Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics

Chapter 197 It’s the Man-Bat! See the man-bat again


Kaitou Kid's pupils shrank, and he twisted his body to the side as quickly as possible, avoiding the huge black shadow.

This sharp turn completely disrupted Kaitou Kid's momentum of flying upwards. He had to temporarily turn off the propeller at the tail of the glider, retract the glider, and dexterously land on the top of the trees at the edge.

This is already the outermost part of the woods in Robinson Park. Not far ahead is the fence of Robinson Park, which is connected to a block of streets.

After a chase, Kidd and Batman's location has long deviated from where they came from.

When Black Mask and others first entered Robinson Park, they came along the Finger River in the south. However, there was no river visible from here. They should have reached the northern part of the park.

It borders both Gotham's East End and Coventry.

Looking at the scene of the neighborhood outside the fence, there are obvious characteristics of the East End.

But now there isn't much time for Kaito Kid to figure out where this place is.

Because a strange and somewhat familiar vicious roar captured all of his attention.


A huge humanoid bat monster appeared in front of Kaitou Kidd. It was more than two meters tall, and its arms were twice as thick as Batman's. The sharp claws on its hands shone coldly under the moonlight. .

The huge wings are stretched out, and when viewed from a close distance, they seem to block out the sky and the sun.

"This is... a man-bat!"

Kaitou Kid looked at the bat monster in front of him and couldn't help but be shocked.

Isn't this guy already locked up in Arkham Asylum? Only Blackgate Prison was attacked today. I never heard that Arkham was also bombed!

And if he remembered correctly, Man-Bat had already returned to human form when he was sentenced by the court. Why did he become like this again?

Roar! ! ! ! !

At this moment, the man-bat in front of him roared again and flew towards Kaitou Kidd who just passed by his eyes, a pair of scarlet eyes filled with murderous intent.

"I was really lucky. I was chased by two bats one after another."

Kaitou Kid kicked his feet hard and jumped away from the top of the tree, avoiding the flying attack of the man-bat.


The thick tree trunk that the three people hugged was broken by a huge impact at the moment when the man-bat flew over.

Since then, the tree has been at least two meters shorter than trees of the same age.

Roar! ! ! ! !

This wave of attacks failed to hit the prey, and the human bat was obviously very unhappy, and roared with a ferocious expression.

"Such a powerful destructive power. Is the human bat really that strong?"

Looking at the tree trunk that was violently damaged by the man-bat, Kaitou Kid's expression suddenly became serious. If he were hit by it, he would probably die or be disabled.

When we first met in Man-Bat's laboratory, I really didn't realize how strong Man-Bat was, and he was knocked down with just one sap.

Although he knew that Man-Bat had already fought Batman in advance and was in a weak state at that time, he did not have enough understanding of the fighting level of Man-Bat in its heyday.

The next moment, the man-bat rushed towards Kaitou Kidd, opening its bloody mouth, and its sharp fangs of more than ten centimeters looked extremely terrifying.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but the man-bat's body seems to be stronger than last time..."

Kaito Kidd continued to dodge. Although the Man-Bat was very big and its flying speed was not slow, its movements were not very flexible. It was easy to dodge its attack with Kaitou Kidd's reflexes.

At least it's easier than avoiding Batman's pursuit.


At this moment, a dark batarang suddenly flew out and rushed straight towards the man-bat.

This Batarang looks different from the Batarang used by Batman before. It is larger in size, has a strange light, and is even faster.


When the bat dart was about to hit the man-bat, there was a sudden explosion, and then a stream of blue current emerged from the exploding bat dart.


In just an instant, these strong currents swept through the man-bat's body, causing it tremendous pain and forcing it to roar continuously.


The electric current caused by the batarang was so powerful that even a bat as strong as a man was paralyzed and twitched on the spot.

I could see Kaitou Kidd's mouth twitching next to him. What kind of batarang was this? It was clearly an electric shock bomb!

At the same time, Batman landed in front of Man-Bat, ignoring the crackling electricity on Man-Bat's body, and hit Man-Bat's face with his fist, making a heavy muffled sound.

The power of Batman's fists is also not low. With this blow, Man-Bat's huge body was immediately knocked down and almost fell from the tree.

Fortunately, Batman grabbed it in time...the narrow tuft of fur on the chest, preventing it from falling.

Batman grabbed the Man-Bat's chest hair hard, pulling its head closer like a man's collar, and at the same time asked: "Kurt Langstone! Why did you become the Man-Bat again? You escaped from prison ?What happened in Arkham?"

His expression was extremely gloomy. If Arkham Asylum suffered the same attack as Blackgate Prison and caused the criminals there to escape... the consequences would be disastrous!


After being beaten by the electric batarang and Batman's fist, Man-bat's anger has obviously increased to a higher level. He is struggling to twist his head, opening his fangs and trying to bite Batman.

He remained unmoved by Batman's questioning, like a beast that only acted on instinct.

Batman's expression darkened, and he quickly took out a tough rope from his multifunctional belt, tied up Man-Bat's arms and legs on the spot, and then kicked him to the ground without mercy.

Immediately afterwards, Batman jumped out of the tree and stepped on Man-Bat's belly.

"This guy looks completely irrational and can't communicate at all."

At this moment, Kaitou Kidd's voice came out.

Batman turned his head slightly, only to see that he had landed on the ground at some point, with his arms folded and leaning against a big tree, looking calm and calm.

"You didn't take this opportunity to escape?"

"Ha, then you still look down on me too much."

Kaitou Kidd chuckled and said.

At this time, he suddenly threw an object towards Batman.

"Go on, you're going to need this."

Batman caught the object easily, it was a syringe filled with some kind of reagent.

"That's a potion that can reverse the effects of human-bat serum."

Kaitou Kidd explained.

"How could you have this...So, you took the human-bat serum that day to research an antidote?"

Batman suddenly paused mid-sentence, and then said as if he had a sudden realization.


"Why do I do this?"

Kaitou Kid smiled faintly and asked, "Why are you wearing this outfit?"

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