Chapter 172 Roman Sionis

"Who are you! Why are you in my house?"

For a moment, Francine almost subconsciously asked this sentence.

But she refrained, because she knew very well that asking this sentence was not only pointless, but also ridiculous.

There is an unwritten rule in Gotham Eastside.

If you come home and find a stranger waiting for you in the house, don't ask, don't even think about it, there is only one thing you need to do now, and that is to turn around and run away, and pray that the marksmanship of the people behind you will not kill you. too accurate.

Francine has lived in the Eastern District for so long, so she is naturally familiar with this unspoken rule.

In fact, she did as well.

When she saw the two strange men in the room, Francine closed the door with a bang as fast as she could, and then turned around and ran back crazily.

However, just as Francine turned around, another man appeared in front of her at some unknown time, blocking her way.

"I have to say that your reaction was quick, Mrs. Langstone, you are indeed a woman who can live alone in the East End."

The man said approvingly.

Then, before Francine could react, he quickly pricked Francie's neck with his hand.

A tingling sensation instantly hit Francine's whole body, followed by an irresistible drowsiness.

"Uh... um... you..."

In less than a few seconds, Francine passed out on the ground.

Her last thought before losing consciousness was: "They know who I am...why? My identity is not made public..."

At this time, the two men in the house happened to chase out.

"This woman's hands and feet are so slippery that she almost ran away."

"Hmph, don't worry about it so much, take her away quickly, the boss is still waiting to see her."

Together, the three of them tied Francine up, wrapped tape around his mouth, and quickly carried him to a van that had been hidden not far away in advance.

Their movements are very skillful and fast, and it is obviously not the first time they have done this kind of thing.

Accompanied by a burst of exhaust fumes from the car, the van drove away in the dust and quickly left Gotham East.

After a while, the van stopped in front of a warehouse in an unknown location.

The three kidnappers first carefully checked whether there was an ambush around them, and then checked to see if anyone was following them. After confirming that it was safe, they moved Francine out of the car and into the warehouse.


After an unknown amount of time, Francine woke up from a dark room.

There was no light in the room, not even a window, which could have been blocked of course.

In short, the room was very dark, literally blind, and Francine couldn't see anything.

But there is no sense of restraint on the eyes, it should not be blindfolded.

"I was kidnapped. The people who kidnapped me knew my identity. They were organized and premeditated. Their boss wanted to see me..."

The above is the only information that Francine can be sure of at present.

tread! tread! tread!

Suddenly, there was a sound of slow but heavy footsteps in the room.

Judging by the sound, the other party is walking towards him.

Francine's spirit was very tense. She didn't know what the kidnapper's purpose was, and she didn't know what would happen to her next.

"Hello, Mrs. Longstone, I have wanted to see you for a long time."

A voice came into Francine's ears. This voice was very strange. It didn't sound like a normal human voice, but it looked like some kind of electronically synthesized voice.

"I have to say that GCPD has protected your identity information very well. It took me a full month to find out your current address."

"Who are you? What are you trying to do by kidnapping me? I have no money for ransom."

Francine forced herself to calm down and asked.

"Okay, you're impatient, and I don't like to talk too much, so let's get into the topic directly."

The electronic synthesis sound cuts to the point.

"I want human bat serum."

Hearing the intention of the other party, Francine said coldly: "You have miscalculated. I don't have human bat serum, and I don't have relevant research materials. You want human bat serum? Then you should rob GCPD's evidence room .”

"Hehe, I appreciate your calmness, Mrs. Longstone, but I didn't intend to ask you for an answer at all."

Hearing this, Francine's pupils shrank instantly.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's not interesting, I just need you to stay here for a while...until I get the formula for the human bat serum."

At the same time, the scene of the charity banquet held by the Wayne Foundation.

Bruce, who was wearing a high-end dress, took Dick with him, exchanged glasses with the upper-class people of Gotham who came to the banquet, and greeted them with smiles.

Bruce Wayne is very popular in Gotham, even more popular than Kaitou Kidd is currently.

It's just that the exuberant fame of the two does not belong to the same type.

Bruce is surrounded by a circle of ladies and beauties, and his humor can often make all the girls laugh.

As for Dick, he's not very good at dealing with such situations.

Although he grew up in Wayne Manor and was trained by Alfred in aristocratic etiquette, Dick was still a circus boy at heart.

I even hate pretending to be hypocritical with those self-righteous rich people with a fake smile.

But this is what he had to do, so in desperation, Dick had no choice but to learn from Bruce, and found a group of young second-generation ladies around him.

"Hey girls, do you like magic tricks? I happen to know some."

Dick smiled and conjured a card out of nothing.

No matter in any place or at any level, for young people, magic is an excellent means of pretense.

Especially when your magic is taught by a master figure, the effect of pretense will be several floors higher.

Ever since, Dick was naturally welcomed by the girls.

Different from the attitude on the surface, although Bruce was chatting with the beauties around him, he was secretly observing the actions of the dignitaries in the arena.

He will use the expressions on these people's faces, the words they say, and the actions they take to judge whether they can develop into partners.

Or, to determine whether they will become the next target of the caped fighter.

Suddenly, Bruce's sight was attracted by a man with a gloomy face. This man had blond hair and was about the same age as Bruce.

He seemed out of place in the venue, and there was basically no one around him.

This is not the reason why Bruce noticed him. There are many solo travelers in the venue, and there is no shortage of this one.

The reason why this person caught Bruce's attention was because he was an acquaintance.

"Roman Sionis?"

Roman Sionis, the current helm of the Sionis family, died of both parents just like Bruce.

The difference is that Bruce's parents died earlier, while Roman's parents died in a fire a year ago.

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