Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics

Chapter 111 Return of the Cloaked Warrior


Seeing this man, Dick immediately called out his name in surprise.

I saw a burly man with a naked upper body sitting on the sofa. His muscular body was covered with countless scars. Just looking at it was enough to make people shudder.

This man is named Bruce Wayne. He is a super rich man with a huge amount of property, a cloaked fighter active in the dark, and the source of lingering fear in the hearts of Gotham criminals.

He is Batman.

There are several wounds on Bruce's body that are very fresh, and the wounds should not exceed three days, and even now they are still oozing blood faintly.

At this time, Alfred was carefully applying medicine and bandaging Bruce.

Beside the couch lay a pile of bloody old bandages that had obviously been taken off Bruce not long ago.

Alfred's face was full of worry and helplessness, and he seemed to have endless words of persuasion to say in his heart, but he still didn't open his mouth after all.

He is quite experienced in treating the wound, applying the medicine in three steps, and then wrapping up a new bandage.

"When did you come back?"

Dick walked to the front of the sofa and asked Bruce with concern: "This time the injury is not small, do you feel okay?"

"As a mortal fighting with a group of gods, and even leading them, I know how difficult it is, Bruce, you'd better rest at home..."


Suddenly, Bruce's flat voice sounded, and his mood swings could not be heard from the tone.

"I heard from Alfred that a criminal who claimed to be Kaito Kidd appeared in Gotham during this period, and every time you hunted him down, you failed?"

Hearing this, Dick's face froze, and he couldn't help showing a wry smile as expected.

"I knew you would definitely ask about this."

Dick nodded and admitted: "Yes, Kaitou Kidd is very smart. Every time I almost see through his plan, but I still fall into his trap in the end."

"So, in the past few months when Kaito Kidd was active, how far has your investigation of him progressed?"

Bruce continued.

"What's Kaito Kidd's real name?"

Dick fell silent.

"Phantom Thief Kidd's age?"

"……have no idea."

"Phantom Thief Kidd's motive for committing a crime?"


"Appearance? Personality? Living environment? Suspect?"

Facing Dick who didn't know what to ask, Bruce's tone began to increase.

"What the hell have you been doing these past few months? Do you know how many crimes happen every night in this city? Do you know how many crimes there are when you waste your time catching a performance art thief?" Innocent people desperately need your help!"

"I had high hopes for you when I left, believing that you would protect Gotham, but your answer was that you couldn't even deal with a thief? You even made a thief the superstar of Gotham? This is yours As?"

Bruce asked coldly.

"Master Bruce!"

Alfred next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Don't be too harsh on Master Richard, he has already done a good job."

"And there is one thing you don't know. The appearance of Kaitou Kidd has made Gotham's overall crime rate show a downward trend. To some extent, his existence may be a good thing."

"Afu, are you saying that the presence of a criminal can make the city better? I can't believe you would say such ridiculous things."

A look of disbelief was evident on Bruce's face.

"I'd rather believe it's the GCPD's work."

"Phantom Thief Kidd is not as simple as you think!"

Dick frowned and raised his voice in response. Bruce's questioning words not only did not overwhelm Dick, but aroused his resistance.

"Phantom Thief Kidd is proficient in disguise and magic. He can change his voice without props. He is good at using a pistol that shoots playing cards. He can also make non-lethal weapons such as flash bombs, smoke bombs, and tear gas bombs. He is good at formulating a series of strict action plans. , and the anti-reconnaissance capability is extremely strong.”

"Bruce, you haven't seen Phantom Thief Kidd, so you may not know how powerful his disguise is. Believe me, it's definitely not worse than Mudface."

Dick said seriously.

"I tried to track Kaito Kidd, and searched all the surveillance cameras in Gotham. At first, I was able to find some traces of Kaito Kidd, but do you know what the final result is?"

"Every time! Every time I lost his whereabouts in the middle! He would deliberately go to a place with few surveillance cameras and a lot of pedestrians, and then he would never be found again! Because he would change his face several times in a row. He can change clothes from head to toe several times in a short amount of time! There is no way to know who he is after changing clothes, even if I find out what he looks like after changing clothes, when I look for it, I find that person is not Kaitou Kidd at all!"

"Phantom Thief Kidd has never used his real appearance and voice, nor has he left any clues at the scene, fingerprints, blood, hair, dander... none of these, not even the Kidd cloak that I confiscated There is no useful information detected on the Internet."

"I have also identified several suspects who are most likely to be Kaitou Kidd, but whether it is surveillance, wiretapping or even room search, I have used all the means available, but in the end none of them are Kaitou Kidd!"

"Bruce, the Kaito Kidd has never killed anyone, never made a terrorist attack, and he doesn't have any great power. Maybe in your eyes, he is just an insignificant thief who likes to play performance art."

Dick said with a serious face.

"But you haven't seen what kind of changes his appearance has brought to this city. I firmly believe that he is a person with good nature. It is true that Kaitou Kidd's actions are wrong and may lead others to imitate them indiscriminately. Going astray, but that's why I should pay more attention to Kaitou Kid."

"He is definitely not an easy opponent, and what I hope is to make him one of us, not just to arrest him."

Hearing Dick's words, Bruce glanced at him lightly, and then said.

"Have you seen the news about the 'Bat Monster' on the Upper West Side?"

"I'm aware of it, and it seems to be the case that Barbara is investigating."

Dick was taken aback when he heard the words, and continued.

"Barbara was attacked last night and she's lying in a ward at Gotham General Hospital."

Bruce said blankly.

"When you focused on Kaitou Kidd, she was fighting that 'bat monster' alone!"

After speaking, Bruce stood up from the sofa and walked out of the house on his own.

"Come to the Batcave, Dick, there's only one thing you need to do tonight, and that's to do what you're told."

Only Alfred and Dick were left.

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