Yakov Sergeli Meiser.

Hunter Association Salehad Branch, Branch Manager. Mr. Yakov was questioned and detained by Mr. Orfia for abuse of power and violation of service regulations, but attempting to escape during the chaos caused by the monster's raid (Explode) is also discovered by officials where the monster (Monster) ate five bodies and was torn apart as a corpse.

Zaul Domitor Blagoy.

He was in the Salehad branch with Mr. Yakov, the branch manager, just before the monster raid (Explode), but disappears without being forced to do so. It is currently under investigation whether Mr. Zaul's conduct preceded or followed the mandatory request.

Ivan Minaev.

Bastard of Yakov Sergeli Meiser. Besides his position as an official, he was also not in a position to defy blood ties, but he was suspected of actively aiding Mr. Yakov in his actions, and he is also carrying out cover-up actions against Mr. Yakov on occasions when he was questioned by Mr. Orfia. Monster raids (Explodes) are currently monitored but tentatively assigned to staff as post-processing.

Salehad Branch staff.

Understandably, but not indifferently, I could not reject the order of Mr. Yakov, Branch Manager and leader of the village. I hope to raise awareness as an association employee in the future operation of the association.

He was preparing documents to be submitted to the headquarters and the Temple while reading the report on which the Aufia was raised.

Put your finger between your eyebrows and point your blurred eyes at the ceiling.

Two days after the extermination of the monster, the chaos caused by the monster's raid (Explode) persisted.

Restoration of destroyed earth walls, moats and houses.

Monster progress destroyed forest surveillance.

Dead human funerals and contacts.

The village did not have time to immerse itself in the tragedy caused by the monster (monster) and was in a hurry.

Still at night, I could hear sobbing and children crying from somewhere.

Where's my dad? You promised to come back, didn't you?

Such a young voice could also be heard if I walked through the village.

Aufia reminds such a toddler's voice of her own pledge she failed to fulfill.

Bitter thoughts, but rises.

Even in an emergency, I couldn't keep my word.

And the other guy's, the truth.

The morning after the monster raid (Explode).

I saw a treasurer walking in the morning, and I called out.

"Good Morning"


The two walk side by side on the slopes.

"Oh, this"

A collector gives the orpheus a deep green ring.

"Is this...?

"You already have more or less predictions about me, don't you? You can't normally cover for someone who's been hiding who you are."

perseverance with Hayato Ichihara, a brave man.

I just went in the cave with him, but I could see that at a glance.

Orfia didn't dare ask, but when and what involvement he had with Hayat Ichihara, whom he had summoned approximately two years earlier, who was caged in the mountains.

Given that Hayato Ichihara crusaded a dragon-type monster (monster) a year ago and had not previously come out of the surroundings of the summoned school, it would be less than a year after the crusade that he and Hayato had the opportunity to get involved.

But given that Acari and Maxime were in contact a hundred days ago and Hayato Ichihara's scope of action, that he was in the Allerduria Mountains, that makes it impossible in time.

Or maybe there were contacts secretly around the school, but Hayato Ichihara, for better or worse, is still not that considering there were always people around him.

If so, where did we meet?

He cages in the mountains and seeks to live like a concealer, yet hides the Akali, a brave man. Compared well, the face of Akari, him, and Hayato Ichihara also looks like the same species.

I mean, hasn't he known Akali for a long time? Assuming that's the case, there's a twitch.

In doing so, he interacted with the brave men who had been summoners since the summons' Before '.

And Hayato Ichihara and he have been steadfast for a long time, and if you come here and think it has rekindled, there is no hole as a story.

I did make that assumption.

But it's only speculation, no proof, no certainty, no means to prove it.

"No, have it. It is also true that I have broken my pledge, and I cannot ask you to return it."

"Don't worry, I can't afford to cover a guy like this."

"At least not less, we fought with the women, not fleeing the monster raid (Explode). Even though we were able to escape."

"Might abuse the women."

"Heh heh, you're going to stay protected."

"Might make you assault the snow white"

"Mr. Snow White won't be bored like that."

The collector looks indescribable.

"For a short time, you decided to believe that you were not the kind of person who would go on and sin on your own."

"Believe me, I'll see you then."

"... you are similar to the goddess of the moon. That's why I believe you."

"... what, suddenly"

"I can follow a giant leopard... but it's only similar."

I don't know what that means.

"Hehe. Near the Moon Goddess it is said that there were bows, daggers, magic books, giant wolves, giant leopards, giant claws, capes, boots of leather, silver spoons, and arrows. The stars were named in order of proximity from which they regarded the coloured moon (Shikigetsu) shining in the night heavens as a goddess. Hunter's star also derives from it."

Aufia speaks with pleasure. It's like a dreaming maiden.

"She was a beautiful goddess, but she was stubborn, bigoted, narrow, whimsical, she refused anything but a warcraft that allowed her heart and a woman that should be protected. I refused to propose to other goddesses, and I refused to invite other goddesses, just to remain lonely. Still, it wasn't ruthless, and whoever caught my eye helped unconditionally. And of course, if something evil were to be done to itself afterwards, it would have been harsh, too harsh."

"You're a goddess with a lot of difficulty in your relationship... myth, right?

"In far ancient times, God was real, it is said. There may be buildings and powerful artifacts left that can only be considered so. Very rarely now, some are awarded a divine service. Still, it's hard to prove the existence of God, but I do believe it."

"You have a sesame personality."

"It's okay, because I just take it personally. A young man, who took a giant leopard and emerged from nowhere, is hiding in the mountains. It wasn't worth the age, and my chest jumped. And I met you, and while I was reluctant, you were not the kind of person to abandon the women. Stubborn, bigoted, narrow, right or wrong."

"There seems to be nothing good about it."

Aufia laughs bitterly.

"Perhaps so. Still, I feel like I have something I shouldn't throw away, just like a goddess. Well, I mean, it's my delusion, it's an old man's dream. So think of it as a money-making thing and keep it."

The collector seems a little lost, but he can pull in a deep green ring.

"Just don't ever imitate the end like a goddess. 'Cause that's pathetic."

How long has it been, all the stars die, and finally just disappear somewhere by themselves, I didn't want this young man to achieve that end.

"What does that mean?"


With a knock on the door, Orfia wakes up from a dream.

At some point, he seemed to be asleep while sitting down.

He temporarily rented a room in the association and was only acting on his behalf until the headquarters staff arrived. This would not be tolerated in a large city association, but it was a peripheral countryside, for better or worse.

Aufia says come in, speak up.

It was Allie who came in just to excuse me.

"The jury has arrived."

Is the orphea right, just stand up.

"Let's pick him up"

The sun is directly above it.

It was a hot day with more and more temperatures.

"Welcome, you've come all the way. I know it's a bummer and I don't think it looks good, but forgive me for what I've done."

The village chief, sweating on his forehead, bowed his head deeply.

He is an elderly man with a jawbeard who was with the branch manager who came aboard when the fog group Tucorska was exorcised.

"No, it would have been tough there, too. My condolences."

A middle-aged man in white cleric clothes looked at the village and said so.

Behind it were two warcraft cars in a row, and cleric cavalry mounted around them in battle horses (battle hoses). The two Warcraft towing Warcraft cars are armored flat lizards (armored lizards) that have the impression that they want to be flattened as a whole as if they had been made bigger by wearing armor over lizards.

You can walk long distances through the drylands, the armor on its back is stiff, and it doesn't even do streets such as wolf fangs. There is also the weakness of having a soft abdomen when flipped over, but it was an indispensable warcraft for long distance travel.

"Oh, Lord Aufia, have you arrived first?"

The middle-aged cleric spoke when she saw the orpheus standing behind the village chief.

"In the case of the example, where we were ahead, this monster raided (Explode). That's just how old I am."

"Ha-ha-ha, the one who would also be" Red Lotus Elf, "what do you say? At last, the fool who nests in the village has been exorcised, and the chief woman who laid the king on her ass is alive."

By the first cavalry, we had already had a brief exchange of information.

"So, here's an example."

"- I know. The referee should also hurry if this is all going to damage the village. Don't let anything happen to you."

The middle-aged cleric turns off his grin and tells him in a whisper.

"Where is she now?

"We are hiding in a safe place, so from there to this village for a day, etc."

"Really, if Lord Orphea says so, there will be no mistake. It's my first special judgment, so I'm pretty sure this is going to be a touchstone for the Judgement of Facts."

The clergyman sees the Warcraft.

I can't see it from the outside, but there was Aoi Goutkuji on it, with the "fact sickle".

"We're ready for this one, too, so why not 15: 00 in three days"

"Well, the envoys of several countries arrived this morning, and the rest of the country has already been contacted by a touch. You'll be fine on that date. May I have the village chief, too?

"Yes, sir"

The Mayor of the Jawbeard Village wipes his sweat. He can only snort.

If you're in a village, you'll never know if you'll see them for the rest of your life. High-ranking clerics, sheikhs, and messengers from all over the country are coming. That was exhausting and I didn't even think about making any opinions.

As village chief, the tyrannical branch chief was punished and the sight money given by the envoys of the nations was sufficient.

By the way, the clerics sleep in the village's only small church, and the messengers of each country rent their villagers' houses to live in. It is not so daunting to be a messenger, it is merely a function of seeing the judgment of the brave and communicating the results to his country. There wasn't anything that high up coming.

And whoever loaned the house stays in the house of the next-door, and receives adequate accommodation from the village chief. They just managed to get rid of the monster raid (Explode) and kicked the house out, which made no difference annoyingly, but the money was also the money needed to rebuild the village and what a pain and itch it was for the villagers.

It was only half a day after that that that Maxeem informed the jury of his arrival in Dash.

The sun was already setting.

"Really? Okay."

Akali, who happened to be visiting the collector, nodded at Maxeem's contact.

"I'll do it tomorrow morning, have it ready. There's hardly any warcraft in the woods, so it's going to follow a lot faster."

That's all I said, Maxeem left lightly.

"Sounds like that. Thanks for taking care of me for so long."

Acari corrected his absence and lowered his head deeply.

"Well, there was a lot going on, but there's just nothing I can do about it. You haven't changed that much over there or here."

Akali lifts his head.

My heart is moist.

"Um, can you paint for me?

It is a sudden favor.

"Am I? I don't draw men, do I?

"Chi, no. Wow, would you draw me?

"... naked?

The face of the clam turns puffy and red.

"Well, who wanted to do that? I'm asking you to draw it normally."

"... it's not good enough, is it?

"I'm not good or anything. I want to see me painted by the zodiac."

The collector nods after thinking for a while, picks up the usual miscellaneous books and small brushes, and prepares ink.

In front of the enclosure, the collector and the acari, the two were quietly facing each other.

Only the treasurer's moving brush made a slight faint sound.

Ask him to pound and spill while the clams remain motionless.

"... doesn't the collector want to go back that way?

Without a brush, the collector explores his insides.

"... because the roots are thin, I don't even want to go home so much"

"Not at all, is it?

"... because you're human, sometimes you want to go home. In that case, painting, whistling. So the next day, you're gonna have to peel off."

"... Really? I wasn't the only one, was I? Neither did I, I don't think, want to go home more than everyone else. It's not like I don't miss my family and friends, but I still didn't want to go home for anything, no matter what I sacrificed."

"You can have people like that. It's not like you don't have feelings."

Akali looks like a crying laugh.

"That's not comforting."

"I'm not comforting you."

"Kusu. Right. But it's the same as Zao's, and sometimes I can't help but want to go home. Shortly after I was summoned, I was flirted with, hurt and especially thought so by people I wasn't sure about. But after riding Mr. Maxime's invitation, I spent about a year as a hunter, and I stopped thinking about it that way."

"I guess the hunter was sexual."

"I think so. Of course I'm still afraid of warcraft and monsters (monsters). But more than that, I realize I'm alive. There's no guarantee, but people beg me to hunt warcraft, and I'm thankful. I feel happy about it."

"If you can eat, you don't care where you live and how you live. If you think you have nothing to be ashamed of. Love in the country is a story from then on. Enough food and courtesy. Well, it's similar."

Akali keeps talking, and the collector moves the brush while we hammer.

Outrageous, such a conversation ensued.

"Aren't the collectors worried about their families?

"Worried, huh? I'm single because I don't have anyone to marry. Parents... well, it must be a very normal family. It's just that I fell out of the ordinary."

"Oh, no."

"I'm not mocking myself, but I can't be a full-time employee, like seconded or contracted guards, cleaners, delivery guys, and clerks. It's also a three-year contract, so there's no next time. I need to be summoned here, rather what was going on. It's not like you can eat with a whistle or a painting, number one. I don't even have that much arm. That's exactly how it was blocked."

Acari was summoned, without being in society.

I could only see the darkness of society on TV and in the newspapers, but still had some anxiety.

I wonder where we're going next.

"Well, even here, it doesn't matter that much. It's just not cramped. I'm just glad you're here. I'm sorry about the parents, but unlike us, our pensions will definitely come down, and you'll be fine. So I'm not too worried."

"Maybe it's similar, the situation, the way you think"

"What is it? It's twenty-seven now. Not like you."

I look a little sorry for the acari in the words of refusal of the treasurer.

"If you live as you please, you'll still change, naturally. That's not the end point, I'm sure she'll be a better woman.... bad guys have to fool me."

"Oh well, why can't I finish with a good word"

"... you're not boring, are you?"

What, are you bored? That and gagging clams.

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.

Such a usual routine lasted until the end.

"Well, this is what an acari would look like"

"Look, look, look, look, look, look, look."

Saying so, the collector detaches one with a knife from the miscellaneous book and passes it to the acari.

Akali sees the painting received, somewhere in the face of tension.

"is not a blank paper"

"Yes, it's still blank, that's what clams can be,... yeah kancha"

"And it's too appropriate"

Chuckling and laughing, the collector gives the real one this time.

Acari looks at it suspiciously, receives it, and confirms it for a moment.

The ink is drawn properly.


"Whose fault is it?"

Yet Akali dropped his eyes on the painting.

A dark, pale world of white and black.

It seemed elaborate, pale and blurry as fog somewhere.

A long, flat road leads to the wilderness.

At the point of departure there is a decaying school gate, and there is no end point, and the stretch of road continues.

The uniform had been stripped off and dumped on the side of the road.

The side of the girl walking about the long road, some adult, stared forward.

"Why are you so naked!

"It's my taste."

The collector stretches his chest.

"Ko, ko, ko, don't be so tiny. Shh!

"... I've had a lot of it"

"It's rude of me to serve you, and... don't stare at your hands!

The collector was nibbling, with his hands twitched.

"Forget it."

So - after I did the painting softly - I got up.

"Come on, let's go. You can't have a young daughter in a man's room late this evening."

"Wow, that's some old man.... Oh, yeah, I'll report to the collector for once."

That's how I whispered small in the ear of the sitting collector.

The collector rounds his eyes.

"Heh heh, I don't think I've ever seen a zodiac like that before"

So Acari dropped one kiss on the cheek of the treasurer.

Touch it or not, such a pale kiss.

And as it was, I went through the cave.

The leftover treasurer laughed bitterly, tongue-in-cheek, and lay low.

I was looking at the whole thing. I hope Snow White was ridiculous. So, wow, I made a big stretch, and I kept my eyes open.

And the next morning, Akali went down the mountain.

I never looked back.

The side of it, like that painting, was just a little grown-up.

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