Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics

Chapter 177 The company collapses! black mask born of madness

Late at night, on the outskirts of Gotham, underground in Wayne Manor.

bat cave.

Dick came back from patrol on a bat motorcycle, and there were a lot of holes in his battle suit. One can imagine what kind of fierce battle he had experienced before.

Getting off the motorcycle, Dick saw Bruce watching intently in front of the Batcomputer at a glance.

"It's time to change shifts, Bruce, are you still guarding that virtual account of Kaitou Kidd? I don't think his mind is stupid enough to use that money at will."

Dick took off his blindfold and walked towards Bruce.


Bruce turned his back to him, silent.

"Well, I know you wouldn't do that."

Dick waved his hand, not surprised by Bruce's reaction.

He knew that it was impossible for Bruce to just stare at the virtual account full of uncertainties all day long. He wasn't that idle yet, he was just joking just now.

There are too many people and things in Gotham that Batman needs to focus on monitoring. If Kaito Kidd himself is barely qualified for Bruce to monitor himself for a few days, a mere dummy account is obviously not enough.

Bruce specially set up an early warning program to monitor Kaitou Kidd's virtual account at all times. Once funds are withdrawn or transferred, the bat computer will automatically track the flow of funds.

"Let me see, the unknown origin property of Janus Makeup Company, so you are still looking for this?"

Dick asked strangely, "Isn't it already confirmed that Penguin is helping Roman Sionis launder money?"

"However, Janus Company's books are clean. Roman's money is not only from a clear source, but also paid taxes."

Bruce said in a low voice.

"So the Penguin has another complete money laundering industry chain, which is hidden deeper than the Ethan Shipping Company, um...why am I not surprised at all? The Penguin can always come up with hidden things."

Dick rubbed his chin and pondered.

"As long as we can trace the real source of funds for the Janus Makeup Company, we can dig out another money laundering factory hidden by the Penguin, but we don't know if he has other factories, and maybe he will let them hide. Deeper."

"So we can't scare the snake away, don't rush to destroy this money laundering factory, wait until we find more clues, and then start the action."

Bruce said so.


Pay attention, this woman is called Nancy, she is from Gotham, and she is an ordinary white-collar worker.

Just like most women want to have good skin, Nancy also attaches great importance to her skin care work.

Her cosmetics may not necessarily choose the most expensive ones, but they must be from big companies, she believes that only in this way can they be guaranteed.

There is no doubt that in the first half of Nancy's life, there was only one most famous cosmetics company in Gotham, and that was Sionis' family business, Janus.

More than half of Nancy's cosmetics come from Janus, and the quality of the company's products is really good, she is very satisfied.

Until Janus started to engage in some strange and non-mainstream designs, which deviated from the original design concept.

This caused a lot of abuse from old users, and Nancy did not dare to buy Janus cosmetics for several months.

However, not long ago, the new chairman of Janus Cosmetics Company held a product launch conference. They have learned from past failures and are about to launch a new product of "liquid mask".

In view of the word-of-mouth accumulated by Janus over the years, and the previously criticized design mainly focused on the appearance, the quality has not changed much.

Now Janus is in the darkest moment when its revenue is shrinking and the stock price is plummeting, but it has resolutely launched a new mask product. Judging from the introduction at the press conference, the effect seems to be quite good, and more importantly, the appearance is normal.

There are also volunteers who have personally tested the safety of the product, and it seems that there is no problem.

In this way, Nancy decided to trust Janus one last time and bought a liquid mask that was not cheap at the initial price.

After using it for about half a month, she didn't feel any discomfort, and the effect of the mask was also very good, so she was relieved.

One day, Nancy applied a liquid mask before going to bed as usual, and not long after, she felt a faint sensation of heat on her face, and the temperature was getting higher and higher, and soon became hot.

It seemed that what she applied was not a mask, but a boiling kettle.

Nancy rushed to the bathroom immediately, trying to wash off the mask with water.

As it turned out, she made the worst choice at the time.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

When the running water touched her face, a tearing pain instantly exploded on her face, causing her to subconsciously cover her face with her hands.

She opened her hand tremblingly, and there was a mass of bloody flesh in her palm, and the scarlet blood stained her entire arm.

Enduring the severe pain, Nancy raised her head with difficulty and looked into the mirror.

A strange face appeared in her eyes, a face with only flesh and blood tissue but no human skin...

At the same time, similar scenes appeared countless times in Gotham. Everyone who bought and used the liquid mask had serious side effects, ranging from disfigurement to death!

The instigator of all this, the Janus Makeup Company, was criticized by everyone in an instant, and became like a street rat.

Hundreds of victims have filed lawsuits against Janus and Roman Sionis, and Roman has been struggling to accept various summons recently.

"Why? Why did things become like this!"

Roman kept patting the table and roared angrily.

"Your current agitation does not help the status quo, Mr. Sionis."

Across the table, Wayne Group CEO Lucius Fox said calmly.

"We can help Janus Co. to tide over this difficulty. All litigation compensation will be borne by Wayne Group, but unfortunately, we will reorganize the board of directors of Janus Co., Ltd., and you, Mr. Sionis..."

"I know, I will be kicked out of the board of directors by you, and Janus has nothing to do with me from now on."

Roman sneered.

"There is no way around it. If you continue to stay in the company, the negative public opinion will never calm down, and then Janus will only have a dead end in the end."

Lucius shook his head helplessly.

Without saying a word, Roman signed the equity transfer contract, and then left the company he regarded as his own with a cold face.

"Wayne made me into such a field, do you think I would willingly dedicate the company to you?"

At this moment, Roman still insists on denying that the company's failure was caused by himself. He believes that Wayne is behind everything.

His conceit, his pride, and his stubbornness made him never doubt himself.

"Wait! Wait for me, I will make all of you pay the price!"

From time to time, there was a weird grin on Roman's face, his eyes were red, and he looked like a madman.

He walked unconsciously, like a walking corpse.

When Roman came to his senses, he had already arrived at the backyard of his manor.

That is where the family cemetery is located.

Roman looked at the tombstone with his father's name written on it, and the corners of his mouth raised wildly.

He took out a shovel and dug up his father's grave like a madman.

Then, Roman took out the coffin board, and used the wood of the coffin board to carve out a black skull-like mask...


Roman put the carved skull mask on his face and let out a crazy laugh.

For some reason, the moment he put on the mask, he suddenly felt relaxed.

As if the shackles that had been imprisoned on him had been untied, he felt refreshed and refreshed instantly.

Under this feeling, Roman suddenly felt that he had spent a false first half of his life, and the Sionis family and the Janus makeup company were not important at all.

Only at this moment when he puts on the mask can he return to his true self, a complete self.

It may be illusory, but Roman can truly feel an indescribable mysterious force, which is continuously emerging from the depths of his body.

"I see, masks... only masks, hahahahahaha, my whole life has only been masks, hahahahahaha..."

Roman suddenly realized and laughed wildly, then stopped abruptly.

From extreme madness to extreme tranquility.

"Roman Sionis is dead."

Roman said calmly.

"Now, I am - Black Mask."

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