud stood up directly, sat next to Cao Shen, grabbed him and asked urgently.

Cao Shen nodded:

"Yes! I have tested it and it can achieve millimeter-level accuracy!"

Mushroom Cloud was obviously excited and held Cao Shen's shoulders firmly:

"How did you do it!"

Cao Shen smiled and said:

“Building a new foundation enhancement system!

I know that the Guide now has a satellite-based augmentation system, and a traditional ground-based augmentation system is also under construction.

My suggestion is to introduce RTK carrier phase difference technology into the current traditional ground-based enhancement system.

Build fixed reference stations on the ground to obtain errors in satellite positioning measurements.

The difference correction result after comparing the satellite positioning coordinates with its own precise coordinates is sent to the GNSS receiver on the car.

The GNSS receiver not only receives data from ground base stations, but also collects satellite observation data and performs differential real-time calculations within the system again.

With this method, positioning accuracy can reach up to 2 cm.

If combined with other sensor data for calculation, the accuracy of our experimental results can reach millimeter level. "

Mushroom Cloud nodded thoughtfully and said after a moment:

"Xiao Cao, we will definitely test the method you mentioned as soon as possible.

Once we find that the effect can indeed be achieved, we will roll out the establishment of ground base stations across the country! "

RTK carrier phase difference is actually a very mature technology, but I didn’t think of autonomous driving before, so there weren’t a lot of scenarios that required positioning to the centimeter level.

Therefore, the previous ground base station did not add this.

It's not difficult, I believe the results will come soon.

Cao Shen continued:

“The GNSS receiver on the car needs to receive data from ground base stations and satellite data at the same time, so it needs the positioning and navigation chip of your ‘Guide’.

Moreover, the GNSS receiver can be installed on the vehicle before leaving the factory or after leaving the factory.

Since cars involve life safety, the state can even force their promotion.

This will be an important opportunity for ‘Guide’ to enter the consumer field.

Moreover, GNSS receivers can be completely manufactured by navigation companies. The current price of a common GNSS receiver abroad is around 20,000.

Even if the price will decrease in the future as more manufacturers enter the market, it will still be far higher than earning a few dollars or even a few cents by providing IP technology for mobile phone chip integration.

In this regard, a number of companies specializing in GNSS receivers can be born.

In addition, because this method can achieve accuracy in the centimeter range or even the millimeter range, consumers will have more demand after they have a good experience with it.

This can also force mobile phone manufacturers to integrate Guidance’s IP into mobile phone chips, thereby increasing Guidance’s market share.

When "Guide" enters the GPS market, it can be compatible with GPS and even navigation systems of other countries, thus further expanding its market share.

As long as our technology and product experience are better than those of other countries, compatibility will gradually evolve into encroachment. I believe this is a very good opportunity. "

The former Chinese Beidou has 55 satellites in 2020, which is the system with the most satellites in the global navigation system.

Even though GPS occupied a better orbital position earlier because it was launched earlier, China has also overcome considerable difficulties and achieved the same level as GPS in terms of technical indicators.

Even in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in China, it has higher accuracy than GPS.

"Okay! It's really good!" Mushroom Cloud patted Cao Shen's shoulder kindly:

"He is indeed the most powerful entrepreneur on the Internet. He has a strong understanding and application of technology and a very good market strategy.

Young man, you are truly a rare talent! "

Mushroom Cloud is very excited!

The country has spent a lot of money and research and development efforts to put the "Guidelines" in the sky.

But there is no way to implement it in the market.

They tried many ways to do this, but with little success.

Cao Shen undoubtedly pointed him out the practical direction for the future.

It is not only a direction but also can greatly improve the product experience. What’s more, the automobile market is a direction with higher revenue value than mobile phones, and it can even counterattack the mobile phone market!

As a result, a large number of excellent companies will be born in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain.

Ground base station construction, various transceiver equipment, boards and chips in the equipment, data platforms and various application-level services.

It can be said that the entire "Guide" market ecology can be revitalized!

Of course, the marketization of the "Guide" has more national strategic significance.

Mushroom Cloud narrowed his eyes. If he can capture the mobile phone market in the future, then going international and giving people around the world the opportunity to use Dongguo's GNSS will be a major strategic victory!

The central government's One Belt and One Road strategy can even establish "ground bases" in other friendly countries. This will be extremely valuable data and strategic extension!

Mushroom Cloud looked at Cao Shen and really liked him!

"Xiao Cao, when we build the website, you are always welcome to inspect the work!

Give us more comments and suggestions!

If you have any needs, you can ask at any time! "

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone from the "mobile phone bag" on his waist:

"Come on, old man, I also have a friend. Let's add one so we can keep in touch at any time!"

"Yes, yes! We will add them later! Youxin is very convenient now. From now on, you can even make video calls and send messages!" The tall man also took out his mobile phone.

The round-faced lady hurriedly said: "You guys are added, we will form a group later. I think a lot of Mr. Cao's work is something that our various departments can communicate and collaborate with together. This is convenient!"

Xiao Gang looked at Cao Shen, shook his head slightly and smiled:

This kid!

Cao Shen strengthened his friendship, grabbed Mushroom Cloud's arm and said:

"Leader, I have something very important that I would like to get your support for..."

"It's easy to talk, Xiao Cao, do you have any other good ideas?" Mushroom Cloud said with a smile.

Cao Shen stood up slowly, glanced around the crowd, put his hands on the edge of the table and said:

“Today, more than 70% of the world’s geographical space, involving 3 billion people, still lacks Internet coverage.

Traditional terrestrial communication backbone networks are difficult to lay out and have high operating costs in harsh environments such as oceans, deserts, and remote mountainous areas.

There are already practical obstacles to extending and popularizing traditional communication backbone networks in areas with low Internet penetration.

In this regard, I propose that our country establish a low-orbit satellite communication network to achieve seamless global Internet coverage! "

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