Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics

Chapter 179: Gotham has suffered for Wayne for a long time!

The prison van full of explosives seemed to have turned into a self-explosive truck, which exploded instantly when it hit the prison gate.

The violent explosion shattered the gate of the Black Gate Prison into pieces, setting off flames soaring into the sky.

A dozen prison guards guarding the entrance and outside were killed by the explosion, and they lost consciousness before they could even scream.

"Woo~ woo~ woo~"

A big explosion at the door set off the alarm, which immediately woke up the entire Blackgate Prison.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Countless well-trained prison guards took up their weapons as quickly as possible and rushed towards the prison gate.

However, just as most of the prison guards had gathered at the gate area, another explosion sounded from the opposite direction.

And judging from the sound and the slight shock from the ground, the explosion over there was even more violent than the explosion at the door.

At the same time, in the cell deep in the Black Gate Prison.

Countless prisoners raised their heads, their eyes glowing with excitement.

The explosion outside was quite loud, even the prisoners who were held inside heard it.

The Black Gate Prison has been attacked unexpectedly, and it seems that the scale is quite large!

After so many years, many people have escaped or released on bail from the Black Gate Prison, and a lot of lawless lunatics have been caught, but if we really want to say that such a massive attack on Black Gate, there are really few people. Pass.


At this moment, a loud noise came from near the cell.

I saw that the wall of the cell was shattered by the strong impact of the explosion, and a huge round hole was opened.

A man wearing a black skull mask and a neat suit came in from outside.

There are more than a dozen subordinates standing behind him, all wearing masks like him, but with different shapes.

"You are the most daring thugs, the most bottomless bastards, and the most disgusting scum in Blackgate Prison, listen up, I am Black Mask..."


Batman usually doesn't do things he regrets.

He tries his best to think about the problem from the worst angle every time, and makes full preparations for it. Only in this way can the risk be controlled to a lower level to the greatest extent.

But after all, it is impossible for people to really cover everything and consider all possibilities.

Today, an accident happened.

Batman never imagined that the Roman Sionis he thought he knew would undergo such a dramatic transformation.

Looking at the Black Gate Prison engulfed in flames, Batman couldn't help clenching his fists.

About half an hour ago, Roman Sionis... no, he's called Black Mask now.

He did not know where to gather more than a dozen followers, and also got a batch of munitions and explosives, and then launched a surprise attack on the Black Gate Prison, releasing all the prisoners in the prison.

Nobody expected Black Mask's actions, not even Batman.

Previously, although he knew that his old classmate was suspected to have serious psychological problems, he also knew that Janus's launch of dangerous cosmetics was caused by Roman.

But Batman really didn't expect Roman to become Black Mask and make such a crazy move.

He originally thought that Roman's biggest possibility was to hang out with Penguin. After all, Roman made no secret of his hatred for him, and then he had a lot of deals with Penguin, so according to normal logic, he should go to Penguin after he lost the company.

Batman originally planned to use this as a clue to dig out more secrets of Penguin.

As a result, the black mask was born, denying all Batman's ideas.

Now, the whereabouts of thousands of criminals in Blackgate Prison are unknown. Maybe Black Mask took them in, maybe worse.

If these thousands of vicious thugs get out of control and scatter across Gotham to act recklessly, immeasurable damage will be caused!

Batman would never allow this to happen.

"Penny One! Robin! Batgirl!"

Batman issued a warning to the three fellow Bat-family members, and a death order.

"From now on, don't do anything superfluous, and focus all your attention on monitoring the various blocks of Gotham! No rest until you find out the whereabouts of every escaped from Blackgate Prison!"

Batman knew he was going to be busy tonight.

On the other side, Black Mask led a large group of people to hide on a certain pier in Gotham, there should be hundreds of people.

Logically speaking, such a large crowd should be conspicuous and easy to find.

But for some reason, they evaded almost all surveillance cameras and were completely unable to track them effectively.

The hundreds of people under the black mask had just been released from the Heimen Prison, and they all put on masks at this moment.

Not long ago, Black Mask declared to the criminals in Black Gate Prison that he was looking for trouble with the Wayne Group, and also offered an olive branch, asking them to make a fortune with him.

Generally speaking, the vast majority of prisoners in Blackgate Prison are not the same as the patients in Arkham Asylum, and this is not only reflected in mental illness.

It is also reflected in the target of their hatred.

The super criminals in Arkham basically take Batman as the first object of hatred. Even if they have other enemies when they first embark on the criminal path, as long as they meet Batman once, their hatred will instantly transfer to Batman. body.

The attitude of the prisoners at Blackgate Prison is mostly based on fear of Batman, and they are unwilling to deal with Batman in their hearts. Even if Batman captures them in prison, they are at most daring to speak out.

It doesn't matter to scold a few words, but it is absolutely impossible for them to take revenge on Batman.

What they hate the most is actually the rich people in Gotham.

When Black Mask was going to recruit them, most of the prisoners chose to join, and the other half didn't intend to mix with Black Mask, and they didn't know where to go while taking advantage of the chaos.

Black Mask doesn't know that Batman is looking for him like crazy, even if he knows, he doesn't care, he only has one thought on his mind.

Kill Bruce Wayne!

Destroy the Wayne Corporation!

Just tonight!


On the other side, the Gotham FBI branch.

A figure crawled furtively in the ventilation duct, moving very lightly without making any sound.

"I thought the FBI's internal facilities would be very tightly guarded. I didn't expect that there would be such a wide ventilation duct, and there were no traps inside. It was a surprise."

Dean thought strangely in his heart.

It can be said that the ventilation duct in this FBI branch is the largest one he has seen so far, and he feels a bit spacious even if he crawls in it with his body size.

I heard that when this branch was established, the team of Wayne Group helped to build it. I really don't know why they designed it like this...

I don't know what day it is, but on the night that Black Mask attacked Black Gate Prison, Dean also started his plan to sneak into the FBI.

What a coincidence, what a coincidence.

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