Cao Shen simply felt that the round-faced lady was his idol, and replied with a smile:

"The three-electric system refers to the battery, motor and electronic control of the car. They replace the internal combustion engine, gearbox and other devices of traditional fuel vehicles and are important components of electric vehicles.

Its technological development also determines the performance indicators of electric vehicles.

Our country has technical reserves in the "three electricity" technologies, especially battery technology, which has entered the first echelon in the world.

The key reason why I advocate vigorously developing electric vehicles in Dongguo is that our country has this capability.

On electric vehicles we can avoid a lot of patent barriers and have the opportunity to overtake in corners!

Of course, electric vehicles have another advantage, energy saving and environmental protection, if the battery recycling work is done well. "

The tall man's fists placed on the table were clenched tightly and he couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The automobile industry, the efforts and dreams of two generations.

Overtaking on a curve!

There are indeed one or two companies in China that are making electric vehicles, and they launched products in 2008. However, due to the problem of battery life, the maximum range is 80 kilometers at a time, and it is very inconvenient to charge and replace batteries, and the performance is not very good, so consumers do not pay for it.

It's basically a matter of losing money and making money, so traditional domestic car manufacturers are not active in making electric vehicles.

This resulted in the company being unable to keep up with subsequent research and development. The company's main business was still fuel vehicles, and it had no motivation or conditions for transformation at all.

For them, making an electric vehicle is too heavy a burden.

He has obviously researched new energy vehicles himself, and they do have the advantages Cao Shen said.

Of course, he didn't even think about centralized domains and autonomous driving at that time, and he didn't dare to think about it even if it was too advanced.

At first, it was just about energy conservation and environmental protection, as an alternative to fuel vehicles for urban transportation.

I didn't expect such a big layout and outlook.

Moreover, because the market does not actually pay the bill, making electric vehicles is a money-losing and economically unprofitable thing. Even national leaders cannot force car companies to do it in violation of market principles.

If car companies are unwilling to do it, then there is no way to talk about overtaking in corners.

It takes four or five years to develop a car, and no car company would dare to bet on a new energy vehicle for overtaking in corners.

It is possible that the car was not produced, or few cars were sold, and the car factory went bankrupt within four or five years.

So, it's something that's nice to think about, but very difficult to execute.

The tall man looked at Cao Shen, his eyes shining brightly.

But, he can!

He does not have the baggage of traditional car companies, and he can travel lightly.

The country's automobile industry is not capable of overtaking in corners but those car companies, it is Cao Shen!

It is he who has the opportunity to lead our domestic cars into the first echelon!

Cao Shen continued:

“New energy vehicles not only have the opportunity to overtake our country’s automobile industry in corners, but also use new electronic and electrical structures to achieve autonomous driving.

It can also improve the level of my country's entire automobile industry chain and have the opportunity to make more upstream and downstream suppliers in the industry chain become the world's top suppliers.

In the traditional automobile industry chain, downstream OEMs need to master core technologies such as engines, chassis and gearboxes.

New energy vehicles will change the traditional automobile industry chain structure that has lasted for hundreds of years. In the new industrial chain, the research and development of core components and automobile companies are gradually separated.

Downstream OEMs can source batteries, electronic controls, and motors from outside. At the same time, some intelligent hardware, auxiliary driving chips, and even autonomous driving chips can also be developed in cooperation with other companies.

All this will lower the entry threshold for vehicle manufacturers, allowing more people to join the new energy vehicle industry, and the entire industry will become more prosperous.

I predict that many new companies specializing in electric vehicles will emerge in the future, and more talents will accumulate here.

This will also drive technological and market development in all links in the industrial chain.

In addition, some auxiliary services, such as charging piles, battery swap stations and other aftermarkets will also be born, and will gain greater development space as the number of users increases. "

"Cao Shen!" the tall man shouted and slapped the table with his hand:

"If you want to make a good car, I will support you in whatever you need!"

"I support you too!" Old Man Yu said again, not falling behind others:

"But I have a question, Cao Shen, you said before that you want to create a central control domain.

According to my immature understanding, does this require a main chip with very powerful computing power?

As you said, if autonomous driving is to be implemented in the future, the performance requirements of this chip may be extremely high.

In this regard, are you planning to source from outside? Are there any chips on the market today that can meet this requirement? "

Cao Shen replied:

“Indeed, as your leader said, changes in the electronic and electrical architecture of cars and autonomous driving will cause explosive growth in the demand for automotive computing power in the future, and the automotive industry will set off a computing power arms race.

Cars need to process a large amount of unstructured data such as pictures and videos, and the processor also needs to integrate multi-channel data such as radar and video.

And it needs to integrate a variety of data, decision-making and planning algorithms, calculation results and execution control.

This process requires a powerful computing platform to unify real-time analysis, process massive data, and perform complex logical operations.

And with each additional level of autonomous driving, the computing power requirement increases by an order of magnitude.

We have estimated that the computing power required at the L2 level is 30 to 60 TOPS, and 1 TOPS means that the processor can perform one trillion calculations per second.

L4 requires more than 100TOPS computing power.

Each L5 vehicle generates at least 4,000GB of data every day, requiring 1,000 TOPS and upwards.

With such huge data, main control chips with AI capabilities will become mainstream.

The structural form of automotive main control chips will also develop from MCU to SOC heterogeneous chips.

There is currently no chip on the market that can fully meet the requirements, so we plan to make it ourselves!

The planned chip consists of three parts, an AI computing unit focusing on intelligent computing, a CPU unit and a control unit.

The main control chip SOC is composed of CPU, GPU, DSP, NPU, various peripheral interfaces, storage units, etc.

Of course, there will be a process when we make chips. It is impossible to make hundreds of TOPS chips overnight, but we will gradually meet the computing power needs from L1 to L5.

In order to make chips better, we acquired the company MIPS.

However, since it is a cross-border acquisition, it is still waiting for approval from the Ministry of Commerce. "

Boss Xiao is helping with the acquisition, but because the Ministry of Commerce has changed its team, the entire external strategy has changed significantly from the past.

In the past, the country gave top priority to its foreign "science and technology strategy" and would rather sacrifice the negotiation space for foreign trade in other industries to find ways to "drain" core technologies back.

But now the entire strategy has changed, and the "technology strategy" sometimes has to make concessions.

With Boss Xiao here, the MIPS acquisition will definitely be implemented eventually, but it may take a long time.

At Boss Xiao's suggestion, Cao Shen was also encouraged to urge other departments to apply pressure together.

Old man Yu was very surprised:

"MIPS is what you want to acquire?

Good boy!

So much work has been done!

You're stuck at the Ministry of Commerce, right? We'll go do some work for you later!

Chip research and development is not easy to do, but you should be able to lay a good foundation with MIPS in hand.

It’s amazing, I make the chips myself, young people are amazing..."

Old Yu was so happy that he couldn't help but smile. The chip was in his hand.

If Cao Shen really works hard in the future, it will be an incredible political achievement.

And looking at his layout, he is well prepared and determined!

The Dongguo chip industry is also lagging behind in algebra...

come on! The old man supports you!

Although Mr. Yu had a wonderful idea, in reality, if Cao Shen wanted to make such a powerful chip, the value that MIPS could contribute was actually not that high.

The entire chip structure is probably a completely new one, so I guess it's more reliable to expect to trade my life for it.

The black-faced man’s eyes were so excited that if it hadn’t been for the table blocking them, they might have pounced on him. He said hurriedly:

"I have a research institute below that also studies chips. Xiao Cao, if you need any support then, just ask!"

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