Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics

Chapter 155 Do You Think What You Think Is What You Think?

"I'm pretty sure Kaito Kidd never touched that piece of cloth just now..."

Robin stared fixedly at the new cloth covering the bat lamp, and the Kaitou Kidd who was three steps away from the bat lamp.

Don't look at him as if he was attracted by Kaitou Kidd's words just now, but in fact he has been paying attention to the latter's movements all the time.

Even when he turned his head to glance at the auditorium, he never let Kaitou Kidd leave his sight.

Kaitou Kidd has used similar tricks to divert his attention so many times before. If Robin didn't pay attention to this aspect, he wouldn't be able to survive as a superhero in Gotham.

If it weren't for the topic raised by Kaitou Kidd, it happened to be slightly similar to the question that Robin has been thinking about recently.

Robin ignored what Kaitou Kidd said.

But in any case, Robin can be 100% sure that it is impossible for Kaitou Kidd to touch the previous cloth.

The only time Kaito Kid touches the white cloth is before he begins his tirade.

At that time, the white cloth covering the bat lamp still had clearly visible holes.

If Phantom Kidd had time to change the rags for new ones, it could only have been since then, but Robin had been watching Phantom Kidd, pretty sure he couldn't have that time.

Unless the speed of Kaito Kidd can be so fast that he can instantly move to the vicinity of the bat lamp, put on a new cloth, and then walk away in an instant, so that Robin can't see it, obviously this is impossible.

If he really had this level of super speed, there would be no need for Kaitou Kidd to say such a long series of words just now.

Robin knew that Kaitou Kidd must have some kind of intention behind talking to him suddenly, but if it was to divert attention, it didn't feel right.

Because Kaitou Kidd's opening will only make people focus on him.

Unless that's what he's after.

"Just now I focused most of my attention on Kaitou Kidd, and I did ignore the bat lamp, but how did Kaitou Kidd manage to change the two pieces of cloth without making contact? This is really possible. Can you do it?"

A look of disbelief flashed in Robin's eyes as he stared at Kaitou Kidd.

Guess that's impossible, unless you're magical or have superpowers, it's impossible for anyone in the world to change something for another without touching it.

But Kaito Kidd did the impossible.

"Could it be that he actually knows magic?"

Robin thought to himself, although he was more inclined that Kaitou Kidd didn't know magic, but he couldn't figure out what Kaitou Kidd did just now no matter how he thought about it.

It's impossible for the white cloth to be alive. You changed yourself, right?

It could only be that Kaitou Kidd did something, but exactly what he did and when he did it are all unsolved mysteries.

What was he trying to cover up by saying those words just now?

"Hey, Robin, you can't figure out how I changed the white cloth, because I didn't change it at all!"

At the same time, Kaito Kidd said with a smile in his heart.

Do you think the purpose of my tirade is to cover up something else?

Wrong, my purpose is to make you think so!

Why does the torn white cloth suddenly become brand new? Did Phantom Thief Kidd switch it in some unimaginable way?

Of course not, he is not a magician, so how could he do such a thing of exchanging objects through space.

The answer is simple, shameful even, but effective.

He used the textile material repair fluid exchanged in the system, which is specially used to repair the damaged parts on textiles. The repair fluid is colorless, odorless, and takes effect very quickly, and the price is quite cheap.

Not long ago, the only time Kaito Kidd touched the white cloth in front of Robin, Bian took the opportunity to apply the repair fluid to the gap in the white cloth.

Then, in order to prevent Robin from noticing the scene where the gap was repaired by itself, Kaitou Kidd immediately moved to another place, and at the same time told him some words that changed the concept secretly.

What's more, in some parts he was actually right.

Superheroes sometimes inevitably do something that violates the law. This is understandable, and it has to be done under certain circumstances. There is no need to be too harsh on them.

But the question is, how do you define a superhero and a super criminal?

Both violated the law, both did not cause harm to innocent people, and both had a positive impact on the people in some way.

Why is Kaito Kidd a super criminal, but Batman and Robin are superheroes?

Judging from the level of innate morality, it is wrong for Kidd to steal things, and it is good for Batman to beat bad people. This is a very reasonable and correct judgment.

However, the result of thinking from a rational point of view may be that the actual damage caused by Batman to society is much greater than that of Kaitou Kidd.

For ordinary people, it is very natural to get the first answer, morality is the criterion for defining heroes and criminals, and everything else is false.

However, for smart people, especially those who have been baptized by Batman's thoughts, morality is the most beautiful thing in this world, but it is also the least credible thing.

From Batman's point of view, judging a person by morality is only the most superficial perception, especially in Gotham.

Therefore, when Phantom Thief Kidd raised this question to Robin, it was able to distract the latter's energy to a certain extent.

Then Kaito Kidd also intentionally or unintentionally directed Robin's attention to himself, making Robin mistakenly think that it was what he was going to do.

In fact, Kaitou Kidd did nothing, he was just waiting for the repair fluid to take effect.

"Isn't it amazing? I didn't do anything, and the hole in the cloth was suddenly repaired."

Phantom Thief Kidd pretended to be surprised and said to Robin.

"Just now I was worried that if the cloth was broken, it would be difficult for the magic to continue, but now all difficulties have been solved."

"Then now, let me continue my unfinished magic..."

Just as he was talking, Kaitou Kidd was about to step forward and uncover the white cloth.

"What the hell did you do?"

At this moment, Robin rushed to the bat light while questioning.

"Phantom Thief Kidd, I'm not in the mood to continue playing around with you, so what if you put on a new white cloth, after all, your trick of making the bat lamp disappear is still an old-fashioned one!"

As soon as the words fell, Robin lifted the white cloth on the bat lamp before the strange thief Kidd with lightning speed.

(Brothers, I had a small quarrel with my mother today because of a disagreement about renting a house. When I calmed down, I found out that it was too late. Let’s make a temporary change today. Cough cough, counting what you owed before. It's two chapters, but don't worry, it will definitely be added, at least one chapter will be added tomorrow, three more! When it comes to what it says, the Chinese don't lie to the Chinese.)

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