Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

72 - Pirates and Night Fishing

- Very, very, very, very, very.

I've been distracted many times, but the collector couldn't stop his hand.

Snow White and Azlona, who are not here, can't be able to work on this hand just as well, they are outside.

The villagers, who at first only saw the two sleeping relaxed in a faraway winding, also approached when Isala, who came to visit between the help of Ilargi, greeted Snow White and set aside Azlona.

And I quickly liked the two of them.

They were both popular regardless of their women and children, but surprisingly a good looking after snow white is missed by the children, many of whom flock to their fluffy white soft hair.

At one point, I had an oita like a kid pulling his tail full of force. Snow White pulls her tail and holds her child, staring at her as she builds up on her own nose tip.

I'm not staring, but I seem to be telling you something with my gaze, how to deal with animals, and somehow the kids honestly stopped reading it and pulling it again. This village is also strange in a good way because its parents are watching it smiling, except when their faces were stiffened up when they were made into space.

Azrona, on the other hand, initially creeped out of its appearance, but her clumsy but desperate walk forward like a seal with winged arms seems to have inspired her wife's desire for asylum, and now she has her wife playing hiatus between her jobs.

It's better than being alienated, but the collector was sincerely flattered by our affair.

- Very, very, very, very, very.

The collector had even crushed the herbs in the rind bowl all the way from the early morning to Jomtien.

Ilargi woke up the treasurer in the early morning, before dawn, to teach him how to prepare with the implications of the reward.

But rather than a reward, the collector wonders if he simply wanted medicinal herb crushing personnel.

The dried products, the dried ones, the raw ones, the fried ones in oil and the fried ones are constantly shredded in the morning.

"This is next."

Ruthlessly the rinse bowl is replaced again.

I was a keeper who wanted to suspect that it wasn't a novice torture or Ibili, but I couldn't even throw this out considering it was within the request either.

When we got close to Jomtien, we took a break.

Two and a half meals a day in this village, that is, snacks in the middle of Jomtien. It seems to be exactly three meals on the ship.

While the women prepare the snacks, the keeper stretches out and goes outside making buggy noises from all over his body. There the children were painting on one of the rocks there, to show Azlona.

It was like Azlona drawing, painted with white lines. I couldn't say that was good for flattery, but it was a childish fun painting.

The depicted Azlona was also tilting her neck, staring at herself in stone as she said intrigued.

The collector glanced at him, wondering what the children were using to draw.

What the children have is a seashell.

He cleverly used two round shell shells like a walnut of fist.

There are no adults around. Hi. They left Snow White to watch the kids and go prepare snacks. What a distinct village.

The collector asks the children.

"What's that shell called?

You don't even know that.

The collector feels his cheeks pull, but he can't even be angry.

"I'm sorry. I don't know because I've come a long way."

"Hmm, this is called white round shellfish, and it's also bait to attract big mouths."

The kid said with his chest stretched like he was good at it.

"Hey, where are you?

"I'm all over it."

Each of the children pointed to a rocky area at both ends of the dock.


To the woman's loud voice, the children threw out the shell they had in their hands and ran away with the wars.

"What are you doing? You're going too."

Ilargi spoke to the collector who had become pokant at the reaction of the spider children scattered.

The collector holds up Azrona as he returns his raw reply, and takes Snow White and follows him after Ilargi.

White round shell shells were firmly gripped in the empty hand of the collector.

At the end of the lunch of the villagers' general exit, the collector joins the help of Iralgi again.

Even when it comes to the villagers, it's just the women, the old men, and the children.

At lunch there was also a moon goddess entourage (Maruna Nhum) who was ready to fix the house and intercept pirates.

The eyes of the entourage of the moon goddess who sees the treasurer are cold.

Especially the women of the white eagle bird race, the white eagle woman, are completely hostile to the treasurer, and Agatha is a scuffle as if there were no such thing as a treasurer.

The relationship between the collector and Agatha's entourage of the Moon Goddess was in such a state that it could be called the Cold War.

Unlike the original, the female knight seemed to be explained the circumstances of the two by Akikawa, who had a good grasp of the story in the association, staring at the wrinkles between his brows as to what had happened to the relationship between the two.

Beginning in the afternoon, he was made to even base the formula, not the rubbing of the herb.

Grandma Ilargi tells me how much to use with all the scales, such as anointing, drinking pills, etc., and the collector notes it.

Then they made about three of those pills first, and they taught Irargi to be like his aunt in detail, and then they made the same pills in the long run, which was also training.

What the collector was taught were wound pills, blood suppressants and cold pills. He also taught me antidotes, but because there are no universal antidotes, I was taught medicines to relieve all the symptoms of poison.

Even so, it was that the poison would only alleviate the symptoms of the poison by the special effects produced by the combination of several herbs, such as poison that would die in an hour, which would become poison that would die in a few hours. The rest seems to be something to do in the meantime.

I was taught many of these with an internal medicine, even if they are somewhat ineffective due to the wishes of the collector. to put in a food backpack. However, they can also be used as an ointment if sprinkled directly on the wound or dissolved in water for use.

Ilargi said if he remembered this area, it would be enough as a hunter.

On the night Ilargi planted even the formula in repetitive practice, the moon was a thin thread-like three-day moon.

The collector, who finished his dinner, was along the shore of the dock.

The treasurer's hand, sitting on the rock towards a dark sea with no waves in front of him, is wrapped with the thread of a great thorny ground spider (atrabasic).

The yarn was tied to one of the sachets that Dwarf's Gorvald had asked him to make, a fishing needle, where he threw a float of wood pieces and hammers, white round shellfish of bait, into a distant sea.

- Bubba shabba

At the foot of the treasurer Azlona was swimming around in a delightful manner, without fear, despite the first sea.

It's indefensible and extreme in the ocean at night when you don't know what's out there, but the entrance to Azlona's swimming shimmering rock is blocked with big ice by the collectors, plus no creature the size of which would eat Azlona because Azlona looked into the sea before swimming.

- and pun

Azlona dives into the sea.

One minute, it's not coming up yet.

Two minutes, not yet.

Three minutes, when the collector thought it was time for a mess, Azlona put her face on the sea level. With a small crab in his mouth, he crawls up to the rock at the foot of the treasurer and shows off his prey.

When the collector stroked Azlona's head, Azlona looked happy and ate the burrs and crab.

"It's getting rough."

The collector muttered about that as he watched Azlona, who had grown meaty resembling someone else.

The village tingled in preparation for the pirate raid, and there was also a look-around fire elf floating around the dockyard.

What the collector was doing relaxed while laying it aside was fishing at night, not to take white round shellfish.

But it is already gathered when making a swimming place in Azlona and put it in a food backpack.

I came to pick up the white round shellfish because Snow White had eaten it. I was doing so, not.

The collector felt signs that his own stopped brush was about to advance as the children were painting with white round shell shells.

Why not just focus on the dark lightness of the ink and dare to use white. Because the leaf paper used is a natural product, it is not really white.

And not sticking to ink painting, but the glow of oil painting as ink painting, can't you paint like an Impressionist?

Seeing the free paintings of the children, the collector thought so.

As Azlona crawled up from the sea and climbed the rocks with her uncle and swung her face plumply at the foot of the collector to fly the sea water on the hyena, she looked up at the collector.

In the darkness of the night, the outline of Azlona's black first eye appeared as clear as a light.

"... you're going to be able to beam or something from your eyes"

Azlona tilts her neck.

The collector laughs at just how impossible it is.

"Sounds like you could do it around the braces. Even though it's a flying dragon, it's a dragon, isn't it?

With such a joke, the collector used water concentrate to unleash a powerful water cannon into the sea at night.

I thought I should be like a water cutter, but the affinity and proficiency of the collector only made it as powerful as a water discharge vehicle.

Can you do that? Tell Azlona, the keeper.

You're not good at the smell of salt by the sea, and I turned my frightened gaze to the side of the collector that Snow White, who had been lying awake, had started doing stupid things again.

But Azlona leans her neck, but jumps into the sea.


- Più.

Releasing a cute momentum water cannon from his mouth, it just hit Snow White in the face.

Snow White glanced at the collector laughing cookly when he saw it, dripping water.

But you can't just be staring.

The tail, which crawled through the rocks as if it were a snake and reached the back of the collector, stood up like a cobra and struck the back of the collector's head.

And the treasurer was frowned upon, and it was then.

It struck directly at the village house without sound, as the fireball cleaved the darkness of the night.

A pirate.

The ship is in darkness, but the spiritual magic reward began to peel that blow.

Fireballs and thunderbolts of the moon goddess's entourage released from behind the dirt wall that surrounded the dock landed on the ship, each time revealing the ship's appearance.

Is there such a thing as one medium-sized vessel and ten vessels like fishing vessels with small sails?

The number seems to be higher for pirates, but the quality was clearly higher on the village side with female knights and moon goddess entourages.

When it came to the seaside, there were few water spells released from the seaside because they had to protect the burning ships and control the water around the ships with water spells so that the enemies would not use the sea water to attack the bottom and belly of the ships.

Pirates cut a paralysis into spiritual magic shootouts.

When we were dating a barrage with a different gap than last time, we realized we were going to be exhausted first.

As spiritual magic flies, one ship after another forcefully boards the dock, and more and more men in thin, dirty clothes land.

There, the Spirit Magic arrives.

But a pirate with a leading shield rushes in without a fireball or lightning strike.

The pirates that follow.

It's supposed to be all women in the village, pushing force can do anything.

That's what the pirates thought.

But the white flash that swept in the darkness turned the great shield into two.

Two big shields from the top of his head were the big swing song knife held by the White Eagle woman.

For a moment, the pirates look like they don't know what happened.

Vanis stormed in there.

He bounced the large shield erected by the pirates around Kiteshield's body and skewered the nearby pirates with a long sword as the momentum remained. Rather than claymore, the long sword had a peculiar shape with a two-sided triangle that was sharp enough to go to the tip.

In an instant, the fire lights on the pine so as to surround the dock.

At this time, the pirates finally realize that the village asked for help.

Though the current North Baruch attacked Donorbo thinking that there were few government constitutions and hunters due to political circumstances, it would have been completely off the charts.

upsetting pirates.

But due to the spiritual magic that struck the ships that landed one after the other, there was also no exit route.

The pirates lost their way.

Challenging the Battle of the White Soldiers as if they were half-baked, but the spiritual magic of the Lady of the Village and the Lady of the Moon entourage, unleashed under the decree of Agatha, did not lead to the entourage of several Moon Goddesses, Vanis, the White Eagle, and the pirates fell one after the other.

In the meantime, the only medium-sized ship that was undamaged left the dock, gained the backing of wind elite magic, and escaped.

But that was Vanis and the others' calculations.

The ship of the village, which had left only one ship in the shadow of the rock opposite the collectors, moves.

On the ship were old but certain old bowmen and Akikawa.

With the protection of Akikawa, it is almost impossible to lose sight of it. I'm guessing you're going to follow a medium-sized ship and take control of every base.

Approximately half of the entourage of Vanis and Moon Goddess, who defeated the pirate, jumped onto the ship, manipulating the water sperm and winding the sail with the wind sperm to chase the escaped pirate ship.

The remaining women captured the fallen pirates quickly, and the pirate raid came to an unexpected end.

The collector, who was watching the battle between the pirates and the women, continued fishing at night.

It was as if there was no time or need for a collector to get his hands on an unsafe battle.

The collector looks at Snow White and Azrona as he strokes the back of his head.

Snow White was educating the soggy Azrona.

Make sure you're in the right direction before you shoot.

The collector stared at the end of the thread, blurring the two into view.

When the sky began to whiten, the dock became noisy.

A mid-sized ship of pirates who were supposed to have escaped took up, from which Vanis jumped in a refreshing fashion.

And the pirates who are dragged down one after another.

Apparently, he was able to control the pirate stronghold.

Pretty soon, but it's using magic to move the ship, so maybe it's natural.

The number of pirates being dragged down to it is low and the clothing is poor. For once, the executive-like pirates are wearing something like a robust coat, but they still look miserable somewhere.

He doesn't seem like a very big pirate.

The collector wrapped the yarn around the bannish pirates' aftertreatment.

Today's catch is zero.

Feeling a gaze on his back like he had made a snow white fool of himself, the collector went back to his cabin, somewhere heavy on his feet.

The collectors wake up before the sun runs out.

Now that we had finished making the approximate medication and the pirates had also been caught, Iralgi would not have penetrated the cabin.

The collector is outside the cabin stretching.

Bannis and moon goddess entourages lined up pirates at the dockyard, also visible from the cabin, for post-processing last night.

"It's a long time."

I said like Ilargi came out of the house stunned.

"... kinda"

Though the noise last night didn't require me to get my hands on it, I can no longer say I was fishing for it sideways at night.

"Well, I'm glad the pirates got caught anyway."

"Right. What's gonna happen to that pirate?

"The lady knight will take you to Marnova, close by."


"No, my grandfathers will move that pirate ship. The number of pirates seems to have decreased, so we should be able to carry them somehow. Oh, this is neat. The pirates seem to have devastated every base, and there are no major injuries. And then I hope the guys come and finish the big mouth."

Ilargi went back home looking somewhere relieved.

That night.

The village, which no longer had to be frightened by pirate raids, was quiet to sleep.

Regardless, there are guards at the docks and gates by the villagers but they are back to normal placement.

Except for the collector.

I couldn't catch it at all yesterday.

But I want to fish for at least one.

To avoid being ridiculed by snow and white.

The collector stared at the floating pieces of wood and gradually used spiritual magic that could be perceived as darkness, water, and wind.

Already tired of playing, Azrona fell asleep wrapped in the tail of snow and white, and the lord of that tail did his gaze at the vain things to the collector, and then meditated his eyes.

The village had not already lit one of the lights.

By the time the sun changed, the collector whose eyelids were getting heavier was just about to realize his own arms and lack of luck.

But then, a piece of wood sank.

The collector awakens at once the consciousness that was grumpy and attracts yarn.

The strength of the yarn and the strength of the fishing needle are sufficient.

In the first place, it's about a collector who fishes with the yarn of a great spider (Athrabasik) and a fishing needle made by Dwarf.

The collector pulled the thread at his disposal.

One metre was a big fish that danced through the universe.

And then I fell over the snow white.


The collector leaks such a voice, but wakes himself up puffy and trembling in anger as the snow white with a sloppy fish on his head.

Around putting Azrona aside gently, he seems to be calm.

But the tail that placed Azrona immediately attacked the collector at an unstoppable speed in his eyes.

More snow white flying at the zodiac.

The collector was pressed and hung by a giant of snow and white, his face crushed with a fluffy meatball, and his neck tightened with his tail.

"I'm sorry, calm down, I didn't mean to..."

Hardly able to hunt and stressed out, Snow White bursts the physical language (Oshioki) just here.

Massaged with gorills and rocks on his back, the collector makes desperate resistance, but he couldn't possibly beat the snow white willing to dominate the collector, and was trampled on the back of his head by the front leg of the snow and white, following a similar end to each flying dragon.

That's when the Zodiac senses the news of the Dark Fairy that was left to be used in fishing.

The collector strengthened and shook the snow and white, and the snow and white were unusual. There was nothing more twisted by the collector's appearance.

- Azrona, please.

That's how the collector ran off.

Dragging a stupid big fish on yarn.

Along the way, the collector with the yarn and the fish on his shoulders reaches a small house where the speed needs to be slowed down.

When I kicked in the door and jumped inside the house, there was a dirty ass of a man who was about to put his pants down.

The collector kicks it with relentlessness and fortification.

Toe piercing in good shape.

The man collapsed to his forehead with a short scream.

"... sorry if it was your man"

A village woman, desperately shaking her head beside her, was about to be pressured by a collapsed man.

Apparently, it was.


When the collector drags the man with one hand, he dumps a pointy outside and asks Snow White, who was coming after him by collecting Azlona.

"There are three more pairs. I think it probably smells the same way, so just kick it off one end to the point of not killing it and bring it here."

Snow White instantly turns his face away even as he brings his nose closer to a dirty, stinking man with a disgusting face. And when he deposited Azrona with the Poi keeper, he ran away at once.

I could have asked Snow White from the beginning, but in case it was the night's business of men and women who remained in the village, I can't even see them. It was also the collector who sensed it, so only in the beginning was it faster for the collector to do it.

And the visual judgment is lost with the keeper, but if you smell it, you can't go wrong.

The collector caught a village woman standing at the edge of her eyes, dressed in torn clothes, trying not to see as much as she could.

"Call the villagers if you can move. Just in case, to the grandmother of Ilargi."

The woman snorts.

Yeah, and the keeper gave the woman Azrona, who was awake when she was thrown.

It's a bodyguard.

The collector joked and such, the woman loosened her tenacious face.

I don't know, sister. The woman grinned at Azlona, looking up with an innocent eye that said hello, and ran to Ilargi holding Azlona tightly with her trembling hand.

The women of this world are never weak. It is a temperament.

"Well, and"

The collector sees the man who kicked his ass.

The man, who is pinching and holding his ass down and cramping, was dressed in crude clothes like a pirate who came to raid last night and didn't even wash as much. The weapon is like a knife rolling at your feet.

As the collector was restraining the pirates with the yarn he had just about right, Snow White turned the pirates around with a face that seemed sincerely unpleasant.

Snow White throws pirates away all the time, even when he says it's a bad idea.

It seems that the group was the men and women of the village.

The zodiac confirmed that the two men caught by Snow White were in some awesome shape but passed out before putting the three together and tying them with thread.

The three pirates caught by the collectors were farmers in North Baruch who ate up in the Feilong disaster and bandit damage. He said he turned himself in to the pirates who had carried out this raid remotely where he had no place to go.

The bandit who attacked the village is also a villager who ate it again, so don't do it.

The three of them took part in the raid, but they realized earlier that it would not help if a knight or a moon goddess entourage came out.

Othi is the one who feeds the Warcraft if there is no stopover where the two of us fled.

Then I'll take a good look at you for the last time.

I literally dived into the rocks through the raid with that intention and waited for the village to settle down. You think the fact that you were originally only used to earthly magic in the countryside more than the average person played a part in lurking?

Then the female knight transferred the pirates to Marnova, making sure the watch was back to normal, and attacked the woman.

That's what happened when the three pirates tied with thread were surrounded by villagers and moon goddess entourages at the dock, interrogated and told.

The look on the faces of the women illuminated by the pine lights was harsh, with cold eyes that said that even to the accompaniment of the goddess of the moon, she should be executed.

That should be it, too.

I wish it had all ended with an attempt, but it didn't either.

One of the collectors rescued and one of the snow whites rescued was an attempt, but the other was an afterthought.

Happy or unhappy, the woman was a widow and had no family to collapse in, but the wound to her heart would still be immeasurable.

However, this village is not completely Sandra.

The native beliefs of the south and the land are also mixed.

The woman who was offended is not thrown out of the village when she is dirty, nor is she seen with cold eyes. Assuming you have children, there is nothing to accuse you of abortion.

That's not why the women's anger subsides.

"So you were fishing at night," he said.

The White Eagle sneers at the treasurer who was listening to her interrogation.

"Yeah, but? There's a catch rolling in there."

Next to the three pirates, a slender fish, also similar to a fugue over a meter, was rolling with Deron.

I can't help it because I'm restrained by fishing line.

"So, can you eat this?

The collector asks Ilargi, who was there on the spot.

"... Poisonous swelling fish (Pozn) is also a very rare mon. But unfortunately, you can't eat. It's too poisonous to be a drug."

The collector is disappointed that there seems to be no way to cook fugue in this world.

Both Snow White, who had secretly placed expectations on that big fish behind it, and Azlona, who had been returned by the village woman, were soggy to hear the words of Ilargi.

"I'm not talking about such a stupid story.

Why didn't you let us know immediately? If you weren't looking forward to solving this by yourself, we could all have been safe!

The widow, who was an afterthought, was nursed by the son and grandson of Ilargi, Ise and Isala, and is not here.

When I did find the first one, I could have been helped quicker than one zodiac if I had called the moon goddess's entourage.

The White Eagle woman's words have eyes that the Moon Goddess's entourage is right, and so do the village women? Turn your eyes to the collector.

"Normally, I guess."

"What are we reopening? Certainly there was no evidence that you were a pirate, but this proves that you're a despicable hunter who can't even judge the situation."

"- Not if it's normal. But I have snow and white. Snow White can control the scene faster than anyone else.

And as long as I'm up at night, the sign sensing is better than you guys. Now you guys wouldn't have noticed if the pirates had moved out, would you?

After the Zodiac rescued the first, the Zodiac said it would be quicker for Snow White to do it than the Zodiac, untrusted by the Moon Goddess's entourage, to go there and explain the situation before heading to the rescue.

The eyes of the Goddess of the Moon's entourages become even more rugged.

I guess I feel like you guys are more incompetent than me on this occasion right now.

"Evidence of what?"

Without hearing the words of the White Eagle Lady until the end, the Zao gave ears to the snow white behind her.

Snow white that did tickle, but gave Azrona to the collector and disappeared from the spot without sound.

At least, it looked that way to many people on the spot.

"I don't know what to do."

- Snow White turned the gatekeeper and returned, blocking the words of the White Eagle Woman.

The old man at the gatekeeper, freed by snow and white, sat on the spot as a pocan without knowing what.

"If you say it's faster than this, I'll admit I made a mistake. I'll do anything I can, whether it's dirt or compensation."

No one responds to the words of the collector.

That's right. If the speed of snow and white travel and the ability to control can be exceeded, it may not be enough for more than one star (Rigserp).

The village women were convinced.

Neither did the entourages of the Moon Goddess make any further differences with their regretful faces to the ability of the collector and the power of the snow white, who sensed the pirate's movements that they had not noticed.

"No, I've looked into everything, but there are too many suspicions about your behavior. I've been fishing at night during pirate raids."

Only the White Eagle Woman was not convinced.

"I have not been asked to dispel pirates. Besides, neither the pirate exorcisms nor the signals have been notified. You can't do anything extra. I was watching, but I wouldn't have had to."

"Don't just turn your mouth around a lot."

"If you don't move your mouth, you won't be able to prove your innocence, but are you the kind of manuke that gets your wet clothes spoiled?

"Why don't you just say you were scared and shivering"

"You're better than a dumb bitch overreacting to a man's opponent."

White eagle woman's killing temper swelled in the words of the collector.

- Gwong.

The White Eagle woman was unconsciously flying away to the roar of snow and white with visions of her neck being pulled a thousand times.

sleigh and snow white with a face from behind the treasurer.

Grey golden eyes stared at the white eagle woman, as I said she was blind.

"Shit, when you can't do anything without the beast"

On that word several times, the collector sighed.

"Stop poking around on me. Tell me what I did. I have nothing to be ashamed of."

The White Eagle Woman looks abhorrently at the Collector.

"You must have been the one who stubbornly tried to kill the fans and pushed unreasonable pledges."

"I was just trying to kill him because he set up a duel and he was about to kill me. Like you said, I'm a hundred hunters without snow and white. So I can't afford to save someone I've come to kill."

"Who wants you to save them, etc. Fanf, let me save you."

I guess there's no answer but for the collector to yield.

What brings the White Eagle woman so far?

Agatha treats the treasurer as something that has no treasurer, but does nothing more, and the other women don't know what the treasurer is saying, but they never get used to the treasurer from their own thought and organizer's point of view, that was the impression.

But this white eagle woman is hostile to herself all the more.

The collectors didn't know why they were so hostile.

An entourage of moon goddesses trying to protect the weak women as a priority.

If the firepowder comes down, both men and women can't forgive (...) the collector.

I could have it as a cooperative relationship if it was meant to be, but the funf decided that the two would be relative.

Still, there was a drop. Now the collector executed it.

But still, the White Eagle woman seemed to say it wasn't enough.

Neither could the collector give up any more.

This means that they are no longer fundamentally incompatible.

The White Eagle woman's hand stretches out onto a large swing of song knife hung on her back.

The collector saw it and prepared to give magic to the Spirit at any time, and Snow White also put his strength into his legs.

"-Dawi, don't."

Agatha finally spoke up there.

White eagle woman called Dawi with the eye that though.

"Are you going to do it here? You, too."

Agatha saw the treasurer.

"Stop being a personable person. Last time, and this time, your eyes got so busy..."

- Bang.

"I've got a lot to say. I don't know if I'm going to do it here."

When did Irargi, who was approaching the keeper, burst the rinse stick into the keeper's ass.

A keeper who leans against the snow white to fall and suppress his ass.

Iralgi turns to Agatha ignoring such a collector.

"Whatever the circumstances, it's true that this time it's because of this abalone. Don't get caught up in speculation."

Agatha, stared at by Iralgi, did not even say back, but tried to take the women and the pirates away.

"Leave the yarn and the fish alone."

Dawi raises his voice again to a keeper who is in pain but does not read the air, but at Agatha's direction the thread and fish are returned, and now it is Agatha and the others that have left.

The tense night chill loosened and everyone left on the spot exhaled relieved.

"Oh, thank you"

The first woman the collector helped bowed her head to the collector, who was holding her ass and frowning on the back of the snow and white. Other women are in psychotherapy.

There was still a slight tremor, but it also seemed to suppress it in its temperament.

"Well, don't worry. I just did what I could. I couldn't get rid of the pirates."

Instead of the treasurer, Snow White stroked the woman's head with her tail.

And the collector also dragged the fish and left the spot behind while the snow carried him.

After noon the next day. The men of the village are back.

Of course, fishing is a success.

It takes a big mouth lift at the villagers' outing.

It's so big.

Largemouth Largemouth Jumping Fish (Jaluallah) is bigger than a whale when it comes to the planet. Similar to no protrusion or shark on the head, this demon fish has nothing to do with its masterful appearance as attacking a person in the back, and is considered to be warm and very smart.

But because he is a big eater and if left alone, he will eat the surrounding fish, so the village man hunts in total?

"Best prey I've had in the last decade, fu haha haha"

The village chief couldn't seem to stop laughing.

The men are naked in their upper body despite the chills and proud of each one.

I have nowhere to throw away a big mouth.

Mucus covering the body can be fuel for a durable lamp, and the guts and bones are on medication, and the skin will not leak water when stretched on the ship or on the roof of the house. Of course the meat is delicious.

All but meat can be expected to earn cash for the first time in a long time with valuables, so the villagers will smile.

The collector went to the gate to head to the next village when he received so much meat from the large mouth, a payment in kind, that he was in a better mood for snow and white, as he was thanked by several men.

There, Iralgi stood.

"Totally, I didn't know you didn't say a word. I'm not being polite."

The collector restrains his courtesy as a Japanese from being noticed who he is. Not much, even the courtesy of this world was neglected. Even though I could not tell the difference between the courtesy of Japan and this world.

"Oh, sorry."

"Well, fine. Where are we going?"

"Appropriately go around Plapla Village"

"Right. Do I look like you? [M] Good luck with that, then. If you run out of places to go, you should come to this village. I'll use it."

The collector went outside the village to think about it.

Snow White and Azrona, who swung through the gates from behind the treasurer, are causing him to hold his mouth somehow.

Apparently I got a big mouthful dried from Iralgi.

The collector grinned bitterly that he seemed to be that old lady, and headed to the next village.

There was once no incident in the next village, and when he finished the request there, the collector returned to Bartis on the promised due date to visit him under Ekaitz.

Ekaitz confidently shows the keeper what he asked for.

"This is..."

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