After nearly a month, our poor Yunyun finally returned to Hua Kingdom

, and this time back, her identity has changed dramatically, because he has completely become a girl!

Yes, just during the flight, the system has modified his body, and at this moment she is no different from a normal girl, and even intimately added a womb to her

: "Three years old, Ying's affairs are done, right?"

At this moment, the three-year-old looked at the mobile phone and replied with great conviction

: "Don't worry, I have just checked, there is no mistake!"

Mo Yun, who was puzzled, leaned over and asked in a low voice,

"What do you want to do again?" What about my identity?

"I was just discussing your identity, don't worry!" Your list 3 is a top hacker who has changed all your identity information, and for you, he has conquered the national repository for a week

" "I'll go!" You're dogs! Even change my identity information!

Although he said this, Mo Yun still didn't believe it, so he opened his mobile phone and began to look for

a moment later, Twilight Yun sat on the ground weakly, at this moment his identity information gender department, proudly wrote a female

"It's over, it's all over, you are dogs!" This you all change! "

Sooner or later, it will have to be changed, so we will help you change it in advance, and save you money"

Mo Yun: @%&#*+#&I

saw Mo Yun holding a mobile phone, crazy in the group Aite

Ying Mo Yun

: @英x10 Ying:?

Mo Yun: You actually changed my identity information! Me @? %&

Ying: Don't thank me

when Mo Yun wanted to carry out another national attack and found that no matter how it was pointed, the interface would always stay at that moment, when the

charged system ran back

"Host, if I guessed correctly, your phone should have been hacked"

Mo Yun:?

"I'll go, what did he hack my phone for? Didn't I just say a little more? Tongko! Give me black

back" The system was silent, and after three minutes, the system said faintly

, "Black can't come back, the opposite side is too strong, I only know that the opposite side is the chief of today's Global Hacker Alliance, you fans are all crouching tigers, hidden dragons!"

First, the future heir of the Top 50 consortium, and now a global hacker alliance chief? How did you offend them? At

this time, Mo Yun's heart was desperate, she didn't expect that there was actually a global chief hacker among her fans

, "Of course, this doesn't hurt, just don't need to help you change your identity information"

The system at this time is relaxed, after all, it saves him trouble

, "Then the next task is the second task, are you ready?" If you're not ready, you can't help it

" "Let's talk about what the mission reward is..."

The reward is to make people forget

, you used to be a boy" Hearing this task, Mo Yun's eyes lit up

After all, when everyone forgets this matter, he doesn't have to be so embarrassed, after all, the former boy suddenly appeared in front of acquaintances in a female posture, who is not embarrassed "

Then I start to do the task ~ As a girl, go to university, the day you successfully enroll, the task is declared complete~ The mission fails, that is, grow a big dragon on the basis of your current one, But it's not really useful

" "Isn't this a shemale?!" No, the mission cannot fail! You can't even die! "

If you want to apply for university, you first have to take the college entrance examination, but I don't seem to have studied much in my three years of high school!"

"There is a skill store here, the host will get cute sister points for each task completed, in view of the completion of your first mission, here reward you with fifty

cute girl points~ In the skill store, you don't forget that the skill only needs forty-five cute girl points~ The price is fair, the skill is easy to use~

" "Buy, buy, buy!"

"Dingdong~ Congratulations to the host on the successful purchase! Welcome to the next visit~

" At this time, Mo Yun only felt that his brain was in a trance, and after a while, it returned to normal,

"I don't forget it now?"

"Mo Yun, you hold this key, this is the key to the Zhongxing villa of Jinxiu Home, you will live there in the future, it has been decorated, and this card, there are five million in it, you first take it and use

" Looking at the key and bank card in his hand, Mo Yun was silent

and grew up so big and really never saw five million of her, her hands at this time were a little shaky

"I will be a rich woman from now on... Ah no, local tyrants? "

There will be a driver coming over in a while, as for future work, you better continue to write novels..." Listening

to the arrangement of the three-year-old and Xiaozhu, Mo Yun suddenly remembered her task

: "What, I want to go to college..." Hearing

that she was going to go to college, the two were a little confused

: "Didn't she say that her grades were very poor before?" How does she get to college?

"Then don't panic, my uncle is the president

of Kyoto University, let her go there..." After discussing with the two, they decided to send Mo Yun to Kyoto University, since the house was sent out, it was hers, Kyoto University was only twenty minutes away from the villa given to her, but she didn't have a driver's license, so she arranged to live on campus

" It's August, you can go to report at the end of August, and I will ask someone to hand it to you, You just have to get used to it these days..."

After arranging, the three-year-old and Xiaozhu returned to their respective companies to busy

, and Mo Yun, who was standing in place, looked at the two and left, and fell into thinking

: "They first gave me Ga, and now they are sending villas, and then sending five million?" What is this situation? Do rich people play like this? Mo

Yun, who was walking on the side of the road, suddenly saw a Rolls-Royce driving towards him, and then stopped beside him A man in a suit walked down, and said to Mo Yun

, "Miss Li Moyun, I am arranged by the young master to pick you up, please get

on the car" Looking at the Rolls-Royce in front of him, Li Moyun was shocked again, this car sold can she spend her whole life on the car, Rolls-Royce

slowly drove towards the city center

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front

of a villa This villa covers a total area of 500 square meters, this is only a single floor, this villa has a total of two floors, and there is a swimming pool behind

looking at the villa in front of him, Li Moyun sighed

"I drop a turtle..."

Walking into the villa, the style inside belongs to a simple style, the whole body is mainly gray, white and black, and there is an 80-inch large color TV in the living room, The master bedroom on the second floor has its own separate bathroom

and cloakroom, and the clothes that have been prepared for her in the cloakroom, all kinds of skirts and clothes are crammed into the entire cloakroom

, there are no less than fifty pairs of shoes, and those limited bags are piled up on a wall

, "This is definitely premeditated..."

Then she walked inside, saw a closed door, curiosity prompted him to open it, and there were all kinds of underwear inside

Li Moyun, who was originally a boy, blushed when he saw

it: "This preparation is too complete, right?"

The rest of the time, she visited the entire villa, looking at the villa that belonged to her in the future, Li Moyun only felt that although she lost the dragon, she had exchanged these things, and she didn't lose anything at all... It's weird!

Return me the dragon!

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