Match with Mushrooms (2)

Borrowing Adunafel’s mana to shoot is convenient, but as with everything, there is a trade-off.

It’s hard to see Adunafel rolling on the floor and grinning that he’s hungry.

[Kior hin. Kiyorking!! I’m hungry!! After lending power to the contractor, I am very hungry!! contractor. Gives the soul quickly. soul! soul!!]

She used the tentacles on her back to express her opinion like an emoticon.

When she draws a crying expression and tells the state of her navel clock, she has no choice but to give her a magic stone.

Read at noble

Just as a seven-year-old child slammed for a gift, Adunafel swept the floor hard.

“Wait a minute. Ma Jeong-seok, who has not disposed of now…”

[I will bring it quickly!! contractor! This is a breach of contract. I mean, we’re hungry!!]

“It’s more of a breach of contract for you to eat like this. child…. Are you going to bankrupt me?”

Holding Adunafel to prevent it from rolling, she brings a magic crystal to her snout and starts licking it as if it were candy.

[Omnyok. It will be prepared in advance! We feel a lot of hunger when we use magic!]

“okay. it’s pig Eat a lot.”

[pig? we are! Not a pig!]

“okay. Pig.”

Adunafel devoured the Magic Stone diligently while making a purring and purring noise over and over again.

[contractor. I’m glad you’re a human being who can give you a soul! The soul tastes a little different for whatever you get! Humanoid monsters have a chewy taste, and those with many legs are crispy!]

“okay. Eat as much as you want to eat. You have to eat tomorrow too, so don’t eat all the way down.”

I turned on the video and started analyzing it with Anistine.

[Look at this. Darling. Let’s see the attack this coolie girl confidently unleashes.]

This is an attack using a hammer that Yeyun often uses.

[Did you feel it while fighting today? Enemies using huge weapons are very dangerous, but there is a safe space. Outside the crossroads, and inside the head. If you dig into that space, you can attack while avoiding a fatal attack.]

In the video of Yeyun beating the monster, Anistine pointed out a space.

[The shaft part of that hammer. It’s not easy to attack properly there. Even the weapons are weak there. It doesn’t even hurt.]

“It’s like a change ball hit by a thin bat.”

Anistine tilts her head and asks.

[What is a change ball?]

“There is a ball in baseball that bends inside the bat. Hitting the weak part of the bat can break the bat. It’s hard to hit properly. It’s a story from baseball.”

[You mean that came out of a ball game? Don’t you have anything to do these days? I also play ball like that professionally.]

MLB was created after Anistine died.

Well, to her, baseball may feel like a ball game played just with young children.

You may not know such a professional content.

Anyway, the sun goes down quickly as I watch videos with her and make this and that strategy.

[You can win anyway. You can do it.]

“Sure. For that to happen, I have to make full use of Adunafel’s magical power.”

When the thought stayed there, I looked back.

Adunafel was banging his head in the sack in which the magic crystal was placed.

[hey!! The pig ate all the stones you collected!]

[contractor! release this!! I’m stuck in the horns and I can’t get out! Is this a human trap?! I’m angry!!]

“What if I told you to eat as much as you want, but you really ate it all? Pig!”

As I hurriedly ran and removed the sack, Adunafel covered her eyes with her paws with a slightly sorry expression.

[sorry! contractor! It was so delicious I couldn’t stop. 👅. I used a lot of magic today, and my appetite has increased…]

I looked inside the sack.

The magic stone, which should have been eaten by tomorrow, was already left with almost nothing but crumbs.

“That’s why people who have pets spend a lot of money.”

[B. contractor. We can’t digest it!! Give us a pat on the back!!]

It’s a pony with a lot of hands.

I held Adunafel in my arms as if it were a baby and patted her on the back.

[B. 👅. Go away!!]

When you pat her on the back like a child, Adunafel burps.

“Who is taking it? I ate it slowly.”

[These days, the contractor is taking care of me, but I am very hungry! Maybe it’s because I’m growing up!! Look at this! My horns have grown a little more!]

It seems that the horns twisted like a goat have grown a little more, and the hoof has grown a little more.

It’s stuck in a paper bag thanks to that horn.

“Normal horses have a lot of problems with these heels. Are you okay?”

[It is a little difficult to walk these days! Did you grow up a lot?]

“I need to grind it with a grinder.”

Adunafel’s face turns to contemplation.

His already black face was stained even more black.

[not!! we are fine! Doesn’t it look like there’s no problem walking? Originally, when I had the power, I was able to control such things!!]

However, Anistine did not miss the situation and quickly snatched Adunafel.

[no. Darling. Look at that wobbling as it walks. Poor foal needs to change its horns and hooves to walk properly.]

[Ahh! drop this! Than this cow fool!! Don’t listen to a single cow!!]

Anistine skillfully tied the Adunafel with a rope.

[You know you can’t move because it’s covered in sacred linen? Don’t even think about moving. hurt.]

[contractor!! Get rid of this crazy cow!! Aww!!]

I was handed an Adunafel from Anistine.

“I have no choice.”

[contractor? contractor?! Answer me!!]

I went to Betty’s workshop with the well-packaged Adunafel.

“Betty. Long time no see. How have you been?”

Betty, who was working hard on something, like a boss, coolly threw what she was doing to her assistant.

“long time no see. sir. What did you come here for today?”

“Can I use a grinder for a minute? I think I’m going to have to tweak the hooves and horns of my cute pony.”

Betty looked at Adunafel hanging there with a look of horror on her face.

“So cute!!”

[Can’t you let this go? Aww!! I will not be fooled by mortals!!]

As I grab her and slowly approach the giant grinder, Adunafel wears a crane and clings to me.

[Ahhhhhhh!! say it!! If you have any complaints, speak up!! We can speak because we speak!!]

Then Betty stopped me with a surprised expression.

“Gosh. The pony is going to die of surprise. Let’s try another means. Any creature would be surprised if you hit it with a saw like that.”

She came with a small piece of cloth.

“Please cover your eyes with this. And hug me tight.”

I grabbed Adunafel’s front and hind legs and held it immobile.

And he spoke gently and reassured me.

“I am not hurting you. Don’t worry, let’s finish it.”

“Let’s start with the horns.”

When he turns on the small grinder, Adunafel twitches.

“Normal horses do things like this. Don’t worry too much. You are a different kind of horse than a regular horse, so you can withstand this kind of thing well.”

[That… yes!! we can!! But aren’t horses without horns?]

Fireworks were flying in front of him and his horns were cut off a bit, but Adunafel endured it well even as he flinched.

“Aren’t you sick?”

[Uhhhhhh!! It doesn’t hurt at all!!]

It is straight and the horns are cut short.

At the very least, it seems that the horns won’t randomly dig into the head or get caught around them.

“The bicorn horn is said to help with stamina problems… Take it with you. I think it will be used as a great medicine.”

“Keep in mind.”

Betty even brought a horseshoe from somewhere.

“Next is the hoof. You need to put a horseshoe in your hoof, you know that it’s good for a horse to roam, right? I prepared in advance after watching a video of him riding a horse. Now you can grind your hooves to be comfortable and put your horseshoe in it. It won’t hurt. A horse’s hoof is a kind of elongated fingernail, so nailing it doesn’t hurt. On the contrary, it can run longer when you drive a horseshoe than in its natural state.”

She came with a hammer, a chisel, and a horseshoe.

“Once I grind my hooves with a grinder, I think.”

Grind the hoofs to the proper level, remove the ones that are stuck in the hoofs, and drive them with a horseshoe.

I covered Adunafel’s eyes and held him tight until it was over.

“phew. It’s over! I’m not a horseshoemaker, but he’s a really nice guy and he’s got along well!”

[kind? not!! I’m an evil and bad demon junma!! I’m never nice!!] Adunafel, who woke up late, screamed and rebelled against her, but I wiped her mane and said,

“Good work.”

[If you work hard, I will give you a soul as soon as possible! After the operation, I was already hungry.]

“You ate all I had. Pig.”

Reluctantly, I had to lend Betty a hand.

“Betty. Could you give me some magic stones to feed this pig?”

“That shouldn’t be a problem.”

She put the magic stone in Adunafel’s mouth, like a dentist would soothe a child.

[You eat these things!! lick lick lick. I think I can appease the Demon Archduke’s steed!]

“okay. it’s pig Eat a lot.”

When he returns home, Adunafel begins to doze off, perhaps because he has eaten so full.

[I feel full and sleepy. Is this a happy life?]

Holding the comb and sharpening the mane, every time the comb touches it, it starts to make a chirping sound.

[Is this exorcism? This kind of life might not be bad…]

When I put Adunafel, which makes a purplish sound, on the cat’s pillow, I immediately fall asleep.

“you did well today. animated film.”

[Darling did it all. let’s sleep too You have to fight again tomorrow.]


The day that seemed like it would never come has come.

In the morning, the alarm went off without a hitch, and the fateful day arrived.

Lim Ye-yun took the armor and knelt in front of the hammer to pray.

Usually I prayed so that I could spend the day well, but I did not know what to pray for today.

Should I ask you to win?

Can she beat Rahobin?

no. Can you attack him?

Numerous question marks put rings in each other’s rings and were pulled out like chains.

And there was only one conclusion at the end of the question mark.

She can’t face Rahobin right now.

no i can’t

How can you attack someone you admire?

I even thought that I should either go and abstain or bring it with me in moderation.

At best, she’s just a spoiler, unsuccessful.

But he shines like the sun.

He is someone who will do great things in society beyond school one day.

A fungus should not leave even a stain by throwing away its spores after jumping on the path of the sun.

With a trembling heart, she headed to the dungeon.

Thousands of cadets were already warming up, waiting for their turn.

Class B’s classmates were also relaxing and looking at themselves with worried faces.

“Yeon-ah. Are you okay?”

Moonbin came and asked her about things, but nothing came to her ears.

She answered with a smile.

“I’m okay. A ball is a ball and it is a buy. I will be able to handle it.”

However, Lim Ye-yoon knew herself the most.

Even standing now is difficult.

Time passed, and it was finally her turn.

She thought it was fortunate that the armor allowed her to hide her expression.

Her trembling face will be hidden within this huge crusader armor.

Rahobin is already waiting for you when you go up to the Dalian.

He was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed and playing a sad Spanish guitar.

“I was waiting.”

Can’t you say that in the house where you live with me?

Why don’t you wake up from the bed with a slightly scruffy face and hug me?

He kicked the chair back and threw the guitar case behind his back.

“Can we make one promise before we start?”

“Anything you want.”

If you want, you can surrender here and go.

I think I might give up on everything.

Because you are the only North Star that guides me.

But the words that came out of his mouth were unexpected.

“Fight with your best.”

She said with a heart she had never promised before.

“yes. I will do my best.”

With an electronic sound announcing the start of the battle, Lim Ye-yoon rushed forward.

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