Something is wrong with this!

With his life at stake, Cao Shen's brain began to spin rapidly.

It can be seen from the look on Qian Ming and Liang Jindong's eyebrows that they have hit it off immediately.

What's wrong?

There is no problem with Qian Ming, angel investors can indeed cash out after one or two rounds.

With Liang Jingdong's resources and background, it is absolutely impossible for him to collapse after just one or two rounds of live broadcast!

It turned yellow in the end. Where did it turn yellow?

Cao Shen stared at the cheerful Liang Jingdong, I know!

Liang Jindong is on top!

This guy is an impatient and righteous person. He didn't even understand e-sports earlier, and he was not an e-sports audience. He jumped out first and took over the event.

These three and two generations are all good people, and they can easily get along with each other in person and compete with each other in private for profit.

But it can be seen that Liang Jingdong has a really good relationship with everyone today, and everyone really respects him, which shows that this guy has a good character.

So the only reasonable explanation is that Liang Jingdong did the live broadcast, Qian Ming quit in time and made money, but Liang Jingdong did not quit!

Not only did he not return the money to his superiors, but he also spent the money on himself. In the end, nothing was done, and the debt exceeded the income he received from Qian Ming! He can do this!

Cao took a deep breath:

“According to Mr. Qian’s plan, we can make money from this matter.

But there will be two problems. With so many companies that need financing, the money in the market will be diluted.

Moreover, it is impossible for investors to put all their money into live streaming. The mobile Internet is about to take off and there are a large number of projects that require financing.

In this way, you will not only be competing for investors’ pockets with your colleagues who engage in live broadcasting, but also countless other projects. In this case, even if you can raise a few rounds, it will only be small amounts of money.

Secondly, this is a guaranteed profit, but it can easily lead to a bad reputation. If you work for eighteen months and then leave, there may not be anyone willing to play with you next time.

Let me put it bluntly, money is always for early investors, and this is how it should be played. This is an art of trading.

But as an entrepreneur, Mr. Liang can easily lose his reputation by doing this.

A project takes eighteen months to be completed in less than two years. Mr. Liang, you are still young and you still have several decades to work on many projects. There is no need to make this money in exchange for your reputation. "

Although Liang Jingdong is easily fooled, he is also a very good person. He immediately calmed down after being exposed to this by Cao Shen!

Yes, my Liang Jindong’s reputation and connections are more than just what I can earn from these two or three rounds of financing. I only invested 100 million out of Qian Ming's 2 billion equity investment fund.

If he invests 60 million in my live broadcast project, it is equivalent to me investing 3 million in myself.

Even if the valuation of my live broadcast project increases tenfold in eighteen months, it will still be 30 million.

Of the 30 million, Qian Ming, as the money manager, had to take 20% of the profit. In the end, I made 21.6 million in my pocket, not counting taxes!

20 million, my reputation as Liang Jindong goes beyond this amount of money!

Fortunately, Mr. Cao reminded me, I was almost short-sighted!

Looking at Cao Shen, he was filled with gratitude: "Mr. Cao, you have a great plan and woke me up!"

As an early investor who is extremely sensitive to market trends, Qian Ming naturally already has two live broadcast companies in his hands.

But in terms of resources and the financial strength of the team itself, it is obviously incomparable to Liang Jindong.

What's more, Liang Jindong will soon engage in e-sports with the support of Mr. Cao.

He couldn't bear to part with it. Seeing the cooked duck fly away like this, Qian Ming hurriedly said:

"Mr. Cao is right! But what Mr. Cao said is the usual situation. Mr. Liang, with your strong resource background and the support of Mr. Cao, you are much better than ordinary entrepreneurs.

How can you be so sure that you can't fight your way out? You might be among the last remaining few houses! If this is done, it won’t be a matter of earning one or two rounds. "

Qian Ming said this not with any bad intentions, but as an early investor, he inherently needs an optimistic and positive attitude. Otherwise, with the failure rate of early projects being so high, people who are not optimistic and proactive will not be able to withstand the blow.

The core pursuit of early project investors is to "look for possibilities", and they are willing to bet as long as there is a "possibility".

After all, the amount of investment in the early stage is not as large as that in the mid-to-late stage. Spending millions and thousands of dollars on bets to earn 10 times and 100 times returns is their business pursuit.

If he meets a mid- to late-stage and secondary market investor like Xiao Gang, he will add another sentence after "looking for possibilities": "calculating certainty."

Liang Jingdong was a little shaken when Qian Ming said this. For a moment, he was unsure about paying attention, and could only look at Cao Shen curiously.

Cao Shen shook his head and said:

"With Mr. Liang's resources, there is no problem in making a good start. But as you said just now, Mr. Qian, because live streaming can still be profitable, the competition will take longer than usual Internet entrepreneurial projects.

This means that this is not a sprint, but a middle-distance race.

Not only do you need to rush fast at the beginning, but you also need to work hard for endurance.

Time will gradually dilute your early advantage, and eventually it will even out, compared with products, compared with operations, compared with innovation, compared with refined management...

Many times, with good resources, you can have a high starting point and quickly achieve the goal of starting a business from zero to ten.

But starting a business is not done when you reach ten, or even when you reach one hundred.

Mr. Liang, you have to ask yourself whether you are willing to take on such a lot of things and fight with ordinary people after the honeymoon period of ten years.

You have the resources to quickly kill those who can't reach ten, but you also need to consider whether those who can't reach ten without your resources have other brushes. "

Liang Jingdong tightened his hands holding the lunch box and frowned slightly.

What Mr. Cao said was very reasonable. Looking back on the past, all he did was integrate resources. After the resources are accumulated, others will naturally do the work later.

He has really never done this before as a CEO managing a large group of people from beginning to end, and he still has to learn about products, operations, innovation, refined management... these are all things he has to learn.

It is a good thing for people to dare to challenge what they are not good at, but the premise is that they have to have B numbers in mind, and they have to try and make mistakes step by step, challenge and improve step by step, and climb up step by step.

Instead of going directly to the rooftop with a bang like what I am doing now.

There is a joke where fresh graduates are asked when they are looking for a job, "You have no work experience."

The young man replied directly: "Liu Bang has never been an emperor before."

In Liang Jingdong's opinion, this is simply nonsense!

Liu Bang had never been an emperor before he ascended the throne, but the journey from being an emperor to becoming an emperor was in vain, the wars were fought in vain, and a large group of virtuous ministers and generals were won over in vain!

Liang Jingdong is not Liu Bang. He has never experienced the road of starting a business, and he has never fought in a war. It is obvious that there are no ready-made professional talents in all aspects for live broadcasting.

If he wants to do it, he must accumulate all these things step by step to have a chance of winning and compete for that rare position.

Liang Jingdong shook his head and decided to do what he was good at, which was to do a good job in the competition and the quiz. This is my territory, I can do what I should do!

Qian Ming looked at Liang Jindong's expression and understood his choice.

But I was thinking about Liang Jindong's resources in Wandong, and I was very reluctant to part with them. I wanted to give them away without being robbed crazy.

So Qian Ming said to Cao Shen: "Mr. Cao, Mr. Liang has so many resources, can't they be transformed?"

Cao Shen smiled: "Have you ever heard of the story of jeans?"

The two looked at each other: "Denim, pants?"

"Well," Cao Shen continued:

“During the gold rush, everyone ran to pan for gold, and there was less gold to be distributed. Everyone was competing for labor, and the cost of labor increased.

As a result, only a few people actually made a lot of money from gold mining.

The most reliable way to make money is by making jeans. "

Qian Ming slapped his forehead: "Levis!"

"Yes!" Cao Shen nodded.

Liang Jingdong also calmed down: "What Mr. Cao means is that there are only a few people who can survive to the end and make money in the 100-broadcast war. We should become anchors!"

Qian Ming also nodded thoughtfully:

"Intense competition in live streaming must be a trend, and it is already showing signs of growth. The first two were profitable, but now although they are basically still profitable, they are falling quickly.

The costs of advertising to buy traffic, recruiting anchors, and the anchors' share are getting higher and higher. Some even start to offer basic salaries in order to attract anchors.

Moreover, popular anchors are very unstable. If they broadcast here today, they will change places tomorrow if another platform offers a higher price. "

Cao Shen also said: "I estimate that the 'transfer' of anchors at sky-high prices will continue and get more intense, and the price has not yet reached its peak.

Anchors are the core of content production for show live broadcasts. Anchors who entered the industry early have reaped the dividends of live broadcasts and have accumulated some popularity. They can bring some fan traffic to other platforms, so they naturally become the targets of the platform.

Moreover, attracting people at sky-high prices is itself a means of publicity for the platform. This method not only increases the exposure of the platform, but also provides market education to those who want to join the industry as anchors and expands the pool of anchors. This will prevent the platform from having too many anchors.

But this will lead to a very critical problem. The threshold for becoming an anchor is very low, and a large number of people are coming in. After the popularity of this 100-broadcast war, there are still only a few who can make money.

Today’s anchors basically sign contracts directly with the platform. With so many anchors, the platform cannot operate them, let alone package and train them one by one to increase their value.

This will lead to the platform's high-quality content being concentrated only on the top of the page, and users will easily get tired and leave after a long time.

This is not a forward cycle.

The value of a large number of waist and tail anchors cannot be fully released.

But in fact, if this long tail is done well, the total benefits will be considerable. "

Liang Jindong's eyes lit up:

"I understand! There should be an intermediary organization to operate the anchors, and use the union model to turn the anchors into products.

Cultivate anchor skills in a targeted manner, finely adjust the anchor's live broadcast process and content, and package and promote them.

In this way, the content quality of the platform will also be improved, allowing them to continue operating, and I can continue to make money as an anchor.

In addition, controlled distribution of traffic is carried out to optimize the ratio of value output and exposure. Efficient allocation of resources can better support anchors at the waist and bottom, and maximize value. "

Qian Ming also nodded and added:

“Unions with a large number of high-quality anchors also have stronger bargaining power on the platform.

Moreover, the anchors are under the unified management of the labor union, and the platform does not have to deal with job-hopping incidents every day. They would definitely rather cooperate with the labor union, which is simple, stable, trouble-free, and high-quality. "

"Yes, live broadcasting is an entertainment industry and needs to be diversified. Therefore, in the future, there will definitely not be only one big live broadcast platform, but at least two big ones, plus a few medium-sized ones.

As long as it is not a monopoly, there is a need for the anchor union to exist. "Cao Shen said.

Liang Jingdong nodded cheerfully: "Yes. And I can do the management and training of anchors! So many mothers have experience! There are not many people who can do it better than me, but I just want them to learn more about the Internet. It’s a routine, but it’s not difficult, the essence is the same.”

"Well, the platform itself will also provide data for you to use for analysis. In addition, I think the live broadcast of the show is only one of the channels for your union to transport talents in the future. There will be a large number of other scenes that require 'Internet celebrities' in the future." Cao Shen said.

Liang Jingdong touched the back of his head: "Other scenes?"

Cao Shen nodded firmly: "For example, e-commerce, online dramas, and talent shows."

"Hey! I don't know how e-commerce companies create Internet celebrities, but I know about online dramas and talent shows! Isn't my tourist lady also a type of talent show?

That is the union plus agent model. The girls are trained in different layers and have the potential to make money in the entertainment industry! "Liang Jindong said.

"Yes! Then the head anchors of Huanshi Video are being sent to the entertainment industry! It's just that Huanshi Video doesn't have a complete talent management and promotion system. We can plan it carefully." Qian Ming said it rightly. Lai Jin, looking like he is gearing up.

Although this business of union and brokerage will not be as big as the platform, the risk is also small, and it can make money for a long time without spending too much energy, and the people and management talents are ready-made.

"Don't worry about e-commerce 'Internet celebrities'. I don't think the time has come yet. When the time is right, I will tell you that there is a lot of potential here." Cao Shen said.

This is definitely not a lie. Internet celebrity e-commerce and live broadcast e-commerce are developing very well in the original world.

This type of Internet celebrity economic business was called MCN (CN's business) in the late original world, which led to "Saturday" becoming an MCN concept stock.

The stock price was just over 6 yuan in December 2019, and it jumped to over 36 yuan in just over a month. Even if they later acted like monsters and the stock price fell back, it was still stable at 17 yuan, with a market value of more than 8 billion.

Cao Shen hasn't started e-commerce yet, so he should first let them get the union and economic model running smoothly so that they can use it when he is dismissed.

"Okay, okay! Then I'll follow your instructions, Mr. Cao! Let's get things settled between the union and the agent first!"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining five months of health]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining nine months of health]

Double kill! It seems that Liang Jingdong's trade union work is much more powerful than his live broadcast!

Sure enough, as I thought, if you knock off an unreliable one first and then help him do something reliable, you can get two rewards! Ha ha ha ha!

[Host, you now have 21 months and 16 days of life! Quick, quick, quick, change to an e-commerce EPR or smart logistics system! Just change it, one year, one year! I can move now!

Host, my good host, I am so proud of you, I am so happy! 】

"System, I don't have any other rewards besides health points this time?"

[Uh... Yes, yes] The system sound suddenly became smaller, which is very embarrassing!

"What kind of rubbish is this again!" Cao Shen roared.

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