Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 82: Little female is angry

Su Tang thought that Cain would be very happy to hear this.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her wrist tightly, frowning!

"What do you mean by this? What is the time here?"

Su Tang pursed her lips and said, "The priest said that I am a foreigner! I will always return to my own world!"

"No! I'm not allowed!"

Cain's face is ugly and scary! The strength in his hand was not controlled for a while!

Su Tang exclaimed, "You let me go! You hurt me!"

Cain quickly let go of his hand.

The eyebrows drooped wrongly, "I'm sorry..."

Su Tang rubbed his painful wrist and shook his head, "It's okay! That's the decision. I will provide you with exercises, and you will protect my thoroughness here!"

Cain categorically refused, "I didn't agree! Whether you give me the exercise or not, I will protect you well! But you can't leave!"

Su Tang laughed angrily when she heard this!

"Why can't you say no? Who are you?"

Cain pursed his lips, but said nothing.

The old Nick on the side noticed that the atmosphere between the two was not right, and hurriedly stepped forward and interrupted, "Okay, it's already late! Everyone, go and rest! Tangtang will be busy making ceramics tomorrow. Device?"

Cain took a step towards Su Tang.

Su Tang immediately retreated alertly!

"what are you doing?"

Cain said lightly, "Take you back to the cave!"

Su Tang refused expressionlessly, "No, we always live in the same room as lone men and widows, and the influence is not very good! I'm going to live with Huang Guo!"

Cain's complexion is very ugly!

Adam raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't live with others! I remember a cave at the foot of the mountain is empty, otherwise you can live there and get in and out!"

Su Tang nodded, "Okay, please take me over!"

Cain wanted to stop him when he saw it!

Adam grabbed his neck and said to Old Nick, "You take Su Tang to the empty cave, and find Hongguo and give her two animal skins! Don't freeze!"

Old Nick nodded and walked away with Su Tang!

Cain folded Adam's arm back behind him, pressed him against the tree beside him, squinted his eyes and asked dangerously, "What do you mean?"

Adam gasped in pain, "Be careful of my arm! Don't worry! Listen to me slowly!"

Cain gave two points, but he still rubbed Adam against the tree!


Adam's mouth twitched slightly, "Can't you let me go and let me explain?"

Cain added a little more impatiently, "Can you tell me?"

"Ah! Don't! I said! I said it's not alright?"

Adam cried out in pain again because of the sudden exertion!

"Heh... can't you see that the little female is angry? That's right, a big tiger like you is so stupid, it's strange to see it!"

Cain frowned!

"How do you know? Su Tang is angry?"

Adam smiled disapprovingly, "Well, I used to be in Upper Beast City..."

I don't know what happened, Adam's words suddenly stopped!

Cain asked, "What about the Upper Beast City?"

Adam shook his head and said, "Nothing? Can you let me go first? Didn't I always tell you that the little female is doing this because she is angry?"

Cain let go and continued to ask, "Then why is she angry?"

"How do I know this! I didn't make her angry!"

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