Fang Mo open the totem map!

It can be seen that there are thousands of green dots on the map. The green dots represent people who are temporarily not hostile to them. In addition to the green dots, there are hundreds of red dots. The red dots indicate that the other party is not hostile. Most of the spots were concentrated in the middle lobby of Jumang Villa. Fang Mo guessed that it should be the Jumang clan first to him.

In addition to the green dots and red dots, there is actually another spot emitting golden light. Obviously, that must be the source of the sound.

Fang Mo concealed his figure and easily jumped to the roof of the villa, stepped on the tiles, and quickly moved on the roof, passing through one room after another, and finally came to the location of the golden light spot.

Fang Mo opened a tile on the roof and found that there was a library underneath. There were four guards patrolling in the library.

Fang Mo easily compressed his mental power into four bundles of fine needles, and then merged with the thunder element.

Whoops whoops!

He shot four mental lightning needles at random and shot them into the bodies of the four guards.

The four guards were paralyzed and fell to the ground on the spot.

Fang Mo easily sneaked into the library.

The library has two floors.

The first floor is mainly the history of the purchase family, and the second floor is the ancient martial arts secrets collected by the Jumang family for five thousand years.

Fang Mo converted all his attributes into intelligence, and then activated his firm will.

Fang Mo at level 300 has an intelligence of 8000! !

Fang Mo built a memory palace in his brain.

Will control the wind element, and all the books will be suspended in the air.

Qingfeng doesn't know how to read, why turn the book indiscriminately.

Fang Mo controlled Haifeng and flipped through thousands of ancient martial arts secrets.

With the intellectual attributes of Fangmo 8000, the brain seems to become a computer, scanning all the thousands of ancient martial arts secret books into the brain.

Then they are divided into categories and placed in the memory palace.

The memory palace is not a skill, but a memory method that Fang Mo learned on earth.

Fang Mo was addicted to the king's pesticide when he was in junior high school, and even secretly played in class. He didn't like reading, and his grades were the last one in the whole grade!

Fang Mo knew the importance of reading, but he wanted to play games, so he always thought that if there was any way to remember what he saw in his brain.

Later, Fang Mo accidentally saw a pamphlet issued by a genius training class with a very unique memory method that attracted Fang Mo's attention.

The booklet states the following:

"This is the famous Middle World palace memory method. It is said to be a fast memory method invented by a missionary and can be stored for a long time. When there are too many things to remember, one can imagine the brain as a palace. There are many grids in each room, and then the things to be remembered are marked and associated with different senses such as vision, touch, hearing, and smell.

After Fang Mo read this booklet, his brain suddenly opened up! A memory palace was built in the brain. It was just that Fang Mo’s IQ was too anxious when he was on the earth. Only 1% of the memory palace was developed and the bottleneck was reached. Just now, Fang Mo just didn’t use it. In ten seconds, a magnificent and glorious memory palace was completely built.

The plaque of the Memory Palace reads-Demon King Palace.

Open the golden palace gate.

In the first room on the left hand side of the gate, it says Junior High School Bookstore.

There are memories of subjects such as mathematics, Chinese, English, and history.

Just open them to recall the content.

Fang Mo built a second room and put all the books in the Jumang Family Library into the second room. The furnishings, area, and book placement of the entire room were all built according to the actual 1:1 library.

In the future, as long as he wants to read a book, he can enter the palace of memory and check the contents of the book at any time when his consciousness moves, which is very convenient.

(Note: Readers who are interested in the palace memory method can Baidu and learn the palace memory method on their own. This is not made by flying knives. Flying knives have really learned it. It is very useful for smart people. The premise is smart people. Cough! Throwing knives are smart, so I learned, how about you)

Half of the purpose of Fang Molai Jumang's family is actually to learn the ancient martial arts theory. Now he has copied and pasted thousands of ancient martial arts books, which should be enough for his own practice.

But Fang Mo was not in a hurry to practice now, and he had not investigated the source of the female voice.

Fang Mo looked at the library carefully and found that there were arc tracks on the ground, and these tracks happened to be the same as the arc at the bottom of the bookshelf.

Fang Mo's spirit flashed.

Push the entire five-meter-high bookshelf along the arc track on the ground, and sure enough, it pushed.

In the entire library, all the bookshelves can be pushed to the center, and then there are a total of twenty bookshelves, just forming a complete circle.

Fang Mo positioned himself in the center of the circle of the bookshelf.

Clang Clang Clang! !

There was the sound of gears turning on the floor of the entire library, in the middle of the ring, slowly opening, revealing the underground secret room.

Fang Mo wanted to enter the secret room, but was blocked by an invisible force.

The game system immediately popped up a row of words.

[Only those who have the ancient **** seal of the Jumang family can enter the underground chamber]

Although Fang Mo didn't have the Divine Seal of the Jumang Family, he did have the Divine Seal of the Ota Chiba Family.

Back then, people from the Chiba family in Daejeon sneaked into the secret room and stole the ancient paintings, which shows that the **** seal of the Chiba family is useful.

Fang Mo quickly hid his totem in the Chiba God Seal.

Then the body emits an orange light, and the Qianye Divine Mark on the eyebrows appears.

Fang Mo cautiously stepped his leg into the secret room stairs.


The secret room seemed to have discovered an invasion by an external enemy, symbolically resisted it, but was blocked by the Chiba God Seal.

Then Fang Mo entered the secret room unimpeded.

Like the secret room of the Chiba family, the secret room of the Jumang family also has a secret room for outsiders.

Fang Mo easily cracked one decryption space after another, obtained an advanced decryption card, and then exchanged all his previous decryption cards for a primary time stagnation ability.

The primary time stagnation ability can only target the stagnation of organs in the decryption space, not against people, monsters, and other organs in reality.

But if you can always upgrade the time stagnation ability, you can stagnate the organs and traps in reality.

But even if the time is stagnant to the full level, it cannot be used for people.

So it seems that time stagnation is actually a tasteless skill, which can only be used to decrypt.

But Fang Mo firmly believes that the elements are interlinked.

For example, primitive people only know how to use fire elements to illuminate and cook;

Those who are more advanced know how to use fire to make ceramics and weapons;

Modern can use thermal power.

So Fang Mo believes that he can grasp the element of time from the decryption ability of time stagnation, and thus can extend the element of time from simple mechanisms to other aspects.

Cracked a series of organs, and even used the time stagnation ability to stop the organs, and finally broke into the last secret room.

On the four walls of the secret room, three fronts were filled with tokens. Here should be placed the patriarchs of the Jumang clan.

The first patriarch was the legendary Emperor Jumangqing, who held the power of Wanmu.

After looking around for a long time, I opened the totem map and found that my position was exactly where the golden cursor was, indicating that there must be a problem here.

But Fang Mo didn't find anything special.

Just when Fang Mo was about to leave the secret room and look elsewhere.

"Hey, haven't you seen me? I have seen you!"

Fang Mo was horrified and boldly said: "Come out! Don't pretend to be a fool, come out for me!"

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