Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

69 - What is Bone Race?

Judging by the liquor and the head climbed onto the hot springs doesn't make it a lok.

The collector rose all the way up. Wrap cloth around your hips, of course.

"Talk inside."

That's how I pinched up Azlona, who was relaxed aboard Snow White's head, and headed to the room.

The other side of it where Snow White indulges in brushing by lying with the sleigh in front of the treasurer. In other words, opposite the swinging enclosure of the fire elves, Ziva, wrapped in many cloths and woven with feathers, sat in a horseshit, looking at the room, albeit rarely.

Azlona, who had already done so in the hot springs, was rowing cockle-cockles and boats on his bed with fluffy snow and white tails, while desperately opening or closing a large eye lid with only one of them to listen to the rare guests.

The collector listens without stopping the brushing hand.

"Why do you need a house?

"... you still look negligent in your care"

The skeleton looked somewhere shaken.

"That's often said"

"... that's what I asked you to do from the eagle, but let me just ask you one thing first. What does Omae think of the three northern countries, Albaum and El Rodriana and Eurifranz"

The collector looks surprised at the abrupt question.

"What does that have to do with anything?

"That would make me have to withdraw my favor. It's a random story."

"How do you know I'm not lying?"

"It's not hard to imagine that I live in a dragon mountain with such a fei dragon wolf, with a mutant child of Irnik or Fei dragon, distancing myself from society in general. I can't even say I'm a deserter.

All you have to do is listen to Omae and judge her. "

The collector decides that he is not even the person in need where he is asked where he stands.

"I don't like the album, and I don't want to get involved with guys like brave people, with exceptions. I don't feel good or bad about this for Elrodriana or Eurifranz... but I don't like the proprietary and discriminatory part of the white race.

Well, there's a society out there that's not unfriendly to me, so I guess it's the closest thing you're ever gonna feel that you're letting me use it. "

I couldn't say I had good feelings if I thought back to Salehad's branch chiefs, Zaul, the shadow of the album in Rattana, and Joseph and Agatha.

Nevertheless, that is the level that if you are in front of me, you are blind, and not so much that you really want to kill or break it.

Ziva stared at the collector and spoke out as if she had decided to do something.

"Right. Then we have to talk about the eagles and the bone race first. - Mind if I smoke?

The collector answered Ziva's question by making him an ashtray on the spot.

Ziva smokes deliciously when she lights a smoke tree from the fire sperm behind the furnace. The face of the skeleton is very difficult to understand, but only the subtle nuances seemed somewhat discernible.

"I'm not lying about what I'm about to tell you. Put it as far as the eagle knows, it's all true.]

Strict words emanated from Ziva.

The treasurer felt the silence, which should not be encroached upon, from the words.

"... I used it during this time, but what is that word?"

Ziva looked a little surprised.

"... this word is the root of the power of the eagles and the bone race when it comes to 'the truth (Peiman)'. What I swore in these words will never be broken"

"Is there such a thing?

There is no such thing as a magically binding contract in this world. Exceptionally, there is the protection of the brave as something close to it, but it was assumed otherwise.

"The eagles have two powers, instead of being able to use spiritual magic. One of them is Necromancer Negotiation. We can negotiate with the Necromancer and let him possess the Necromancer in his bones to help. Gadziazi was also the lord of the long lived flying dragon in Sauran."

"You manipulate corpses?

"No. Negotiate only with the Necromancer and get help. And the word for it is the 'truth' that I just used. I use this word no matter what trivial promise I have in my life from a young age, and whoever uses this word must never break his promise. In doing so, I use this word even when negotiating with the Necromancer, and I ask him to believe it.

If you ever use the truth to break a promise, the Necromancer will never believe in that person again. The word for the Necromancer to believe is' true '. If the bone race loses the power of truth and cannot negotiate with the Necromancer, then the magic of life can only be used as a stubborn bone "

"... is it possible to negotiate with a person's Necromancer?

"If I'm being exact, I can, but I won't.

Capably possible. But the bone race is hated from outside the other races that lived in Caigbad. He won't cooperate where he's dead and corpsed.

It doesn't make you undead in a way to it, so it doesn't mean you can use your lifetime power as it is. You won't be able to use spiritual magic. There's no point in purposefully negotiating with dead spirits of other races who are weak, because it's not like they can make an infinite pact with dead spirits.

It would be easy to kick them out of Caigbird if we could force them to use the Necromancer and push them in quantities, but unfortunately we can't do that. "

The treasurer put another, and then said to the wind without offense.

"... I mean, once, and if you've lost the Necromancer bargain, you're gonna lie."

Ziva smiled faintly at that reluctant narrative, and fished mostly inside the geometric cloth that was worn multiple times at the fingertips of its white bones.

Something white comes out of the cuffs of Shruri and Ziva.

It was a bone snake.

Its full length is immeasurable due to the fact that there is still a body under the cloth Ziva wears.

Snow and white little ears stand up perfectly in response to the emergence of a bone snake, but they don't even intimidate or get fit, leaving their little ears standing and letting their collector brush them.

Azlona, wrapped in its snowy tail, finally succumbed to the sleeper and slept feeling good holding onto its soft white hair.

Ziva snakes with one hand.

"Originally known as the Flying Spear Thundersnake (Balm Tuba), it is now called Ill. Sure, if you're prepared to lose power, you lie, but if you lie in the truth, Ill instantly look out for eagles, and they'll just be bones."

It is also possible that everything Ziva says is a lie.

But I don't even lie that far just to make a house.

Ziva spoke pale as to whether the collector felt convinced.

From time to time he spits purple smoke, drops ashes in the ashtray, and again speaks of the pale state of the bone race, but the collector frowned naturally enough to hear.

Ziva and the Bone Race said they lived on a peninsula that protruded heavily west of the Sauran continent. The land, Caigbird, was said to be the only land where races in a great sense could live, as long as it was known on the desert-covered Sauran continent.

Aside from the bone race, he also inhabited beast and earth races and a handful of brown races, and managed to live while all species respected their opponents, sometimes in contention.

However, during the late turmoil, when colonial independence and the like were wrapped up by the magical revolution, the albums and elrodrianas and Eurifranz, said to be the three northern countries, claimed that the Spiritual People were to fulfill their "ancient covenants," suddenly invading Caigbad and seizing the main cities on the grounds that military bases could not be ascertained of the people of Caigbad, who could be called hundreds of thousands. There he founded the Spiritual kingdom of Lesiharm.

A truce was later established in Caigbird, with only a few autonomous communities in Caigbird, by those who had not participated in the invasion and by the entourage of the Moon Goddess (Maruna Nhum).

However, the economic blockade and working activities of Lesiharm, abrupt attacks to break the ceasefire, or attacks from the Autonomous Region side continued to make it difficult to say that the ceasefire was a state of affairs.

"It is also said that the Crusade of the Demon King by the Brave Mid was more than 10,000 years old, but there is nothing to prove that it was a historical fact.

The three northern kingdoms ravaged Caigbad under an alleged mutual cooperation agreement between the brave Mid and the wise Lesiharm, as soon as they took back a country that had neither appeared nor taken shape, which was said to have been founded by Lesiharm the Wise to monitor the resurrection of the Demon King with the brave men and the Virgin.

For them, the eagles seem to have been abandoned by the Spirit, burned, destroyed and killed evenly, regardless of the woman or child. "

Ziva's pompous and empty orbits are deep and dark everywhere.

Albaum, Elrodriana and Eurifranz assumed their own country to be in the genealogy of the kingdom of Holy Albaum, a great power supposedly founded 10,000 years ago by Mid the Brave, and on that basis held back the people of the Spirit who inherited the will of Lesiharm, who was the ally of Mid the Brave.

According to "Demon King Crusade Records," supposedly written by then Virgin Wendy, who is passing on to Sandra, the party of the brave Mid defeated the demon king who hunted him down on the Sauran continent in Caigbird, where he freed Sandra, the Sun God, who had been sealed by the demon king. It is also said that the Spirit God that had been sealed was liberated when they crusaded the Demon King in the Spirit Divine Scripture, a teaching handed down to Spiritualism, supposedly left behind by the wise man Lesiharm.

The peoples of the North and some spirits invaded Caigbad before the building, when it was a sanctuary for each other and there were ancient covenants.

"Even a certain high-altitude dragon species, said to be long-lived, doesn't know that there was a land of lesiharms in Caigbad.

But he said it was an ancient promise, but in the end it was the Sauran Desert and beyond that they wanted.

After dominating the major cities, the coalition forces of the three northern countries broke into the Sauranic desert.

As a result, we lost 90% of our troops, and the northern countries fled. "

Ziva seemed to have a grin on her dark expression.

The Sauran Desert was described by the local inhabitants as a 'Star Fallen Land (Sele Heather)', a harsh land that could only be accessed by even shallow parts of the bone race resistant to hunger and dryness.

But in the three northern kingdoms it is a land where the treasures left by the Demon King remain, and is also said to be the sleeping place of numerous ruins, the gateway to the untouched continent, where they decided, by old scriptures and surveys, that there was a tip of the Sauran desert and, as its bridgehead bao, stomped through the invasion of Caigbird, the only gateway to the Sauran continent.

"The northern ones fled back, but Lesiharm still survives, and the three northern countries still support Lesiharm.

And eagles are hostile to such northern trinity and lesiharm. No one on this continent treats me like a warcraft and makes a home for me.

Will Omae make a home for such eagles?

Wishing Ziva voice color, but also doesn't look so emotional.

If you've been persecuted for a long time, I guess you're also trying not to do what you expect.

The collector believed roughly what Ziva said.

History would have a say on both sides, but the criteria for a collector's judgment were simple.

Who, to whom, for what reason, fought?

If you were to put your shoulders on top of that, you'd be the one to suffer the unspeakable harm.

Other than that, I can't judge you, and I don't understand you by a collector who's not a party.

It will be easy to look into this, and not hard to imagine. If there's an obstacle to finding out, that means something else is working.

The three northern nations and the people of the Spirit suddenly invaded the land, which had been untouched for more than 10,000 years, and made the country with rhetoric.

From a bone race, that is the fact and it is not worthy of their discretion, such as other circumstances.

It has nothing to do with those who lived in Caigbad, whether the Sauran desert belongs to nobody and there will be a great profit ahead of it, whether it is the bitter action of the consequences of the Northern Three being threatened by something bigger, or whether the Northern Three would have perished had it not done so.

Not to mention that it just invaded for the greater good, the desire, so the treasurer, with little connection to the three northern countries, had no reason to have the shoulders of the three northern countries.

Assuming that more than 10,000 years ago is true, if aggression is allowed on that basis, it will also be permissible to conquer the world simply because the ancient demon king was resurrected and ruled this world in the past.

If all of this is a lie, you can destroy the house you built, or you can build another hidden nest somewhere else. Still, if Ziva is hostile, even if she can't win, she'll have to fight.

Because all a collector does is build a house.

"Even if you're a terrorist or a criminal, if you don't involve me and my surroundings, if you don't harm me, that's fine"

At the end of the day, that's what happens to the stance of the collector.

There is no land to belong to, there is no home country, so there was no choice.

Ziva stared at the collector.

"Well, even if the eagle was killing innocent ordinary people in the three northern countries and Lesiharm?

"Make it the Northern Trinity, make it Lesiharm, it should have already been a democracy at the time. Though the majority vote, I suppose the invasion of Lesiharm was decided by the general will of the people? Then it's not like you're innocent ordinary people. Think of it as a time of war and it's not weird or anything. If a few of them have to fight the majority and win, they won't be able to choose how to do it.

Well, maybe I'm an unaffiliated displaced person, not a party. The party could have blamed you again for something different. "

"... well. I decide not to tell you what the eagle is doing. Sometimes it's not a problem if you don't know. Well, if you gather a little information in the city, you'll be able to guess."

"Oh, do that. But if you threaten to get me involved, I can't make you a house. I'm..."

- I promise. Never involve the Klanders. Unless Klander is hostile, he will not be hostile to Klander. I will not use the position of Klund. Let's swear Klando and I are purely good neighbors.:

Ziva blocked the words of the treasurer and swore so.

Whatever happens, I won't get involved.

Whether by chance, force majeure or intent, when you put it all down and keep your vows.

Conversely, it also meant that it had the power to jump through all of it.

Strong enough for Snow White to be vigilant, and perhaps excessive in Snow White's hands.

And being on the outside of the society that dominates this continent.

There was also an intention that the collectors would be able to make connections with such beings.

In Salehad, I didn't trust anyone and 'stuffed' them.

I wanted to make sure it never happened again.

In that sense, I should have kept my connection to the strong living outside of society if I had any credibility.

If I had been in Japan, I wouldn't have made this choice.

It's like cooperating with a Yakuza or a terrorist.

So, in this world, the collector is foreign. I wanted to keep the appropriate insurance.

And most importantly, I felt like I could trust this bone.

Probably revealing enough information to make you think so.

"But just to make a home, why trust me when I haven't seen you and disclose the information so far?

That's what the collectors didn't know.

I didn't know how far it was rare information, because it obviously also contained information detrimental to Ziva.

"That's because Omae doesn't understand the importance of something called a house for the eagles and the bone race, and she's confident that if Omae is hostile to the eagles, she can do anything about it."

Ziva laughed invincibly.

Snow White turned to Ziva for that provocative word, narrowing her grey golden eyes and staring at her, but Ziva took it softly.

If you want to do it, I'll do it, the air flows.

Mostly from stupid big cats and moving bones.

"You can do it later. - So, what's 'home' to you guys?

To the collector who just told me to stay behind my heart, Snow White snorted his nose and urged Brushing, and Ziva grinned bitterly to mock herself for straining herself against the Warcraft opponent.

"Home is something special for the eagles. There is peace and prosperity there, and it can be said that without a house, it will also cease to be a species. It's so important.

So the guys at Lesiharm burned down a house called the house they could see in Caigbird, and they're still watching to make sure they don't make it. "

"... say it plainly"

"Simply put, reproductive and spiritual preservation."

Where's the keeper? I uttered the question.

Ziva laughs cuckoo.

"Another power of the bone race is what they call a 'museum'. It expands to repaint the building itself, which meets the conditions, in the area of a 'museum'.

Women of the bone race perform reproductive activities with men in this hall, giving birth to children. It is said that one can form an approximate seed and a child, but the child to be born becomes one of the parents. And if you give birth to a child, you must not go outside the hall until you have given birth while the child is in your belly, and during that time your husband will provide for your wife.

Naturally though, the purpose of the eagle is not that way, but to preserve the spirit. Basically, the eagles are bones from other races. In fact, you can just smoke smoke and nourish the smoke trees, and they are resistant to hunger, thirst, and pain.

But these can also be described in a way as blunt towards the world.

That's not good. I forget my spirit as a person. Become intolerant of weakness. I lose compassion for others. The spirit becomes too flat, the emotion itself disappears, and it ends up just a moving bone.

Then, I don't taste it, and it's hard to say I'm alive. I wouldn't be a person. So it is said that the ancestors of the eagles, over the years, created the 'Hall' and dared to choose the path of weakening. That's the myth that bone race gave birth to a child without a 'museum', so I can't even confirm it.

In the early days of the war with Lesiharm, his compatriots, who had been unable to enter the 'Hall' for a long time, became mad warriors who merely hunted the Lesiharms, and at last became nothing but vain bones and never returned to normal.

So would you make a house for the life of a eagle? Rewards pay what they deserve. "

Two days later, for the first time in this world, the collector got something called a neighbor.

Not so close as next door, but just a short walk away.

Due to the structure of the mountains, Ziva's house became a two-story structure, not underground, but otherwise little different from the lair of the collectors.

Each room became a mixture of the lifestyle of the bone race and the structure of the caveman's room sought by Ziva. In the living room there is an enclosure, at the wall, a stool at a desk bordered by a wall, and on the second floor up a spiral staircase, a simple bed in the laboratory. There was an inner bath that pulled off the hot spring, but an open-air bath big enough to wash the gaziazi was just a hassle, so we decided to share what was in the hidden nest.

The difference with the hidden nest of the collector was the cavernous space and entrance and exit doors for Gaziaj to live in, made by digging vertical holes.

Ziva decided to put a large rock on the entrance and exit doors and move it with the autonomous magic equipment of "Move" because the earth spell could not be used.

Ziva looked around every corner, enjoying the house, which had been made in about two days.

"The condition of the hall is that there is an entrance and exit, plus a bathroom, a bedroom, and there is no disability in living. I don't think I made it in two days. Spirit magic is still useful."

Ziva standing in the center of the living room.

And I chanted something short in a small voice.

Something invisible spread like a ripple around Ziva.

No harm done.

But in front of the collector, something incredible happens.

It was a moment.

My bones were turning into people.

The mixed dark brown hair with gold was about the middle length between the berry short and the short hair and was caressed appropriately.

His nose was high and his contours and eyes were very sharp, whereby red and black wine red eyes emitted a terribly beautiful light like a beast.

I can't even say that my skin is white, but I can't even say that it is brown.

I'd say he's slightly taller than a zodiac and has about his shoulder width and white race, but he's skinny overall.

More importantly,

"... woman, huh?

The collector was so whining unconsciously.

Ziva said as if she was frightened.

"What are you surprised about? If you look at the skeleton, you'll see."

I did also study skeletons and such to paint, but there is no way to take a serious look at a person's bones.

The collector remembers the hot springs and feels complicated.

If you think you're naked, you didn't, but those are still bones, but...

The zodiac kept Ziva in sight, but thought such a shame.

Ziva releases such a keeper, strips away the cloth that was multiple-woven just as depressing, and looks like she only wove one large black cloth.

And sitting still in front of the enclosure, he lit the smoke tree with magic fixtures, smoked it deliciously, spit it out, and relaxed and stared at where that smoke was going.

From the gap in the black cloth, it is possible to see a slightly richer lumbar circumference than the tip or chest of the thin chest, but it is perfectly fine.

I don't care about my surrounding eyes. That figure will be as a soldier still fighting, but no matter how much fun it seemed, I couldn't wipe out some dark atmosphere because of the environment I've lived in.

"- Well, the reward, is there anything you want?

As a matter of course, the collector watched Ziva until he was tired of it.

As a drawing object, as a woman.

I didn't do anything with it, but it was the sex of a man, a collector. If you say anything, I'll take a look at it to the extent that I see it, but if you don't, I won't hesitate to reopen it.

Ziva was also aware of the resemblance of a collector's gaze, which she would observe, but she didn't particularly care. In the long process of fighting as a warrior, shame had long forgotten.

"... you weren't thinking. But there's nothing I want you to call this."

"... that we don't need wealth, power, or women?

Ziva tells me I can pay with my body away.

From the choice of the treasurer, it was an eye that observed the very essence of the treasurer. What kind of man is this man, what kind of taste and how he lives?

But I'm not willing to rebut the reward. It just changes the way you engage.

The collector also knew what Ziva meant by words and some of them hurt, but he also found it kind of boring.

That for the collector who is somewhere refracted in the relationship between a man and a woman, the target woman thought that each one involved in a different way.

Assuming Akali, as a clerk and student; Elida, as a hunter and hunter; Yobi, in a sense, as a subordinate relationship; Estia, as a whore and guest.

If there's anything on that extension line, I wouldn't reject it, but I'm glad it had to be.

Now that I can no longer resist buying a whore, I can tell you that I was unwilling to stick to my lust all the more.

I haven't been able to grasp my relationship with Ziva yet, but demanding a body here is something different, boring, I felt that way.

Against the painting that myself and Ziva were painted together, that is not worthy.

"... Sure, I want strength"

I spilled a potpourri in a casual breeze, but that was what I needed most for the collector.

I don't know when or what will happen.

In this world, it's easy to 'pack'.

Such fear always stuck somewhere in the treasurer.

But I didn't think Ziva could offer that, and I didn't ask for it first.

Hearing the keeper's words, Ziva placed the smoke tree behind the furnace and collected the cloth she had taken off.

"I can't let a eagle train an omelet. Bone race is special. Magic is comparable to elves, but spiritual magic cannot be used, and arm power would be less than race. Light or holiness doesn't work, you could just call it a stiff undead.

Thus, since the invasion of Lesiharm, the eagles sought strength, but ironically it was the made autonomous magic of the race that went to them. Every piece of this cloth is written by the magic team of autonomous magic. "

So put the cloth collected without hesitation in front of the keeper.

"You should choose three pieces from here. The original (Origin) corresponds to the magic team and is rewarded. There are countermeasures for eagles about the principles here, but don't tell anyone if you can."

If this is all you're using, Ziva's magic power is immeasurable.

Autonomous magic requires so much magic that it is said to be inefficient. Naturally, when it came to using multiple autonomous magics, magicians in general lacked magic.

If it were to activate it without bitterness, Ziva's strength would be amazing, as you can imagine, even if spiritual magic cannot be used.

With that in mind, the collector snorted firmly.

"What kind of autonomous magic is there?

Ziva smiles joyfully at the enquiry of the collector.

"That's a secret. Let me just assure you that nothing is useless."

The collector stares at a dozen pieces of cloth, but the magic formation is painted behind it and I have no idea what the original is. If you look at the magic formations, you can see some magical tendencies, etc., but it would mean that you are not willing to let them do so more than this way.

The original is rare. Many are still held by the old privileged classes or managed by the state.

It would have been broken if all three of them had been rewarded as much as they had made a home.

Ziva says it's as secret as a pastime, but actually having the original is something to keep secret. Few people try to steal the original, and just because they know what autonomous magic they have, they can take action.

Including that meaning, it wasn't weird or anything to be shaped like a scratch.

The collector also kept the autonomous magic from being used in public, and also kept secret the autonomous magic activation using the dark elves.

Still, it was an attractive enough reward.

You don't even know how you can be strong in the first place, so you can leave it to your luck.

The collector gently pulled out the three nearby pieces and gave them to Ziva.

Ziva saw it,

"…" Net, "" Twist, "" Request Change (Talirdarn) "?

So he shrugged and, as promised, began to carefully teach the collectors the original, one by one.

Knowing the original when it comes to autonomous magic, it's not just something that can be activated immediately where it's equipped with its activation conditions. "Nets" and "twists" were easy types to activate if you knew the original, but "request changes" required very delicate magic techniques.

Naturally, the collector also struggled, but Ziva taught him courteously and without frustration.

"- 'Nets' freely create invisible magic nets up to a certain size, which can be ejected, but consider them normal nets of strength.

A "twist" is a twist that twists an object in sight about the same as a grip. Well, what, you can whisk their noses, and if they're naked men, it's funny how they whisk the spot. "

Let's go, Ziva, like I remembered something.

The keeper withheld his comment to the dark grin. I also felt that the area was shrinking.

"And 'request change', but the eagle actually discovered it."

The development of new autonomous magic is called discovery.

It takes a huge amount of trial and error and coincidence, which is like a treasure hunt, so the developer of autonomous magic called the development of new autonomous magic a discovery.

"The spiritual magic of the Lesiharms is depressing.

Literally this is something that interrupts the Spirit Magic just before it is activated and changes the request to the Spirit. It's just that I'm supposed to make you change to a different request on schedule, but I know you can't order the Spirit with someone else's magic, and I can only make you interrupt. It's definitely because I've had other races try it. I can handle my magic naturally, but I have no use for it.

Besides, unlike 'netting' and 'twisting', the conditions and timing are cynical, and the trick is to activate them.

But still, if you can use it, it's effective against a race that still tends to be spiritual magic biased. "

There is not much autonomous magic against spiritual magic.

Sometimes autonomous magic declined for a while after the advent of spiritual magic, but it was autonomous magic that was created in an era without spiritual magic, naturally unable to cope with what was not.

In this way, the collector was able to add three pages of autonomous magic to the Apocalypse after a somewhat dangerous friendship that could not be considered a risk.

Then a few days later.

He was busy modifying the fine parts of Ziba's house and organizing what he had bought, researching dragon mountain materials and autonomous magic, and dating neighbors, but the collectors decided to get off the mountain once and head to Bartis in the Baruch Autonomous Region.

of the whore, to fulfill Estia's request.

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