Akali, who listened, clearly looks at him.

Anyone would be if they listened to the man who fell into himself.

"Exactly, you're sleepy"

That's how the collector rises from the rock and lifts up his large luggage, taking up the third piece of meat he gave to Snow White.

Snow White looks up at the collector with a resentful face.

"I'll cook it later, okay? Maybe buy some salt."

Snow White gives a slightly lost look, but when he roared one like a shabu-shabu, he walked out toward the cave with the caveman and the acari.

Snow White didn't know about salt, but it seemed like he decided to wait for the meat on the line the collector would expect.

The collector laid the fur on the ground when he removed the wolf fur and woolen-like blanket he had bought from his large luggage, and laid it down wearing a blanket.

"... why did hunters buy fur?"

He said the clams were frightened.

"I don't know how to strip it clean, or how to get rid of it. I gave up because it bugs."

"Huh, how did you spend the winter or something"

"When you're alone, dive into the earth with fire elves or earth elves. You've been warming up a lot since Snow White arrived."

Akali finds herself stunned by the keeper like no other.

"Oh, there's snow and white too? Rugs."

I didn't hear back from Snow White over the head of the sleeping collector.

The collector makes a big stretch.

"... because you can fish properly for luggage and stuff. Well, I don't know about women, and it's not like I'd expect it to be."

That's all I said, and the treasurer fell asleep.

The collector woke up when it was about to be dusk.

At the other corner of the room, I could see the acari embodying and maintaining the fire sperm.

"What, you didn't luggage fish"

"No, you can't just fish people's luggage"

The acari scatter the fire sperm and turn to the keeper.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I think I interrupted something."

"No, just a little spare time."

The collector stretched one out and placed it around the enclosure with a large package and a Moss Green backpack that was always kept in the corner of the room.

And I notice a clam word for spare time.

"Oh, Sman. You didn't tell me anything because it was a sudden departure. What happened to Meshi or something?

"It's a thank you just to keep it from me. I went down the mountain and let the hunter do the same. Because Mr. Snow White has hunted all kinds of rice for me. He was sweet on Mr. Snow White's generosity because I didn't know much about this area to hunt."

"Oh, never mind that. I got paid, and that's what I promised you once. And should I explain everything then? No, did Snow White ever tell you that?

"No, that's very unfortunate, though. You can deliver the rice and keep an eye on me, but more than that... there's no such thing as a mundane fudge or a moffin."

Oh, I'm sorry, I'll explain. The clam, which was soggy when the collector stood up, also stood up in a hurry.

"Well, it's no big deal. This is the bathroom and the bathroom."

When the collector touches the middle of the passage where nothing seems to happen, the big hole in the door opens his mouth pompously.

A rectangular tub appears in front of a clam as the collector embodies the fire sperm in the room and floats. Homemade, of course, compressed to close to the stone.


Not answering the little surprise of the acari, the collector continues.

"The water is snow outside, or water sperm magic, and then you can warm it up with fire sperm magic to your liking. So, there's a bathroom next to the bathroom... it's kind of a mess after all"

The collector touches the wall next to the bathroom while talking to himself to make the hole appear again.

There was a pompous sitting of homemade Japanese potty.

But the bottom of the potty was endlessly deep, and the bottom could not be seen.

"It was originally western, but I also like snow and white oddly beautiful. It's hard to be western, so it became Japanese. Wash it with water essence magic and dry it with wind essence magic when you add more for it. At the end of the day, if you could magically soil me a little, I could still prevent the smell. I'm sorry."

"Yes, I'm fine, but..."

- Yeah, I'm gonna need you to do that.

Leaning aside a clam that looked like it was turned into a fox, the collector touches the wall on the aisle side of the toilet.

Then the soil is shredded from where the hands touch, and the walls are edged in the same way as the shape of the bathroom entrance. Inside that edge is dug straight ahead, and penetrated.

Compress worn and falling soil into edged areas. More soil was left to fill the hole that connected the bathroom to the toilet.

"This will do."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that"

I feel sorry for the acari who noticed the collector's intentions. When the bathroom and the bathroom are connected, various accidents also occur. It was a separation of the toilet and the bathroom to prevent it from doing what the collector did.

"Well, let's go next."

Leaving the bathroom, a collector touches the wall directly opposite it.

Then the hole peeled again, and now the cold air touched the clams.

The collector embodies the light essence and floats it in the room.

Akali breathes into the sight.

"This is the reservoir, and this is the prey that Snow White's parents left behind"

There was no appearance of ice from various warcraft, large and small, enclosed in ice, and the room seemed to be kept below zero degrees. It was like a museum displaying dinosaur fossils, of course this is a catfish.

"… ice diving horn white bear (lilobach), Dahei horn goat (gigaprosa), thunderbolt duck (lagbarica), head pile hog (guacova), curly horn lizard (barobacilli), see, some have never seen"

I don't know his name.

"Each of them is a Warcraft that brings together three or four stars (Gabodrazze) to deal with. Sure, that Ilnik just doesn't seem to make it a problem."

"... can Zaul hunt too"

"I guess you can't. You won't have any companions to hunt with you, and even if he had ten, it's impossible. For example, even with the exception of Mr. Maxim, it's probably possible for members when they hunt that ilnique. Except for the deputy captain, he's almost three stars."

"Even Saul has four stars, right?

"They hired a good hunter to raise the stars. I think it's actually about six stars."

"Hmm. So you can hunt even in snow and white?

"I don't know that because I don't know the power of Mr. Snow White as it stands, but Ilnik himself is a warcraft that more than three stars (Cellulobi) carefully prepare to hunt if they can find it. I find it difficult for a normal Ilnik to deal with these Warcraft alone. That Ilnik is out of standard in a way, the average Ilnik should be a beast enough to turn Mr. Snow White another time or twice, but there's no record of an Ilnik the size of a bunch of elephants like that."

Akali trembles when the collector is interested in explaining Akali.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's cold in here."

That's how I take the light sperm and leave the reservoir. Of course, the hole in the reservoir was immediately closed.

"So, this is where you work and you work in a laboratory."

Return to the room behind the furnace and drill a hole next to the snow white that still sleeps with Spicepi.

"Come in, I'll close it right away. I hate the smell of snow and white in here."

Acari rushes inside to the words of the treasurer.

The collector closes the hole and floats the light sperm near the ceiling.

"It's all kind of suspicious...... wouldn't it be out if they stepped into the government constitution"

Akali looking at the treasurer with his jito eyes.

Liquids and powders, such as green, purple and blue, were in earthy bottles, there were spellbound demon squares, and shards of horns, fangs, threads, and fur were scattered.

"As it were, it was a means of self-defence. Look, there's a target, if you're gonna practice bow or magic, you should do it here."

"... well, fine"

The place in the convex room that hit the protruding part was very deep, and it was likely that I could use it to practice flying tools.

"Is that it? Do you use a bow, Clerk?

Akali looks around the room, but there are no bows and arrows.

"I can't make bows and arrows, so it's boomerang and magic"

That's how the collector took up the L-shaped boomerang he kept aside, and threw it with the boom.

Boomerang pierced the earthly shape in the back almost in a straight orbit, crushing his head as it was.

"Is that the horn of a three-sword antler?

"That's what they said over there, are you famous?

"Famous, indeed, some ethnic groups used to hunt for it long ago, but now it's a kind of luxury decor. That would be a six-star hunt, but we live in a much colder region than here, so we don't see much of it."

"Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh."

When the collector is impressed. That said, the acari returns the words with a little light.

"I was beaten to the basics of letters and this world at school for six months, and then a year was a hunter's study threesome. Well, I wasn't surprised, but I didn't think the hunter profession would suit me this far."

"Should I write a letter?

"Yeah. The clerk can talk, read, too, right?

"Oh, I knew all the summoners came with automatic translation?

"Yes, of course, people in this world don't have that ability or magic. There may be some secret autonomous magic though. But, hey, it sounds silly that I struggled with English in Japan."

"Right. By the way, a year is 400 days?

"Oh, well. That's right, you wouldn't have written that in a magic book. Yes, it's 406 days, to be exact, and they don't have a year. How to count the days..."


Suddenly, the entrance to the room opens when I wonder if there has been a squeal.

There was a snowflake there that I could eat that bird.

"... it's a mess"


The Lord here is snow and white. Acari seemed to know that well, too.

The collectors form a dengue behind the furnace and slip the salt they bought into the meat of the blue eagle (Snivariol) and stab the meat in a thin pile that protrudes around the fire elf.

In a pan made of soil concentrate, about a thumb of oil is added, and flour is covered in meat imprinted with salt and pepper. When the oil is heated, add the meat.

Then add the blue eagle (snivalior) bones, proper weed, and water to a soil pan and seal each lid until the additional embodied fire sperm turns blue.

"I'll help you"

"Whoa, well, transfer that dragon field fried modoki to the plate"

Pass the earthy plates and wooden chopsticks to the clams.

Weakening the earthen pot fire, which had been turned into a pressure cooker, and drilling holes in the lid towards the absence of people, there was a pea and a tall sound and the steam fell out.

Once the steam is out, open the lid, remove the bones, ash and weed and season with salt and pepper.

When I gave it to the clams along with the black bread I had bought, the clams had finished putting the Deep-fried Ryuda modoki up on the plate.

"It's been a long time since you've been human."

When he saw the fried dragon fields, the bird soup and the black bread, the collector nodded satisfactorily.

Snow White had already handed over half a life of meat that had grilled the surface thoroughly. Now he seems to be narrowing his eyes and chewing slowly to taste and eat.


He looked like an acari had passed the surprise and frightened him.

"Sometimes I can cook unexpectedly, but how much more magic do you use even though it's just simple spiritual magic than that? Obviously, there are a lot of them."

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