[Host, do you want to eat hot pot today? 】

The system carefully walked to Cao Shen's desk, put his head on the table, and "looked at" Cao Shen.

Ever since the last time Cao Shen brought ingredients from Zhang Beixin's house and cooked hot pot at home, the system couldn't stop craving this kind of food.

It smells so good that it makes me fly into oblivion, even though I don’t have a soul!

It turns out that this is the spicy taste. It really makes my whole system numb to the point of shaking, but it is so salivating.

And the sesame paste, why is it so fragrant!

Rinse a handful of mutton in five seconds, roll it in sesame sauce, and the steaming heat is coated in the fragrant sauce!

According to the host, it is very tender!

I want to eat it……

And boil fat beef!

Cao Thief said that it is half fat and thin, has the aroma of oil and is not greasy, and there are many ways to eat it besides shabu-shabu.

Fat beef in sour soup, boiled fat beef, braised fat beef in hot sauce...

In order to absorb the smell of hot pot for a few more days, the system even suppressed the desire to clean and tidy up, and did not spray it vigorously with air freshener, which allowed the smell to linger for two more days.

But the smell will eventually dissipate, and the system wants to smell it again, but Cao Cao said that this stuff can cause irritation and cannot be eaten every day.

So the system was busy all day long, thinking about hot pot so much that it almost got crazy.

After finally enduring it for five days, I couldn't help but remind him.

Cao Shen turned his head and looked at the system expressionlessly:

"Do you think I'm not angry enough now? Can't you see that I'm already full of anger?"

[No, host, it is impossible for your body to grow.]

The system held Cao Shen's head and looked carefully:

【Really do not have! 】

Cao Shen pulled the system apart: "This is a metaphor..."

[Host, actually I think you have optimized the search engine very well.

You have reduced the accuracy of NLP, and a lot of content will not be searched by related searches.

Moreover, you have adjusted and tested this accuracy rate for so long, isn’t it already very effective?

Everything that should be searched can be found, and what should not be searched will not appear. I think it is quite good.

Besides, don’t you still have double insurance? There’s a huge “blacklist”.

As long as the results are not returned for people who appear in the blacklist and in-depth related matters, what are you worried about?】

Cao Shen has been secluded at home these days, just doing his search.

The first is to reduce the accuracy of NLP, so that the understanding of many contents is not so "deep", and so much information will not be associated.

But this degree is difficult to grasp, the accuracy is too low, and what should be searched cannot be found.

The accuracy rate is too high and the search results are scary.

Moreover, this accuracy rate is not generalized and can be adjusted according to different categories.

For example, when it comes to knowledge graphs, the accuracy can be higher. When it comes to privacy and sensitive issues, the accuracy will be reduced.

This allowed Cao Shende to classify items one by one and then adjust them bit by bit.

Regarding the accuracy issue, it is better than the "blacklist".

The so-called "blacklist" refers to the people involved, and in-depth information cannot be searched.

This is actually a stupid method of "exhausting". First, people have to exhaust everything, and secondly, the data resources that these people can retrieve need to be exhaustive.

A lot of checking and filling in gaps, a lot of data, and repeated verification.

Sometimes it doesn't work here, and sometimes it doesn't work there.

Cao Shen was so irritated that he almost turned black.

What is he doing! What is he thinking about?

He is making a fig leaf for mankind!

These messages were clearly sent by themselves.

These things were obviously done by themselves.

How comfortable they feel when typing, how happy they are when doing things!

But you still have to work hard to cover it up for them, so that they can say things and do things without having to face the consequences!

They also need to protect their fragile little hearts from being known after they have done bad things.

Cao Shen felt that he was being a fig leaf to protect the dignity of the entire human race!

But are you decent?

He let out a long sigh and said to the system:

"I still need to test it again. Let's eat hot pot after the product is launched. Bring me a glass of ice water. I want a lot of ice!"

【okay! 】

Seeing Cao Shen's depressed look, the system really didn't dare to light the fire anymore and went to work obediently.

But she couldn't understand why the host wanted to cause trouble for herself. I felt like it was extremely troublesome just looking at it!

Why can’t humans face the things they do themselves?

Don’t humans have a saying, “If you dare to do something, dare to take it seriously, you’re lying to me?”

In the afternoon, Cao Shen went to the office and complained about "Startup Heroes" as usual.

Now the number of employees in the Beiki office has increased a lot compared to when we started last year, and the game engine and cloud computing teams alone have expanded a lot.

The new office building is already being renovated and will be moved in next month, but now we can only squeeze it in temporarily.

Cao Shen's independent office has been requisitioned, and several employee workstations have been installed.

This didn't matter to him. Anyway, except for the daily complaints, he basically stayed at home the rest of the time. It would be a waste to have a separate office.

Cao Shen arrived earlier today, mainly because he was agitated and wanted to change the environment and get some fresh air.

The person being complained about hasn't come yet, and there is only an aunt in the conference room who is cleaning up the garbage left behind after the previous meeting.

The original cleaning lady took leave today, and she was a temporary replacement, so she didn't know Cao Shen, she just thought she was an employee waiting for the meeting.

Cao Shen was eating takeaway when he heard his aunt answer the phone:

"What can I do to you? You bastard, what can I do to you?

Your class teacher called me and said that you and your classmates sneaked out of school after class to play games in an Internet cafe! "

"What do you mean, just once, you can be caught by the teacher just once?

If you don't study hard, you can learn to lie quickly! It’s almost 11 o’clock after class for evening self-study, and you’re still playing games. How can you still have the energy to study during the day?

The final exam is coming soon, why don’t you study hard! If you can't get into college, you will have to do labor work like us in the future! "

"You little bastard, I worked so hard to feed you, clothe you, and send you to boarding school. If you don't study hard, who can you deserve?

If you don't do well in the final exam this time, just stop studying. It's a waste of money. I'll pretend I never raised your son!

Go work and support yourself. If you love playing games, play them until you die. Let’s see if we care about you! Why did I give birth to a thing like you? You are so old and you haven’t grown at all! "

Cao Shen put down his chopsticks:

"Do you know what life is like in boarding school?"

The aunt was startled and quickly hung up the phone. After all, it was still time to go to work.

Thinking that Cao Shen was interested in boarding school, he hurriedly said:

"The boarding school is very good, closed and managed. There are classes six days a week and two days off at the end of the month so I can go home.

Start at six in the morning, have morning self-study at 6:40, and continue until 10:40 in the evening, then turn off the lights and go to bed.

The teachers are very strict in their management. They are forced to do nothing but study every day. They are very responsible.

My son's school is very good. The average score of everyone in the mid-term exam increased by dozens.

It’s all due to the teacher’s pressure every day. There is someone in my son’s dormitory who is so stressed that he eats washing powder..."

"How old is your son?" Cao Shen's face was as dark as water.

The aunt was stunned and instinctively replied: "Fourteen."

"Oh, Fourteen. Have you ever thought that before he was your son, he was a person first!

With your intimidating education, have you considered his feelings?

From six o'clock to eleven o'clock in the evening, I did nothing but study.

Have you read his textbooks, done his questions, and taken his classes?

Do you know how boring those things in exam-oriented education are? If it were you, living like this all day long, would you be able to bear it? "

"I...if I had studied, I would be able to do this job now. I didn't want him to be like this, so I spent a lot of money to send him to boarding school.

It was because his father and I had neither read any books that the whole family placed their hopes on him. As a result, we spent money and scolded him, but he didn't live up to his expectations at all! "

"If you haven't accomplished anything in your life, you should work hard on your own instead of inflicting this regret on the next generation.

They have no responsibility to make your dreams come true.

Spend money?

You gave birth to the child. You didn't ask for his opinion when you gave birth to him. You didn't ask him if he wanted a parent like you. He had no choice.

Since you have brought a life into this world, a living person has to face this world.

Have you ever carefully considered this responsibility before you were born? Have you ever thought about the way a person should be raised so that he will not have difficulty facing the world because of his parents? "

The aunt simply felt that the person in front of her was inexplicable and frowned:

"Aren't all parents like this? We give him food and clothing, and try our best to create good learning conditions. What's wrong!

Besides, if you don’t study now, what can you do in the future if your grades are not good? He is young and ignorant. If you don't force him to study, what else can he do? "

Cao Shen shook his head and sighed:

“All people are qualified to be children because they have no choice in their birth.

However, not everyone is qualified to be a parent.

They have not thought clearly about the responsibility of bringing a life into this world, and they do not know how to get along with their children.

Apart from spending money, how much time have you spent getting to know him? Have you ever respected this person? This is a person! "

The aunt was annoyed: "You mean people with no money are not qualified to have children?"

Cao Shen shook his head: "Those who have not thought clearly about how to educate a child are not qualified! Those who have not thought about how to love children are not qualified!"

Zhang Beixin, who was standing at the door, was surprised to see Cao Shen speak so hastily for the first time.

After walking in, he waved to his aunt to let her go out first, and put his hands on Cao Shen's shoulders:

"What's wrong?"

Cao Shen took a bite of rice and said, "It's okay."

Zhang Beixin sat down and said gently:

“In fact, not all families have the ability to educate their children well, which in itself also places high demands on the family’s own ability level.

Moreover, this society is now dominated by exam-oriented education, and everyone has been to the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination.

This is something that can’t be helped..."

Cao took a deep breath and said to his senior sister:

"Let the people from the Interactive Entertainment Division of Deep Technology hold a meeting. Now, everyone, have an online video conference!"

Zhang Beixin was a little surprised: "Now? What are you going to do?"

Cao Shen stood up: "I want to educate!"

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